Join column with timestamps where value is maximum - postgresql

I have a table that looks like
| value | timestamp |
and I'm trying to build a query that gives a result like
| value | timestamp | MAX(value) | timestamp of max value |
so that the result looks like
| 1 | 1.2.1001 | 3 | 1.1.1000 |
| 2 | 5.5.1021 | 3 | 1.1.1000 |
| 3 | 1.1.1000 | 3 | 1.1.1000 |
but I got stuck on joining the column with the corresponding timestamps.
Any hints or suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
For further information (if that helps):
In the real project the max-values are grouped by month and day (with group by clause, which works btw), but somehow I got stuck on joining the timestamps for max-values.
Cross joins are a good idea, but I want to have them grouped by month e.g.:
| 1 | 1.1.1101 | 6 | 1.1.1300 |
| 2 | 2.6.1021 | 5 | 5.6.1000 |
| 3 | 1.1.1200 | 6 | 1.1.1300 |
| 4 | 1.1.1040 | 6 | 1.1.1300 |
| 5 | 5.6.1000 | 5 | 5.6.1000 |
| 6 | 1.1.1300 | 6 | 1.1.1300 |
I've added a fiddle for some sample data and and example of the current query.!1/efa42/1
How to add the corresponding timestamp to the maximum?

Try a cross join with two sub queries, the first one selects all records, the second one gets one row that represents the time_stamp of the max value, <3;"1000-01-01"> for example.
SELECT col_value,col_timestamp,max_col_value, col_timestamp_of_max_value FROM table1
cross join
select max(col_value) max_col_value ,col_timestamp col_timestamp_of_max_value from table1
group by col_timestamp
order by max_col_value desc
limit 1
) A --One row that represents the time_stamp of the max value, ie: <3;"1000-01-01">

Use the window cause you use with pg
Select *, max( value ) over (), max( timestamp ) over() from table
That gives you the max values from all values in every row


How can I `SUM()` in PostgreSQL based on certain condition? For summing debits and credits in accounting journal table

I have a database full with accounting journals. There is table for accounting journal itself (the accounting journal's metadata) and there is a table for accounting journal line (for each account with its debit or credit).
I have database like this:
| | | | |
| 1 | INV/0001 | 100 | 0 |
| | | | |
| 2 | INV/0001 | 0 | 100 |
| | | | |
| 3 | INV/0002 | 200 | 0 |
| | | | |
| 4 | INV/0002 | 0 | 200 |
I want to have all journal with the same name to be summed in one, their debits and credits. So from the above table... I want to have a query that makes something like this:
| | | |
| INV/0001 | 100 | 100 |
| | | |
| INV/0002 | 200 | 200 |
I have tried with:
FROM accounting_journal_line
JOIN accounting_journal ON = accounting_journal_line.move_id
With the above query, I have all the journal and the journal lines. I just need to have the above query to sum the debits and credits for every same
I have tried with SUM() but it always stuck in GROUP BY` clause.
FROM accounting_journal_line
JOIN accounting_journal ON = accounting_journal_line.move_id
The error:
Error in query (7): ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
LINE 2:,
I hope I can get assistance or pointer where I need to look at, here. Thanks!
When you are using any aggregation function with normal columns then your have to mention all the non-aggregating column in group by clause,
So try This:
FROM accounting_journal_line
JOIN accounting_journal ON = accounting_journal_line.move_id
group by 1,2,3
In your query you are having 3 non-aggregation column so you can mention column number in group by clause to achieve it.
You can use the Sum Window Function, it does not require "group by". So:
select journal_id journal_name,
aj.ref journal_ref, line_name,
sum(ajl.debit) over(partition by total_debit,
sum( over(partition by total_credit
from accounting_journal_line ajl
join accounting_journal aj
on = ajl.move_id
order by;
See fiddle for a working example.

Reset column with numeric value that represents the order when destroying a row

I have a table of users that has a column called order that represents the order in they will be elected.
So, for example, the table might look like:
| id | name | order |
| 1 | John | 2 |
| 2 | Mike | 0 |
| 3 | Lisa | 1 |
So, say that now Lisa gets destroyed, I would like that in the same transaction that I destroy Lisa, I am able to update the table so the order is still consistent, so the expected result would be:
| id | name | order |
| 1 | John | 1 |
| 2 | Mike | 0 |
Or, if Mike were the one to be deleted, the expected result would be:
| id | name | order |
| 1 | John | 1 |
| 3 | Lisa | 0 |
How can I do this in PostgreSQL?
If you are just deleting one row, one option uses a cte and the returning clause to then trigger an update
with del as (
delete from mytable where name = 'Lisa'
returning ord
update mytable
set ord = ord - 1
from del d
where mytable.ord > d.ord
As a more general approach, I would really recommend trying to renumber the whole table after every delete. This is inefficient, and can get tedious for multi-rows delete.
Instead, you could build a view on top of the table:
create view myview as
select id, name, row_number() over(order by ord) ord
from mytable

How to query just the last record of every second within a period of time in postgres

