Eclipse : how can I disable this popup? - eclipse

I'm sorry if this question has been ask before or can be found on the net. I have no idea how do I call this popup. I have no idea of the keyword to google. I tried "popup", "dialog", "confirmation" and a lot else but didn't success.
Back to the question, I've just migrate to my development machine and did fresh install for Eclipse. After that, I copy all the setting in workspace/.metadata folder from my previous machine to the new one. Everything looks fine (theme, key bindings and else) except that I have this popup appearing whenever I press some shortcut. For example, Ctrl+Space to bring up the code assist, the following dialog appears.
This popup never appeared before in my previous machine. It is annoying since I have to hit enter once every time I press those shortcut. Do you have any idea how can I turn this off?
I don't think this popup is code assist specific issue, I brought code assist up as an example. I also got this popup when I press shortcut to
Open Resource
Add getter/setter
and 10s other shortcut too. Also, I don't have conflict shortcut. Not that I know.

This question may have been answered here already: Disable content assist in Eclipse
Refer to the following link for the documentation on Content Assist:
The point is to disable the actions that trigger the Content Assist.


VSCODE how to turn off Autcomplete. driving me insane

I have been trying to turn off autocomplete everyday but it persists and stunts my workflow. it literally tries to autocomplete comments when I hit enter. or just ruins my code when I hit enter to go to the next line. I disabled the autocomplete on enter feature but still it persists!! I have found no solutions on the internet for this. please help I'm about to just uninstall vscode permanently. and no I don't have any extensions installed its just plain vscode.

VS Code: How to make IntelliSense activate with Ctrl+Space but still allow quick info?

I'm used to Eclipse, NetBeans, and PHPStorm, and am stumbling through VS Code and not easily finding how to config or fix annoyances, like the editor auto-popping down suggestions while I type, meaning if I hit Enter before realizing it's showing the suggestion, it changes what I typed.
I found this was IntelliSense, but I'm used to suggestions popping up only after hitting Ctrl+Space. When I discover quickSuggestions in Settings, the other non-false option I understand there is "other" (true), but setting that to false makes no suggestions show even when hitting Ctrl+Space.
When I find out what Ctrl+Space actually does, it's listed as "quick info" on IntelliSense's help page - - but "quick info" is not found in a search in Settings or Keymap... super frustrating.
So I'm kind of stumbling through seemingly wasting a lot of time of my workday trying to config things to be less annoying and disruptive... any guidance here or do I need to take a class?
Disable using Enter as accept trigger:
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off",
Ctrl+Space is used to trigger suggest and when suggest is visible to trigger "quick info":
You can find keybindings in default keybindings. Invoke Go to Symbol Ctrl+Shift+O

Eclipse autocomplete parentheses in control structures

I have a quick question that might save me a few seconds of annoyance every day. I know that eclipse can do a lot of autocomplete magic, so this might be possible:
As a programmer who learned with python, I constantly forget to surround contitions in control structures (like if or while) with parentheses. How do I make eclipse autocomplete opening and closing parentheses when I finish typing while or if?
I am aware that I can autocomplete whole structures with ctrl-space, but how can I configure eclipse to do this by itself?
Any help is appreciated.
So in stock Eclipse, the usual way to bring up assisted content is to type Ctrl+Space. The problem with this is that it brings up both Help Proposals and Template Proposals, with the Help Proposals displayed first. You end up wasting time scrolling down to find what you actually want from the Template Proposals. And there's just that much more clutter to choose from.
The solution is this:
Go Window->Preferences->General->Keys. In the type filter text search for "Template". This should bring up a "C++ Content Assist (Template Proposal)" line. Click on it. Now map this to whatever shortcut you'd like (I did Shift+Space because that's an easy one to do while typing). Make sure to click on the "Binding" option to do this. Click "Ok" and you're done!
If you ever want to add or change what is brought up by that shortcut, and for which specific strings it works, just go Window->Preferences->C/C++->Editor->Templates and you can edit those to do exactly what you'd like when using that newly assigned shortcut.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: I am unable verify if this works for PyDev, as I'm running Eclipse Oxygen, which doesn't currently offer PyDev or the Eclipse Marketplace Client plugin. However, my guess is this would still work in PyDev. Best of luck!
Setting auto complete shortcuts in Eclipse
How to change the Control+Space autocomplete shortcut keys in Eclipse for Android
Thanks for any help, but the only thing that seems to work are workarounds. My prefered "solution" is to change the Auto activation triggers for Java in Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist from . to .iwfs, so that the autocomplete dialog automatically pops up when I start typing if, while, for or switch. Then hitting enter will do exactly what I needed.

How to avoid Eclipse blocking keyboard shortcuts

I installed a plugin that allowed me to create UML diagram from my code. Everything was working fine until I found that now all keyboard shortcuts (like CTRL-X, CTRL-Z, CTRL-SPACE, CTRL-SHIFT-F,..) except for CTRL-C and CTRL-V now require a click on a small square that appear on the bottom right corner. And this is required every single time.
This are few examples of the square that appears:
If I click on the message or press Enter I can access the functionality. Does anyone know how to get rid of this annoying thing or at least reset Eclipse related configurations?
Thanks in advance
I obviously tried uninstalling the plugin but nothing changed.
Try Window / Reset Perspective as the duplicate shortcuts may be still in the perspective.
Also try restart specifying -clean option to rebuild the workspace metadata.
The pop-ups you are seeing are the "keybinding conflict" popups. These are common when you have two different plugins defining the same keybinding and looks like these. Still in your case there's only one option to choose from and it definitely looks like a bug.
In the Eclipse bugtracker database there are two issues that are looking like the one you have: #377048 and #374942.
These issues are marked as fixed in 4.2-I20120410-0633. So if you are having Eclipse 4.2 without any service releases installed, you would probably have this. The solution is - to use a newer Eclipse version. Eclipse 4.3.1 is available to download since today, and it should contain a lot of other fixes since 4.2. So I encourage you to install it.
The other solution could be to try playing with keybinding dialog (Window->Preferences->General->Keys) and trying to unbind and re-bind the commands that you are having issues with.

eclipse stop popup "Web launch already running"

I am developing in PHP with Xdebug and for some reason every now and then the debug session stops working, so i click again the debug button but it gives me this error all the time "Web launch already running", so i have to go to Debug Perspective and click "Terminate and Relaunch".
Is there a way to make eclipse automatically terminate and relaunch or launch two sessions or don't show this popup, for 2 years this popup has been bugging me xD
As noted in response to questions like this one and this one, the best current solution appears to be binding "Terminate and Relaunch" to a keyboard shortcut.
Not automatic, but at least a lot less clicking around.
I have taken care of pesky popups in Eclipse with AutoHotkey script which have worked very well. I could create an AutoHotkey script which sends specific keystrokes automatically every time there is a specific pop-up.
So the flow I had in mind was as follows :
You click on the debug button -> The Error popup appears and as soon as that happens the AutoHotKey script kicks in and automatically does what you have to do manually.
If you think that might be worth looking into then we can talk more in a Chat session somewhere. I would need some information about the Pop up using the AU3_Spy.exe bundled with the AutoHotkey Installer.
Searching on Google, I found that many people have the same problem.
Bellow are some links that help you, I think:
A good article:
See this, too:
Take a look here, too: Getting error in XDEBUG
So, read and try, read and try.