What is the architecture behind Scratch programming blocks? - mit-scratch

I need to build a mini version of the programming blocks that are used in Scratch or later in snap! or openblocks.
The code in all of them is big and hard to follow, especially in Scratch which is written in some kind of subset of SmallTalk, which I don't know.
Where can I find the algorithm they all use to parse the blocks and transform it into a set of instructions that work on something, such as animations or games as in Scratch?
I am really interested in the algorithmic or architecture behind the concept of programming blocks.

This is going to be just a really general explanation, and it's up to you to work out specifics.
Defining a block
There is a Block class that all blocks inherit from. They get initialized with their label (name), shape, and a reference to the method. When they are run/called, the associated method is passed the current context (sprite) and the arguments.
Exact implementations differ among versions. For example, In Scratch 1.x, methods took arguments corresponding to the block's arguments, and the context (this or self) is the sprite. In 2.0, they are passed a single argument containing all of the block's arguments and context. Snap! seems to follow the 1.x method.
Stack (command) blocks do not return anything; reporter blocks do.
The interpreter works somewhat like this. Each block contains a reference to the next one, and any subroutines (reporter blocks in arguments; command blocks in a C-slot).
First, all arguments are resolved. Reporters are called, and their return value stored. This is done recursively for lots of Reporter blocks inside each other.
Then, the command itself is executed. Ideally this is a simple command (e.g. move). The method is called, the Stage is updated.
Continue with the next block.
C blocks
C blocks have a slightly different procedure. These are the if <> style, and the repeat <> ones. In addition to their ordinary arguments, they reference their "miniscript" subroutine.
For a simple if/else C block, just execute the subroutine normally if applicable.
When dealing with loops though, you have to make sure to thread properly, and wait for other scripts.
Keypress/click events can be dealt with easily enough. Just execute them on keypress/click.
Something like broadcasts can be done by executing the hat when the broadcast stack is run.
Other events you'll have to work out on your own.
Wait blocks
This, along with threading, is the most confusing part of the interpretation to me. Basically, you need to figure out when to continue with the script. Perhaps set a timer to execute after the time, but you still need to thread properly.
I hope this helps!


AppleScript pass expression into function to be re-evaluated repeatedly? (or: AppleScript handler with callback?)

I think the correct description for what I'm trying to do is be able to pass an expression or function/handler into another handler as a parameter/argument. Some code to be evaluated inside the receiving handler. Similar to Javascript callbacks, I think.
For example, something like this:
on waitFor(theConditionExpression)
timeout_start(5) -- start a 5 second timer
repeat until (theConditionExpression or timeout_isExpired())
delay 0.1
end repeat
return theConditionExpression
end waitFor
theConditionExpression should be some expression or function that evaluates to a boolean result.
not really relevant to the question, but just FYI, timeout_start(…) and timeout_isExpired() are two simple handlers I've written that do exactly what they say. (…start() doesn't return anything, …isExpired() returns a boolean).
Of course, typically if I pass in some boolean expression, it will evaluate that expression once, at the time I pass it in. But I want it to evaluate it every time it's referenced in the code inside the handler.
Some languages (not sure about AS) have some kind of eval() function that you can pass it some code as a string and it will execute that string as code. Theoretically that could solve this, but: (a) I don't know if AS has anything like that, but even if it does, (b) it's not desired for various reasons (performance, injection risks, etc.)
So I'm thinking something more like eg. JavaScript's ability to pass in a function (named or anonymous) as function parameter/argument that can be re-evaluated every iteration in a loop, etc. (eg. like the compareFn argument in JS's Array.sort(compareFn)).
Can AS do anything like this, and if so how?
I'm going to suggest (pro forma) that an AppleScript application with an on idle handler is generally a better solution for wait conditions than a repeat/delay loop. It's more efficient for the system, and doesn't freeze up the script. But that would involve reconceptualizing your script, and I'm not certain it would work in this case, given the way you formed the problem.
There's an old but good site called AppleScript Power Handlers that shows a bunch of nifty-neato tricks for sophisticated use of AppleScript handlers: passing handlers as values or parameters; creating Script Objects within handlers; making closures and constructors. I'm pretty sure the answer to your request is in there. aLikely you'll want to set up a bunch of handlers that serve as condition expressions, then pass them as parameters to the evaluating handler. Or maybe you'll want to set up a script object containing the condition handlers and call it as needed?
At any rate, see what you can do with it, and ask more specific questions if you run into problems.