I have a table with hundreds of millions of records in 'prices' table with only four columns: uid, price, unit, dt. dt is a datetime in standard format like '2017-05-01 00:00:00.585'.
I can quite easily to select a period using
SELECT uid, price, unit from prices
WHERE dt > '2017-05-01 00:00:00.000'
AND dt < '2017-05-01 02:59:59.999'
What I can't understand how to select price for every last record in each second. (I also need a very first one of each second too, but I guess it will be a similar separate query). There are some similar example (here), but they did not work for me when I try to adapt them to my needs generating errors.
Could some please help me to crack this nut?
Let say that there is a table which has been generated with a help of this command:
SELECT timestamp '2017-09-16 20:00:00' + x * interval '0.1' second As my_timestamp
from generate_series(0,100) x
This table contains an increasing series of timestamps, each timestamp differs by 100 milliseconds (0.1 second) from neighbors, so that there are 10 records within each second.
| my_timestamp |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.1Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.2Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.3Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.4Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.5Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.6Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.7Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.8Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.9Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:01Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:01.1Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:01.2Z |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:01.3Z |
The below query determines and prints the first and the last timestamp within each second:
SELECT my_timestamp,
WHEN rn1 = 1 THEN 'First'
WHEN rn2 = 1 THEN 'Last'
ELSE 'Somwhere in the middle'
END as Which_row_within_a_second
select *,
row_number() over( partition by date_trunc('second', my_timestamp)
order by my_timestamp
) rn1,
row_number() over( partition by date_trunc('second', my_timestamp)
order by my_timestamp DESC
) rn2
from test
) xx
WHERE 1 IN (rn1, rn2 )
ORDER BY my_timestamp
| my_timestamp | which_row_within_a_second |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00Z | First |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:00.9Z | Last |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:01Z | First |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:01.9Z | Last |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:02Z | First |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:02.9Z | Last |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:03Z | First |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:03.9Z | Last |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:04Z | First |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:04.9Z | Last |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:05Z | First |
| 2017-09-16T20:00:05.9Z | Last |
A working demo you can find here

Tableau: DATEDIFF( 'days', MIN([Start Date]), [End Date])

I'm trying to get a chart working that shows me the count of work orders that are completed each day after work on a unit (serial number) starts. I'd like to be able to "shadow" multiple serial numbers on top of each other, normalized to a start date of '0'.
Currently I have columns in my data set:
Work order number (0..999), repeats for each serial number
Serial number (0..999)
Work order start date (Datetime)
Work order end date (Datetime)
Say for instance that a new serial number starts each day, contains 5 work orders, and requires 5 days to complete (there are 5 units in WIP at any given time).
The data might look like (dates shown as ints):
| Work order number | Serial number | Work order start date | Work order end date |
| ----------------- | ------------- | --------------------- | ------------------- |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
| 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 |
| 5 | 1 | 4 | 5 |
| 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
| 3 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
| 4 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
| 5 | 2 | 5 | 6 |
I'm assuming I'll need a calculated column that would perhaps go something like:
[Work order end days since start] =
[Work order end date] - MIN(
IF(*serial number matches current*, [Work order start date], NULL)
I (clearly) have no idea how to actually create such a calculated field in Tableau.
The values in the column (same order as the data above) should be:
| Work order end days since start |
| ------------------------------- |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 4 |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
| 4 |
Any guidance or help? Happy to clarify anything as well. Many thanks! Cheers!
You will have better results with this kind of data if you reshape it to have a single date column and add a type column indicating whether the current row describes the start or completion of a workorder.
| Work order number | Serial number | date | type |
Think of each row representing a state change, not a work order.
Open work orders on a particular date would be those that have a start record prior to that date, but don't have a completion record prior to that date. If you define a calculated field as +1 if type = New and -1 if type = Completion, then you can use a running total of that field to view the number of open work orders over time.

Finding the last seven days in a time series

I have a spreadsheet with column A which holds a timestamp and updates daily. Column B holds a value. Like the following:
| 11/24/2012 1:14:21 | $487.20 |
| 11/25/2012 1:14:03 | $487.20 |
| 11/26/2012 1:14:14 | $487.20 |
| 11/27/2012 1:14:05 | $487.20 |
| 11/28/2012 1:13:56 | $487.20 |
| 11/29/2012 1:13:57 | $487.20 |
| 11/30/2012 1:13:53 | $487.20 |
| 12/1/2012 1:13:54 | $492.60 |
What I am trying to do is get the average of the last 7, 14, 30 days.
I been playing with GoogleClock() function in order to filter the dates in column A but I can't seem to find the way to subtract TODAY - 7 days. I suspect FILTER will also help, but I am a little bit lost.
There are a few ways to go about this; one way is to return an array of values with a QUERY function (this assumes a header row in row 1, and you want the last 7 dates):
=QUERY(A2:B;"select B order by A desc limit 7";0)
and you can wrap this in whatever aggregation function you like:
=AVERAGE(QUERY(A2:B;"select B order by A desc limit 7";0))