Symfony 2, double error - forms

Why i have double error when i want to customize my form ?
{{ form_errors(edit_form.wiek) }}
{{ form_widget(edit_form.wiek) }}

You probably see the error on the field level, but also on the form level. It can look like you have two errors especially if there's only one field in your form.
Dig into the customizing error output of the form cookbook for more details.
The doc gives a much better explanation :)
You can also customize the error output for just one specific field type. For example, certain errors that are more global to your form (i.e. not specific to just one field) are rendered separately, usually at the top of your form.


Where can I find all {{ codes }} that can be used in pages/blocks/cms content?

For example I know of
{{block class="Magento\Cms\Block\Block" block_id="block_identifier"}}
But where can I find documentation on all available features of this template language?
What other arguments can I use for {{ block }} etc.
The official Magento 2 documentation doesn't specify this. But, I think you can typically access all public fields of the base block class. If you are on a dev environment, their might be an error output even, if you use a wrong attribute. That error output probably shows, which attributes you are allowed to use.
The class responsible for parsing the {{ }} directives in
CMS Blocks and Pages is \Magento\Cms\Model\Template\Filter
which extends \Magento\Email\Model\Template\Filter.
In the latter the following directives are implemented:
The last one is provided by the Widget module.
You can find some more info in this section the official Magento docs

how to display particular fields in form Symfony 2.6

I need display particular fields in form in Symfony 2.6. I use a class Form. I have the folowing fields: name, email, message, send, recet. I need display all of them except recet .I try like this:
{{ form_errors(form) }}
But, it's displaying all fields in form, it is not what I want. Even if i leave only {{form_start(form)}} and {{form_end(form)}} - its display all fields. Can someone help me wit this problem?
remove form_end, just close form with HTML
but then you must handle CSRF token generation by adding:
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}
or try setting field you do not want to show using:
{% do form.recet.setRendered %}
but probably best way is not to add this field in the first place, rather than hiding it, by form options or event listeners depending on some criterias
A better solution is to remove the field from the form type. If you only remove it from the view, it may be interpreted as a blank submission for that field and delete existing data.
If you only use the form in one place, then just remove the field from the type. If you use it in multiple places, then you can selectively remove the field in a FormEvents::POST_SET_DATA event listener.

Symfony 2.6.3 {{ form_errors( form ) }} is blank when isValid() returns false

I'm using Symfony V2.6.3
I have a simple form with three fields based on a Type class.
The Entity class that the Type class specifies via setDefaultOptions() has the use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; statement.
Each field has an #Assert\NotBlank() constraint in the Entity class.
CSRF is enabled.
HTML5 validation is disabled.
If I submit the form with all fields blank, the following happens:
In the controller:
isValid() returns false
getErrors( true ) returns an error for each field
In the template:
{{ form_errors( form ) }} generates no text for the form or any of the fields.
I created a custom form theme and modified {% block form_errors %} to
dump the errors variable. The dump shows the errors property is a FormErrorIterator object with two properties: form, which is, I believe the field definition, and errors which is an empty array.
Oddly enough, drilling down into the form property reveals an errors property that is an array with a single FormError object that contains the error message.
This is not my first time using forms. It has worked just fine for me in the past. Could this be a new bug in 2.6?
I have searched for this and all I found were situations where getErrors() was also returning nothing.
Thanks in advance,
Okay. I finally found the answer to this question.
Many thanks to thenetimp on the Symfony forum. He had the same problem and figured it out (
Turns out that you have to call createView() after calling isValid(). That actually makes sense when you think about it.
Form errors are bound to a FormType, not to the complete Form. The RootType will only contain the errors that bubbled up from sub types. The sub types will only contain the errors of their type and the ones bubbled up from sub sub types, etc.
Doing {{ form_errors(form) }} will only render the errors of the root form. Assume there was an error on a field, you can get this error by doing: {{ form_errors( }}.

