How to pass outside parameter to CKEditor plugin - plugins

I'm working on a plugin(application specific), that would allow to select an image from select box(size=5) and during the onChange event would show preview aside.
I have a set of urls, that lead to different images with small size. Issue here is, that plugin is an enclosed part of the code, where list of images is outside of it and is created by current action(not static).
Any way to pass it into plugin?

Took some time, but plugin was created.
Due to some fresh issues in Chrome it was not possible to say, wether the plugin and CKEditor add some strange behaviour or is it Chrome, but with testing in FF it was confirmed to be issue of Chrome(talking about selects size attribute).
Nevertheless, the issue with passing images for select was quite simple. I'm not sure whether it is the best way or not, but I was able to do it through CKEDITOR.config.*. More specifically
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.config.pddimages_set = {{ images }};
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor' );
Even more specifically {{ images }} is a json_encoded array. And that data was available to me in my plugin.
Hope that will help others who may come in contact with same question.


Joomla 'PageNavigation' Plugin

If this isn't possible please let me know!
I'm hoping there's a solution to what I'm asking.
I need to move the Next/Prev buttons, located in the pagenavigation plugin to after the <jdoc:include type="component" />; Basically render it anywhere in my templates' index.php?
Is there any way to do this?
This is the code that renders the pagination:
if (!empty($this->item->pagination) && $this->item->pagination && $this->item->paginationposition && !$this->item->paginationrelative):
echo $this->item->pagination;
<?php endif; ?>
As you can see the pagination is part of the item. As you can see if you look at the pagenavigation content plugin the pagination values are created in response to the onContentBeforeDisplay event. The plugin is hard coded to only work for articles in the single article view.
So to use it in a different component you would really need to create a second plugin for that component (or you could do any component or anything besides the single article view, that all would be easy to code using context).
To locate it in a different place in the single article view you would have to move the block of code to the desired location in the layout. Potentially you could also use css to locate the rendering of the block somewhere else on the page. (But more on this at the bottom.)
Unfortunately (but nor surprisingly given its name) onContentBeforeDisplay comes really late, in the view (unlike with pagination in the backend).
I always find it confusing because this frontend "pagination" property controlled by this plugin has nothing to do with backend pagination which is controlled by a JPagination object. I believe if is because of backward compatibility all the way to 1.0. ALso because the template chrome for pagination chrome are called pagination.php.
That leads me to the next thing I'll mention. You can make a file pagination.php and put it in the html folder of your template. You can see an example of this in the core template protostar. THat's where you would do the CSS or whatever other tricks you want to do to make the pagination do what you want. I think if you work hard enough at it (possibly using javascript or possibly calling that file from a module) you can pretty much achieve whatever you want.

TinyMCE4 icons not displayed when web font downloading disabled

Our product is used by many corporate and government bodies.
Many of them are only allowed use IE and have security policies applied to their IE which they are not allowed adjust.
One such setting is the disabling of downloading web fonts.
We have work around in place to check if the font can be downloaded.
If not, we replace all <i> on the page with <img>.
var haveFont = detectFontIcons();
//Iterate over each icon on the page and replace if necessary
if (!haveFont)
$('[class^="mce-i-"]').each( function(e) {
console.log("Found element = ", this);
// Replace all <i></i> with <img>
This works fine for all our custom Html.
The Problem:
For some reason it will not work for tinyMCE <i> tags.
I have adjusted the class prefeix to allow for the TinyMCE 'mce-i-'.
It finds no elements in the DOM with 'mce-i' even though I can see them using firebug.
I have even set a timeout on the call to do this check, incase it was an issue with the DOM not been fully rendered yet. No luck.
1: Any ideas on why no TinyMCE elements are not been found?
2: How can I update tinyMCE to use images directly instead of web fonts?
I can't take credit for this, but I found a font-free, custom skin that replaces the fonts with images. I added the skin, updated my init method and it appears to work as I'd hoped.
It can be found here:

