Reading labview binary files in Matlab? - matlab

I have large .bin files (10GB-60GB) created by Labview software, the .bin files represent the output of two sensors used from experiments that I have done.
The problem I have is importing the data into Matlab, the only way I have achieved this so far is by converting the .bin files to .txt files in Labview software then Importing the data into MATLAB using the following code:
Nlines = 1e6; % set number of lines to sample per cycle
sample_rate = (1); %sample rate
DECE= 1000;% decimation factor
TIME = (0:sample_rate:sample_rate*((Nlines)-1));%first inctance of time vector
format = '%f\t%f';
fid = fopen('H:\PhD backup\Data/ONK_PP260_G_text.txt');
C = textscan(fid, format, Nlines, 'CollectOutput', true);
d = C{1}; % immediately clear C at this point you need the memory!
clearvars C ;
TIME = ((TIME(end)+sample_rate):sample_rate:(sample_rate*(size(d,1)))+(TIME(end)));%shift Time along
plot((TIME(1:DECE:end)),(d(1:DECE:end,:)))%plot and decimate
hold on;
clearvars d;
The basic idea behind my code is to conserve RAM by reading Nlines of data from .txt on disk to Matlab variable C in RAM, plotting C then clearing C. This process occurs in loop so the data is plotted in chunks until the end of the .txt file is reached.
I want to read the .bin file directly into MATLAB rather than converting it to .txt first because it takes hours for the conversion to complete and I have a lot of data. Here are some examples of my data but in manageable sizes:
Here is a description of the binary data:
Someone has all ready written a Matlab script to import Labveiw .bin files but their script will only work with very small files:
% LABVIEWLOAD Load Labview binary data into Matlab
% DATA = LABVIEWLOAD(FNAME,DIM); % Loads the Labview data in binary
% format from the file specified by FNAME, given the NUMBER of
% dimensions (not the actual dimensions of the data in the binary
% file) of dimensions specified by DIM.
% LABVIEWLOAD will repeatedly grab data until the end of the file.
% Labview arrays of the same number of dimensions can be repeatedly
% appended to the same binary file. Labview arrays of any dimensions
% can be read.
% DATA = LABVIEWLOAD(FNAME,DIM,PREC); % Loads the data with the specified
% precision, PREC.
% Note: This script assumes the default parameters were used in the
% Labview VI "Write to Binary File". Labview uses the Big Endian
% binary number format.
% Examples:
% D = labviewload('Data.bin',2); % Loads in Data.bin assuming it
% contains double precision data and two dimensions.
% D = labviewload('OthereData.bin',3,'int8'); % Loads in
% OtherData.bin assuming it contains 8 bit integer values or
% boolean values.
% Jeremiah Smith
% 4/8/10
% Last Edit: 5/6/10
function data = labviewload(fname,dim,varargin)
siz = [2^32 2^16 2^8 1]'; % Array dimension conversion table
% Precision Input
if nargin == 2
prec = 'double';
elseif nargin == 3
prec = varargin{1};
error('Too many inputs.')
%% Initialize Values
fid = fopen(fname,'r','ieee-be'); % Open for reading and set to big-endian binary format
fsize = dir(fname); % File information
fsize = fsize.bytes; % Files size in bytes
%% Preallocation
rows = [];
columns = [];
I = 0;
while fsize ~= ftell(fid)
dims = [];
for i=1:1:dim
temp = fread(fid,4);
temp = sum(siz.*temp);
dims = [dims,temp];
I = I + 1;
% fseek(fid,prod(dims)*8,'cof'); % Skip the actual data
temp = fread(fid,prod(dims),prec,0,'ieee-be'); % Skip the actual data (much faster for some reason)
fseek(fid,0,'bof'); % Reset the cursor
data = repmat({NaN*ones(dims)},I,1); % Preallocate space, assumes each section is the same
%% Load and parse data
for j=1:1:I
dims = []; % Actual array dimensions
for i=1:1:dim
temp = fread(fid,4);
temp = sum(siz.*temp);
dims = [dims,temp];
clear temp i
temp = fread(fid,prod(dims),prec,0,'ieee-be'); % 11 is the values per row,
% double is the data type, 0 is the bytes to skip, and
% ieee-be specified big endian binary data
%% Reshape the data into the correct array configuration
if dim == 1
temp = reshape(temp,1,dims);
evalfunc = 'temp = reshape(temp';
for i=1:1:dim
evalfunc = [evalfunc ',' num2str(dims(dim-i+1))];
if dim ~= 2
eval([evalfunc ');'])
eval([evalfunc ')'';'])
data{j} = temp; % Save the data
fclose(fid); % Close the file
The code has the following error message, when you try to process even relatively small .bin files:
Error using ones
Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
Error in labviewload (line 65)
data = repmat({NaN*ones(dims)},I,1); % Preallocate space, assumes each section is the same
Can you help me modify the code so that I can open large .bin files? Any help will be much appreciated.


