ConvertTo-XML doesn't display as expected - powershell

In a foreach loop, I am trying to gather information about a number of objects, and concatenate them all in one XML file.
foreach($Task in $Tasks) {
$OutputObj = New-Object -TypeName PSobject
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Computer
# does not work, $s contains '#document'
$s = ConvertTo-XML -InputObject $OutputObj
Write-Host $s
# works as expected
$OutputObj | Export-CliXML $OutPath
What am I doing wrong with ConvertTo-XML? How can I get it to produce the output that Export-CliXML? To be clear, I want to convert each $outputobj and append it to the output file.

Try this:
($Tasks | ForEach-Object {
$OutputObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Computer
Write-Output $OutputObj
} | ConvertTo-XML -NoTypeInformation).Save($OutPath)
or this:
$combined = #()
foreach($Task in $Tasks) {
$OutputObj = New-Object -TypeName PSobject
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Computer
$combined += $OutputObj
$combined | Export-CliXML $OutPath
What a result do you want to see?
To learn more about ConvertTo-XML read the article "Dress Up Your XML Output with the ConvertTo-XML Cmdlet"

Instead of
$s = ConvertTo-XML -InputObject $OutputObj
$s = $OutputObj | ConvertTo-XML
I have the same problem with ConvertTo-CSV. The -InputObject parameter is not working as I expect. But piping the object(s) to the ConvertTo-CSV works as expected.


Powershell Script to get Count from List with filter

Powershell script to get Count from SharePoint List
The following code works fine. It grabs data from a SharePoint list "Assignment Status" and display the results in csv file export. I want it to display the count. I was the output to show 2 columns: AssignedToPerson and the Count.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Get the Web
$web = Get-SPWeb -identity ""
#Get the Target List
$list = $web.Lists["Pending Assignments"]
#Array to Hold Result - PSObjects
$ListItemCollection = #()
$list.Items | Where-Object { $_["Assignment Status"] -eq "Pending"} | foreach {
$ExportItem = New-Object PSObject
#Read more:
$ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AssignedPerson" -value $_["AssignedPerson"]
$ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "TotalCountofPendingItems" -value $_["Count"]
#Add the object with property to an Array
$ListItemCollection += $ExportItem
#Export the result Array to CSV file
$ListItemCollection | Export-CSV "c:\dev1scripts\Exportfile.csv" -NoTypeInformation
#Dispose the web Object
#Read more:
Results should be like the following:
"Jonathan Adams", 3
"Roger Smith", 5
"Candice Matthews", 19
and so on...
Modify the PowerShell as below.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Get the Web
$web = Get-SPWeb -identity ""
#Get the Target List
$list = $web.Lists["Pending Assignments"]
#Array to Hold Result - PSObjects
$ListItemCollection = #()
$list.Items | Where-Object { $_["Assignment Status"] -eq "Pending"} | foreach {
$ExportItem = New-Object PSObject
$ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AssignedPerson" -value $_["AssignedPerson"]
$ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TotalCountofPendingItems" -value $_["Count"]
#Add the object with property to an Array
$ListItemCollection += $ExportItem
$ExportItem = New-Object PSObject
$ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AssignedPerson" -value "Total:$ItemCount"
$ExportItem | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TotalCountofPendingItems" -value "Total:$TotalCount"
$ListItemCollection += $ExportItem
#Export the result Array to CSV file
$ListItemCollection | Export-CSV "c:\dev1scripts\Exportfile.csv" -NoTypeInformation
#Dispose the web Object
The results:

