One Event Behind when using FubuMVC.ServerSentEvents - fubumvc

We are currently working on implementing a notifications feature for our app we are developing for Windows Azure. We want to inform users when actions have taken place they are interested in (such as the importing and exporting of files and so on). This notification is specific to each logged in user.
We have been using ServerSentEvents and we have found that this list is one event behind. So we do not start seeing notifications until the second action has taken place and that notification is for the first action. In our dev environments this problem always happens, but in Azure it appears to work as expected (sometimes!!!)
We are using the default implementation of the Event Queue and Channel Initialiser. We publish via the EventPublisher.WriteTo method passing a topic and a serverevent.
Here is our implementation of Topic:
public class UserNotificationsTopic : Topic
public Guid UserId { get; set; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return Equals(obj as UserNotificationsTopic);
public bool Equals(UserNotificationsTopic other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
return ReferenceEquals(this, other) ||
public override int GetHashCode()
return UserId.GetHashCode();
Implementation of our ServerEvent:
public class UserNotificationServerEvent : IServerEvent
public string Id { get; private set; }
public string Event { get; private set; }
public int? Retry { get; set; }
public object Data { get; private set; }
public UserNotificationServerEvent(string id, string #event, object data)
this.Id = id;
this.Event = #event;
this.Data = data;
Any help, suggestions would be appreciated!

I think I have found the solution (with a lot of assistance from my colleague).
We reading about SignalR and found it has a similar problem in Azure (one event behind), the solution recommended was to add properties for urlCompression to the Web.config for the Azure Web Role.
I added the settings which are the default for IIS7.5:
<urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="false"/>
And this appears to have solved the issue! I am not sure why yet, so if anyone can help with that please feel free to add.
Anyway, I just thought I'd share the update.


EF Core tracking problem when adding Entity to a List

I ran into a problem while developing my small Blazor WASM app.
A part of my app is where users can create teams, and invite other users to join their team. The relevant Entity Classes is:
public class Team
public Guid TeamID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Abbreviation { get; set; }
public Guid? BadgeID { get; set; }
public Guid TownID { get; set; }
public Guid StatisticsID { get; set; }
public Guid CaptainID { get; set; }
public List<AppUserDTO> Players { get; set; } = new();
When a User accepts an invitation he should be added to the List<AppUserDTO> Players List, I do this this way on the client side:
private async Task AcceptInvite()
await TeamDataService.UpdateTeam(Team);
public async Task UpdateTeam(Team team)
var teamJson =
new StringContent(JsonSerializer.Serialize(team), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
await _httpClient.PutAsync("api/team", teamJson);
But I get the following exception on the server side when I'd like to save the changes to the server:
System.InvalidOperationException: The instance of entity type 'AppUserDTO' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'ID'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached.
With the server-side code being:
public Team UpdateTeam(Team team)
var updatedTeam = _appDbContext.Teams.Include(t => t.Players).FirstOrDefault(t => t.TeamID == team.TeamID);
if (updatedTeam == null) return null;
updatedTeam.TeamID = team.TeamID;
updatedTeam.Name = team.Name;
updatedTeam.Abbreviation = team.Abbreviation;
updatedTeam.TownID = team.TownID;
updatedTeam.StatisticsID = team.StatisticsID;
updatedTeam.Players = team.Players;
updatedTeam.CaptainID = team.CaptainID;
return updatedTeam;
The exception pops up at the _appDbContext.SaveChanges() method.
What I noticed is the following: When I add an Entity to an empty list and save it, I get no exception, but if the list already has Entities I get this error.
What would be the solution for this, I believe is quite common what I try to do, but I didn't find a solution anywhere for this.
When you execute:
var updatedTeam = _appDbContext.Teams
..Include(t => t.Players).FirstOrDefault(t => t.TeamID == team.TeamID);
... you are retrieving existing Players from the Db and _appDbContext is tracking them (by "ID").
Now, when you set Players:
updatedTeam.Players = team.Players;
... I suspect that team.Players includes Players that are already being tracked by the _appDbContext. Hence your error.
You could try:
List<Player> playersToAdd = team.Players.Except(updatedTeam.Players);
In this way, you are not adding duplicate players to the context that are already being tracked from the initial database retrieval.

