Primefaces Push - What are the methods in <p:socket/> client widget - sockets

Can anybody point me to any api link which contains the <p:socket/> client widget?
Going through the push showcase I can only see connect method in
requestContext.execute("subscriber.connect('/" + username + "')");
What are the other methods.? Is there any disconnect method as-well.?
Also, how to create separate channel for each user (in case of chat application). I reckon, this <p:socket onMessage="handleMessage" channel="/chat/#{userSession.userId}" autoConnect="false" widgetVar="subscriber"/> will do the trick but apparantly it is not, atleast for me. Because by looking in the Chrome dev console I can see that everytime the page is refreshed it is appending the channel name (/chat/userid/userid...).
Any pointers is highly appreciated.!!!

I think I got the answer for some of the issue I'm facing.
For methods in push widget, push.js is the file to look for.
The appending issue is because of calling
requestContext.execute("subscriber.connect('/" + username + "')");
multiple time. The below code gets called which results in appending of the channel names multiple times.
connect: function (a) {if (a) {
this.cfg.request.url += a // <----
this.connection = $.atmosphere.subscribe(this.cfg.request)
Disconnect method is available in PF 4.0. or you can add the following code to push.js.
disconnect: function () {


Debug missing messages in akka

I have the following architecture at the moment:
Load(Play app with basic interface for load tests) -> Gateway(Spray application with REST interface for incoming messages) -> Processor(akka app that works with MongoDB) -> MongoDB
Everything works fine as long as number of messages I am pushing through is low. However when I try to push 10000 events, that will eventully end up at MongoDB as documents, it stops at random places, for example on 742 message or 982 message and does nothing after.
What would be the best way to debug such situations? On the load side I am just pushing hard into the REST service:
for (i ← 0 until users) workerRouter ! Load(server, i)
and then in the workerRouter
WS.url(server + "/track/message").post(Json.toJson(newUser)).map { response =>
On the spray side:
pathPrefix("track") {
path("message") {
post {
entity(as[TrackObj]) { msg =>
processors ! msg
On the processor side it's just basically an insert into a collection. Any suggestions on where to start from?
I tried to move the logic of creating messages to the Gatewat, did a cycle of 1 to 10000 and it works just fine. However if spray and play are involed in a pipeline it interrupts and random places. Any suggestions on how to debug in this case?
In a distributed and parallel environment it is next to impossible to create a system that work reliably. Whatever debugging method you use it will only allow you to find a few bugs that will happen during the debug session.
Once our team spent 3 months(!) while tuning an application for a robust 24/7 working. And still there were bugs. Then we applied a method of Model checking (Spin). Within a couple of weeks we implemented a model that allowed us to get a robust application. However, model checking requires a bit different way of thinking and it can be difficult to start.
I moved the load test app to Spray framework and now it works like a charm. So I suppose the problem was somewhere in the way that I used WS API in Play framework:
WS.url(server + "/track/message").post(Json.toJson(newUser)).map { response =>
The problem is resovled but not solved, won't work on a solution based on Play.

JavaEE6 Conversation.end doesn't reset to 1

Is the not reset when conversation.end is called?
Scenario: I have an app that uses conversation scope in CRUD, so when I visit the list page it starts a conversation. Go to the detail and click back will call end conversation and begin conversation again. But while I'm at debug mode I found out that when conversation.end() is called conversation is set to null. Then when I reinvoke conversation.begin() is not reset to 1 but rather the last value + 1. Is it correct to behave that way?
What's more puzzling is after logout and login again, the pick up the last value + 1.
My environment: Jboss 7.1.3 using javaee-api.
protected void beginConversation() {
if (conversation.isTransient()) {
protected void endConversation() {
if (!conversation.isTransient()) {
So basically I have a base entity (where the above code is defined.) extended by all the backing beans. When a list page is render it will call beginConversation. Clicking the back button in detail page will call endConversation.
Why should the conversation id be reset?
The best way to solve those questions is to directly having a look in the specification (in your case CDI 1.0), which states that the container has to generate an id for the conversation, but not how.
Check out this question, which states how it's done in WELD.

How do I detect if XenApp Client is installed on user machine?

