profiled Relationship matrix in html reports in Enterprise Architect - enterprise-architect

How can i include a profiled Relationship matrix in html reports in Enterprise Architect.
I have a link on each diagram which points to a profiled relationship matrix.
I tried to generate a html report for my project. But all these relation matrix links are disabled.

A relationship matrix can't be directly included in an HTML generation and there's no way to script running it or exporting it to an image file. But you can include it in an RTF document, so here's a sort of workaround based on RTF templates and virtual documents.
Create an RTF template which outputs the relationship matrix image. You might want to include the package name and the current date and time as well.
For each package you want a matrix report for, create a «model document» and add the package to it. Please note that if you've defined multiple relationship matrices for a package, you can't choose which one to report - EA will just pick one.
For each «model document», create an Artifact and draw a «trace» from the «model document» to the Artifact.
Move the Artifacts to a package which is included in the HTML generation. You don't have to place them in any diagrams if you don't want to, but they must reside inside the hierarchy for which HTML is generated.
The «model document»:s should be in a separate package which is not included in the HTML generation. Name them according to the scheme "pkgname - matrixname" or similar.
The Artifacts should be given names which make sense within the generated HTML - call them "Requirement Matrix: pkgname" or similar.
Now, before you run your HTML generation, you must run the matrix reports individually and manually by right-clicking the Artifact in the same diagram as the «model document» and selecting "Create Document to Artifact" (so it's a good idea to include the date and time in the template). Then generate your HTML as usual.
This will output the matrix images into the HTML. You'll have to click the document to see the image and as noted you'll have to run the matrix reports manually, but the result will be there.
You could do something similar by placing hyperlinks to image files in your diagrams and then output the different matrices to these image files. I prefer the Artifact method, because it keeps everything inside EA (no broken links) and it gives you the option of including the report date and time and more stuff if you want it.


TYPO3: Where can I find the template created in the backend?

I'm trying to create separate templates for webpages with either a single or a double column structure. Currently my webpage only has one template, placed on the root page which is used by all its subpages.
However, I cannot find the template in myextension/Resources/Private/Templates as this folder is empty. Where is the template located in my extension and where should I add the alternative template?
I assume you use "fluid_styled_template"? Then the templates are in that respective core directory, in "Resources/Private".
If you want to manipulate them, copy them to your sitePackage into "Resources/Private/Extension/fluid_styled_content" (that at least is one of the recommended ways where to place it) and override the TypoScript that "fluid_stlyed_content" provides.
templateis not unique in TYPO3 context. we have:
typoscript records, maybe also as files which are included in a record or by PHP
HTML files, which are define a markup for parts of the website
they can be differed in
Marker-Templated. The old and less and less used kind with markers and subparts as placeholders for data defined in typoscript
Fluid templates. The modern kind with control structures and data objects
with the statemant
my webpage only has one template, placed on the root page
it is not clear what you mean:
records are defined in pages -> typoscript templates
maybe you mean in the root page a template is selected. that could mean HTML templates, probably fluid templates as the path myextension/Resources/Private/Templates matches the usual structure for fluid templates.
assuming fluid templates:
Templates are search in a list of folders. This list is managed in typoscript.
Any usage has it's own list and the list of your main/page template probably is at page.10.templatePaths. You can look for it in the TSOB (Typoscript Object browser)
If the list consists of one entry only you have only the basic config.
As the list of folders is consulted each time a template (,partial, layout) is accessed and only that file with matching name in the folder with highest priority is taken you can add your folders with higher numbers in the list so you do not need to change the original files (use copies in your folder to modify) or add files to the original folder (inside of other extensions).
So you need two things:
create your template file in an appropriate folder
(ext:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates sounds good)
and add this folder to the list of folders for these templates
(e.g. page.10.templatePaths.20 = EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates)

Generating the separate ecore files for the sub-Epackes present in the existing model

Problem: I have an ecore file which has the sub-E Packages. Using this model I am trying to create the GUI part using Sirius. But the problem with Sirius is that it does not support ecore files containing sub-E Packages. So we have to extract those sub-E Packages to separate ecore files. But each sub-E Packages has relation with the other sub-E Packages. So how can we extract those sub-E Packages to separate ecore files such that the relations still exists between separate ecore files after extracting them.
By extracting them the ecore Editor will lose the information unfortunately, which means some extra work...
I had the same issue with sirius and sub e-packages leading to sirius crashing the diagram constantly.
Here is how i solved extracting a sub-epackage:
First Create a new .ecore file for your desired sub-package.
Open both .ecore files (your main and the new one) with the Sample
ecore model editor (treeview).
Copy the Package properties to your new epackage node(ns, praefix,
uri) you need to do this manually.
Then drag and drop your whole contents(excluding the purple package
node) from your subpackage into the new Epackage
Save and make sure no errors in your new file occur.
load your new .ecore file into your main file by clicking "Load
resource" Now your main file knows 2 kinds of the EClasses you have in your sub-package, their names are identical but their uri is
you could now simply replace all occurrences of sub-epackage-eclasses with the newer ones or smarter and safer
Replace an etype one time (where actually use the etype in your root package)
open your main .ecore file as text, you will see that the etype values all
have a path like eType="ecore:EClass
../../org.eclipse.emf.ecore/model/Ecore.ecore#//EObject" Then You need to know how your etype paths (from your sub-epackage and your new one) differ so you can simply replace them all and your good.
finally delete the sub-epackage
Hope this helps
In eclipse ecore editor you can use "Load Resource" in pop-up menu to load any ecore file and use objects from it.