Add Columns/Properties to AspNetUserLogins/Logins in IdentityDbContext

Is it possible to add columns to the AspNetUserLogins table, or subclass the IdentityUserLogin class, such that the Identity Framework will use that class properly?
This is an answer but I'm sure it's not going to end up the best one:
It can be done, but it's ugly.
First, you'll want to make a class of all the generics you're about to use, just to make your life easier. Those are:
public class StandardUserRole : IdentityUserRole<string>
public class StandardRole : IdentityRole<string, StandardUserRole>
public class LoginIdentity : IdentityUserLogin
(The above superclasses can be found in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework).
This is going to make the following generic definitions shorter, and harder to get into a place where they won't compile due to clerical errors.
While you're here may as well add these to the DbContext, which normally does not leave them available to you:
public DbSet<LoginIdentity> LoginIdentities { get; set; }
public DbSet<StandardUserRole> UserRoles { get; set; }
Now, here comes the crazy:
public class Db :
// Replace this with a custom implementation
IdentityDbContext<Visitor, StandardRole, string, LoginIdentity,
StandardUserRole, IdentityUserClaim>,
And, Visitor is going to need its own adjustment to match this declaration:
public class Visitor : IdentityUser<string, LoginIdentity, StandardUserRole,
That satisfies the Models (which btw, are best to have in their own Project for Migrations performance reasons). But, you've still got all the Identity/OWIN stuff to deal with.
By default you're provided with an ApplicationUserManager that involves a UserStore. It normally inherits from UserManager, but that's going to be too restrictive now - you need to slightly expand it:
public class VisitorManager : UserManager<Visitor, string>
public VisitorManager(IUserStore<Visitor, string> store)
: base(store)
public static VisitorManager Create(
IdentityFactoryOptions<VisitorManager> options,
IOwinContext context)
var manager = new VisitorManager(new UserStore<Visitor,
StandardRole, string, LoginIdentity, StandardUserRole,
I warned you about crazy. SignInManager:
public class SignInManager : SignInManager<Visitor, string>
public SignInManager(VisitorManager userManager,
IAuthenticationManager authenticationManager)
: base(userManager, authenticationManager)
public override Task<ClaimsIdentity> CreateUserIdentityAsync(
Visitor user)
return user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync((VisitorManager)UserManager);
public static SignInManager Create(
IdentityFactoryOptions<SignInManager> options, IOwinContext context)
return new SignInManager(context.GetUserManager<VisitorManager>(),
That should get you through most of the dirty work. Not easy. But, having done that, you've got a working implementation where you can add extra fields to the Logins table! You can now extend the OWIN Auth stuff to provide events, and listen for the creation of new Logins. You can then respond to those by adding that extra info.
In our case, the goal was to have multiple Logins from multiple OpenId/OAuth Providers (Google, Facebook, etc) across multiple email addresses, on a single User/Visitor account. The framework does support that, but, it doesn't make a record of what Email is associated with what Login row, which is important when merging more Logins with a given account.
public class LoginIdentity : IdentityUserLogin
/// <summary>
/// The email address associated with this identity at this provider
/// </summary>
public string Email { get; set; }
There's more you'll need to do to get the whole thing working, but it should be relatively obvious from the above starting point - with one exception, which I'll point out here.
By migrating from UserManager<TVisitor> to UserManager<TVisitor, string>, you quietly lose the ID-generation functionality built-in to the former. You'll need to emulate it yourself. As another gotcha, along the way you'll most likely implement Visitor as IUser<string>. Doing so will prevent you from setting the Id property, because it's read-only (no setter). You can avoid that with a second interface:
public interface IVisitor
string Id { get; set; }
string Uid { get; set; }
string UserName { get; set; }
string Email { get; set; }
string FirstName { get; set; }
string LastName { get; set; }
ICollection<StandardUserRole> Roles { get; }
ICollection<LoginIdentity> Logins { get; }
With that in place you can set Id safely (even in an abstracted class):
public override Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(Visitor user)
var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
string id = guid.ToString();
((IVisitor)user).Id = id;
return base.CreateAsync(user);
Remember to do same for CreateAsync(Visitor user, string password). Otherwise created users explode with DbEntityValidationException complaining Id is a required field.

Why create a method within a model that creates a list object

I found this example in another question. I was wonder wat purpose was served by the method Question(). It seems like when the Question object is created the Answer property is created as a List object of Answer[s].
This is the first time I have seen this technique, as a new programmer, what is the benefit from this pattern?
public class Question
public Question()
this.Answers = new List<Answer>();
public int QuestionId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Answer> Answers { get; set; }
public class Answer
public int AnswerId { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
I find this pattern useful to make consumption of the object easier. I.e., by creating the Answers list in the constructor, it is ensured that Answers is never null. It just makes it easier to work with the Question object. So, in code that consumes a question object, you can do this
foreach (Answer in question.Answers)
without having to first check if questions.Answers is null:
if (question.Answers != null)
foreach (Answer in question.Answers)
I assume that this technique is used when you for some reason don't want to use lazy loading. When lazy loading is enabled and POCO classes are properly configured, you do not have to initialize you collection navigation property, it will be automatically populated after you 'touch' it for the first time.