CKEditor Plugin: text fields not editable

I am creating a CKEditor plugin, using version 4.2.1. I am trying to follow the tutorial on a Simple Plugin. However, the text inputs in my dialog window are not editable / clickable in the dialog, even when I just copy in the entire abbr plugin from the tutorial with no changes.
I can still click the dialog tabs, OK / Cancel buttons, and drag the dialog around. I have added in other elements (like selects) to the dialog in my custom version, and I can interact with those.
When I check the text input elements in Chrome's Dev Tools, I can add text via the Console / jQuery and it appears. I get no failures in the Console.
Will add text to the text input and display it on the screen. But I can't interact with the element via mouse / keyboard / browser. Is there something obvious in the CKEditor configuration that I am missing? Sorry if this is a really stupid question--first time working with CKEditor. I have also searched the CKEditor forums and Google, without finding any related issues.
This happens in both Chrome 30 and FF 24.
My call to create the editor:
var me = document.getElementById('resource_editor_raw');
editor = CKEDITOR.replace(me, {
fullPage: true,
removePlugins: 'newpage,forms,templates',
extraPlugins: 'abbr',
allowedContent: true
Thanks for any tips or hints!
Update #1
Thinking this might be related, I have also tried setting the z-index of the text element to very high, using Chrome's Dev Tools. No luck, it is still not editable / highlightable...
Update #2
This seems to be this conflict with jQuery UI. The suggested fix doesn't work for me yet, but will poke around...leaving this up for anyone who might stumble across it.
Final Update
So Brian's tip helped me. Both the Bootbox modal backdrop (what I am using to generate the original dialog) and the CKEditor dialog backdrop have tabindex=-1, so they conflict somehow. Manually turning off the Bootbox backdrop (i.e. setting tabindex='') works with Chrome dev tools, so I think I can hack something together with jQuery or whatnot. Amazing stuff...thanks for the help!! Not sure why I got this working in a jsFiddle...if I recall correctly, I might not have had a backdrop on those dialogs.
Also, for reference, a tabindex of -1 makes things untabbable, which makes sense for a backdrop.
The modal html attribute tabindex='-1' is what seems to be causing the issues for me.
The tabindex='-1' is actually in the bootstrap documentation and is needed for some reason that I am unaware of.
Use the 100% working script..
<script type="text/javascript">
// Include this file AFTER both jQuery and bootstrap are loaded.
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function() {
modal_this = this
$(document).on('focusin.modal', function (e) {
if (modal_this.$element[0] !== && !modal_this.$element.has(
&& !$('cke_dialog_ui_input_select')
&& !$('cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea')
&& !$('cke_dialog_ui_input_text')) {
Note: Include this file after both jQuery and bootstrap are loaded.
OMG I have been googling this for hours and finally fond some code that works!!
Stick this in your dialog page that will have a ckeditor in it:
orig_allowInteraction = $.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction;
$.ui.dialog.prototype._allowInteraction = function(event) {
if ($('.cke_dialog').length) {
return true;
return orig_allowInteraction.apply(this, arguments);
I found the fix here:
Not sure if anyone else is having this issue now. I was ripping my hair out trying to create a hack. It was a pretty simple solution after a while of digging and search the web. This fix helped me. Just place it on the same page where you want to place your editor - when loading from jQuery. The issue is conflicting tabindex, so I simply removed that attribute from the modal.
I am using Semantic UI and fix this problem by create an instance of CKEDITOR after create Modal.
$('#modal-send').modal('attach events', '.btn-close-modal').modal('show');
var ckeOptions = {
entities: false,
htmlEncodeOutput: false,
htmlDecodeOutput: true
CKEDITOR.replace('message', ckeOptions);
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'justify';
I also faced this issue when I updated the CKEditor into 4.14
I found the fix in here -
In this case,
$.widget("ui.dialog", $.ui.dialog, {
_allowInteraction: function (event) {
return !!$(".cke").length || this._super(event);
It will return false, so the textbox gets disabled/ unfocused (losing focus)
As a solution, we need to return true or need to modify the class .cke in the return statement into .cke_dialog
return !!$(".cke").length || this._super(event);
I tried to upload images to server from CK Editor[without CKFinder] and on positive side i am able to do. whenever we are trying to create some dialog, they are creating one div on the fly which will hold your dialog box. Better you check the CSS property for your text box using chrome and change it. Hope this will help you.

Asciimath plugin for TinyMCE not creating images

I'm using the Asciimath plugin for TinyMCE (
It was working fine until a few moments ago. Now I can see the math notation just fine in the editor, but on submitting the form, it's contents do not change to an image replacing the <span class="AM"> tag that the plugin creates.
Hence the HTML that the editor produces retains the Math-syntax I typed with the span tag and not show the Math notation properly in an image.
If anybody knows how to fix this, please help me. I'm really confused as to why it suddenly stopped working. A server-side text-replacement solution would be great as well.
I have tried this:
preg_replace('/\<span class="AM"\>`(.+)`\<\/span\>/', '<img src="$1" />', $str)
But that results in broken display of the Math fragment since some of the additional parameters like displaystyle that the script adds are lost.
NOTE I recently switched from regular-TinyMCE to the jQuery plugin TinyMCE. Could this be the reason the plugin is not working? I'm not sure if it broke functionality right after I made this change.

facebook button showing only once when outputting it via while loop

I'm using Gallerific with history plugin. In the while loop where I print all the images I want to add a facebook share button for each image using the specific image-url given by the history-plugin.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
$images=mysql_query("SELECT filename FROM images etc.");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($images)) {
<li><a class='thumb' name='imagename' href='url-to-image' title='description' onclick='clickedThumbnail()'><img src='url-to-thumb' alt='".$row['comment']."'/></a>
<div class='caption'>
<a name=\"fb_share\" type=\"button_count\" share_url=\"http://url-to-image-made-by-the-history-plugin\">Share</a>
My problem is that it is only printing the facebook share button once. In the first while-loop. On the rest of the images it is printing the content of the <a>-tag ('Share') with the right attributes, but it is not clickable. I've tried without 'share' in the <a>-element but then I get nothing on the other images. But I always get the correct FB-button on the first image.
According to I only have to include the javascript once even though I'm using several Facebook buttons on one page.
I have also tried to put several facebook-buttons outside the while-loop and it works fine.
Also, when I type the direct url to the images given by the history plugin it works fine. So my conclusion is that is has to do with printing the facebook-buttons from a while-loop..?
I used this approach instead
by changing some variables dynamically for each image. Works like a charm!
Thanks for the comments.
That plugin is deprecated. See:
You will want to use the share functionality that is part of the like button. See: