Can I use Couchdb as a webserver and the only backend? - webserver

I'm studying Couchdb right now. It looks like I could use Couchdb as a backend and web server without needing anything else. Am I correct? Do people use Couchdb as a only backend? Are there any disadvantages doing so?

The core team seems to have pulled back from this in recent versions, but a few years ago there was a lot more of a push to run standalone apps straight out of the CouchDB, these standalone apps are called "Couch Apps".
I don't know it was ever really more than a proof-of-concept (ie. I don't know that any significant web app is actually running on this platform), but if you're interested, apparently the tools do all still work, and there's still the site with a lot of good information.
I want to add that if the problem you're trying to solve is the problem of javascript origin security, then you should know that recent CouchDB supports CORS


How can use Github for my developer to work on my backend without having to share to much credentials and code?

I have a Node.js backend running on an EC2 Instance with a Mongo DB.
I need to make some changes to my iOS App along with the Backend. I have already shared the Frontend Source Code with the developer, but I don't want to share the backend (if I don't have to directly..)
I have come across Github but I am totally new to it - also I am not a developer myself.
How can I use it for my purpose? Also, can 2 developers - say iOS developer and android developer then work on the code at the same time, without causing any mess?
What would you suggest me to do?
Appreciate any help! Thank you
Android and iOS developer can work together it will not cause any issue.
Now coming to your question first of all why a frontend developer needs to look at the backend code?..
If it's necessary ask them particularly what they wants to know may be backend code documentation can help or if the guy just need a look at some specific thing you can use some remote softwares like TeamViewer or else you don't have any options he have to look at code you can use last option to ask him sign the NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement)

What is the best way to setup a development & production environment for a PHP/MySQL app?

I've been developing a web app locally on my local MAMP computer for the last few months. Now I am ready to launch it while continuing to add enhancements/fixes. So, I am wondering what is a good way to implement a development AND production server in order to efficiently manage updates, prevent overwrites, and seamlessly add other developers into the workflow. I also want something that has a minimal learning curve for me. Personally, for whatever reason, I've never been able to fully grasp version control systems like Git or SVN so I am hoping for an easier solution until I am able to invest more info the business.
As I see it, the options that I have are:
Spend more time learning Git before launching. And hoping that I don't break anything while further developing my app.
Buy two hosting accounts. One for Dev and one for Prod, where only I can do the deployments into Prod. I suppose I'd have to keep track of all files we've modified in a spreadsheet that are deemed ready for deployment.
Editing right on the FTP (no Dev server).
Are there any other options that you can recommend? I've heard that there are some new types of Web Hosting companies that can do the heavy lifting...
While personally, I have had good experiences using svn/git for multi-developer websites, I can understand your reticence to start relying on something you are not entirely familiar with. Unfortunately, I do believe that is your best option, but failing that, you might try using subdomains. My former employer would create test area on the disk and point at it. When bug fixes or upgrades were complete and verified to be working in the beta directory, the entire directory would be copied over to the live domain. Not the most elegant solution, but it worked. It certainly is cheaper than buying two hosting accounts.

Playframework 2 in the cloud

I started with python on google app engine 3 months ago.
Then I switched to Play2! on Heroku + mongodb and it is a breeze to work with.
I am really far in my project and I want to release the website in the next couple of days. But I just saw the pricing for SSL on heroku, which is really high.
And I don't want to launch my website without SSL. SSL on heroku costs $20/month without the certificate.
I saw some alternatives in this post What cloud platform supports playframework 2.x deployments?
But I am still not too happy. I want to pay as little as possible to start my website.
So at the moment I am looking on Google App Engine again. This would mean that I have to rewrite my whole DB.
Does GAE restrict some features of play2?
I also saw dotcloud but their pricing page is really confusing. I don't know how far I can go with the sandbox mode, and there is a mark on SSL so I think its somehow included but there is also an SSL addon which doubles the price.
I am okay if my website will cost me more then I will get out of it for a few months, but with the ssl on heroku is just too much.
What would you recommend me?
Currently I am looking at openshift which looks kinda interesting. They implemented SSL for free to all users, but I am still not sure if I can use this with my custom domain.
Okay it is only shared ssl. Which means I would have to get "Megashift" which costs $42/month
It seems that I can only deploy war files to GAE, which destroys the purpose of play2.
So I would have to choose between heroku, dotcloud and openshift. And all of them are expensive if you want to use SSL.
I would advice you to give openshift a try
It's free, red hat has stated that it will keep a free offering (it's not just during the beta...)
Here's a screencast:
a github repo
and an article at red hat
I doubt that GAE will work properly with Play. The blacklisting of some classes will impact your project with several limitations that you won't have in another environment, and you have the issue of deploying war files (there are plugins for that in Play 2, but still).
Look at it from another point of view:
if your project is a personal "for fun" project with no other aim than trying something, you probably don't need SSL. Even if you really need (or want) SSL, 20$/month is not so much for a hobby, people pay close to that in games like WoW (subscription + extras) each month.
if your project is serious (startup, aiming to get money) you should stop worrying about expenses like 20$. They are investments to get the cash coming. If as a business you are willing to rewrite your code to save just 20$, you are doomed to fail.
I can recommend you Jelastic.
Besides it offers Jelastic SSL and Custom SSL as well at a reasonable price.
Some hosting Providers allow SSL for free for their customers and the price actually varies depending on the Hosting Provider you choose. So you have alternative here.
Jelastic has recently provided a tutorial on how to deploy Play 2 web framework application to the cloud. So you can freely use it as a basis.

node.js JSON/REST framework for a single-page application

I'm developing an application that consists of a 'fat' javascript client backed by a JSON/REST server for data access. The data is stored in mongodb but the system should be flexible enough to switch to a relational backend if required.
I started out with pintura as the server side framework but recently ran into some problems (specifically with the perstore/filestore). I noticed that one problem has even been reported (including a fix) over a month ago, but there has been no reply to it and the issue is still present.
There seems to be relatively low activity in this project so I was wondering if many people are actually using it, and how stable the framework is.
Does anybody here have experience with this framework or know of an alternative framework that has similar capabilities?
I agree the project and the website/blog does not seem to be active, although the perstore repository does have recent activity. I'd contact the author there since your problem seems more related to that.
A search for REST on will show quite a few results, although I cannot recommend any from experience.

Anyone know what tumblr is written in

Does anyone know what tumblr is written in? I have been trying to figure it out.
It's PHP...
I wonder if the Tumblr guys are using a framework or if it is all home brew.
Both: it’s a homebrew framework to add MVC structure and a useful secondary function library to PHP 5 that we started in 2006 and have constantly evolved into a very finely tuned framework for our needs. The same framework runs some of Davidville’s former consulting-client sites as well as all of my personal sites and projects. It’s not available publicly anywhere, but we may release it in the future.
The lead developer's blog features a lot of PHP-related material, and Tumblr was advertising for PHP developers a while ago. This isn't strong evidence, but it's possibly indicative and it's the best I could find.
Here's the full stack as of 2013.
"We're a LAMP based stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) with Scala for our many services. Other pieces of tech we use currently in production are Memcached, Varnish and Redis."
I just logged in to my account and added the index.php and it worked, so it must be php.