How does the doT.js Plugin for PHPstorm work? - plugins

I want to use doT.js-Templates in JetBrains PHPStorm.
I found a plugin on the JetBrains Plugin-Site for doT-Templates.
I installed it and restarted the IDE, but it doesn't seem like anything has changed.
The Github-Page or the description don't tell anything about what exactly the plugin does or how it works.
Does anyone know what this plugin does?
Or does anyone know another way for achieving syntax highlighting or IntelliSense for dotJS-Templates in PHPStorm?

I found the solution myself.
In order for the doT-Plugin to highlight doT-Template-Sytax, I had to create files with the .dot-extension instead of the ".html" extension I had before.
But if anyone sees this and decides to use this solution, be aware that changing your .html-Files to .dot-Files wrecks PHPStorm's autocompletion of html-Code inside of these files.


Why does my ':' show "Windows only Oledll" in the intellisense? [duplicate]

While writing Python code on VS Code, it is showing suggestions like:
windll Windows only: Creates ()
I have tried to see if this was coming from snippet extension I might have installed but I don't think I have any... can anyone shine a light on why I am getting his code completion nonsense?
I had this same issue, every time :, ., def, or if is typed, there's annoying suggestions that don't make sense. I found out it's the Python Extended extension that's responsible for this. It seems to be reported on it's GitHub issues page, but for now I would disable the extension as it doesn't seem to be working at all for me. I recommend PyLance as a replacement.
It's the extension problem.
You have installed the extension named: Python Extended inside your vs code and you will need to uninstall it.
It works well on my editor after uninstalling this extension.

How do I fix intellisense in Vs code?

I have tried finding answers but none are helping so far.
It seems my VS code is not running correctly.
It does not autocomplete, does not show if something is missing a reference like controllerbase in this case, although it breaks the build:
It also does not pick up existing items to select while typing at all.
I have re installed VS code and of course restarted it.
Any help is appreciated.
You most to be sure that only have the plugins that you need some times many plugins can create bad behavior in vs code intellisense

WebStorm formatting settings - port to another editor

Is there any way to get another editor, like VSCode, to format code ( JavaScript in my case, if it matters ) like the WebStorm IDE formats code by default? I'm not familiar with that IDE, but I'm hoping that it uses a config of some sort that can maybe be exported and imported in another editor. I tried looking for one, but couldn't find anything.
The core problem, if it matters, is that all of our team members use WS to write code and they use the built in formatter, so if I use another one it creates inconsistencies and long commits when editing already written files. As you are probably guessing by now, I would like to use another editor, because I find IDE's bloated and slow.
I don't know if there is a way to import Webstorm formatting rules into VS Code, but I think there is another solution:
I remember in one of the projects i worked on, we used a linter which also auto-formatted code. The advantage is that Webstorm and VSCode can pick pick the linter rules automatically, and then you have same formatting on both.
The downside is that you would need to agree with the team on what does rule will be and then configure them on the linter.

How to add syntax highlighting for .nbs files in NetBeans

I cant't seem to find any plugin that does this.
Does anyone know?
It is already there, I use NetBeans 8.2 and when you open a NBS file it will highlights the code inside. It is not perfect, because you have to click a bit inside the file and maybe close and open it again but it is still there. You can create a ticket for improvements here:

Painless integration of Eclipse with Vim?