Is there a method to execute a block of code after a user calls $finish?

We want to be able to provide a predefined list of things to be done at the end of every SystemVerilog test. Since multiple people are working on this project, it'd be nice if they did not have to think about the things we are doing in the background, but simply call $finish at the end of a test as usual. I know we could create our own custom $finish macro, but we would prefer to not have to change preexisting tests.
Is there any way in SystemVerilog to have a block of code run after a $finish call? Using something like UVM is not an option. I've looked around, but I can't seem to find something that does this behavior.
The final keyword can help you out here. Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 9.2.3 Final procedures:
A final procedure executes when simulation ends due to an explicit or
implicit call to $finish .
One limitation is that it executes in zero time, which means you can not have any delays, etc. Read the full description for all the details.
final begin
If the list of things does not consume time, a final block is the antithesis of an initial block, except it cannot consume any time. Otherwise, it would not be the "final" thing.
If you need steps that consume time, there is no way of doing this without modifying the existing tests. The simplest approach is declaring a global event like test_done in a package p, and then replacing $finish; with ->p::test_done;. But sometimes you need to shut down other free-running process. Doing that requires much more coordination, which is exactly what UVM accomplishes with its phases and objections mechanism.

Loading Variables into Functions from Structs in Matlab

Say I have a project which is comprised of:
A main script that handles all of the running of my simulation
Several smaller functions
A couple of structs containing the data
Within the script I will be accessing the functions many times within for loops (some over a thousand times within the minute long simulation). Each function is also looking for data contained with a struct files as part of their calculations, which are usually parameters that are fixed over the course of the simulation, however need to be varied manually between runs to observe the effects.
As typically these functions form the bulk of the runtime I'm trying to save time, as my simulation can't quite run at real-time as it stands (the ultimate goal), and I lose alot of time passing variables/parameters around functions. So I've had three ideas to try and do this:
Load the structs in the main simulation, then pass each variable in turn to the function in the form of a large argument (the current solution).
Load the structs every time the function is called.
Define the structs as global variables.
In terms of both the efficiency of the system (most relevent as the project develops), and possibly as I'm no expert programmer from a "good practise" perspective what is the best solution for this? Is there another option that I have not considered?
As mentioned above in the comments - the 1st item is best one.
Have you used the profiler to find out where you code takes most of its time?
profile on
% run your code
profile viewer
Note: if you are modifying your input struct in your child functions -> this will take more time, but if you are just referencing them then that should not be a problem.
Matlab does what's known as a "lazy copy" when passing arguments between functions. This means that it passes a pointer to the data to the function, rather than creating a new instance of that data, which is very efficient memory- and speed-wise. However, if you make any alteration to that data inside the subroutine, then it has to make a new instance of that argument so as to not overwrite the argument's value in the main function. Your response to matlabgui indicates you're doing just that. So, the subroutine may be making an entire new struct every time it's called, even though it's only modifying a small part of that struct's values.
If your subroutine is altering a small part of the array, then your best bet is to just pass that small part to it, then assign your outputs. For instance,
[modified_array] = somesubroutine(struct.original_array);
You can also do this in just one line. Conceptually, the less data you pass to the subroutine, the smaller the memory footprint is. I'd also recommend reading up on in-place operations, as it relates to this.
Also, as a general rule, don't use global variables in Matlab. I have not personally experienced, nor read of an instance in which they were genuinely faster.

