Separate the connected lines and shapes - matlab

I want an approach and method to separate the connected lines. Here is my image
and here is the result I would like
How do I solve that problem? Thank you in advance!

The watershed would be a problem as you have shown it produces multiple segmentations of the original line. Originally the watershed works for grains due to their convex shapes, while here in the case of lines there is no global convex shape to cause a good fragmentation, it would be good to use the watershed with some constraints.
It would be good to try solving a simpler version of the problem. Imagine that there are only horizontal and vertical lines possible. So in this case it would mean separating the horizontal long lines by cutting the short vertical lines (length measured by projecting on the x-y gradient). The basic hint is to use the gradient/slope of these lines to help decide where to cut - orthogonal line. In the more general case the problem requires a measure of local curvature or geodesic distance.
A simpler solution(in edit) is just removing the junction points in the skeleton you have.
This would cause some of your lines which are connected horizontally to be segmented but i guess this can be fixed with some end point filtering. A simple try here:
J = imread('input.png');
B = bwmorph(J,'branchpoints');
L = bwlabel((J>0).*(~B),8); %removing the branch points from the skeleton
Label = label2rgb(bwlabel((J>0).*(~B),8),'jet',[0 0 0]);
Final labeled line components. This requires further end point prefiltering, direction based filtering.

The parts of the contour that should be separated are basically the sections that are not in the same direction as most of the rest of the contour.
I can only give you a basic way to do this without specific code or functions and I doubt it is the most efficient, but since there are not too many answers here...also this is using the knowledge of the problem and the solution...
Find the connected contour with all its branches as a set of pixel coordinates (which represent the line as a single pixel wide contour)
Convert the contour list to a set of angles between each adjacent pixel coordinate
Optional: Filter out the high frequency components with an averaging filter
Histogram the angles to find the angle most of the contour lines lay on (call it the common angle)
Search the contour looking for sections that go from +/-common angle (tolerance of +/-30 degrees) to the negative of that (-/+ common angle with similar tolerance).
For each section delete the pixels associated with angles between the two thresholds above (i.e. common angle + 30 deg to -common angle - 30 degrees.
Repeat for each connected contour
Hope this helps some


Can I compute contour orientation without using polygon area sign?

Most of the times, I determine contour orientation generating 2D points and computing the closed polygon area. Depending on the area value sign I can understand if the contour is oriented clockwise or not (see How to determine if a list of polygon points are in clockwise order?).
Would it be possible to do the same computations without generating 2D points? I mean, relying only on geometric curve properties?
We are interested in determining the orientation of contours like these ones without sampling them with 2D points.
EDIT: Some interesting solutions can be found here:
Scientific paper: Determining the orientation of closed planar curves, DJ Filip (1990)
How are those geometric curves defined?
Do you have an angle for them? The radius doesn't matter, only the difference between entry-angle and exit-angle of each curve.
In that case, a trivial idea crossing my mind is to just sum up all the angles. If the result is positive, you know you had more curves towards the right meaning it's a clockwise contour. If it was negative, then more curves were leftwards -> anti-clockwise contour. (assuming that positive angels determine a right-curve and vica versa)
After thinking about this for awhile, for polygons that contain arcs I think there are three ways to do this.
One, is to break the arcs into line segments and then use the area formula as described above. The success of this approach seems to be tied to how close the interpolation of the arcs is as this could cause the polygon to intersect itself.
A quicker way than the above would be to do the interpolation of the arcs and then find a vertex in the corner (minimal Y, if tie minimal X) and use the sign of the cross product for that vertex. Positive CCW, negative CW. Again, this is still tied to the accuracy of the interpolation.
I think a better approach would be to find the midpoint of the arc and create two line segments, one from the beginning of the arc to the midpoint and another from the midpoint to the end of the arc and replace the arc with these line segments. Now you have a polygon with only line segments. Then you can add up all the normalized cross products of all the vertices. The sign will tell you the direction. Positive is counter-clockwise, negative is clockwise. In this case it doesn't matter if the polygon self-intersects.

