Neos extension repository - neoscms

I'm starting with Neos.
Is there any extension repository for Neos as for TYPO3 CMS?
Or some tutorial on how to upgrade a TYPO3 (Extbase/Fluid) extension to Neos (Flow)?

There is not yet any TYPO3 Neos Extension repository. Instead you can use and search for typo3 or neos.
If a Neos "extension repository" will ever be available, it will probably be a subset of packagist packages anyway.
You could also check out and search for repositories starting with Packages/

Just stumbled upon this. By now, there is an official package repo which can be found under It's still a flat list, but can be searched and will soon be filterable and such.

There is no official extensions repository currently.
Since Typo3 Neos is not a replacement for Typo3 CMS there is no upgrade path as such. It is a completely different product - not a new product revision.

My tip: Besides packagist you can also search directly on bitbucket or github for neos.
If you understand german you can also find some tips on this blog:


Why is languages section not displayed my github repository?

Why is languages section not displayed on my github repository?
My Repository is
I found a question GitHub not showing languages used in repository
So I have added ".gitattributes" in my repository like this.
dist/* linguist-documentation=false
But not displayed yet.
All files under dist/ are considered vendor files by Linguist by default. Vendor files are not counted in language statistics. You can see the list of default vendor files in lib/linguist/vendor.yml.
To consider files under dist/ for language statistics, you can add the following to .gitattributes:
dist/* linguist-vendored=false
linguist-documentation=false shouldn't be needed.
Thanks to pchaigno and Robson.
I added
dist/* linguist-vendored=false
into ".gitattributes",
then the problem has been resolved.
You need this line in the .gitattributes:
dist/* linguist-vendored=false
I've forked it here, made that change and now the language share is displayed:

Why Github Dependency Graph has some packages that don't get rendered as links

In a github repository I own most of the dependencies are rendered as links - but some of them, including one of my own Github repository dependencies (aor-component-factory), don't.
Is it because they are not that popular and they weren't indexed yet or there is some configuration/code that needs to be added to those repositories? Thanks!
One possible reason is for repo renamed (the OP confirms it wasn't).
Another reason is the path used to reference dependencies in the package.json
The former should work better.
Following this tweet, try and apply to your repo the jgamblin/GithubDependencyCheck tools to see if that particular dependency in gray is reported any differently.
From the OP Michail Michailidis's comment, it seems that was a GitHub bug that was since fixed (Dec. 2017).

Unexpected urls in my Jekyll website sitemap

I'm creating my personal blog ( using Jekyll and hosting it on GitHub pages.
But I recently discovered a strange thing...
When pushed/deployed to my repository, the blog sitemap.xml includes two extra urls:
I can't understand why... I'm not using any anchor-js gem or plug-in...
The only gems declared in my _config.yml and Gemfile are:
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-sitemap
So why I'm getthing that urls?
NOTE: the sitemap is correct when I test the site locally on my dev machine.
NOTE: I'm using a custom theme (regular theme, not gem-based). No theme declared in my _config.yml. Here you find my blog repository:
UPDATE Tried to replace jekyll gem with github-pages in my Gemfile as suggested by marcanuy. It works locally, but after a new push sitemap still includes the extra urls...
UPDATE Found GitHub pages reference listing default params for Jekyll websites. Default theme is, as expected, jekyll-theme-primer. How can I override this setting if I'm not using gem-based theme?
It comes from your theme: jekyll-theme-primer
Primer is what powers GitHub's frontend. If you're not using this theme explicitly, it probably comes from GitHub Pages' own usage of the Primer framework
Why it works fine locally?
Because you are not using the same dependencies Github Pages uses. To replicate the environment used by Github, you need to use the gem: github-pages.
Why sitemap.xml includes two extra urls?
As #ashmaroli said, these files comes from jekyll-theme-primer which is used by Github Pages, if you are using your own theme files, then just make sure there are no theme: key in your _config.yml and run bundle update. Using the right github-pages gem will fix it and those files won't be included in your final site.
It seems that updating to github-pages v157 the sitemap is generated correctly.
The new version of gh-pages supports the last version of jekyll-theme-primer (v0.5.2).
This solves my issue.
1. Apparently, the jekyll-theme-primer (which usually comes with group: :jekyll_plugins in your Gemfile) is to blame. I.e. theme: minima avoids the creation of anchor-js (but you probably want to run your own theme, and not having minima hang around…)
2. A verified simple fix (giving a warning upon build) is to write
theme: false
in your _config.yml
3. The issue is a known issue and has been fixed 3 days before me writing this. Might day some days (or weeks) until it gets shipped though. If you read this some time from now, probably all you need to is update your gems.

Packagist: "create-project" from fork loads original repo

I'm just trying to grasp the concepts of dependency managers and GIT systems, so it's very possible I'm missing something very basic.
I use ROOTS/BEDROCK project as a base of my Wordpress projects. It allows to use Composer with Wordpress (by adding Wordpress itself as a dependency) and various other awesome features. It is installable as a Packagist package by command composer create-project roots/bedrock.
However to make it fit with my Wordpress framework, I needed to do a light customization of the project. So I forked it and submited the fork to with entirely new composer.json file.
What I do not understand is why composer after command composer create-project myaccount/forked_bedrock installs original repository and not my fork.
Is it possible to submit a forked GitHub repository to Packagist and use the fork (not the original repo) by create-project command?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that the problem lied within Composer cache - after I've cleared it, Composer loaded the forked GitHub repository (not the original).
If Composer caches so "heavily", it would be nice if there was some option to clear/flush the cache, but apparently there is nothing built-in ...
in my case was that i had to change the name of the package in the composer.json, changing the "name" propierty f

Which files/directories to ignore in a Laravel 4 project when using version control?

I have a Laravel 4 project, and I would like to know which files should be ignored when using a version control software such as Git, Mercury or SVN?
The structure of my project looks like the following screen capture.
I'm pretty new to Composer so I'm not very clear about what goes to a repo what not. If someone can post their .gitignore file or their SVN ignore property, it could be handy.
For reference, that .gitignore file can be found here:
composer.lock # Remove this one after you create a project
As noted in the below comment, you probably want to commit composer.lock in your project. Laravel ignores it by default so the authors of the laravel/laravel package don't accidently impose packages on you.
Your project should include the composer.lock file so you can install packages of stable versions (via composer install instead of composer update) properly in your production environments.
Note that the config file:
Has a cryptographic key in it that wouldn't be great to commit to a repository. Or, at least, the file needs to be overwritten in production.
You might also want to see the Laravel docs here and here. This discusses how to setup different Laravel configurations for different environments and protect sensitive information. All your .env.local.php type files should not be included in version control. Note that the .env.*.php and .env.php is added in the default Laravel .gitignore file. You can see it here
Laravel has posted their .gitignore on GitHub, which can be found here.
As of today, it looks like this:
GitHub has a repository of suggested .gitignore files for almost all kinds of projects at:
Alternatively, you can search it for your project using this handy and extremely useful online tool: