How to create a matrix of functions dynamically - matlab

I want to create a matrix of functions, however I'd like to dynamically generate it. For example:
myMatrix = zeros(3);
test = #(x) x*y;
for ii = 1:3
myMatrix(ii) = test(ii);
something like that to generate: #(y) [y, 2*y, 3*y]
I do not have access to the sym library.

You can't make a matrix of functions, but you can make cell of function handles, e.g.
cellOfFunctions = {};
for i = 1:3
cellOfFunctions{end + 1} = #(y) y*i;
Then you can get each handle as follows (for the first function handle):
fh1 = cellOfFunctions{1};
Then execute it with y = 3:
result = fh1(3);

Depending on your purposes, you can make a single function which generates the matrix you have in your example:
>> f = #(y) bsxfun(#times, 1:3, y(:));
>> f(2:5)
ans =
2 4 6
3 6 9
4 8 12
5 10 15


Summation of cell array of function handles

I have a cell array with size (n,1) that includes a function handle. Every cell has to include specific function handle and the summation of function handles in the previous cells. How can I perform this operation? To clarify this is an illustration.
A = cell(size(ones(n,1)));
for i = 1 : n
A{i,1} = #(x) A{i-1,1} + i .* x;
How to get A{n,1} at x = 2 (for example)
You are actually pretty close, but you need to add a special case for i = 1 and you need to call the function:
n = 10;
A = cell(size(ones(n,1)));
A{1,1} = #(x) 1 .* x;
for ii = 2 : n
A{ii,1} = #(x) A{ii-1,1}(x) + ii .* x;
I replaced i with ii, to avoid confusion with complex numbers. For the case n = 10:
>> A{n}(2)
ans =
Recalling #gnovice comment, you can also just make a cell array of the handles, and then call a function that sums them up to n:
N = 10;
A = cell(N,1);
A{1} = #(x) 1.*x;
for k = 2:N
A{k} = #(x) k.*x;
% the following function sums the output of A{1}(x) to A{n}(x):
f = #(n,x) sum(cellfun(#(c) c(x),A(1:n)));
The result:
>> f(5,2)
ans =
>> f(N,2)
ans =
This way, every change of the functions in A will have an immediate effect upon redefining f:
>> A{3} = #(x) -x;
>> f = #(n,x) sum(cellfun(#(c) c(x),A(1:n)));
>> f(N,2)
ans =
>> f(5,2)
ans =

Assign multiple function outputs to a vector using indexing in MATLAB

I have a simple MATLAB function outputting multiple variables:
function [a,b] = MultipleOutputs()
a = 6;
b = 8;
I want to assign the two output variables to 2 certain elements in an existing vector:
x = ones(1,4);
x(2:3) = MultipleOutputs()
However, this gives me:
x =
1 6 6 1
Instead of:
x =
1 6 8 1
I have had this problem in multiple cases, was never able to find the solution.
You have 2 choices:
Concatenate the vectors after outputting them separately
[a,b] = MultipleOutputs();
x = ones(1,4);
x(2:3) = [a,b];
concatenate the vectors before outputting them
function a = MultipleOutputs()
a(1) = 6;
a(2) = 8;
x(2:3) = MultipleOutputs();
when you run MultipleOutputs() like that in another function, it only outputs only the first element, which in this case is a.
So eventually your statement x(2:3) = MultipleOutputs() is equivalent to x(2:3) = 6.
A simple fix would be to extract all the elements:
[a,b] = MultipleOutputs();
x(2:3) = [a b];

How to get a 3D-matrix or cell array efficiently by using vectorized code?

Here is what I want, a 3-D matrix:
K = 2:2.5:10;
den = zeros(1,4,4);
for i = 1:1:4
den(:,:,i) = [1, 5, K(i)-6, K(i)];
Or, a cell array is also acceptable:
K = 2:2.5:10;
for i = 1:1:4
den{i} = [1, 5, K(i)-6, K(i)];
But I want to know if there is a more efficient way of doing this using vectorized code like:
K = 2:2.5:10;
den = [1, 5, K-6, K];
I know the last code will not get what I wanted. But, like I can use:
v = [1 2 3];
v2 = v.^2;
instead of:
v = [1 2 3];
for i = 1:length(v)
v(i) = v(i)^2;
to get the matrix I want. Is there a similar way of doing this so that I can get the 3-D matrix or cell array I mentioned at the beginning more efficiently?
You need to "broadcast" the scalar values in columns so they are of the same length as your K vector. MATLAB does not do this broadcasting automatically, so you need to repeat the scalars and create vectors of the appropriate size. You can use repmat() for this.
K = 2:2.5:10;
%% // transpose K to a column vector:
K = transpose(K);
%% // helper function that calls repmat:
f = #(v) repmat(v, length(K), 1);
%% // your matrix:
den = [f(1) f(5) K-6 K];
This should be more optimized for speed but requires a bit more intermediary memory than the loop does.
Just use reshape with a 1*3 size:
den = reshape([ones(1,length(K));ones(1,length(K))*5; K-6; K],[1 4 length(K)]);
I think the used extra memory by reshape should be low and constant (dependent only on the length of the vector of new sizes).
You can use the classic line equation y=a*x+b, extended to the matrix form:
k = 2:2.5:10 ;
fa = [0 0 1 1].' ; %' // "a" coefficients
fb = [1 5 -6 0].' ; %' // "b" coefficients
d(1,:,:) = fa*k + fb*ones(1,4) ;
The above is better for clarity, but if you're not bothered you can also pack everything in one line:
d(1,:,:) = [0 0 1 1].' * (2:2.5:10) + [1 5 -6 0].' * ones(1,4) ;
If you need to re-use the principle for many different values of k, then you can use an anonymous function to help:
fden = #(k) [0 0 1 1].' * k + [1 5 -6 0].' * ones(1,4) ; %// define anonymous function
k = 2:2.5:10 ;
d(1,:,:) = fden(k) ; %// use it for any value of "k"