Powershell custom append object to csv file

I'm trying to output a custom object to a csv formatted text file as I loop through a for each. One object per line.
But nothing is written to the file.
Is it something with types to be converted ?
$rechten = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $v -Recursive -ERRORACTION silentlycontinue | Get-ADUser -Property DisplayName -ERRORACTION silentlycontinue | Select-Object Name
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "ADgroup $v wordt uitgevlooid."
foreach ($rechtenhouder in $rechten) {
$objResults = New-Object PSObject
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DirectoryPath -Value $objPath
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Identity -Value $
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Systemrights -Value $accessRight.FileSystemRights
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name systemrightstype -Value $accessRight.accesscontroltype
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name isinherited -Value $accessRight.isinherited
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name inheritanceflags -Value $accessRight.inheritanceflags
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name rulesprotected -Value $objACL.areaccessrulesprotected
$objResults | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Adtype -Value "User"
$arrResults += $objResults
Add-Content $exportpathtxtappend $objresults
For your specific use exporting all objects at once or in batches would be the most efficient, but there are times were it would make sense to export a record one at a time to a CSV file which is what led me to this question, so I want to post my solution.
Use Export-CSV -Append to continually add to the end of a csv file.
foreach ($rechtenhouder in $rechten) {
$objResults = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
DirectoryPath = $objPath;
Identity = $;
Systemrights = $accessRight.FileSystemRights;
systemrightstype = $accessRight.accesscontroltype;
isinherited = $accessRight.isinherited;
inheritanceflags = $accessRight.inheritanceflags;
rulesprotected = $objACL.areaccessrulesprotected;
Adtype = "User";
$objResults | Export-CSV $csvPath -Append -NoTypeInformation
This is useful if you are continually polling at set time intervals, but less so if you are iterating over a collection of objects, just export them all at once. For example, I would use this method of exporting for a script like below:
$procs = Get-Process | Select-Object Name,CPU
$procs | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name "Timestamp" -Value $(Get-Date)
$procs | Export-CSV $csvPath -Append -NoTypeInformation
sleep -Seconds 60
First, I suggest you to create your object in a decent smarter way:
foreach ($rechtenhouder in $rechten) {
$objResults = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
DirectoryPath = $objPath;
Identity = $;
Systemrights = $accessRight.FileSystemRights;
systemrightstype = $accessRight.accesscontroltype;
isinherited = $accessRight.isinherited;
inheritanceflags = $accessRight.inheritanceflags;
rulesprotected = $objACL.areaccessrulesprotected;
Adtype = "User";
$arrResults += $objResults
With this done, your $arrResults now contains your objects. This can easily exported to CSV files with PowerShells builtin Export-CSV:
$arrResults | Export-Csv -Path "C:/temp/text.csv"
Using Add-Content on every loop iteration is IMHO ineffective regarding performance. If your script runs for a long time and you want to save your current state in intervals, you could e.g. start an asynchronous job - let's say every 10th iteration - exporting your current array:
$i = 0
foreach ($rechtenhouder in $rechten) {
$objResults = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
DirectoryPath = $objPath;
Identity = $;
Systemrights = $accessRight.FileSystemRights;
systemrightstype = $accessRight.accesscontroltype;
isinherited = $accessRight.isinherited;
inheritanceflags = $accessRight.inheritanceflags;
rulesprotected = $objACL.areaccessrulesprotected;
Adtype = "User";
$arrResults += $objResults
if ($i % 10 -eq 0) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
param($T, $Path)
$T | Export-Csv -Path $Path
} -ArgumentList #($arrTest, "Path/to/script")

powershell script to return all forwarding rules in org

I need to pull all forwarding rules for an exchange online environment, and output them to a csv. this sounds simple, but I have an additional caveat. there are 23,000 mailboxes in the org.
I was able to write the script I needed, it outputted the data, but it timed out.
then I was able to break out only certain mailboxes that were critical (11,000) but I was still timing out in powershell.
so finally, I found an article that detailed breaking up a script into blocks of 1,000, and running numerous sessions. and runs! it runs without timing out.
but it doesn't output to the csv anymore.
since my script has gone through several iterations, I'm pretty sure that my problem is the way I'm storing, or outputting the array, but for all my staring at this, I cant figure it out. short of asking the doc for a prescription of Adderall, I figured id ask here. below is the offending script.
the aliaslist.csv that it mentions is just a csv with a list of aliases for 11,000 mailboxes. if you would like to run your own tests, you can adjust $pagesize down and paste a few mailboxes into a csv called aliaslist, stored in c:\temp
Function New-O365ExchangeSession()
#close any old remote session
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession -Confirm:$false
#start a new office 365 remote session
$365session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "" -Credential $365master -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
$office365 = Import-PSSession $365session
#set input variables
$path = "C:\temp"
$InputFile = aliaslist.csv"
$UserEmail = ""
#set variables for csv usage
$Offset = 0;
$PageSize = 1000;
$MbxMax = (Import-Csv "$path/$InputFile").count
#Loop in the list and retrieve the device’s information
$file = “c:\temp\office365-$((get-date).tostring(“yyyy-MM-dd”)).csv”
$365master = get-credential $UserEmail
New-O365ExchangeSession $365master
# call the office365 remote connection function
$mbxlist=#(import-csv "$path/$InputFile"|select-object -skip $Offset -First $PageSize)
"Process entry $($Offset) to $($Offset+$PageSize)"
#end csv input count reference
ForEach($mbx in $MbxList)
#Write to Host
"start Processing $($mbx.alias)"
#end Write to host,
#Check rules
$rules = Get-InboxRule -mailbox $_.alias | ? {$_.RedirectTo -ne $null -or $_.ForwardTo -ne $null -or $_.ForwardAsAttachmentTo -ne $null}
If ($rules -ne $null)
$rules | % {
#check for forwardAsAttachments
If ($_.ForwardAsAttachmentTo -ne $null)
$obj = New-Object system.object
$obj | Add-Member -name "NetID" -Value $_.alias -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "ForwardType" -Value "Forward As Attachment Rule" -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "ForwardAddress" -Value $_.forwardAsAttachmentTo -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "Enabled" -Value $_.Enabled -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "Description" -Value $f -MemberType NoteProperty
If (Test-Path $file)
$mbx.alias + ”,” + ($obj | ConvertTo-Csv)[2] | Out-File $file –Append
$obj | Export-Csv $file -Encoding ASCII -notypeinformation
$obj = $null
#check for redirects
If ($_.redirectto -ne $null)
$obj = New-Object system.object
$obj | Add-Member -name "NetID" -Value $_.alias -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "ForwardType" -Value "Redirct Rule" -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "ForwardAddress" -Value $_.redirectto -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "Enabled" -Value $_.Enabled -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "Description" -Value $c -MemberType NoteProperty
If (Test-Path $file)
$mbx.alias + ”,” + ($obj | ConvertTo-Csv)[2] | Out-File $file –Append
$obj | Export-Csv $file -Encoding ASCII -notypeinformation
$obj = $null
#check for forwards
If ($_.ForwardTo -ne $null)
$obj = New-Object system.object
$obj | Add-Member -name "NetID" -Value $_.alias -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "ForwardType" -Value "Forward Rule" -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "ForwardAddress" -Value $_.forwardto -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "Enabled" -Value $_.Enabled -MemberType NoteProperty
$obj | Add-Member -name "Description" -Value $f -MemberType NoteProperty
If (Test-Path $file)
($obj | ConvertTo-Csv)[2] | Out-File $file –Append
$obj | Export-Csv $file -Encoding ASCII -notypeinformation
$obj = $null
#increment the start point for the next chunk
#Call the office365 remote session function to close the current one and open a new session
New-O365ExchangeSession $365master
} while($Offset -lt $MbxMax)

