Perl File pointers - perl

I have a question concerning these two files:
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.12;
use externalModule;
my $file = "test.txt";
unless(unlink $file){ # unlink is UNIX equivalent of rm
say "DEBUG: No test.txt persent";
unless (open FILE, '>>'.$file) {
die("Unable to create $file");
say FILE "This name is $file"; # print newline automatically
unless(externalModule::external_function($file)) {
say "error with external_function";
print FILE "end of file\n";
close FILE;
and external module (.pm)
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.12;
package externalModule;
sub external_function {
my $file = $_[0]; # first arguement
say "externalModule line 11: $file";
# create a new file handler
unless (open FILE, '>>'.$file) {
die("Unable to create $file");
say FILE "this comes from an external module";
close FILE;
1; # return true
In the first perl script line 14:
# create a new file handler
unless (open FILE, '>>'.$file) {
die("Unable to create $file");
If I would have
instead, then the string printed by the external module will not be displayed in the final test.txt file.
Why is that??
Kind Regards

'>' means open the file for output, possibly overwriting it ("clobbering"). >> means appending to it if it already exists.
BTW, it is recommended to use 3 argument form of open with lexical file-handles:
open my $FH, '>', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";

If you use >$file in your main function, it will write to the start of the file, and buffer output as well. So after your external function returns, the "end of file" will be appended to the buffer, and the buffer flushed -- with the file pointer still at position 0 in the file, so you'll just overwrite the text from the external function. Try a much longer text in the external function, and you'll see that the last part of it remains, with the first part getting overwritten.

This is very old syntax, and not recommended in modern Perl. The 3-argument version, which was "only" introduced in 5.6.1 about 10 years ago, is preferred. So is using a lexical variable for a file handle, rather than an uppercase bareword.
Anyway, >> means open for append, whereas > means open for write, which will remove any existing data in the file.

You're clobbering your file when you reopen it once more. The > means open the file for writing, and delete the old file if it exists and create a new one. The >> means open the file for writing, but append the data if the file already exists.
As you can see, it's very hard to pass FILE back and forth between your module and your program.
The latest syntax is to use lexically scoped variables for file handles:
use autodie;
# Here I'm using the newer three parameter version of the open statement.
# I'm also using '$fh' instead of 'FILE' to store the pointer to the open
# file. This makes it easier to pass the file handle to various functions.
# I'm also using "autodie". This causes my program to die due to certain
# errors, so if I forget to test, I don't cause problems. I can use `eval`
# to test for an error if I don't want to die.
open my $fh, ">>", $file; # No die if it doesn't open thx to autodie
# Now, I can pass the file handle to whatever my external module needs
# to do with my file. I no longer have to pass the file name and have
# my external module reopen the file
externalModule::xternal_function( $fh );


How to write to an existing file in Perl?

I want to open an existing file in my desktop and write to it, for some reason I can't do it in ubuntu. Maybe I don't write the path exactly?
Is it possible without modules and etc.
$text = "I am writing to this file";
print WF $text;
print "Done!\n";
You have to open a file in append (>>) mode in order to write to same file.
(Use a modern way to read a file, using a lexical filehandle:)
Here is the code snippet (tested in Ubuntu 20.04.1 with Perl v5.30.0):
use strict;
use warnings;
my $filename = '/home/vkk/Scripts/outfile.txt';
open(my $fh, '>>', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
print $fh "Write this line to file\n";
close $fh;
print "done\n";
For more info, refer these links - open or appending-to-files by Gabor.
Please see following code sample, it demonstrates some aspects of correct usage of open, environment variables and reports an error if a file can not be open for writing.
Note: Run a search in Google for Perl bookshelf
#!/bin/env perl
# vim: ai ts=4 sw=4
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $fname = $ENV{HOME} . '/Desktop/write1.txt';
my $text = 'I am writing to this file';
open my $fh, '>', $fname
or die "Can't open $fname";
say $fh $text;
close $fh;
say 'Done!';
Documentation quote
About modes
When calling open with three or more arguments, the second argument -- labeled MODE here -- defines the open mode. MODE is usually a literal string comprising special characters that define the intended I/O role of the filehandle being created: whether it's read-only, or read-and-write, and so on.
If MODE is <, the file is opened for input (read-only). If MODE is >, the file is opened for output, with existing files first being truncated ("clobbered") and nonexisting files newly created. If MODE is >>, the file is opened for appending, again being created if necessary.
You can put a + in front of the > or < to indicate that you want both read and write access to the file; thus +< is almost always preferred for read/write updates--the +> mode would clobber the file first. You can't usually use either read-write mode for updating textfiles, since they have variable-length records. See the -i switch in perlrun for a better approach. The file is created with permissions of 0666 modified by the process's umask value.
These various prefixes correspond to the fopen(3) modes of r, r+, w, w+, a, and a+.
Documentation: open, close,

