Custom open graph stories being changed - facebook

I've created custom open graph sentences for my story.
There is an open-graph action called Send and an open-graph object called Treat.
The story is called Send a Treat.
This issue is that after a day or so, the custom sentences are reverted to their previous values!
For example, for One to One:
I changed it to Simon has sent a treat.
However after a day when we started testing it, it changes back to Simon has sent {treat.title}
Is it because our custom sentences contain the word 'treat'? Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way around it?
Response from Facebook bug report:
This is by design. If you want to trigger the "One to One - Without Object Title" story, you need to leave the og:title tag empty. More info:
Every time I change a sentence in the OpenGraph->Stories section, it just reverts back to its previous value. This can't be 'by design'...


Posting a Facebook Story causes two entries to appear in Activity Log

I am posting a Facebook Story using an Open Graph Action and Object. Everything seems to work great except when I look on my activity log. I am seeing two entries, one expected one
"<'name> <'action> <'noun> in <'game>"
but I am seeing one that I don't expect
"<'name> posted a <'noun> in <'game>"
I've tracked it down and it seems to get posted as soon as I create the Open Graph object using FB.API("/me/objects/<'game>:<'object>", Facebook.HttpMethod.POST, CreateObjectCallback, oParams);
Which I believe is required to create the object that will be used in the story post. Does anyone know how to create this object for use in the story post without having an entry added to the activity log for it?

Open Graph object showing different with each story

Okay, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong in Open Graph, but here goes. I've got 3 stories in my Open Graph, which are three different actions linked to one object type.
Make A Pledge To -> Cause
Create -> Cause
Log Expense For -> Cause
Here is what the three look like in the sample section (I'm pretty sure they look like that in the actual timeline as well).
Make a pledge to a cause:
Create a cause:
Log an expense for a cause:
Is there a reason why the "make a pledge" layout is different? Both objects are actual objects on my website, parsed via providing the url to Facebook's sample data tool. I've set the caption in the "make a pledge" story to the same as the "create" story, but the description and cause target that appears in the "create" story doesn't appear in the "make a pledge" story.
Could someone help me on this? Is there a way I can make the "make a pledge" story look like the "create" story? Or is this something Facebook decides?
Facebook uses both formats – and which gets chosen is not up to you or any settings you make/picture formats you use, but Facebook themselves decides that. It might even be one or the other for different users viewing one and the same story.
They do that to test out the formats, and see which one is more “successful”, meaning which one generates more user interaction.
(Can’t point you to a source for that, but is has been confirmed by Facebook employees in the Facebook Developers Group.)
Facebook checks if an image is available on the referenced site/link. If it finds it, it shows a slightly different format. Your second two actions didn't have an image in the reference.

Opengraph displaying as One to One - Without Object Title

In my facebook app i have given the necessary meta tags for the open graph url. When i publish a story using open graph, the story is published on the wall as One to One - Without Object Title mode. When i view it in open graph settings, the One to One mode is displayed correctly. I have added a screenshot for better understanding
Answered the same question here Facebook Open Graph Not Showing Object Title
I have a workaround:
To your "school" object add a property "name" of type string.
Edit your story "visited school": In the One to One without object
title change the story to "visited a {} via Eduraft"
from "visited a {school.title} via Eduraft"
Save the changes.
When creating the school object, then along with "title" provide
same string to the property name. Publish the story.
i had the same problem.
i got perfect solution try this:
Change the story of the type "One to One - Without Object Title" as "Object" from "Object.noun".
For e.g: Story sentense would be as follow:
"Tejas ran race with sample."
Here race is my object.
Keep the sentence of story of the type "One to One" as Object.title as it is.
For e.g: "Tejas ran race.title with sample."
Here race is my object.

Facebook Like button does not register likes correctly

I am maintaining a blog (in Tumblr):
For the past few weeks the Facebook like buttons on the blog's posts are acting up.
Few of the posts' like buttons are OK, but others suffer from two problems:
A. Some buttons do not save the like count (you can click on the button but when you refresh the page, the button is reset and your like is not saved). for example: sweet and sour chicken.
B. Other buttons carry the like count of the blog itself ( and not of the exact post. for example: corona brown bread.
This behavior does not seem to be related to my code because when I enter the urls in the Like buttons page the generated buttons act the same.
The site passes the Lint Debug.
Any ideas?
Update: Though Mutant24 spotted an error, it does not seem to be the cause of the problem.
With out any interference by my part, the two examples given above now act the same. meaning, they both carry the like count of the blog itself (as do the Like buttons in the Like Button generation page for these urls).
The value held in is the real like count of that post.
Dori : in the og meta tags u have assigned wrong value in og:url
original url is -
and your are providing -
Please fix it and check ur issues will be solved.
Inserting the "Sweet and sour chicken"'s url into the like button creator produces the following error:
The app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag is not allowed on
this domain. You must setup the Connect Base Domains for your app to
be a prefix of
Its attempting to like the post but failing.

facebook apps settings opengraph dashboard not updating

I asked a similar question earlier, but it was one of a bunch of questions, most of which I later solved. So I figured I would create a new question only about this.
In developers.facebook => $MY_APP => app settings => open graph => dashboard, you have options to manage your actions and objects. When I try to edit an action, for example by changing its name, or the object reference it points to, these changes wil ostensibly be saved, but when I refresh the page, it will not have the changes (for the object reference) or the url for the object will not change (for changing the action name).
For example,
When I change the name of action1 to action2, from "get code" the page will still be$action1
Furthermore, calling myapp:$action2 will not work, and when I call myapp:$action1 the action that shows up in my timeline is still $action1.
I may also wish to change the title of my object, from say title1 to title2. However, when I try to change the action so that the reference is to title2, the changes refuse to save.
Is there a solution to this, or should I just delete everything and start anew without making mistakes? I tried deleting the actions and objects and making new ones with the old names, but the moment a make an action with the old name all the old fields are filled out and I can't change them again.
EDIT: to change url and name stuff, those are in advanced options inside the action type edit page. Thanks Paul for pointing that out.
The graph api name is in the Advanced section of the ActionType edit page.
For your second question, I don't really understand why your Object Type name won't change. Do you mean the value of og:type isn't changing or the "Name" field? The second one is also in advanced.