MatLab: Add an extra header line and save the data to a csv file using fprintf or a similar low-level function

I am currently working with accelerometer (ActivPAL micro 3) data collected at 8 bits, and I am converting this data to a higher resolution (10 bits). After applying the conversion I need to leave the file as the original to process the data in other software, so to do that I have to add an extra header and then save the data (Time, Uncompressed sample index, X, Y, and Z axis) in each column and row. So far I have managed to write a code (see below) that works well, but I think there is a simpler and faster way to do the same thing.
Note: my files are large, they all have more than a million lines. Also, I cannot lose the configuration of the first and second column of the file.
% Loading data
[filename, ~] = uigetfile('*.csv');
data = table2array(readtable(filename));
% X axis
data(:,3) = 2.02183 * data(:,3) + 256.728;
% Y axis
data(:,4) = 2.02183 * data(:,4) + 256.728;
% Z axis
data(:,5) = 2.02183 * data(:,5) + 256.728;
newfilename = replace(filename, "2a", "4at");
fid = fopen(newfilename, 'w');
% First header
fprintf(fid, 'sep=;\n');
% Second header (variable names)
fprintf(fid, '%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n','Time','Uncompressed sample index','X','Y','Z');
% Saving data
for k = 1:length(data)
fprintf(fid, '%.10f;%.0f;%f;%f;%f\n', data(k,1), data(k,2), data(k,3), data(k,4), data(k,5));
As the file is big, I could not attach it here, so I uploaded it to my Google Drive (in this folder you can find a compressed file and an uncompressed file that is bigger than the other).
Thank you in advance,
Luiz Augusto