Copy entire list using Powershell CSOM sharepoint

I need to export an entire list as a .csv file. I actually have this code which works great but I need to write each column I want to export:
$listTitle = "Example"
$list = $ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle($listTitle);
$query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery;
$query.ViewXml = "<View><Query><Where><Geq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>1</Value></Geq></Where></Query></View>"
$listItems = $list.GetItems($query);
$tableau =#();
foreach ($listItem in $listItems)
$result = new-object psobject
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Title -value $listItem['Title'];
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Description -value $listItem['Description'];
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Age -value $listItem['Age'];
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Sexe -value $listItem['Sexe'];
$tableau += $result;
$CsvName2 = "Export_"+$ListTitle.replace(' ','_')+".csv"
$tableau | export-csv $CsvName2 -notype;
The part I want to improve is the foreach loop:
foreach ($listItem in $listItems)
$result = new-object psobject
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Title -value $listItem['Title'];
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Description -value $listItem['Description'];
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Age -value $listItem['Age'];
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name Sexe -value $listItem['Sexe'];
$tableau += $result;
I want the script collects all columns but I don't know how to do it...
I got this advice: Replace my loop with:
foreach ($listItem in $listItems)
$result = new-object psobject
foreach ($field in $listItem.Fields)
if ($field.Hidden -eq $false)
$result | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name $field.Title -value $listItem[$field.InternalName];
$tableau += $result;
But all I got is a blank file. I don't really understand structure of list/filed items.
Thanks for your help.

No way to export tables in PowerShell?

OK, everything about PowerShell has been fantastic so far, but for something that is so great they sure made exporting results to files complicated as hell. Anyway, how can I get the Export $Results variable to a deliminated file so it can be imported to Excel?
Final script
[string[]]$ComputerName = "HellBombs-PC"
begin {
process {
foreach($Computer in $ComputerName) {
Write-Verbose "Working on $Computer"
if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -ea 0) {
$HKLM = [microsoft.win32.registrykey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$computer)
$UninstallRef = $HKLM.OpenSubKey($UninstallRegKey)
$Applications = $UninstallRef.GetSubKeyNames()
foreach ($App in $Applications) {
$AppRegistryKey = $UninstallRegKey + "\\" + $App
$AppDetails = $HKLM.OpenSubKey($AppRegistryKey)
$AppGUID = $App
$AppDisplayName = $($AppDetails.GetValue("DisplayName"))
$AppVersion = $($AppDetails.GetValue("DisplayVersion"))
$AppPublisher = $($AppDetails.GetValue("Publisher"))
$AppInstalledDate = $($AppDetails.GetValue("InstallDate"))
$AppUninstall = $($AppDetails.GetValue("UninstallString"))
if(!$AppDisplayName) {
$OutputObj = New-Object -TypeName PSobject
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $Computer.ToUpper()
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AppName -Value $AppDisplayName
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AppVersion -Value $AppVersion
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AppVendor -Value $AppPublisher
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InstalledDate -Value $AppInstalledDate
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UninstallKey -Value $AppUninstall
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name AppGUID -Value $AppGUID
$Result += #($OutputObj)
$Result | select -Property * | export-csv -notypeinformation -path Info.txt
end {}
Use export-csv.
$Result | select -Property * | export-csv -notypeinformation -append -path .\test.txt