Currency convert using PayPal - paypal

I'm looking for a way to convert prices in my online store using PayPal's official rates.
I've googled and looked through PayPal's documentation but haven't find anything.
The currency converter when you log in has exactly the function I need.
Have anyone solved this or anything similar?

The Classic API seems to support it:


Sage Murano api

Does anyone know if sage murano has an api? I've been 1 hour searching for documentation about sage murano api or webservice and I didn't find anything.
I know sage one does have an api to access from external code but it is possible that sage murano doesn't?
Thanks you,
here you are. I don't know if this has been posted recently but we were looking for it just today.

iPhone: Weather report APIs library

I am planning to add weather report for selected country->state->city, for daily, weekly, monthly averages. I have googled it and also went through couple of discussion on stackoverflow threads and I got confused! Could anyone please tell me if there is already Weather report APIs library available? What could be the best way to implement my requirements? I am just expecting overview so that I don't chose wrong path.
See WorldWeatherOnline.
I compiled a set of information about different weather APIs looking for a similar solution. My general consensus was the WorldWeatherOnline seemed to be the best bang for the buck (free) and seemed pretty feature rich.
UPDATE (12/18/2013): This response was from 2011, since that time some different providers have made updates. I tried to keep the link semi-up to date, but you'll want to take the list provided and do your own research.

How do websites like or get data, particularly the reviews?

Do they just scrape or are there APIs?
I think they just scrape, because I haven't seen or heard of any APIs. Check also
I was looking for the same things and found (this is not the official api, as it seems they arent' any). It would be nice if there was an official API in the same way itunes has made theirs available

How can I get Yahoo realtime stock quotes in Perl?

There's a fairly easy way of retrieving 15-minute delayed quotes off of Yahoo! Finance web site ("quotes.csv" API).
However, so far I was unable to find any info on how to access real-time quotes.
The hang-ups with real-time quotes are:
Only available to logged-in user
Non-obvious how to scrape the info - I'm somewhat convinced they are placed on the page by some weird Ajax call.
So I was wondering if anyone had managed to develop a publically available solution to retrieve real-time quotes for a stock from Yahoo! Finance.
Implementation language/framework need is flexible but Perl or Excel is highly preferred.
Assume that security is not an issue - I'm willing to supply yahoo userid and pasword, even in cleartext.
I'm not 100% hung up on Yahoo - they are merely the only provider of free realtime stock quotes I'm familiar with. if the same thing can be done with Google Finance, I'd be just as happy.
This is for a personal project, so scalability/fault tolerance/etc... are not important.
I'm looking for a "do the whole retrieval" library ideally, but if I'm pointed to partial solutions (e.g. how to retrieve info from Yahoo's user-logged-in pages; how to scrape realtime quotes from Yahoo's page) I can fill in the blanks.
I saw Finance::YahooQuote but it does not seem to allow you to supply log-in information and appears to use the lagging quotes.csv API
Excel has a built in link to MS stock quotes. They should provide the same information you are looking for. You can also download the addin.
I could find no guarantees of real-time, but the Google Finance Portfolio Data API seems quite well documented and far cleaner than page scraping.
Anywhere providing real-time data will want paying a fairly large sum for it. That's why they delay the free data, because the real-time data is so valuable.
Looking at it the other way, any way you can find to get free real-time data is almost certainly illegal or breaks the usage agreement. This data belongs to someone and they won't like you taking it.
I worked at a company who wanted such data legitimately and they could find no way to get it cheaply. In fact IIRC even a feed of time-delayed data is free if you plan to use it in an application rather than looking at it on a web-page.
As of 1 November 2017, Yahoo has shut down the stock quote API. Alphadvantage is the current go-to for delayed quotes on US exchanges. You do need to update Finance::Quote to 1.40 or later (1.47 is the current version as of 18 Dec 2017).

Has anyone found payment processor documentation very poor

Does anyone else find that the documentation of a lot of payment processors have poor or incomplete documentation as to how to use their API? Or it's just plain confusing?
Recently I have setup both PayPal and Beanstream and found that both are either confusing or don't include full documentation.
For example, in the BeanStream documentation, they say they will return a "message_id", which is great, but no where do they tell you what the different id's mean. It also comes with some text, so you can start creating a list, but there is no way to check to ensure you get either a valid one or the one that means it was successful.
Has anyone had this experience?
Edit: I will agree that when you email them they are helpful, but unfortunately most of them are only open normal business hours for general tech support (other than emergency) which isn't always useful as that isn't when it seems like I do my integration.
well, this isn't really specific to payment processor documentation, in that, all things being equal, well documented APIs will help encourage development. for what it's worth, i've worked with paypal,, ups, and usps APIs, and didn't find them overtly confusing (not implying that they were a particular joy to get through).
that being said, i wish more documentation was like PHP's. despite it being such a scattered language, the documentation is really quite good.
Having worked with a lot of APIs, not only for payment processors but for lots of other ecommerce related web services, I have to say to that while the docs can be less than stellar, they usually aren't that bad, and if you send them an email or give them a call, they will usually be pretty helpful.
I have found the documentation and code examples from and Nova's ViaKlix very helpful. I stay away from PayPal.
This may not be much help to you, but as you get more an more experienced w/in particular domain the interfaces get easier. By weird twist of world, I've coded a whole bunch of credit card interfaces, and once you kind of get the lingo they all work the same.
The only other suggestion I would offer is to avail yourself of support resources in addition too the documentation provided. We recently worked with a relatively well known payment gateway, and while their documentation completely sucked (by their own admission as well), the support staff was incredibly knowledgable and more than willing to help out/explain.
I've used Realex and PayPal. Realex documentation is fine. Clear and straightforward. PayPal's is absolutely eye-bleedingly horrible. And I'm the kind of weirdo who enjoys reading documentation so much I've been known to read it for fun (I've read through the entire OpenID specificiation, even though I have no immediate plans to use it).
I've only worked with PayPal, but the simple version (where you just set up an HTML form on your web page and submit it with the PayPal button) is super-easy to work with. And if you're looking for near real-time payment feedback, I always found it easier to just write a program to check my PayPal email account periodically, and parse payment details from the body of the email itself.
I've had to use for several sites and the supplied documentation is 'just ok' assuming you are working in the somewhat limited technology sets that they supply sample code for. It was a breeze to get it up and running with PHP but considerably lacking when trying to pull off the same thing in ColdFusion.
Several other sites done via PayPal which IMO was a much better experience.
PayPal is a nightmare when it comes to setting up and testing the test account (Sandbox).
Re: Beanstream you have to login then you'll see the documentation link on the left hand side.
The design is so '90s and they recommend using IE.
Re: Paypal I adapted this code from for my Zend Framework project.
Note: you've got to have ssl:// socket transport wrapper registered otherwise (visible in phpinfo()) you'll have to tweak the code to use curl.
Here is how to get the code using SVN
svn checkout paypalphp-read-only