Has anyone managed to get Vim integrated into Eclipse painlessly? I just want to use Vim for the editor while retaining the general Eclipse interface. I have tried using Eclim plugin but the editor seemed to crash more often than work (the site said that the editor replacement functionality is still beta).
On the flip side, is there any IDE which matches Eclipse's functionality—mainly the integration with SVN, ant, etc.—and is also able to use Vim?
I mostly use eclipse for SAS SCL, Java and Javascript programming and find the eclipse editor too "mouse-y".
I'd also like, in a perfect world, to use vimdiff as a diff viewer for SVN (we use TortoiseSVN) while checking for diffs or conflicts during merge etc. I admit I havent spent a lot of time trying to get these things to work. I feel guilty about spending too much time on potential wild-goose-chases while my other team members are working away at their code, perfectly content with all that Eclipse has to offer.
Edit: Just found this while desperately browsing around: Vim plugin. Any experience using this? From the claims on the site, it sounds perfect.
I've been using Vrapper for about 2 months and it works great. It is simple to install, and makes life much easier.
It doesn't integrate Vim with Eclipse, it just emulates Vim's behaviour so you don't need to have Vim installed.
I have been experiencing errors while refactoring methods in Eclipse (only when Vrapper was installed) so I stopped using it.
Now I'm using ViPlugin (very similar to vrapper). It works great (especially since version 2.0) and I recommend it, but it is not free (but cheap and has a trial version)
As the new post mentioned, if we always use the rename dialog to rename, it can be a work around for Varpper.
Preferences > Java > and uncheck "Rename in editor without dialog"
The consensus seems summarized in that Wanted: VIM in Eclipse article.
No decent Vi plugin exists for eclipse, except viplugin which does not offer macro mechanisms.
Whereas on the NetBeans side... jvi does a killing job ;)
WOW, this is the one!
It just came out a few months ago, and seems much better than the other alternatives...and it is open source.
I use Viable, which is a new plugin for Eclipse providing Vi emulation. It is very similar to vrapper, but it doesn't have the same problem as vrapper with refactoring (as cysiek10 described.)
It's got some pretty cool features which none of the other Vim emulators in Eclipse seem to have (though jvi for NetBeans has a few of these) such as:
Visual block mode
External filters and commands
Command history
Window splits (love having this one!)
It is pay; however, you can try the full version for free just like viPlugin.
I never had much luck with vim integration into any IDE, be it Eclipse, Visual Studio, NetBeans, or sth else. Instead when stuck using an IDE, I just make the IDE launch a custom program: which passes the file onto vim using the client/server feature.
I.e. vim --servername SomeName --remote-{choice of how to open it: splits or tabs} {extra args like filename and +line#}
I just tried Eclim and found it really good. I can still edit inside Vim, and enjoy most of the benefits of the eclipse IDE inside Vim (such as better omni completions).
The best thing about Eclim is we are still using the original Vim, so I can enjoy all the existing benefits (my own functions, macros, etc.) while having the extra convenience provided by an IDE., which I found over the weekend was the closest I could come to a nice integration. Unfortunately when I opened more than 2 files in my IDE, it made my entire workstation unresponsive. And I didn't even use the "new process" option for the editor.
So bottom line it does seem that there is no decent integration available yet. Although with some it's close. I'm rooting for vimplugin to stabilize and I'll also some time (when I'm not eating up my employer's time like now) play some more with hte plugin to see if I can make it usable.
I tried Eclim and didn't like it at all. I ended using this plugin called "viPlugin," which actually works well enough to warrant using it every day. Here is the site for viPlugin:
The big downside of this plugin is that it's not free. I paid for it, and I think it's worth it. there any IDE which matches Eclipse's functionality -- mainly the integration with SVN, ant, etc. -- and is also able to use Vim?
IntelliJ IDEA has a very good VI plugin, but I didn't like it, although the plugin did it's work.
My problem was I have formed habits to use IDEA and those were harder and my experiment didn't it through. So I uninstall the plugin, and learned idea shortcuts instead.
But, is not free :(
Vrapper does the trick.
After installing Vrapper you need to remove CTRL+W key binding in Eclipse settings. Or else it keeps closing the editor when you actually meant Backspace.
It also comes with "surround" and split window plugins. Be sure to install those.
This is not 100% Vim, though. And nothing is 100% Vim except for Vim (doh!). You will find some commands missing (or you may not, depending on how "vimy" you are). But vrapper has :vim command, which opens up Vim editor with the current file in the buffer and places your cursor in the exact location in the file. This way you can continue editing from where you left off. When you're done in Vim just close the editor, and you return to your eclipse editor.
I hope this was helpful.