Reading Irregular Text Files with MATLAB

In short, I'm having a headache in multiple languages to read a txt file (linked below). My most familiar language is MATLAB so for that reason I'm using that in this example. I've found a way to read this file in ~ 5 minutes, but given I'll have tons and tons of data from my instrument shortly as it measures all day every 30 seconds this just isn't feasible.
I'm looking for a way to quickly read these irregular text files so that going forward I can knock these out with less of a time burden.
You can find my exact data at this link:
I've been using the "readtable" function in matlab and I have achieved a final product I want but I'm looking to increase the speed
Below is my code!
clearvars -except pan day1; % Clearing all variables except for the day and instrument variables.
close all;
pan_mat = [107 139 155 153]; % Matrix of pandora numbers for file-choosing
pan = pan_mat(pan); % pandora number I'm choosing
pan = num2str(pan); % Turning Pandora number into a string.
%pan = '107'
pandora = strcat('C:\Users\tadams15\Desktop\Folders\Counts\Pandora_Dta\',pan)
% string that designates file location
%date = '90919'
month = '09'; % Month
day2 = strcat('0',num2str(day1)) % Creating a day name for the figure I ultimately produce
d2 = strcat('2019',num2str(month),num2str(day2)); % The final date variable
for the figure I produce
%file_pan = 'Pandora107s1_BostonMA_20190909_L0';
file_pan = strcat('Pandora',pan,'s1_BostonMA_',d2,'_L0'); % File name string
%Try reading it in line by line?
% Load in as a string and then convert the lines you want as numbers into
% number.
delimiterIn = '\t';
headerlinesIn = 41;
A = readtable(file_pan,'HeaderLines', 41, 'Delimiter', '\t'); %Reading the
file as a table
A = table2cell(A); % Converting file to a cell
A = regexp(A, ' ', 'split'); % converting cell to a structure matrix.
A= array2table(A); % Converting Structure matrix back to table
row_num = 0;
pan_mat_2 = zeros(2359,4126);
datetime_mat = zeros(2359,2);
blank = 0;
%% Converting data to proper matrices
[length width] = size(A);
% The matrix below is going through "A" and writing from it to a new
% matrix, "pan_mat_2" which is my final product as well as singling out the
% rows that contain non-number variables I'd like to keep and adding them
% later.
for i = 1:length; % Make second number the length of the table, A
blank = 0;
b = table2array(A{i,1});
[rows, columns] = size(b);
if columns > 4120 && columns < 4140
row_num = row_num + 1;
blank = regexp(b(2), 'T', 'split');
blank2 = regexp(blank{1,1}(2), 'Z', 'split');
datetime_mat(row_num,1) = str2double(blank{1,1}(1));
datetime_mat(row_num,2) = str2double(blank2{1,1}(1));
for j = 1:4126;
pan_mat_2(row_num,j) = str2double(b(j));
In short, I'm already getting the result I want but the part of the code where I'm writing to a new array "flag 1" to "flag 2" is taking roughly 222 seconds while the entire code only takes about 248 seconds. I'd like to find a better way to create the data there than to write it to a new array and take a whole bunch of time.
Any suggestions?
There are a quite a few improvments you can make for speed but there are also corrections. You preallocate you final output variable with hard coded values:
pan_mat_2 = zeros(2359,4126);
But later you populate it in a loop which run for i = 1:length.
length is the full number of lines picked from the file. In your example file there are only 784 lines. So even if all your line were valid (ok to be parsed), you would only ever fill the first 784 lines of the total 2359 lines you allocated in your pan_mat_2. In practice, this file has only 400 valid data lines, so your pan_mat_2 could definitely be smaller.
I know you couldn't know you had only 400 line parsed before you parsed them, but you knew from the beginning that you had only 784 line to parse (you had the info in the variable length). So in case like these pre-allocate to 784 and only later discard the empty lines.
Fortunately, the solution I propose does not need to pre-allocate larger then discard. The matrices will end up the right size from the start.
The code:
file_pan = 'Pandora107s1_BostonMA_20190814_L0.txt' ;
delimiterIn = '\t';
headerlinesIn = 41;
A = readtable(file_pan,'HeaderLines', 41, 'Delimiter', '\t'); %Reading the file as a table
A = table2cell(A); % Converting file to a cell
A = regexp(A, ' ', 'split'); % converting cell to a structure matrix.
%% Remove lines which won't be parsed
% Count the number of elements in each line
nelem = cell2mat( cellfun( #size , A ,'UniformOutput',0) ) ;
nelem(:,1) = [] ;
% find which lines does not have enough elements to be parsed
idxLine2Remove = ~(nelem > 4120 & nelem < 4140) ;
% remove them from the data set
A(idxLine2Remove) = [] ;
%% Remove nesting in cell array
nLinesToParse = size(A,1) ;
A = reshape( [A{:}] , [], nLinesToParse ).' ;
% now you have a cell array of size [400x4126] cells
%% Now separate the columns with different data type
% Column 1 => [String] identifier
% Column 2 => Timestamp
% Column 3 to 4125 => Numeric values
% Column 4126 => empty cell created during the 'split' operation above
% because of a trailing space character.
LineIDs = A(:,1) ;
TimeStamps = A(:,2) ;
Data = A(:,3:end-1) ; % fetch to "end-1" to discard last empty column
%% now extract the values
% You could do that directly:
% pan_mat = str2double(Data) ;
% but this takes a long time. A much computationnaly faster way (even if it
% uses more complex code) would be:
dat = strjoin(Data) ; % create a single long string made of all the strings in all the cells
nums = textscan( dat , '%f' , Inf ) ; % call textscan on it (way faster than str2double() )
pan_mat = reshape( cell2mat( nums ) , nLinesToParse ,[] ) ; % reshape to original dimensions
%% timestamps
% convert to character array
strTimeStamps = char(TimeStamps) ;
% convert to matlab own datetime numbering. This will be a lot faster if
% you have operations to do on the time stamps later
ts = datenum(strTimeStamps,'yyyymmddTHHMMSSZ') ;
%% If you really want them the way you had it in your example
strTimeStamps(:,9) = ' ' ; % replace 'T' with ' '
strTimeStamps(:,end) = ' ' ; % replace 'Z' characters with ' '
%then same again, merge into a long string, parse then reshape accordingly
strdate = reshape(strTimeStamps.',1,[]) ;
tmp = textscan( strdate , '%d' , Inf ) ;
datetime_mat = reshape( double(cell2mat(tmp)),2,[]).' ;
The performance:
As you can see on my machine your original code takes ~102 seconds to execute, with 80% of that (81s) spent on calling the function str2double() 3,302,400 times!
My solution, run on the same input file, takes ~5.5 seconds, with half of the time spent on calling strjoin() 3 times.
When you read the code above, try to understand how I limited the repetition of function call in lengthy loops by trying to keep everything as vectorised as possible.
Using the profiler, you can see that you call str2double 3302400 times in a run which takes about 80% of the total time on my pc. Now thats suboptimal, as each time you only translate 1 value and as far as your code goes you dont need the values as string again. I added this under you original code:
row_num = 0;
pan_mat_2_b = cell(2359,4126);
datetime_mat_b = cell(2359,2);%not zeros
blank = 0;
for i = 1:length % Make second number the length of the table, A
blank = 0;
b = table2array(A{i,1});
[rows, columns] = size(b);
if columns > 4120 && columns < 4140
row_num = row_num + 1;
blank = regexp(b(2), 'T', 'split');
blank2 = regexp(blank{1,1}(2), 'Z', 'split');
%datetime_mat(row_num,1) = str2double(blank{1,1}(1));
%datetime_mat(row_num,2) = str2double(blank2{1,1}(1));
datetime_mat_b(row_num,1) = blank{1,1}(1);
datetime_mat_b(row_num,2) = blank2{1,1}(1);
pan_mat_2_b(row_num,:) = b;
% for j = 1:4126
% pan_mat_2(row_num,j) = str2double(b(j));
% end
datetime_mat_b = datetime_mat_b(~all(cellfun('isempty',datetime_mat_b),2),:);
Still not great, but better. If you want to speed this up further i recommend you take a closer look at the readtable part. As you can save up quite some time if you start with reading in the format as doubles right from the beginning

