Remove Joomla Activation Email for confirming user email... LOCALHOST - email

i want to stop this functionality of Activation Email. when i tried to register an account locally, it shows activation error. i want to remove these functionality. how can i do that ?
thanks in advance.
Notice: Could not instantiate mail function.
error : " Registration failed: An error was encountered while sending the registration email. A message has been sent to the administrator of this site ".
bellow answer works as it stops activation email and register user with activated account... but still shows this notice... what should i do ???

In the Joomla backend, go to:
Users (top menu) >> User Manager >> Options
and there is a parameter called New User Account Activation. Set this to none
Hoipe this helps


Keycloak 19.0 - Send Welcome User email to registered user

I want to send an email to the registered user once the admin creates a new user saying that " the user successfully registered with the xyz email id.. " Is there any option to achieve this in keycloak 19.03 or above ?
Or Is it an out of box option in keycloak ?
Currently on initial login attempt, the newly created users can opt for forgot password and they will get a password reset link, through which them can login and verify their email. But welcome mail is possible ?
Any help is greatly appreciated !!
This is not an out of the box feature from Keycloak, but can be easily extended.
Step 1: Update your realm to record the events, show in below image.
Step 2: Extend the Event listener API from keycloak. You can find official guide here ->
Listen to user registration events and send appropriate emails.

Missing Authorization in Google form submission

I have google apps of form, when response save in spreadsheet, it activate a script to send an email to a user. After running 4 months, today I got an error message through script response:
Start Function Error Message Trigger End
11/10/16 10:49 AM formSubmitReply Authorization is required to perform that action. formSubmit 11/10/16 10:49 AM
I checked "Connected apps & sites" of "sign-in & security" of "My Account" in google. It registers 7 my apps but not the error apps.
So, I want to ask how I can activate the missing apps in authorization list.
Thanks in advance.
I had this one yesterday. I opened the faulty script in the script editor and executed it with the Run (play button) command. Don't forget to choose the function name in the drop down list on the right or it will be greyed out.
Then it asked for permissions, after granted everything was alright again.

Drupal User Creation SMTPS message fails

I'm using Drupal 7. When I add a user via Peoples > + Add User, I want the user to receive a notification e-mail.
If I tick the box: " Notify user of new account ", and then click "Create New Account", the page redirects to a blank page at "/admin/people/create". The user IS created, but no message is sent. There isn't even a log for an attempt to send an SMTP message in Drupal, or a failure etc. But the user exists.
If I DON'T tick the box, then the user is still properly created, but I don't get stuck at a blank page (the page is refreshed and I can see the green checkmark saying my changes have been applied)
How can I investigate this problem? I would like the e-mail to be sent (and I assume the blank page problem is related/the same issue) Like I said, I see no logs of e-mail trying to be sent, but it only crashes when I try to do so. Perhaps there's some other logs/debugging info I can enable?
Thank you very much,
Found my problem. The Token module was broken, and my user registration message used tokens, so this is why it crashed on user registration but not SMTP test.
Re-installing a fresh copy of the Token module fixed it.

Customizing Joomla 1.5 user registration process

I am pretty new to joomla. I have been working on the maintenance of our company's website.
Coming to the issue, the website has a 2-step user registration process where users will fill up the registration form, once they submit, a verification mail will be sent to them with the activation link. Once they click on the activation link in their mail, they will be activated.
Now, since this is getting us a lot of junk users we want to change this process.
What we want to do is :
When a user wants to register, he will be asked for his email-id.
Once the email is provided and submitted, a mail will be sent to him along with the activation link.
After the activation link is clicked he is brought to the website for further registration.
Only after this, the user will be put in our database as a valid user.
So basically, first I want to check if the email is a valid one and only then proceed with registration because email-ids are very important for our business
Please help.
Thanks in advance,
In the Database table where he will provide his email ID create a field namely "Status" that will only take Active and Inactive only. And you can use that to determine if user is active or not.

User email activation after email change in Joomla User profile

Today I faced the following problem:
I registered a new user on my Joobla 1.6 site
activated the account by link from an activation email
After login as the new user I've changed my email to a made up one ( )
Joomla's reaction was: 'ok no problem, e-mail seems to be fine, lets save it then'
The only two things Joomla checked was whether the e-mail was written correctly and whether it was in use by a different user.
Why isn't Joomla sanding the same activation e-mail to the new e-mail in order to change it in an user's profile? Is there something I should know?
This looks as if that very important functionality was missing in the profile editing component.
How do I make it working without editing core files?
I've writed a plugin which sorts this out:
Well if you want a way to sort this out then try this:
Write your own authentication plugin that uses the onBeforeStoreUser event. Here you check the user email validates correctly whenever they change their email address.
Should you want to you can deactivate the user's account, and then send them a new activation email with link. Have a look the com_users code to see how the registration is dealt with in terms of new users registering and the sending of the activation email. You can pretty much copy the code from there.
Example code for you plugin:
onBeforeStoreUser($user, $isnew) {
if (!$isnew) {
// grab code from com_users to generate activation email
// part of the code makes an activation sequence
// sql to inject this seq into the users account
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
UPDATE #__users
SET activation = '.$db->quote($activation_code)).'
WHERE id='.$user->id.'
// send activation email
Maybe it would be a good thing to also validate old mail account before caring for the new one.
I get a user and password, I log in , I change mail from real owner to mine, I have stolen the account and now can activate it with my mail.
If we validate both old and new mails , we are assuring the new mail is valid and also the change was requested by the original owner.
The activation email is just that - an activation method. This is intended to satisfy user information collection laws for countries like the States, where it is necessary to have users confirm they own "this" email address when they signup. This ensures they themselves are the ones signing them up. This is the purpose of the activation emails.