Derby plugin not found in pache Derby Release - eclipse

I have found that in earlier releases of Apache Derby such as the plugin meant for eclipse could be easily found.
There are four distributions listed on Derby download page
bin distribution - contains the documentation, javadoc, and jar files for Derby.
lib distribution - contains only the jar files for Derby.
lib-debug distribution - contains jar files for Derby with source line numbers.
src distribution - contains the Derby source tree at the point which the binaries were built.
I downloaded the lib distribution which consisted of many jar file but no apparent eclipse plugin. So how can I drop the plugin in plugin folder of eclipse distribution?


duplicate bundle in eclipse Mars Release (4.5.0)

I use eclipse which version is Mars Release (4.5.0) to develop RCP application . In product definition file, I designated javax.servlet 3.1.0 bundle. But after I export product, I found a file javax.servlet_3.0.0_2011xxxx.jar in product plugins directory. It puzzled me a lot. Then I browse the Eclipse directory structures, and two jars exist in eclipse/plugins directories: javax.servlet_3.0.0_2011xxxx.jar
I'm confused why there are two javax.servlet bundles. Even if there are two bundles, I had designate a version 3.1.0, why export wizard copy a wrong jar file?
I have solved this problem.
In product definition editor page, a precise version.
Referenced from the picture above( I cannot upload picture now, sorry.), click Properties... button to enter an precise version 3.1.0.v20140161800. I must enter 3.1.0.v20140161800 instead of 3.1.0, because a bundle jar named javax.servlet_3.1.0.v20140161800.jar located in eclipse/plugins directory.
Then I export the product, all is done.

deploy jar Java Desktop Application in jdeveloper12c

I have always developed my java NetBeans projects. When I finish my project, and automatically build "dist" folder where the main jar and a "lib" folder containing all the external jar was created. This is done automatically with the NetBeans IDE
Now I'm trying to do a project with jdeveloper 12c Java Desktop Application and try to deploy my project but I have problems with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. I meet several questions:
Can you add the same structure as I said before? That is, a file jar and inside a folder "lib" place the jars using How to do it?
I've seen examples that by New File Group adds refencias, but it really adds to the main jar file (as I see in the size of the file) but not saved in a separate folder.
I do not know if you can help me do this in jdeveloper 12c: Generate a jar file and folder lib with references.
Thank you for your help.
Go into the deployment profile for your project and add all the libraries and files that you need to be included to the JAR you are generating.

how to build Hadoop eclipse plugin

I would like to be able to build Hadoop eclipse plugins from
I have managed to get the source into my Eclipse workstation using subclipse, and now I want to build the jar. Do I build it as executable jar? There is no launch configuration associated to the source. Is there a tutorial on how to do this?
The usual approach is :
Checkout the code from Apache's SVN (Done in your case).
Modify in /src/contrib/eclipse-plugin and add : eclipse.home=/path/to/your/eclipse/folder
Download apache forrest 0.8 and sun jdk (Preferably java 6).
Run ant command as "ant clean package -Djava6.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun (Change the path according your machine and make sure you are connected to the network)
At this point eclipse plugin should be there in /build/contrib/eclipse-plugin but the jar is not yet ready to work as
it misses some required jars.
Add the following jars from your HADOOP_HOME/lib folder to the plugin/lib folder commons-configuration-1.6.jar
commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar commons-lang-2.4.jar
jackson-core-asl-1.0.1.jar jackson-mapper-asl-1.0.1.jar
Modify MANIFEST.MF in /META-INF of the jar to include the path of these added jars.
Copy this jar to plugins folder of eclipse
Run "eclipse -clean"
There are some posts over the net for the same. See if they work for you :
Link 1
Link 2

How do I get list of files installed for a plugin in eclipse?

If you download an archive (ZIP file) for an eclipse plugin package (different versions in the same archive), the contents are usually the following:
If the installation of a plugin A version X has resulted in the copy of certain jars to
eclipse folder\features and eclipse folder\plugins folder, is there any way I can a list of these jars, so I can separate them for a specific version for local backup?
Look deeper in the zip file. "features" and "plugins" are folders.

what is the use of jbossall-client.jar?

i am wondering what is use of jbossall-client.jar ?
Up to JBoss version 4.2.3 these file contains client code for application.
But since JBoss 5.0 these file contains only dependences against other libraries from server client directory. If you want use it you must put also other jar file on in the same directory as jbossall-client.jar. These is excerpt from readme.txt file from jbossall file:
This jar file contains a classpath reference to various client jar files used by jboss client applications.
Each of the jar files in the following list must available in the same directory as the jbossall-client.jar, Otherwise they will not be found by the classloader.
In readme.txt you can also find the list jar files against which jbossall-client has dependencies.
It's a bundling of all JBoss client code into a single JAR, for those who don't want to bother with selecting the individual smaller JARs.