Account Activity Facebook API - facebook

I want to know if it is possible to recover gently from the facebook listta of all users logged in (login) made. Estite an API that returns this list as shown in the figure below?:
thanks for your suppor

As far as I know, this is not part of the Facebook Public API.
You will likely need to simulate a browser request on user's behalf to accomplish that, which could well be violating Facebook's TOS.


How to automatically post to Facebook

Please could you help. I have created a website that allows people to upload listings of items they are selling. I want to know how to add the feature where when someone creates a listing, it automatically posts on the user's FB page, with a link to the listing on our website. Is this possible? Would the user have to log into our website using their FB account for this to happen? Thanks everyone for your help.
You need to create a Facebook App and use Facebook Graph API with publish_actions permissions to do that. Note that the facebook rules prohibit sending fully automated messages that the user has no control, your user must have the ability to edit the message before sending

How Do I Share to Facebook With Custom Text

I have a task to add links to a web page to enable the user to post a short message to Facebook. There may be multiple messages on the page, each with its own link. The intent is to launch a Facebook share dialog pre-populated with the text of the message which the user can then modify, accept and/or reject.
I'm pretty new to programming anything for Facebook. I'm fairly confused and am not sure what to ask first, so I'll go with a very basic question: what's the simplest way to do this? I gather from Facebook's documentation that I probably have to use the Javascript SDK and/or the Open Graph technology. Is this correct, or is there another option I'm missing? Is there a really clear example of this kind of solution anywhere?
You have to create a facebook app first so you have your app_id and app_secret.
After that you need to request permissions to the user to publish_actions. If the user accepts, you'll receive a token (you need to store it in db). If you need to publish actions in a user page instead of his own page, you also need the manage_pages permission.
You need to read the facebook graph api documentation to understand how all this works.
The access token you receive expires after certain time. So, when you receive it, you can ask for a long lived token. The page tokens doesn't expire.
Facebook evaluates your app before approving it to be in production. They ask a couple of questions about how you'll use the user's token and data. You might have to put pictures of the flow too.
As far as I know, Facebook won't allow you to send pre populated messages to the user's wall. They user has to write it.
Hope it helped a bit!

Is there API to get someone's facebook profile with out login to facebook?

I was wondering if its possible to get one's facebook profile (to be exact,'profile url') through their API?
I need an api to get fb profile link using a matching email address. I dont want to login to facebook though.I was trying to search for this but it seems you need to log in to facebook to get that.
Any idea or is it feasible?
You need ID of the concerned user which can't be achieved without using the Facebook Login, since Facebook login is the starting point to get the current user info (/me).
Search API could have helped you since you have the email ids of users, but unfortunately this api doesn't support user search with email!
So, answer is simple- NO, you cannot get the ID (profile link) of the user without using the facebook login.
Not that I can think of. Facebook's Graph API gives you some public info but that info given depends on the users Facebook's settings on what is public or not. You could maybe get some users profile picture but not others, making it not a very viable option for practical use. Hope that helps

Facebook: get the email of a page (not user) via API

Is there a way to get the email for a page, via any of Facebook's APIs?
I know Facebook user emails are very carefully privacy-protected, but pages seem to be different. For instance: if I visit this FB page, even if I'm not logged in to Facebook, the email is still revealed:
It seems that something so public via their interface ought to be exposed in an API somewhere, but I can't find it. Anyone tell me what I'm missing?
Right now you can't get that information even if you ask for manage_pages and email permissions.
I have raised a bug with Facebook and hopefully they'll add it as a feature if enough people vote:
There is no email for a page in the FQL nor in the page graph api object. So via the API is it not shown. Remember the API is a stripped down version of what you can see via the normal Facebook GUI.
You're best bet is to have the page admin auth your app asking for email permissions.

How to do Facebook places search without user facebook authorize

I am still new to Facebook Graph API, and trying to start using facebook places search. (search places by location),122.427&distance=1000
One thing i have noticed is user have to login to their Facebook account to do the search, otherwise the search will be rejected.
Could anyone shine me some light pointing a direction to work around this?
Any links or articles will be appreciated.
Thank you
Yeah, unfortunately I think this is a design flaw (or feature?). By this design, only Facebook authentication users can search for places. Others cannot. It seems more like a capability designed to serve end users than actual apps.
The flaw I see is that many applications out there are trying to offer optional Facebook integration but don't make it obligatory. Unfortunately, as it stands now, the places API can't be used as a service for apps just additional functionality for FB users.
What you are trying to do is not possible. Per the error message: "An access token is required to request this resource." Most of the graph api requires an authenticated user (ie an access token) to make requests. There are only a few calls that can be made without the access token and this is not one of them.