how to perform hough transformfor finding hand curve

hi i want to detect fingertips point and valleypoint of hand by using hough transform.Simply the Question is what is the [H,theta,rho]=hough(BW) is good for extract these point.
the image is here:
The standard hough transformation is just for detecting straight lines. Not more and not less. The Matlab function hough (please see here) returns the so-called hough space H, a parametric space which is used to find these lines and the parametric representation of each line: rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta).
You will have to do more than this to detect your desired points. Since your fingers usually won't consist of straight lines, I think you should think of something else anyway, e.g. if you can assume such a perfect curve as the one in your image maybe this is interesting for you.
Another simple technique you might consider is to compare the straight line distance between two points on your hand line to the distance between those two points along the perimeter (geodesic distance). For this you would need an ordered list of points along the perimeter.
Along regions of high curvature, the straight line distance between two points will be smaller than the number of pixels between those two points along the perimeter.
For example, you could check perimeter pixels separate by 10 pixels. That is, you would search through the list and compare the point at index N and the point index N+10. (You'll need to loop back around to the beginning of the list as you approach the end.) If the straight line distance between these two points is nearly 10 pixels as well, then you know those points lie on a straight section of the perimeter. If the straight line distance is much smaller than 10, then you know the perimeter curves in some fashion between those points. Whether you check pixels that are 5, 10, 20, or 30 items apart in the list will depend on the resolution of your image and the curves you're looking for.
This technique is useful because it's simple and quick to implement. Maybe it would work well enough for your needs.
Yet another way: simplify the outline to small line segments, and then you can calculate the line-line angle between adjacent segments. To simplify the curves, implement the Ramer-Douglas-Puecker algorithm. A little experimentation will reveal what parameter settings will work for your application.
Finally, you could look into piecewise curve fitting: a curve would be fitted to small segments of the outline. This can get very complicated, and researchers continue to find ways to decompose complex figures into a limited number of more basic shapes or curves. I recommend trying the simplest technique and then only adding complexity if you need it.

Fit several connected lines to points

I have an 2d-image and I want to fit several lines to the object that is represented by this image. The lines are connected and can only have angles in certain intervals between each other.
I know, that you can fit one line to data points using least squares. But I do not know how to fit several connected lines simultaneously to points while at the same time obeying the angle intervals.
How would you solve this problem programmatically? I would also accept an answer, given me catchwords (and maybe links) that will point me to my solution.
Here is an example image. For instance, I might want to fit 4 lines with length x,y,z,w to the object represented by the largest component in the image. Unfortunately, the object is not always as clearly visible as it is here, but this will do for now :)
Green lines approximate lines I would be looking for (sorry, they are not very straight ;) ).
You can fit a degree 1 B-spline curve to data points extracted from your image. A degree 1 B-spline curve is conceptually a composition of multiple line segments, which matches what you want. Additional angle constraints between lines can be imposed onto control points of this degree 1 B-spline curve but doing so will turn your unconstrained fitting into a constrained one, which will increase the complexity of algorithm.

Detecting overlapped elliptical regions in image (MATLAB)

I have a multiple plants in a single binary image. How would I identify each leaf in the image assuming that each leaf is approximately elliptical?
example input:
I was thinking a good place to start would be finding the tip of each leaf and then getting the center of each plant. Then I could fit the curves starting from the tip and then going to the center. I've been looking online and saw something involving a watershed method, but I do not know where to begin with that idea.
You should be aware that these things are tricky to get working robustly - there will always be a failure case.
This said, I think your idea is not bad.
You could start as follows:
Identify the boundary curve of each plant (i.e. pixels with both foreground and background in their neighbourhood).
Compute the centroid of each plant.
Convert each plant boundary to a polar coordinate system, with the centroid as the origin. This amounts to setting up a coordinate system with the distance of each boundary curve point on the Y axis and the angle on the X axis.
In this representation of the boundary curve, try to identify maxima; these are the tips of the leaves. You will probably need to do some smoothing. Use the parts of the curve before and after the maxima the start fitting your ellipses or some other shape.
Generally, a polar coordinate system is always useful for analysing stuff thats roughly circular.
To fit you ellipses, once you have a rough initial position, I would probably try an EM-style approach.
I would do something like this (I is your binary image)
I=bwmorph(bwmorph(I, 'bridge'), 'clean');
SK=bwmorph(I, 'skel', Inf);
endpts = bwmorph(SK,'endpoints');
props=regionprops(I, 'All');
And then connect every segment from the centroids listed in props.centroid to the elements of endpts that should give you your leaves (petals?).
A bit of filtering is probably necessary, bwmorph is your friend. Have fun!

Matlab: find major axis of binary area

the output of some processing consists of a binary map with several connected areas.
The objective is, for each area, to compute and draw on the image a line crossing the area on its longest axis, but not extending further. It is very important that the line lies just inside the area, therefore ellipse fitting is not very good.
Any hint on how to do achieve this result in an efficient way?
If you have the image processing toolbox you can use regionprops which will give you several standard measures of any binary connected region. This includes
You can also get the tightest rectangular bounding box, centroid, perimeter, orientation. These will all help you in ellipse fitting.
Depending on how you would like to draw your lines, the regionprops function also returns the length for major and minor axes in 2-D connected regions and does it on a per-connected-region basis, giving you a vector of axis lengths. If you specify 4 neighbor connected you are fairly sure that the length will be exclusively within the connected region. But this is not guaranteed since `regionprops' calculates major axis length of an ellipse that has the same normalized second central moment as the connected region.
My first inclination would be to treat the pixels as 2D points and use principal components analysis. PCA will give you the major axis of each region (princomp if you have the stat toolbox).
Regarding making line segments and not lines, not knowing anything about the shape of these regions, an efficient method doesn't occur to me. Assuming the region could have any arbitrary shape, you could just trace along each line until you reach the edge of the region. Then repeat in the other direction.
I assumed you already have the binary image divided into regions. If this isn't true you could use bwlabel (if the regions aren't touching) or k-means (if they are) first.