the functionality to update the paypal shipping address? - paypal

During express checkout via Paypal a shipping address is established and then the user comes back to the checkout page in , if they then change their shipping address that is not being updated back to Paypal. How can the new shipping address can be configured in PayPal by changing shipping address from billing page??

When the user comes back to your site you have that option of displaying a final review page. It sounds like you're doing that and allowing the user to make changes to the shipping address at this point. In order to pass that shipping address into the final payment you just need to make sure that address gets included in the DoExpressCheckoutPayment request.


PayPal Address_Override not working

I'm testing a PayPal integration on the sandbox using cmd=_express-checkout
The store I'm working on calcs shipping costs from delivery address before initialising the PayPal transaction, so we need to display the shipping address as entered on our client's site and not the default address held by PayPal for the buyer.
I've tried sending address_override=1 along with the address parameters specified here ( but the [Ship To] displayed is still that of the test account default address.
Am I missing something obvious or should I be doing it differently?
Looks like you have set NOSHIPPING=0.
Please change your request and set NOSHIPPING=2
Determines whether PayPal displays shipping address fields on the PayPal pages. For digital goods, this field is required, and you must set it to 1. Value is:
0 — PayPal displays the shipping address on the PayPal pages.
1 — PayPal does not display shipping address fields and removes shipping information from the transaction.
2 — If you do not pass the shipping address, PayPal obtains it from the buyer's account profile.
Another one thing is for Express checkout integration you need to refer the documentation in here:
The link that you have provided earlier is for paypal payment standard integration.
This will requires us to pull the log.
Kindly create an MTS ticket at our Technical Portal ( and provide the EC token for further checking.

Shipping rates if the customer chnages address in Paypal web

I have question that if a customer changes the shipping address when he makes the payment in Paypal (Paypal IPN ,Paypal express) from the entered address(in our merchant website) , how can we do add the extra values or decrease the amount based on the new shipping address .
You could:
Implement the Instant Update API, or;
Obtain shipping data by calling GetExpressCheckoutDetails as described in this flow (#5).

Paypal API don't want a Delivery Address

I'm using secure-hosting as a middleman to process payments from my website which accepts credit card details and has an automatic paypal feature which essentially uses the paypal-api.
It processes payments fine and dandy, however our product isn't supposed to be delivered to the person who purchased it, it is sent to another (or many hundreds of) person(s) whose details are entered on our site by the purchaser.
The problem is that PayPal displays the purchaser's address as the delivery address both when the purchaser is signing into paypal and when they receive an invoice from paypal.
Does anyone know if there is an option to turn off this display of the delivery address/in the email? I've tried adding the no_shipping: '1' and NOSHIPPING=1 field when communicating with paypal but I believe this is to specify that the user doesn't have to supply an address because paypal will have a record of their address.
The ADDROVERRIDE variable determines whether or not the PayPal pages should display the shipping address set by you in this SetExpressCheckout request, not the shipping address on file with PayPal for this buyer. This would allow you to pass in a shipping address that your buyer enters into a form on your website, for example.

Changing Shipping Address on Order Confirmation Step in PayPal Express Checkout

I am using the Express Checkout API to accept payments for my online store. The payment flow is as follows:
1) User adds Item to Cart
2) User proceeds to PayPal
3) User enters or selects existing shipping address, confirms, and is redirected to order confirmation step
4) Order Details such as Shipping Address are retrieved from PayPal using GetExpressCheckoutDetails.
5) On the order confirmation step (prior to DoExpressCheckoutPayment), user has the option to change the shipping address returned by PayPal. If user changes the shipping address, I need to recalculate the shipping cost to this new address, and submit the new shipping cost, as well as the new address back to PayPal
6) I am attempting to do this as part of the DoExpressCheckoutPayment payment call, using PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME etc, but the shipping address within the transaction details does not change. (Likely because these are deprecated) Instead, the address chosen or entered on PayPal remains.
How can I submit a new shipping address to PayPal without having the user re-enter the transaction funnel from the beginning?
The shipping parameters in DECP are not deprecated. The documentation is a little bit misleading. It's the old version of those parameters, prior to when they added the ability to do parallel payments to EC, that are deprecated.
So, for example, SHIPTONAME is deprecated. Instead, you should now use PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SHIPTONAME like you have.
That said, whatever you send in the DECP request should be carried over to PayPal and end up being what is used for the payment's shipping address. In fact, if you don't include an address in DECP it shouldn't end up as part of the payment details in my experience.
If you want to provide a sample of the API requests during a checkout I'll be happy to take a look and see if I can figure out where you're going wrong.

How do I prevent the user to change the shipping address? Or instant update callback for Payflow Pro Express Checkout

I'm using Payflowlink Pro Express Checkout
User select items on merchant site.
User clicks buy and fill shipping address.
Server get rates from USPS and FedEx for selected items.
User selects desired postal service with defined rate.
Server calls paypal to setup transaction with selected shipping rate.
User on paypal where he or she able to change shipping address, but shipping rate is already calculated for address what he inputted on merchant site.
I've found a solution of my problem only for classic API (Instant update callback), but not for Payflow Pro Express Checkout
Like a part of solution, user'll be warned about this situation on merchant site, but.. How do I prevent the PP user to change the shipping address or tell me please if it is possible to use instant update callback for Payflow Pro Express Checkout?
Try using the ADDROVERIDE variable with a value of 1. Doing that tells PayPal to use the shipping address you provided and not the address the buyer has set in their PayPal account.
The ADDROVERIDE and the shipping variables are available in the Express Checkout for Payflow Pro guide.
Sorry, I wanted to add this as a comment to the above, but my reputation is < 50
For some reason I couldn't get NOSHIPPING=1 and ADDROVERIDE=1 to prevent paypal asking for the shipping address; It may be due to me not supplying the address to PayPal in the first place.
However, 'no_shipping=1' does prevents PayPal asking the user for the shipping address (for me at least)
I think there may be two different solutions based on certain scenarios, so if one is not working try the other.