How to export a project in UIMA - uima

I have a java annotator and now I want to use it in UIMA.
I followed the guide to make a new annotator in UIMA and now I do not know where to put my JAVA code, which folders to put my files and how they relate to the XML file.
  I am stuck.
Can you help?

first follow these steps:
1, Defining Types
Generating Java Source Files for CAS Types
Developing Your Annotator Code
Creating the XML Descriptor
Testing Your Annotator
and 4th point is your required answer after creating java annotator code


Xtext cross-references work only with an Xtext Java Project?

I followed this tutorial Second Iteration: Adding Packages and Imports by Xtext. I was trying to make a cross reference like the one shown in the last picture of the tutorial, that I paste here:
In first example of the tutorial page I had simply to create a java project and a file mymodel.dmodel and everything works fine.
I noticed that in second example (named Second Iteration: Adding Packages and Imports) the cross-references don't work (I have some Could'nt resolve reference errors) with a simple java project.
However it works fine if I convert the project to an Xtext project.
Is this a normal behaviour or have I missed some configuration steps?
To get the cross references work you need
A project with xtext nature + builder (that is what convert to xtext project does, this is an "add xtext" not a "remove java" operation
Build automatically should be enabled
Depending on the project type
Java Project: Put the files in a source folder
Non Java (General -> Project): Put the files anywhere

How/are you supposed to use the DKPro libraries with UIMA Ruta?

I have studied the default UIMA Ruta Workbench Eclipse project enough to significantly understand its moving parts - for instance, why the input/ and output/ folders behave as they do, how to accomplish the project using the jcasgen and other Maven plugins, etc.
But even after hours of studying the project and playing with Maven to try to get it to work, I still have a lot of trouble doing something very simple: using the DKPro libraries (the types especially) from a Ruta script.
My fundamental question is this: what is the path of least resistence towards using the types and analysis components from the DKPro and TC libraries within a Ruta script?
My specific questions are:
I noticed that in the desc/type folder of many api jars there are TypeSystemDescription XML files that would appear to be appropriate for use with Ruta. Is there some way of getting a "master" TypeSystemDescription XML file for the DKPro components?
Is there a project of significant complexity that uses both Ruta and DKPro that I can study?
What is the distinction between an AnalysisEngine as in what you do with Ruta scripts and an Analysis Component you write in Java?
Edited to reflect less frustration
Actually, the Ruta and DKPro people do workshops together and sit happily around the campfire afterwards - or at least in a cocktail bar and have some drinks. Unfortunately, we don't get around to doing that very often.
The kind and number of questions you are asking calls for a tutorial ;)
Did you have a look the slides and examples from our joint workshop at GSCL 2013?
It includes several examples of how to use DKPro Core and Ruta together. In those examples, there is a Maven project responsible for fetching the DKPro Core dependencies and separate Ruta projects then have a dependency on that Maven project and use the analysis engines.
It should also work to have a single project with both, the Ruta and Maven natures.
The way to get a single type descriptor for all DKPro Core types in your classpath (or rather for all uimaFIT-enabled types in your classpath) is
OutputStream os = ...
Check out the GSCL 2013 tutorial examples.
AnalysisComponent represents the view from the inside, i.e. from the perspective of the developer of components (the view from within the framework). AnalysisEngine represents the view from the outside, i.e. from the user of a component/workflow. However, typically one would say "I'm implementing a new analysis engine" and mean "I'm going to subclass JCasAnnotator_ImplBase (an implementation of AnalysisComponent)". See also this post on the UIMA developer mailing list.
Disclosure: I am a DKPro Core developer and an Apache UIMA developer.

Providing Cusom Jars in newly created DSL-Projects in Xtext

this might be a duplicate question (see Xtext Project: Add Jar Libraries with the Project Wizard Manager into the Classpath/Referenced Libaries of the clients Project), but I'm not able to comment on the original one due to low reputation.
Therefore my question regarding a similar topic:
I created a custom DSL which is working nice so far. The next step for us is to support newly created projects in this language with a custom library that will come as a dependency for created projects. This library was also created using our DSL so it's fully compatible with other projects.
This library will contain basic datatypes and other types as well as the generated code that will be used by the generator of the "surrounding" project.
I would need a hint on how to include this jar-file into the process of new-project-instantiation. Adding it manually to the created project works like a charm, but I'd like to have some automatism in this.
I'm on to creating a custom project wizard for the DSL, but I'm kind of stuck there due to the not-so-availability of in-depth documentation on this topic.

Extend or configure Eclipse compare files functionality

Eclipse has built in functionality for comparing files, but how can I configure that functionality? Say I create a new file type and want an external program do perform the diff. How do I set that up?
Can I create an Eclipse plugin to add my own plugin for handling file comparisons? Or perhaps that is the answer to the first question...
You may want to look at the EMF Compare Project which helps build compare editors for EMF models. If you don't have an EMF model for your file type, you can either create one or look through the source code of EMF Compare to see how it works.
The developer guide explains how to use the code to write your custom viewers.
There is a plugin integrating Beyond Compare into Eclipse. As it is open source, you might get a clue by looking at its sources.

How to generate code by Papyrus on Eclipse?

I install Papyrus at here. So how to generate code using Papyrus ?
To generate the java code from UML you can follow the below steps.
New Project->EMF Project Press Next
give the project name
In Model Importer page select UML model and press Next
Select UML model which is created by using Papyrus.Press next
In Package selection page select all the root packages
click finish, it will generate genmodel.
Use the genmodel to generate Java code.
I hope this information helps.
In order to generate any text artifacts from UML models in the Eclipse Modelling Environment (i.e. Papyrus, TopCased, etc.) you should use Acceleo which is an eclipse implementation of the MOF models to text transformation language, the OMG standard language for models to text transformations.
It is a very well made technology but it could take some time to become familiar with it especially if you do not know MOF and the Model Driven Architecture.
QVT is another OMG language but its aim is models to models transformations (not models to text). It is therefore not the right answer to your question.
These can help you.
Papyrus Tutorials
Papyrus is an Eclipse lugin for modeling, you need to use additional Eclipse plugin to do model transformations. In the other answer you can find link to tutorials. First of them indicates you should use QVTo.
To generate code from a UML diagram created with Papyrus must create a run configuration for Papyrus.
More information and a demo video at the following links.
You need to install Papyrus Java Classes Generator.
Help --> install new software
work with :
Check group items by category
Check show only the latest version of available software
Check Papyrus Java
Next --> accept terms and conditions
Now, in your model.di : right click on your class --> Java --> Generate java code.
And you're done !
It doesn't work with Java because even if you get a code from a class diagram then this code is so dirty that it is totally unusable.
It seems that this tool has been written by modelers who have never done any java codding :-)