Sandbox / Testing environment? [closed] - xtrf

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a testing environment available to help implement the "Web Service API for Partners 1.0"? Our company is in the late stages of deploying XTRF and would like to help one of our partners get started implementing the API.

You can use SoapUI tool to test any WS API, in particular also XTRF WS API for Partners.
To start testing API in SoapUI you have to create project corresponding to the WS API:
File > New soapUI Project
Fill WSDL/WADL field with the URL of the API WSDL, in case of Partners API it should look like:
Remaining fields should be filled automatically, then accept with OK. Now, you should have project with structure of methods (see screen) together with sample requests for each method.
You can test API now, but remember to login as Customer first.
Full API documentation is available here


Research on Social Network Sites, Test Data Required [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Where can i have a data set to make predictive analysis in my data mining project? does Face book twitter provide any of its data set for Research?
Both platforms do not explicitly provide sample data. You didn't specify what data you're interested, profiles, posts, etc., but you should have.
As of the Graph API v2.0 changes, the search for public Facebook Posts has been deprecated, so you'll have a hard time getting data out. Profiles use now the app-scoped user_ids, which also makes it harder. The only thing I could imagine is to use the /search endpoint to search for user names. But this doesn't make much sense, and the data you'd get without having explicit permission from the users is not really useful.
Concerning Twitter, you could use the use the Streaming API to consume tweets from the platform, see

Free SMS messages sent to mobile phones outside [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anybody know some kind of service which can send or/and recieve text messages using REST API? The implementation I am trying to built must use a code snippet that makes the sent request to the server in order to send the message to a phone number.
Some examples:
There are plenty of them if you made a search, and most are free for certain number of pushes per month/days/hours/minutes/seconds and if you want increase that number you may pay some fee. All these services they usually are using api along with web interface and it is easy to work with!
Some examples:

How to implement graph database with a Parse backend? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to have a graph database which contains connected friendlist of facebook users which use my android app. Not necessarily a graph, any ways to maintain a connected friend list and relations among them are welcome.
A person does a facebook login to my android app which has a Parse based mobile backend. This backend will be communicating to a graph database of facebook friendlists, to create and retrive nodes/relations. I spent hours with graphenedb/neo4j/heroku and couldn't lift off. Need a pointer to a quick way or a totally different approach. The volume will be less as it is just a POC now. Moreover, the database must be deploy friendly to quickly test the POC.
Go with, it's a Neo4j instance running in the cloud. For more detailed answer your question should be more detailed.
The original comment is accurate - there's many factors involved. See:
for a reasonable listing of software, including a simple feature grid. The term 'easily implementable' is such an arbitrary measurement, there really isn't a good way to help.

CMS exposing data as a RESTful API [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can you recommend a CMS that exposes the entire stored content through some kind of API (HTTP, XML-RPC, web service)?
I want to use it only for creating/editing content, and the content will be then retrieved from another site.
For instance, Wordpress has the type of API I am looking for, but unfortunately it lacks some of the functionality I need (hierarchically organized articles and media, article and image ordering, image galleries...).
You should take a look at or with the Export it plugin. It allows for channels to be pulled using a REST API.
I have been on a crusade to separate the CMS from the front-end of all of my projects and I have used ExpressionEngine in the past and really dig it. Another plugin that you may like with EE is Playa,it allows for relational data models.
Good luck
Check out, and

Tool for web server redirect management? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm considering rolling my own, but just in case there's a good piece of software already available, I'm asking here: Is there something that will provide an interface to webserver redirect configuration, and allow redirects to be managed by a fairly non-technical userbase. The following requirements must be fulfilled:
Support for internal / external redirects
Support for both web-server config and htaccess or meta-refresh files (for users who cannot restart the server)
Date range for validity
You could use either a RewriteMap script/program, or a static map (whichever is easiest for you/your users).
Check out for a basic example of the scripting capabilities. The performance hit is not as huge as you'd think because the process is launched one time only and stays alive until Apache is brought down. So be careful with resource management.