Drupal 7 - accessing content through url alias over ReST - rest

I have a Drupal 7 with Pathauto and restws modules. I am able to configure Pathauto module to create a url alias for my content type so now the content that I could access with url http://mycms.org/mydrupal/node/4 is accessible using http://mycms.org/mydrupal/content/1-sampleID.
Also, I am able to access the content over ReST using http://mycms.org/mydrupal/node/4.json.
However i need to access the content over ReST api using the url alias, say, http://mycms.org/mydrupal/content/1-sampleID.json. When I try doing this, I get a 404 error.
I am new to Drupal and PHP. Can someone please help me fix this issue? Do I need some custom Drupal module that could help me expose my contents over ReST api through the defined url aliases.

I use the RESTful module, and here's a blog post on how to do what you need.


SharePoint Online: Redirect URIs for multi-site environment

We have a multi-site environment where each site has its own redirect URL. We want to use a single Client ID and Secret for our application but register multiple redirect URIs to it. Is it possible to add multiple URLs in below registration form:
I don't think there is possible solution to add on multiple URLs on the SharePoint online app registration form.
But from what i understand there is another way to achieve use a single Client ID and Secret for application and perform multiple redirects.
You can control the redirect url using the appredirect.aspx by specifying the redirect_uri parameter if you need to redirect from the default one check here for reference.
Basiclly it call the subsite page containing the below JS to install the app.
var url = String.format(
"{0}/_layouts/15/appredirect.aspx?client_id={1}&redirect_uri=https://***.azurewebsites.net/<<controller>>/<<view method containing the code to install the app>>?{{StandardTokens}}",
<<subsite url>>, "<<client id>>");
window.location.href = url;
The above javascript calls the appredirect.aspx page which then calls the app site as below,
Note: The above can be extended to check for the successful installation of the app and display an error message accordingly.
SPWeb.LoadAndInstallWeb equivalent REST / Javascript CSOM is also available here.
Here are some relevant links:
Use the redirect URL in an add-in that asks for permissions on the fly
Redirect URIs and a sample redirect page

Confluence Prototype REST API - create a page?

Is it even possible to create a page using the Prototype REST API?
I know how to do this using the REST API (available with Confluence 5.5 and up), but I'm not sure how to do this on older versions.
For new api, I do it like that: {url}/rest/api/content and provide parameters like type, space, title and ancestors.
For the Prototype API I've tried to do:
{url}/rest/prototype/latest/content.json and provide the same parameters, but I get "Request failed: method not allowed (405)" in response.
Turns out, the prototype REST API is read-only.

Bucket URL access denied

I created my first bucket, and when trying to access it by typing storage.googleapis.com/mybucket, I get the following in my browser. I am totally ignorant in respect to all things code, and only would like to be able to solve this issue in order to be able to use a WordPress plugin, WP2Cloud, which integrates Google Cloud Storage with WordPress. Here's what's in my browser:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access denied.</Message>
Any help will be appreciated!
You can not use storage.googleapis.com/mybucket or mybucket.storage.googleapis.com directly from browser. You need to pass GoogleAccessId,Expires, Signature.
If you want to use from browser you need to use Signed URLs
example of Signed-URLs:

Typo3 extbase User Auth Service

I try to write a service module, that fetches userdata from a webservice. I found this tutorial, but it shows the 'old' way of building extensions. Is it possible to write a extbase-extension like this? How it should look like?
Extbase ("the new way") is about MVC, not about auth services, thus this tutorial is still valid.
Claus Due (an Extbase specialist) wrote an auth extension, maybe you want to study his code: https://github.com/NamelessCoder/google_auth

get customfield value for jira issue using JIRA SOAP API

I want to get the values of all custom fields for a particular JIRA issue using SOAP API. I have a custom field named 'Phase' having value Decision Pending for a JIRA issue JIRA-123.
I am using JIRA 5.1.3.
I am able to get all the properties of JIRA issue using SOAP API except the value of the custom field for above issue.
I tried following code, but I am not able to use ComponentManager in my code
IssueManager issueManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getIssueManager();
CustomFieldManager customFieldManager = ComponentManager.getInstance().getCustomFieldManager();
Issue issue = issueManager.getIssueObject("JIRA-123");
CustomField customField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Phase");
Object customFieldValue = issue.getCustomFieldValue(customField);
I would highly appreciate if anyone can provide correct approach.
The SOAP API is deprecated by 5.1.3. I suggest you use the REST API - it is both more easy to use and implement.
What is REST?: read here. The basic idea is to bind HTTP request types to actions, it's quite obvious - check this table for a quick run-in.
Jira has a powerful REST API that you can use. This is the main documentation of the current release.
What do you need to do in some high-level steps?:
Set-Up some type of authentication with your JIRA instance. Be it:
Baisc - example
OAuth - example
Get a list of all fields via the API:
The /rest/api/2/field' [method returns a list of all fields][6] - both System and Custom.
Then when you identify the exact field use/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/{id}` to get the full
representation of the Custom Field Option.
I recommend you use a tools like Chrome REST Console ,or anything similar that you can easily make requests with, to get to know the API. The bonus is that you don't need to setUp authentication if you're logged in through the same browser. Your user will require full admin access though.
This is the root of all JIRA REST API docs. Check it out.
If you're doing this in PHP I would personally recommend using some kind of library. I've used
Guzzle (in a CakePHP environment) for this exact task and it turned out very well.
I'm not sure of how do you use the soap API, here is example of using it via the PHP-SOAP:
#!/usr/bin/php -q
$soapClient = new SoapClient("https://jira.com/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl");
$token = $soapClient->login('user', 'password');
$myIssue = $soapClient->getIssue($token,"TES-13");
print_r($myIssue); // all of the issue details
print_r($myIssue->customFieldValues); // get all custom fields
foreach ($myIssue->customFieldValues as $customFieldValue) {
// search for the right custom field
if ($customFieldValue->customfieldId == 'customfield_10402') {
echo $customFieldValue->values[0];
In case you want to use any other API, have a look at the JIRA Remote API Reference.
A remark regarding the REST and SOAP APIs -To quote from Jira's site the SOAP API "Supported but no future development". The Rest API is still a bit new and there are things you can't yet do with the REST API (example), and can be done easily using the SOAP API.