We are upgrading from Citrix Metaframe to XenApp, and I need to know if there's a way to programmatically detect if the XenApp Web Plugin v11.0 is already installed on a client machine when it contacts our webserver for login -- this was previously done for the Metaframe Web Client by attempting to instantiate the ICA client in an ASP script, which used the results to determine whether to offer the client as a download/install.
The current code for this detection is:
Set icaObj = CreateObject("Citrix.ICAClient")
The above code does not find the XenApp plugin.
I continued my research after posting this question and I finally found the answer. Only 3 views on this question since I posted it, but despite the disinterest I believe I should answer my question, "Just in Case" someone else has this problem.
I was mistaken in my statement in question that the code I posted didn't find the XenApp plugin. In fact, it does. It returns a valid object in the presence of both Metaframe and XenAppWeb. I posted this question on Citrix's own forums, and no answers there either.
What I did to find the answer was to create a VS2008 project to which I added a COM reference to the Citrix ICA library -- both of them, installed separately one at a time. I found that both had a COM library named WFICALib, and searched through both of them to see if there was something that might distinguish them. What I found was a property, ClientVersion, which was for Metaframe, and 11.0.xxxx for XenAppWeb.
From this I cut the following code to return the version as a function in VBScript:
Function GetVer()
Dim icaObj, Ver
On Error Resume Next
Set icaObj = CreateObject("Citrix.ICAClient")
if err.number = 0 then
if IsObject(icaObj) then
GetVer = icaObj.ClientVersion
GetVer = 0
end if
set icaObj = nothing
GetVer = 0
end if
End Function
Since posting this answer, I have discovered that this script in the newer versions of Internet Explorer (e.g. IE9) is not reliably detecting the plugin -- sometimes it worked, and other times not! What I did to fix the problem was to switch the script to JScript instead of JavaScript, and the new version looks like this:
<script type="text/jscript">
function GetCitrixVersion() {
try {
var icaObj = new ActiveXObject("Citrix.ICAClient");
return icaObj.ClientVersion;
catch (e) {
return 0;
Note the script type is text/jscript, not text/javascript.

SWFUpload + jQuery.SWFUpload - Remove File From Queue

I'm facing a big issue IMO.
First, here's my code:
.bind('uploadSuccess', function(event, file, serverData){
if(serverData === 'nofile') {
var swfu = $.swfupload.getInstance('#form');
swfu.cancelUpload(; // This part is not working :(
} else {
alert('File uploaded');
In this part I'm checking server response (I'm have strict validation restrictions). Now my question. Is it possible to remove uploaded file from queue? Basically, if server returns error I display error message, but... this file still exsit in the queue (I've implemented checking filename and filesize to avoid duplicated uploads) and user is not possible to replace this file (due to upload and queue limit).
I was trying to search for a solution, but without success. Any ideas?
From the link
"The cancelUpload(file_id) function
allows you to cancel any file you have
You just have to keep the file's ID
value so you can pass it to
cancelUpload when you call it."
Probably you have to keep the file ID before sending anything to the server

WMI and Win32_DeviceChangeEvent - Wrong event type returned?

I am trying to register to a "Device added/ Device removed" event using WMI. When I say device - I mean something in the lines of a Disk-On-Key or any other device that has files on it which I can access...
I am registering to the event, and the event is raised, but the EventType propery is different from the one I am expecting to see.
The documentation (MSDN) states : 1- config change, 2- Device added, 3-Device removed 4- Docking. For some reason I always get a value of 1.
Any ideas ?
Here's sample code :
public class WMIReceiveEvent
public WMIReceiveEvent()
WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery(
"SELECT * FROM Win32_DeviceChangeEvent");
ManagementEventWatcher watcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(query);
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for an event...");
watcher.EventArrived +=
new EventArrivedEventHandler(
// Start listening for events
// Do something while waiting for events
// Stop listening for events
catch(ManagementException err)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to receive an event: " + err.Message);
private void HandleEvent(object sender,
EventArrivedEventArgs e)
public static void Main()
WMIReceiveEvent receiveEvent = new WMIReceiveEvent();
Well, I couldn't find the code. Tried on my old RAC account, nothing. Nothing in my old backups. Go figure. But I tried to work out how I did it, and I think this is the correct sequence (I based a lot of it on this article):
Get all drive letters and cache
message, and start a timer with a
timeout of 1 second (this is done to
avoid a lot of spurious
WM_DEVICECHANGE messages that start
as start as soon as you insert the
USB key/other device and only end
when the drive is "settled").
Compare the drive letters with the
old cache and detect the new ones.
Get device information for those.
I know there are other methods, but that proved to be the only one that would work consistently in different versions of windows, and we needed that as my client used the ActiveX control on a webpage that uploaded images from any kind of device you inserted (I think they produced some kind of printing kiosk).
Oh! Yup, I've been through that, but using the raw Windows API calls some time ago, while developing an ActiveX control that detected the insertion of any kind of media. I'll try to unearth the code from my backups and see if I can tell you how I solved it. I'll subscribe to the RSS just in case somebody gets there first.
u can try win32_logical disk class and bind it to the __Instancecreationevent.
You can easily get the required info
I tried this on my system and I eventually get the right code. It just takes a while. I get a dozen or so events, and one of them is the device connect code.