Write complex numbers in an HDF5 dataset with Matlab

How to write complex numbers in an HDF5 dataset with Matlab?
The high-level API (h5create) does not support complex data.
% Write the matrix A (complex data) to HDF5.
% Preserve the memory layout: what is contiguous in matlab (the
% columns) remain contiguous in the HDF5 file (the rows).
% In other words, the HDF5 dataset appears to be translated.
% Adapted from
A = reshape((1:6)* (1 + 2 * 1i), 2, 3);
fileName = 'complex_example.h5';
datasetName = 'A';
% Initialize data. It is more efficient to use Structures with array fields
% than arrays of structures.
wdata = struct;
wdata.r = real(A);
wdata.i = imag(A);
%% File creation/opening
file = H5F.create(fileName, 'H5F_ACC_TRUNC', 'H5P_DEFAULT', 'H5P_DEFAULT');
%file =;
%% Datatype creation
%Create the complex datatype:
doubleType = H5T.copy('H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE');
sz = [H5T.get_size(doubleType), H5T.get_size(doubleType)];
% Computer the offsets to each field. The first offset is always zero.
offset = [0, sz(1)];
% Create the compound datatype for the file and for the memory (same).
filetype = H5T.create ('H5T_COMPOUND', sum(sz));
H5T.insert (filetype, 'r', offset(1), doubleType);
H5T.insert (filetype, 'i', offset(2), doubleType);
%% Write data
% Create dataspace. Setting maximum size to [] sets the maximum
% size to be the current size.
space = H5S.create_simple (ndims(A), fliplr(size(A)), []);
% Create the datasetName and write the compound data to it.
dset = H5D.create (file, datasetName, filetype, space, 'H5P_DEFAULT');
H5D.write (dset, filetype, 'H5S_ALL', 'H5S_ALL', 'H5P_DEFAULT', wdata);
%% Finalise
% Close and release resources.