Objective-C: Calling and copying the same block from multiple threads

I'm dealing with neural networks here, but it's safe to ignore that, as the real question has to deal with blocks in objective-c. Here is my issue. I found a way to convert a neural network into a big block that can be executed all at once. However, it goes really, really slow, relative to activating the network. This seems a bit counterintuitive.
If I gave you a group of nested functions like
CGFloat answer = sin(cos(gaussian(1.5*x + 2.5*y)) + (.3*d + bias))
//or in block notation
^(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat d, CGFloat bias) {
return sin(cos(gaussian(1.5*x + 2.5*y)) + (.3*d + bias));
In theory, running that function multiple times should be easier/quicker than looping through a bunch of connections, and setting nodes active/inactive, etc, all of which essentially calculate this same function in the end.
However, when I create a block (see thread: how to create function at runtime) and run this code, it is slow as all hell for any moderately sized network.
Now, what I don't quite understand is:
When you copy a block, what exactly are you copying?
Let's say, I copy a block twice, copy1 and copy2. If I call copy1 and copy2 on the same thread, is the same function called? I don't understand exactly what the docs mean for block copies: Apple Block Docs
Now if I make that copy again, copy1 and copy2, but instead, I call the copies on separate threads, now how do the functions behave? Will this cause some sort of slowdown, as each thread attempts to access the same block?
When you copy a block, what exactly
are you copying?
You are copying any state the block has captured. If that block captures no state -- which that block appears not to -- then the copy should be "free" in that the block will be a constant (similar to how #"" works).
Let's say, I copy a block twice, copy1
and copy2. If I call copy1 and copy2
on the same thread, is the same
function called? I don't understand
exactly what the docs mean for block
copies: Apple Block Docs
When a block is copied, the code of the block is never copied. Only the captured state. So, yes, you'll be executing the exact same set of instructions.
Now if I make that copy again, copy1
and copy2, but instead, I call the
copies on separate threads, now how do
the functions behave? Will this cause
some sort of slowdown, as each thread
attempts to access the same block?
The data captured within a block is not protected from multi-threaded access in any way so, no, there would be no slowdown (but there will be all the concurrency synchronization fun you might imagine).
Have you tried sampling the app to see what is consuming the CPU cycles? Also, given where you are going with this, you might want to become acquainted with your friendly local disassembler (otool -TtVv binary/or/.o/file) as it can be quite helpful in determining how costly a block copy really is.
If you are sampling and seeing lots of time in the block itself, then that is just your computation consuming lots of CPU time. If the block were to consume CPU during the copy, you would see the consumption in a copy helper.
Try creating a source file that contains a bunch of different kinds of blocks; with parameters, without, with captured state, without, with captured blocks with/without captured state, etc.. and a function that calls Block_copy() on each.
Disassemble that and you'll gain a deep understanding on what happens when blocks are copied. Personally, I find x86_64 assembly to be easier to read than ARM. (This all sounds like good blog fodder -- I should write it up).

Does MATLAB perform tail call optimization?

I've recently learned Haskell, and am trying to carry the pure functional style over to my other code when possible. An important aspect of this is treating all variables as immutable, i.e. constants. In order to do so, many computations that would be implemented using loops in an imperative style have to be performed using recursion, which typically incurs a memory penalty due to the allocation a new stack frame for each function call. In the special case of a tail call (where the return value of a called function is immediately returned to the callee's caller), however, this penalty can be bypassed by a process called tail call optimization (in one method, this can be done by essentially replacing a call with a jmp after setting up the stack properly). Does MATLAB perform TCO by default, or is there a way to tell it to?
If I define a simple tail-recursive function:
function tailtest(n)
if n==0; feature memstats; return; end
and call it so that it will recurse quite deeply:
then it doesn't look as if stack frames are eating a lot of memory. However, if I make it recurse much deeper:
then (on my machine, today) MATLAB simply crashes: the process unceremoniously dies.
I don't think this is consistent with MATLAB doing any TCO; the case where a function tail-calls itself, only in one place, with no local variables other than a single argument, is just about as simple as anyone could hope for.
So: No, it appears that MATLAB does not do TCO at all, at least by default. I haven't (so far) looked for options that might enable it. I'd be surprised if there were any.
In cases where we don't blow out the stack, how much does recursion cost? See my comment to Bill Cheatham's answer: it looks like the time overhead is nontrivial but not insane.
... Except that Bill Cheatham deleted his answer after I left that comment. OK. So, I took a simple iterative implementation of the Fibonacci function and a simple tail-recursive one, doing essentially the same computation in both, and timed them both on fib(60). The recursive implementation took about 2.5 times longer to run than the iterative one. Of course the relative overhead will be smaller for functions that do more work than one addition and one subtraction per iteration.
(I also agree with delnan's sentiment: highly-recursive code of the sort that feels natural in Haskell is typically likely to be unidiomatic in MATLAB.)
There is a simple way to check this. Create this function tail_recursion_check:
function r = tail_recursion_check(n)
if n > 1
r = tail_recursion_check(n - 1);
and run tail_recursion_check(10), for example. You are going to see a very long stack trace with 10 items that says error at line 3. If there were tail call optimization, you would only see one.