simple preg_replace rule that I can't get to work - preg-replace

Can't understand how to do this preg_replace, haven't tried as don't know what to try on it, too hard to understand..
index-D.html where d is a digit from 0-99999
how to replace occurrences of that string, index-D.html to empty

The manual is pretty clear and provides examples as well:
$string = "index-D.html where d is a digit from 0-99999";
$pattern = "index-D.html";
$new_string = preg_replace($pattern, "", $string);


perl - how to remove specific word from string?

I have a string "/project/pkt/sw/tool/xxx" and should be removed "sw/tool/xxx" from the original string.
Please let suggest me how to do it?
Desired Output
my $ str = "project/pkt/sw/tool/xxx";
$str =~ s|\w*/\w*/\w*$||;
print $str;
I am getting same original string here, please let me know how to remove last three words from the original string.
The following regex modifies $str to remove the last three words as defined in the question.
$str =~ s|\w*/\w*/\w*$||;

Not able to split a string in perl - getting unmatched ( in regex; marked by (-- Here in m/ error

The below is my code
$var = ' "jjjjjjjj&Q_30006_47=540IT%20(540%2FOR%2FHPSC%2FD%2F02%2F11&Q_30006_4=&Q_30006_6=12&Q_30006_7=&Q_30006_" &';
($temp1,$temp2) = split($var,"&");
print $temp1;
I need to get
$temp1 = "jjjjjjjj
$temp2 as the remaining part of the string after the first &.
I am getting error because of the '(' in the string.
Can anyone please advise on how to split this.
I think that you have the parameter orders wrong. The pattern should be first:
($temp1,$temp2) = split("&", $var);
However, that will split on all & characters. You probably are looking for this (the 2 is the limit):
($temp1,$temp2) = split("&", $var, 2);
($temp1,$temp2) = split '&', $var, 2;

How can I replace a particular character with its upper-case counterpart?

Consider the following string
String = "this is for test. i'm new to perl! Please help. can u help? i hope so."
In the above string after . or ? or ! the next character should be in upper case. how can I do that?
I'm reading from text file line by line and I need to write modified data to another file.
your help will be greatly appreciated.
you could use a regular expression
try this:
my $s = "...";
$s =~ s/([\.\?!]\s*[a-z])/uc($1)/ge; # of course $1 , thanks to plusplus
the g-flag searches for all matches and the e-flag executes uc to convert the letter to uppercase
with [.\?!] you search for your punctuation marks
\s* is for whitespaces between the marks and the first letter of your next word and
[a-z] matches on a single letter (in this case the first one of the next word
the regular expression mentioned above searches with these patterns for every appearance of a punctuation mark followed by (optional) whitespaces and a letter and replaces it with the result of uc (which converts the match to uppercase).
For example:
my $s = "this is for test. i'm new to perl! Please help. can u help? i hope so.";
$s =~ s/([\.\?!]\s*[a-z])/uc(&1)/ge;
print $s;
will find ". i", "! P", ". c" and "? i" and replaces then, so the printed result is:
this is for test. I'm new to perl! Please help. Can u help? I hope so.
You can use the substitution operator s///:
$string =~ s/([.?!]\s*\S)/ uc($1) /ge;
Here's a split solution:
$str = "this is for test. im new to perl! Please help. can u help? i hope so.";
say join "", map ucfirst, split /([?!.]\s*)/, $str;
If all you are doing is printing to a new file, you don't need to join the string back up. E.g.
while ($line = <$input>) {
print $output map ucfirst, split /([?!.]\s*)/, $line;
edit - completely misread the question, thought you were just asking to uppercase the is for some reason, apologies for any confusion!
as the answers so far state, you could look at regular expressions, and the substitution operator (s///). No-one has mentioned the \b (word boundary) character though, which may be useful to find the single is - otherwise you are going to have to keep adding punctuation characters that you find to the character class match (the [ ... ]).
my $x = "this is for test. i'm new to perl! Please help. can u help? i hope so. ".
\"i want it to work!\". Dave, Bob, Henry viii and i are friends. foo i bar.";
$x =~ s/\bi\b/I/g; # or could use the capture () and uc($1) in eugene's answer
# this is for test. I'm new to perl! Please help. can u help? I hope so.
# "I want it to work!". Dave, Bob, Henry viii and I are friends. foo I bar.

How to get rid of control characters in perl.. specifically [gs]?

my code is as follows
my $string = $cells[71];
print $string;
this prints the string but where spaces should be there is a box with 01 10 in it. I opened it in Notepad++ and the box turned into a black GS (which i am assuming is group separator).
I looked online and it said to use:
but when i set the string to:
my $string =~s/[^[:print:]]+//g
and I run the program i get:
How do i resolve this?
I did what HOBBS said and it worked... thanks :)
Is there anyway I could print an enter where each of these characters are ( the box with 1001)?
When doing a regex match, you need to be careful to write $var =~ /pattern/, not $var = ~ /pattern/. When you use the second one, you're doing /pattern/, which is a regex match against $_, returning a number in scalar context. Then you do ~, which takes the bitwise inverse of that number, then ($var =) you assign that result to $var. Not what you wanted at all.
You have to assign the variable first, then do the substitution:
my $string = $cells[71];
$string =~ s/[^[:print:]]+//g;

Apply regexp replace only to quoted piece

I need to apply a regexp filtration to affect only pieces of text within quotes and I'm baffled.
$in = 'ab c "d e f" g h "i j" k l';
$inquotes =~ s/\s+/_/g; #arbitrary regexp working only on the pieces inside quote marks
$out = 'ab c "d_e_f" g h "i_j" k l';
(the final effect can strip/remove the quotes if that makes it easier, 'ab c d_e_f g...)
You could figure out some cute trick that looks like line noise.
Or you could keep it simple and readable, and just use split and join. Using the quote mark as a field separator, operate on every other field:
my #pieces = split /\"/, $in, -1;
foreach my $i (0 ... $#pieces) {
next unless $i % 2;
$pieces[$i] =~ s/\s+/_/g;
my $out = join '"', #pieces;
If you want you use just a regex, the following should work:
my $in = q(ab c "d e f" g h "i j" k l);
$in =~ s{"(.+?)"}{$1 =~ s/\s+/_/gr}eg;
print "$in\n";
(You said the "s may be dropped :) )
Something like
should match the quoted chunks. My perl regex syntax is a little rusty, but shouldn't just placing quote literals around what you're capturing do the job? You've then got your quoted string d e f inside the first capture group, so you can do whatever you want to it... What kind of 'arbitrary operation' are you trying to do to the quoted strings?
You might be better off matching the quoted strings, then passing them to another regex, rather than doing it all in one.