MS Word, DOCX, Open XML - Apply themes by changing XMLs

Need to apply theme from one word document (DOCX) to another via manipulating the XMLs.
The road I'm going through is -
word/themes folder contains at least one theme#.xml and could have the rels folder containg relationship files. I decided not to touch the rels folder and copy all theme#.xmls (as could be more than one) present in word/theme folder. This is working for me.
I have two concerns over it:
1. Do I need to add theme1.xml.rels file present in word\theme_rels as well? It contains mapping to one image in word\media folder. Do I need to add the image mapping too?
2. For few themes such as "Quotable", the theme1.xml contains one reference in 'a:fmtScheme' node to relationship id, probably for DrawingML and shapes.
for ex:
<a:blipFill rotWithShape="1">
<a:blip xmlns:r="" r:embed="rId1">
As the "rId1" here refers to styles.xml and maintained in word_rels\document.xml.rels, my concern is the word_rels\document.xml.rels mapping to styles.xml could not be rId1 in the document to which theme is getting applied (for instance this could be rId5 for styles.xml). So, Do I need to change this in theme1.xml while copying to work it properly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If this XML appears in theme1.xml, 'rId1' is a key in theme1.xml.rels, not the document.xml.rels. The relationship ids (rId#) are unique within a 'source' XML document but are not unique within the overall package (.docx file).
Since this one is a <a:blip> element, the relationship will be to an image part, e.g. image1.jpg. I suspect this one is a large-ish quotation mark image that appears in front of a pull-out quote.
If you want it to show up properly, you'll want to make sure those relationships and their target parts are reconstructed in your target package. That would mean "yes", you would want to add the theme1.xml.rels file in the right place, as well as the image file it refers to.

Set xlsx to recalculate formulae on open

I am generating xlsx files and would like to not have to compute the values of all formulae during this process.
That is, I would like to set <v> to 0 (or omit it) for cells with an <f>, and have Excel fill in the values when it is opened.
One suggestion was to have a macro run Calculate on startup, but have been unable to find a complete guide on how to do this with signed macros to avoid prompting the user. A flag you can set somewhere within the xlsx would be far better.
Edit: I'm not looking for answers that involve using Office programs to make changes. I am looking for file format details.
The Python module XlsxWriter sets the formula <v> value to 0 (unless the actual value is known) and the <calcPr> fullCalcOnLoad attribute to true in the xl/workbook.xml file:
<calcPr fullCalcOnLoad="1"/>
This works for all Excel and OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Google Docs and Gnumeric versions that I have tested.
The place it won't work is for non-spreadsheet applications that cannot re-calculate the formula value such as file viewers.
If calculation mode is set to automatic, Excel always (re)calculates workbooks on open.
So, just generate your files with calculation mode set to "Automatic".
In xl/workbook.xml, add following node to workbook node:
<calcPr calcMode="auto"/>
Also check Description of how Excel determines the current mode of calculation.
You can use macros as suggested, however you will create a less secure and less compatible workbook without avoiding user interaction to force calculation.
If you opt by using VBA, you may Application.Calculate in Workbook_Open event.
In your XML contents, simply omit the <v> entity in each cell that have a formula, this will force Ms Excel to actualize the formula whatever the Excel options are.
Instead of:
<c r="B2" s="1">
<c r="B2" s="1">
If you have to actualize formula in an already given XML contents, then you can code easily a small parser that search for each <c> entities. If the <c> entity has a <f> entity, then delete its <v> entity.
Faced the same problem when exporting xlsx'es via openxml (with fastest SAX + template file approach w/o zip stream rewinds).
Despite Calculation option=Automatic, no recalculation on opening the file.
Furthermore no recalculation via Calculate Now and Calculate Sheet buttons.
Only upon selecting the cell and pressing enter ;(
Original formula: SUM(A3:A999)
Create an internal hidden sheet
Place end row number (999 in my case) into any cell in hidden sheet (P1 in my case)
Reference row number in the cell via INDIRECT operator
Final formula: SUM(A3:INDIRECT("A"&Internal!P1))
Please refer to the attached gifs
Theoretically, in P1 you can implement dynamic row number calculation via smth like =LOOKUP(2;1/(Sheet1!A:A<>"");ROW(Sheet1!A:A)), but my customers were satisfied with hardcoded row number solution

Appropriate design of DHTML / multipage CGI form

What is the standard method for implementing a "wizard" using successive web forms?
I'm implementing a CGI that accepts several options, files, etc. But some of these options have dependencies to one another, and allow or require other options to be used.
For example, one type of object that needs to be initialized by the CGI can be created using:
two files of type X
two strings
one file of type Y
In my command line version, I look whether two files of type X, two strings, or one file of type Y is provided, and construct the object in the appropriate manner.
In my CGI, I'd like to do this using multiple pages or DHTML (perhaps a radio button that specifies which arguments the user wishes to provide; changing the radio button will change the form to the right).
Anyway, I have this situation for 3 main groups of arguments. I thought it would be pleasing to the user to create a 6 "page" wizard (think online dating):
Page 1:
"How would you like to specify your proteins of interest?"
radio button:
Two FASTA files
Prefix and suffix strings that match all of my proteins (and match only my proteins)
A text file containing the proteins
Page 2:
"Great! Please choose your (either 'fasta files', 'prefix and suffix strings', or 'text file')."
(appropriate web form)
Unfortunately, if the form is split over different pages, I'm not sure how the 3rd, 4th, etc. pages will know the location of the temporary folder created for the uploaded files from pages 1 and 2.
I'd really appreciate your advice; I have a good command line app, but I am having a difficult time making beautiful interface code that will do what I want. And I'd be shocked if there isn't a very easy standard way to do this with Django or some other framework; it just seems it must come up very frequently.
There's a wizard plugin for jQuery.
If you don't know jQuery, it is a javascript framework for doing DHTML.
Try the demo at