Matlab, textscan error

I get an error when I run a Matlab code (attached), that continuosly check and opens two .txt files at a given time interval, (2 seconds) and depending on the result a value comparison between those two files, chose one or another and use it....
Those two files are constantly saved and updated by a Java script at the same time interval of 2 seconds.
All the files are located in the same path.
The error I get is: "invalid file identifier. use fopen to generate a valid file identifier
Error in KinectDEMelevation_with_filecomparison2 (line 36)
DEM1 =
textscan(fid2,formatSpec,'HeaderLines',6,'Delimiter','\b'); "
The code is:
DEM = GRIDobj('kinectDEM0.txt');
clims = [-30 140];
hold on
% clear all
% clf
% load('MyColormaps','mycmap');
%% Get kinectDEM0 data
% Open 'kinectDEM0.txt'
fid1 = fopen('kinectDEM0.txt', 'r+');
% Read data in from the .txt file
formatSpec = '%n';
DEM0 = textscan(fid1,formatSpec,'HeaderLines',6,'Delimiter','\b');
% Extract data from DEM0
DEM0Data = DEM0{1,1}(200:100:287800,1);
% Close 'kinectDEM0.txt'
%% Get kinectDEM1 data
% Open 'kinectDEM1.txt'
fid2 = fopen('kinectDEM1.txt', 'r+');
% Read data in from the .txt file
formatSpec = '%n';
DEM1 = textscan(fid2,formatSpec,'HeaderLines',6,'Delimiter','\b');
% Extract data from DEM1
DEM1Data = DEM1{1,1}(200:100:287800,1);
% Close 'kinectDEM1.txt'
%% Compare data, a logical array return 1 for true (points that has been changed), 0 for false
test = eq(DEM0Data,DEM1Data);
num = sum(test); % numbers of point in the scene that has been changed
threshold = 2900; % after this threshold update the image
if num > threshold
DEM = GRIDobj('kinectDEM1.txt');
clims = [-30 140];
hold on
T = toc;
pause(2 - T);
How can I fix it?
You should add some error checking to make sure the file:
has been successfully opened
For the first, you can use exist:
r = exist('kinectDEM0.txt','file');
% will return 2 if file exists
For the second, you need to check fid is valid. If fopen cannot open the file, this will be -1. You may also use the second output for fopen, errmsg, for additional checking; errmsg should be an empty string if the file was opened successfully, otherwise it will return the system error message, such as "No such file or directory".
A simple example:
fid = -1
while fid == -1
fid = fopen('myfile.txt'); % attempt to open until success