Symfony2 First form entity overriding second

I have a contact form on a page that has a name field, email field and textarea field. It is made in the most simple way...
$contactEntity = new ContactEntity();
$builder-> $this->container->get('form.factory')->createBuilder('form', $kontaktEntity, array();
$builder->add() ... fields added
Then, in the administrative area, I have a search form that searches for the reacivied messages with name and email fields. I create that form with a different entity with the fields name and email that are one of half a dozen other fields in ContactEntity.
The problem is that the search form is rendered in twig as if it was kontakt form.
To clarify, SearchEntity has fields name and email. ContactEntity also has the same fields but with addition of some other fields. When the search form is rendered in twig, it shows the name and email fields as if it were part of ContactEntity.
Also, twig customization doesn't work. I cannot change label text values, I cannot remove HTML5 validation, and can't do anything beacuse nothing works. I tried renaming the fields in the search entity but it doesn't work.
Twig rendering is made on diffrenet twig scripts and is normal and basic in both both forms. This is on a search form. Changing label taxt to Name doesn't work. The submit value, on the other hand, is correctly rendered.
{{ form_start(form, {attr: {'no-validate' : 'novalidate'}}) }}
<div class="search-rom">
{{ form_label(, 'Name') }}
{{ form_errors( }}
{{ form_widget( }}
<div class="search-rom">
{{ form_label(, 'Email') }}
{{ form_errors( }}
{{ form_widget( }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
To summarize, twig is rendering two of the fields of an entity that the built form has nothing to do with.
I've just tested if SearchEntity is filled when form is submitted and it is, with the correct values. I really don't know what is going on here.
This is a code fragment from the messageAction() method in the controller.
$searchEntity = new SearchEntity();
$builder = $this->container->get('form.factory')->createBuilder('form', $searchEntity, array());
$builder->add('name', 'text')
->add('email', 'text')
Then form is rendered in the response with $form->createView()
Maybe you don't need to pass the builder an entity. In other examples you can just create the entity after getting the data.
How to render a form without a class in other service?
I found what the problem is. It's translations.
I'm Croatian and site I'm building has two languages, english and croatian with english as the default locale. Translation is done in various ways, but the translation of forms and all that comes with forms is done via messages.en.php.
For translations, i choose array type. message.en.php looks like this...
... Some data to translate ...
'Ime' : 'Personal name or bussiness'
'Email' : 'Email address
... Some other data to translate
So, when twig tried to render this...
form_label(form.ime, 'Ime')
it rendered the translation for key Ime. Same thing happend to email field. Everything else is in order. I just changed the label value to 'Search for name' or something like that.
As to how to limit translations to only one form, I don't know. I read Translations section but couldn't find anything.

Laravel 4 - get data from multiselect form

I'm using Laravel 4, and I have two tables related 'Many to many': 'Actividad' and 'Material'. Every Actividad can have one or more Materials, and every Material can belong to one or more Actividad.
So, I have made a form to create a new Actividad where you can save one or more Materials. I've done that with a multiselect input. Like that:
{{ Form::label('material_id', 'Material necesario:') }}
<p>{{ Form::select('material_id', $material_id, Input::old('material_id'), array('multiple')) }}</p>
I don't know if I'm doing correctly but, before saving anything, my first problem is that I'm only obtaining one result. I suppose I should get every option 'checked' in the form... The relevant part of my Controller is:
$material = Input::get('material_id');
return var_dump($material);
I should obtain a list of options selected, but the result of that in my browser is:
string(1) "1"
This is the first time I'm working with tables related in this way, and probably I'm doing something wrong (in the form, in my controller, in my Models,...)
Thank you very much for your help!!
Just change your code to this
{{ Form::select('material_id[]', $material_id, Input::old('material_id'), array('multiple')) }}
I hope this helps.
if you are using custom response handlers on the client side such in the case of submitting info with AJAX, all you need to do is to simple add "[]" to the name of the select control.
<select name="material_id[]" multiple>
This is the same case as with regular PHP. The other methods are required if you want Laravel to handle the form elements for you when rendering a new response/view. ( page reload ). This reload doesn't happen with REST requests.