Getting the Baseline for SWT Label - swt

I want to get the baseline for a Label in SWT, however I don't know if this is possible at all?
In Swing, there is a method getBaseline(). See here
Which returns the baseline. I would need this for SWT as well? Is this possible?


Mark Labels Not Displaying In Tableau 2018

Others have asked this question before, but no one has provided an actual answer to it. I can't get all of the marks/labels to display in my Tableau visualizations.
Selecting "allow labels to overlap" does not fix the problem. That displays several hidden labels for the smallest of the areas, and it places those labels at the top of the bars, ignoring the formatting that sets the labels to the bottom. However, whether or not that option is checked, the empty areas in the screen shot stay empty. And those areas are clearly large enough to display the missing labels without encroaching on any other label.
I'm guessing this is a bug in Tableau because there's no reasonable explanation as to why this is happening, but I'm new to Tableau and unsure how to address this.
While I can offer no explanation, this has been a reported problem for several years. Tableau's own documentation states to check the Allow marks to overlap checkbox, yet that doesn't always work.
I don't know if it's a bug so much as it is a complicated calculation for the rendering engine to determine what will and won't fit into a space. To the human eye it will fit but it's possible the underlying calculations inside Tableau don't see it that way. I find that particularly on dual-axis charts (like yours) this happens more frequently. I've done two things to get around it when it comes up:
Change font family or font size
Put more info into the tooltips so the end user sees the data when they hover.
If you wish to pursue this as a bug, you will need to contact Tableau Support and file a case. They will ask you to submit a twbx file to reproduce the issue.
I hope that helps.
Label -> Font -> Automatic solved the problem for me
You can select individual marks, right click to pop up a menu, and specify whether to always hide or always show the labels for the selected marks (overriding the default behavior)

How to implement a image list control with SWT?

Does anybody have any idea on how to easily implement a image list(like the windows explorer with medium icons) control with swt? it seems like that it could be done easily with CListCtrl in c++ on windows, but does not seem to be easy with swt? any hints are appreciated!
Up to me, you need to create your own widget (check e.g. and add composite items to your custom list.
If vertical-only scrolling is enough, I suggest you rely on a single column TableViewer. This is what I did in a project where I needed a gallery-like window allowing the user to pick a graphical component based on displayed thumbnails.
You just need to implement the proper TableLabelProvider.getColumnImage and return the desired thumbnail corresponding to your list entry.
That gives a pretty decent list-like rendering.
In addition, TableViewer API is very well documented.

SWT Tree with columns - resizing columns by dragging line

I have a multi-column tree that I really don't want to show column headers (they provide no valuable information in my case and make the layout unnecessarily busy). Unfortunately, I really need to have resizable columns.
How can I make the columns resizable by dragging lines between them?
SWT uses native widgets and this isn't native behavior (at least on platforms that I am familiar with), so there is no built-in mechanism in SWT for doing what you are after. You should be able to simulate this yourself by tracking mouse events, managing the mouse cursor and calling TreeColumn.setWidth() when appropriate.

A gwt dropdown ListBox that can have values manually type in?

Our GWT based application needs a font size selector. Ussually people will want to pick the font size from a set of standard sizes. Sometimes however users will want to manually type in a specific font size like '12.6'. We obviously cannot put ever tenth of a point option inside our font size dropdown so a dropdown that can have any value entered manually would make the most sense.
I was told simple-gwt has a widget called ComboBox but it appears to be meant for an older version of gwt (we are on the latest - 2.4). Suggestbox would work except there is no "dropdown" arrow to popup the suggestions so users who do not want to type the size cannot use it.
Any suggestions? I was surprised this widget was not built into GWT.
The widget to use is the SuggestBox - you may or may not be able to extend it to use a click handler to show a set of default suggestions (there may be a property to allow it) and to use CSS to show a dropdown arrow.
javadoc here:
Example here:
I know that Smart GWT and ext-gwt have widgets that provide this kind of functionality, but neither of those libraries are free.
Of course you could always roll your own.
I found this library "Advanced GWT components". It is a free library that has drop in GWT widgets.

What are some SWT datagrids/tables?

I need to be able to display some data in Eclipse in a grid/table control... I need things like paging, multiple column sorting, column choosing, etc. There is an SWT Table and the Nebula project has a grid in alpha.
Does what I need exist? 3rd party maybe? Doesn't have to be free, we can pay for the functionality.
I haven't seen those features implemented in a reusable widget that I can think of, they are more application-level features.
If you were to use the JFace-type viewers (SWT Table or Nebula Grid both support this style of MVC architecture, as do some others mentioned in this question), it should be possible to implement paging in the content provider, just by setting some custom offset into your dataset and then refreshing the grid.
Multiple Column Sorting:
You can do this, it just needs an implementation of the correct table sorting interface. You get passed two rows to compare, and you can compare whichever columns you like in the sorting algorithm. Again though, the interface for actually choosing which columns to sort is down to you.
Column Choosing:
This requires a grid control with cell selection. Nebula is one, SWT Table isn't. If cell selection is available, this is just a matter of catching the correct selection event (clicking on a header probably) and iterating over your rows to select the correct cells.
There is also a new "rising star" on the widget sky called "nattable 2.0". It is an opensource project and the development team is very responsive. You should take a look at ...
You could use the facilities of table presentation offered by the BIRT plugin, that is if you are really advance table layout needs.
(otherwise the classic SWT TableViewer offers already some of the feature you are after
(source: )