Entity Framework / MVC Remove Item from Collection

What are some ways I can delete an item from a collection? (I am using MVC 4 and EF.)
As an example:
public class Birthday
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Gift> Gifts { get; set; }
public class Gift
public string Name { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
I'm using Editing a variable length list, ASP.NET MVC 2-style to create a dynamic list of Gifts.
The example is shows how to "Delete" a row. This will delete the row from the page and the correct Gifts are sent to the controller.
When I update the Birthday / Gifts everything new is updated properly, but anything deleted is still there.
So my question is what are some preferred ways to remove Gifts?
Two ways I've thought of already:
Get a Birthday from the DB and compare the Gifts removing as needed. I don't love this idea because it seems heavy handed.
Use WebApi / Ajax and delete the Gift from the list and the DB when the user pushes the delete link. I like this better than #1 but does this put too much business logic in the presentation layer?
I'm guessing that other people have had this similar problem and have a clever solution I haven't thought of yet.
Thanks in advance!
Make a Gifts api controller.
Let it have a Delete method accepting an Id of whatever type your Id is.
And do something like this in it:
public class GiftsController: ApiController
public void Delete(Guid Id)
var context = new MyContext();
var giftToDelete = context.Gifts.FirstOrDefault(g=> g.Id == Id);
if(giftToDelete != null)
Make sure you make a DELETE request to this api in your JS delete function.
You may also replace the body of this method with some Service.DeleteGift(Id) if you're too concerned about doing things in the right place.
Like this:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
private List<string> list = new List<string>{"Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4","Item5"};
// DELETE api/values/5
public List<string> DeleteItem(int id)
list.Remove(list.Find((i => i.ToString().Contains(id.ToString()))));
return list;

Entity persitance inside Domain Events using a repository and Entity Framework?

I am delving into domain events and need some advice about persisting updates to an entity for history reasons. My example deals with a User entity and Signing In:
public class UserService
private UserRepository _repository;
public UserService()
_repository = new UserRepository();
public User SignIn(string username, string password)
var user = _repository.FindByUsernameAndPassword(username, password);
//As long as the found object is valid and an exception has not been thrown we can raise the event.
user.LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now;
return user;
public class User
public User(IEntityContract entityContract)
if (!entityContract.IsValid)
throw new EntityContractException;
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public DateTime LastLoginDate { get; set; }
public void SignIn()
DomainEvent.Raise(new UserSignInEvent() {User = this});
public class UserSignInEvent : IDomainEvent
public User User { get; set; }
public class UserSignInHandler : Handles<UserSignInEvent>
public void Handle(UserSignInEvent arguments)
//do the stuff
So where I have the do the stuff, I want to update the User object LastLoginDate and possibly log the date and time the user logged in for historical reasons.
My question is, would I create a new instance of my repository and context to save the changes in the handler or pass something into the Event? This is what I am struggling with right now.
So where I have the do the stuff, I want to update the User object LastLoginDate and possibly log the date and time the user logged in for historical reasons.
Remembering last login date should be concern of user itself.
You already have nice extension point - user has signIn method.
My question is, would I create a new instance of my repository and context to save the changes in the handler or pass something into the Event?
User shouldn't know anything about entity framework.
Therefore - User.Events shouldn't know anything either.
Domain event handlers shouldn't know too.
Those handlers that live "outside" (e.g. in application layer) are allowed to.
But they would figure out entity framework context from elsewhere and not from user or events if necessary.
As I see it - events here are necessary for logging functionality only.
I would write something like this:
public class LoginService{
private Users _users;
public LoginService(Users users){
_users = users;
public User SignIn(string username, string password){
var user = _users.ByUsernameAndPassword(username, password);
return user;
public class User{
public DateTime LastLoginDate { get; set; }
public void SignIn(){
LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now;
Raise(new SignedIn(this));
public class SignedIn:DomainEvent<User>{
public SignedIn(User user):base(user){}
//outside of domain model
public class OnUserSignedIn:IEventHandler<User.SignedIn>{
public void Handle(User.SignedIn e){
var u=e.Source;
var message="User {0} {1} logged in on {1}"
Bad thing about this code is that service method is command and query simultaneously
(it modifies state and returns result).
I would resolve that with introducing UserContext which would be notified that user has signed in.
That would make need for returning signed in user unnecessary,
responsibility of serving current user would be shifted to UserContext.
About repository and updating Your user - I'm pretty sure entity framework is smart enough to know how to track entity state changes. At least in NHibernate - only thing I'm doing is flushing changes when httprequest finishes.