PCA codes input, use for PalmPrint Recognition

I'm new to Matlab.
I'm trying to apply PCA function(URL listed below)into my palm print recognition program to generate the eigenpalms. My palm print grey scale images dimension are 450*400.
Before using it, I was trying to study these codes and add some codes to save the eigenvector as .mat file. Some of the %comments added by me for my self understanding.
After a few days of studying, I still unable to get the answers.
I decided to ask for helps.I have a few questions to ask regarding this PCA.m.
What is the input of the "options" should be? of "PCA(data,details,options)"
(is it an integer for reduced dimension? I was trying to figure out where is the "options" value passing, but still unable to get the ans. The msgbox of "h & h2", is to check the codes run until where. I was trying to use integer of 10, but the PCA.m processed dimension are 400*400.)
The "eigvector" that I save as ".mat" file is ready to perform Euclidean distance classifier with other eigenvector? (I'm thinking that eigvector is equal to eigenpalm, like in face recognition, the eigen faces. I was trying to convert the eigenvector matrix back to image, but the image after PCA process is in Black and many dots on it)
In this function, there are two values that can be changed, which are MAX_MATRIX_SIZE set by 1600 and EIGVECTOR_RATIO set by 0.1%. May I know these values will affect the results? ( I was trying to play around with the values, but I cant see the different. My palm print image dimension is set by 450*400, so the Max_matrix_size should set at 180,000?)
** I hope you guys able to understand what I'm asking, please help, Thanks guys (=
Original Version :
% Edited Version by me
function [eigvector, eigvalue] = PCA(data,details,options)
%PCA Principal Component Analysis
% Usage:
% [eigvector, eigvalue] = PCA(data, options)
% [eigvector, eigvalue] = PCA(data)
% Input:
% data - Data matrix. Each row vector of fea is a data point.
% fea = finite element analysis ?????
% options.ReducedDim - The dimensionality of the reduced subspace. If 0,
% all the dimensions will be kept.
% Default is 0.
% Output:
% eigvector - Each column is an embedding function, for a new
% data point (row vector) x, y = x*eigvector
% will be the embedding result of x.
% eigvalue - The sorted eigvalue of PCA eigen-problem.
% Examples:
% fea = rand(7,10);
% options=[]; %store an empty matrix in options
% options.ReducedDim=4;
% [eigvector,eigvalue] = PCA(fea,4);
% Y = fea*eigvector;
% version 3.0 --Dec/2011
% version 2.2 --Feb/2009
% version 2.1 --June/2007
% version 2.0 --May/2007
% version 1.1 --Feb/2006
% version 1.0 --April/2004
% Written by Deng Cai (dengcai AT
if (~exist('options','var'))
%A = exist('name','kind')
% var = Checks only for variables.
%The tilde "~" character is used in comparing arrays for unequal values,
%finding the logical NOT of an array,
%and as a placeholder for an input or output argument you want to omit from a function call.
options = [];
h2 = msgbox('not yet');
ReducedDim = 0;
if isfield(options,'ReducedDim')
%tf = isfield(S, 'fieldname')
h2 = msgbox('checked');
ReducedDim = options.ReducedDim;
[nSmp,nFea] = size(data);
if (ReducedDim > nFea) || (ReducedDim <=0)
ReducedDim = nFea;
if issparse(data)
data = full(data);
sampleMean = mean(data,1);
data = (data - repmat(sampleMean,nSmp,1));
[eigvector, eigvalue] = mySVD(data',ReducedDim);
eigvalue = full(diag(eigvalue)).^2;
if isfield(options,'PCARatio')
sumEig = sum(eigvalue);
sumEig = sumEig*options.PCARatio;
sumNow = 0;
for idx = 1:length(eigvalue)
sumNow = sumNow + eigvalue(idx);
if sumNow >= sumEig
eigvector = eigvector(:,1:idx);
%dt get from C# program, user ID and name
evFolder = 'ev\';
userIDName = details; %get ID and Name
userIDNameWE = strcat(userIDName,'\');%get ID and Name with extension
filePath = fullfile('C:\Users\***\Desktop\Data Collection\');
userIDNameFolder = strcat(filePath,userIDNameWE); %ID and Name folder
userIDNameEVFolder = strcat(userIDNameFolder,evFolder);%EV folder in ID and Name Folder
userIDNameEVFile = strcat(userIDNameEVFolder,userIDName); % EV file with ID and Name
if ~exist(userIDNameEVFolder, 'dir')
newFile = strcat(userIDNameEVFile,'_1');
searchMat = strcat(newFile,'.mat');
if exist(searchMat, 'file')
filePattern = strcat(userIDNameEVFile,'_');
D = dir([userIDNameEVFolder, '*.mat']);
Num = length(D(not([D.isdir])))
fileName = [filePattern,num2str(Num)];
newFile = strcat(userIDNameEVFile,'_1');
You pass options in a structure, for instance:
options.ReducedDim = 2;
options.PCARatio =0.4;
The option ReducedDim selects the number of dimensions you want to use to represent the final projection of the original matrix. For instance if you pick option.ReducedDim = 2 you use only the two eigenvectors with largest eigenvalues (the two principal components) to represent your data (in effect the PCA will return the two eigenvectors with largest eigenvalues).
PCARatio instead allows you to pick the number of dimensions as the first eigenvectors with largest eigenvalues that account for fraction PCARatio of the total sum of eigenvalues.
In mySVD.m, I would not increase the default values unless you expect more than 1600 eigenvectors to be necessary to describe your dataset. I think you can safely leave the default values.