Can directory names and file names be variables in cgi perl scripting

I know that file names can be variable in perl scripting.Does the same apply to cgi-perl scripting.Because when I used variables inside open statement I get the error No such file or directory.But when I directly mention the path the file is opened for reading.These variables are passed from a form. The values are passed correctly they are not empty(Checked by printing the varaiables).
open (FILE, '/var/www/cgi-bin/$dir/$file')
or print "file cannot be opened $!\n";
file cannot be opened no such file or directory.
Use double quotes to interpolate variables:
open (FILE, "/var/www/cgi-bin/$dir/$file")
# here __^ and here __^
or print "file cannot be opened $!\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
By using single quotes, the varibles aren'tt interpolated, so you're trying to open literally /var/www/cgi-bin/$dir/$file and it doesn't exist.
You've got (and accepted) a good answer. I just wanted to add that you can make your error message a lot more helpful if you include the value of $file in the string.
my $file_path = '/var/www/cgi-bin/$dir/$file';
open (FILE, $file_path)
or print "file [$file_path] cannot be opened: $!\n";
Then the error would have been "file [/var/www/cgi-bin/$dir/$file] cannot be opened: no such file or directory" which would have made it obvious that the variables weren't being expanded.
Update: I was talking nonsense. The new version is better.

Atomic open of non-existing file in Perl

I want to write something to a file which name is in variable $filename.
I don't want to overwrite it, so I check first if it exists and then open it:
if(-e $filename)
print "file $filename exists, not overwriting\n";
exit 1;
open(OUTFILE, ">", $filename) or die $!;
But this is not atomic. Theoretically someone can create this file between stage1 and stage2. Is there some variant of open command that will do these both things in atomic way, so it will fail to open a file for writing if the file exists?
Here is an atomic way of opening files:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings qw(all);
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
my $filename = 'test';
my $fh;
# this is "atomic open" part
unless (sysopen($fh, $filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY)) {
print "file $filename exists, not overwriting\n";
exit 1;
# flock() isn't required for "atomic open" per se
# but useful in real world usage like log appending
flock($fh, LOCK_EX);
# use the handle as you wish
print $fh scalar localtime;
print $fh "\n";
# unlock & close
flock($fh, LOCK_UN);
close $fh;
Debug session:
stas#Stanislaws-MacBook-Pro:~/stackoverflow$ cat test
Wed Dec 19 12:10:37 2012
stas#Stanislaws-MacBook-Pro:~/stackoverflow$ perl
file test exists, not overwriting
stas#Stanislaws-MacBook-Pro:~/stackoverflow$ cat test
Wed Dec 19 12:10:37 2012
If you're concerned about multiple Perl scripts modifying the same file, just use the flock() function in each one to lock the file you're interested in.
If you're worried about external processes, which you probably don't have control over, you can use the sysopen() function. According to the Programming Perl book (which I highly recommend, by the way):
To fix this problem of overwriting, you’ll need to use sysopen, which
provides individual controls over whether to create a new file or
clobber an existing one. And we’ll ditch that –e file existence test
since it serves no useful purpose here and only increases our exposure
to race conditions.
They also provide this sample block of code:
use Fcntl qw/O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_EXCL/;
open(FH, "<", $file)
|| sysopen(FH, $file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL)
|| die "can't create new file $file: $!";
In this example, they first pull in a few constants (to be used in the sysopen call). Next, they try to open the file with open, and if that fails, they then try sysopen. They continue on to say:
Now even if the file somehow springs into existence between when open
fails and when sysopen tries to open a new file for writing, no harm
is done, because with the flags provided, sysopen will refuse to open
a file that already exists.
So, to make things clear for your situation, remove the file test completely (no more stage 1), and only do the open operation using code similar to the block above. Problem solved!