Vectorized or single line evaluation of function array in MATLAB

In a previous question, a user asked about iterating over a cell array of anonymous functions. I am wondering whether there is a way to evaluate a set of functions without the explicit use of a for loop.
As an example, the following code creates an array of (simple) functions, evaluates them for a fixed value and stores the results:
fcnList = {#(x) (x+1), #(x) (x+2)};
a = 2;
for i = 1:numel(fcnList)
y(i) = fcnList{i}(a);
Is there a way to do this without looping?
For your example, you could do the following using the cellfun function:
fcnList = {#(x) (x+1), #(x) (x+2)};
a = 2;
cellfun(#(func) func(a),fcnList)
ans =
3 4
Where I have created a handle called func which accepts as input a function from the fcnList variable. Each function is then evaluated for a.
If you need to pass a vector instead of a scalar, for instance b, you will need to set the 'UniformOutput' option to false:
b=[3 4]
fcnList = {#(x) (x+1), #(x) (x+2)};
cellfun(#(func) func(b),fcnList,'UniformOutput',false)
ans =
[1,1] =
4 5
[1,2] =
5 6
To avoid a for loop or cellfun (which is more or less the same as a loop), you can define a single function with vector output:
fcn = #(x) [x+1, x+2];
Then fcn(a) gives you a vector cointaining the results:
>> fcn = #(x) [x+1, x+2];
>> a = 2;
>> fcn(a)
ans =
3 4
If the results of each original function have different sizes you can define a single function with cell array output:
>> fcn = #(x) {x+1, [x+2; x+3]};
>> a = 2;
>> x = fcn(a)
x =
[3] [2x1 double]
>> celldisp(x)
x{1} =
x{2} =

special add in matlab [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to Add a row vector to a column vector like matrix multiplication
I have a nx1 vector and a 1xn vector. I want to add them in a special manner like matrix multiplication in an efficient manner (vectorized):
A=[1 2 3]'
B=[4 5 6]
A \odd_add B =
[1+4 1+5 1+6
2+4 2+5 2+6
3+4 3+5 3+6
I have used bsxfun in MATLAB, but I think it is slow. Please help me...
As mentioned by #b3. this would be an appropriate place to use repmat. However in general, and especially if you are dealing with very large matrices, bsxfun normally makes a better substitute. In this case:
>> bsxfun(#plus, [1,2,3]', [4,5,6])
returns the same result, using about a third the memory in the large-matrix limit.
bsxfun basically applies the function in the first argument to every combination of items in the second and third arguments, placing the results in a matrix according to the shape of the input vectors.
I present a comparison of the different methods mentioned here. I am using the TIMEIT function to get robust estimates (takes care of warming up the code, average timing on multiple runs, ..):
function testBSXFUN(N)
%# data
if nargin < 1
N = 500; %# N = 10, 100, 1000, 10000
A = (1:N)';
B = (1:N);
%# functions
f1 = #() funcRepmat(A,B);
f2 = #() funcTonyTrick(A,B);
f3 = #() funcBsxfun(A,B);
%# timeit
t(1) = timeit( f1 );
t(2) = timeit( f2 );
t(3) = timeit( f3 );
%# time results
fprintf('N = %d\n', N);
fprintf('REPMAT: %f, TONY_TRICK: %f, BSXFUN: %f\n', t);
%# validation
v{1} = f1();
v{2} = f2();
v{3} = f3();
assert( isequal(v{:}) )
function C = funcRepmat(A,B)
N = numel(A);
C = repmat(A,1,N) + repmat(B,N,1);
function C = funcTonyTrick(A,B)
N = numel(A);
C = A(:,ones(N,1)) + B(ones(N,1),:);
function C = funcBsxfun(A,B)
C = bsxfun(#plus, A, B);
The timings:
>> for N=[10 100 1000 5000], testBSXFUN(N); end
N = 10
REPMAT: 0.000065, TONY_TRICK: 0.000013, BSXFUN: 0.000031
N = 100
REPMAT: 0.000120, TONY_TRICK: 0.000065, BSXFUN: 0.000085
N = 1000
REPMAT: 0.032988, TONY_TRICK: 0.032947, BSXFUN: 0.010185
N = 5000
REPMAT: 0.810218, TONY_TRICK: 0.824297, BSXFUN: 0.258774
BSXFUN is a clear winner.
In matlab vectorization, there is no substitute for Tony's Trick in terms of speed in comparison to repmat or any other built in Matlab function for that matter. I am sure that the following code must be fastest for your purpose.
>> A = [1 2 3]';
>> B = [4 5 6];
>> AB_sum = A(:,ones(3,1)) + B(ones(3,1),:);
The speed differential will be much more apparent (at LEAST an order of magnitude) for larger size of A and B. See this test I conducted some time ago to ascertain the superiority of Tony's Trick over repmatin terms of time consumption.
REPMAT is your friend:
>> A = [1 2 3]';
>> B = [4 5 6];
>> AplusB = repmat(A, 1, 3) + repmat(B, 3, 1)
AplusB =
5 6 7
6 7 8
7 8 9