Error when running a DOS command in CGI

I tried to run a simple copy of one file to another folder using Perl
system("copy template.html tmp/$id/index.html");
but I got the error error: The syntax of the command is incorrect.
When I change it to
system("copy template.html tmp\\$id\\index.html");
The system copies another file to the tmp\$id foler
Can someone help me?
I suggest you use File::Copy, which comes with your Perl distribution.
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Copy;
print copy('template.html', "tmp/$id/index.html");
You do not need to worry about the slashes or backslashes on Windows because the module will take care of that for you.
Note that you have to set relative paths from your current working directory, so both template.html as well as the dir tmp/$id/ needs to be there. If you want to create the folders on the fly, take a look at File::Path.
Update: Reply to comment below.
You can use this program to create your folders and copy the files with in-place substitution of the IDs.
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
my $id = 1; # edit ID here
# Create output folder
# Open the template for reading and the new file for writing
open $fh_in, '<', 'template.html' or die $!;
open $fh_out, '>', "tmp\\$id\index.html" or die $!;
# Read the template
while (<$fh_in>) {
s/ID/$id/g; # replace all instances of ID with $id
print $fh_out $_; # print to new file
# Close both files
close $fh_out;
close $fh_in;

How do I create a directory in Perl?

I am new to Perl and trying to write text files. I can write text files to an existing directory no problem, but ultimately I would like to be able to create my own directories.
I am going to download files from my course works website and I want to put the files in a folder named after the course. I don't want to make a folder for each course manually beforehand, and I would also like to eventually share the script with others, so I need a way to make the directories and name them based on the course names from the HTML.
So far, I have been able to get this to work:
use strict;
my $content = "Hello world";
open MYFILE, ">C:/PerlFiles/test.txt";
print MYFILE $content;
close (MYFILE);
test.txt doesn't exist, but C:/PerlFiles/ does and supposedly typing > allows me to create files, great.
The following, however does not work:
use strict;
my $content = "area = pi*r^2";
open MYFILE, ">C:/PerlFiles/math_class/circle.txt";
print MYFILE $content;
close (MYFILE);
The directory C:/PerlFiles/math_class/ does not exist.
I also tried sysopen but I get an error when adding the flags:
use strict;
my $content = "area = pi*r^2";
sysopen (MYFILE, ">C:/PerlFiles/math_class/circle.txt", O_CREAT);
print MYFILE $content;
close (MYFILE);
I got this idea from the Perl Cookbook chapter 7.1. Opening a File. It doesn't work, and I get the error message Bareword "O_CREAT" not allowed while "strict subs" in use. Then again the book is from 1998, so perhaps O_CREAT is obsolete. At some point I think I will need to fork over the dough for an up-to-date version.
But still, what am I missing here? Or do the directories have to be created manually before creating a file in it?
Right, directories have to be created manually.
Use mkdir function.
You can check if directory already exists with -d $dir (see perldoc -f -X).
Use File::Path to create arbitrarily deep paths. Use dirname to find out a file's containing directory.
Also, use lexical file handles and three-argument open:
open(my $fd, ">", $name) or die "Can't open $name: $!";