Why is EGit showing unstaged changes in a freshly cloned repository? - eclipse

I'm running this on Windows Server 2003, and using the Cygwin version of the Git command line tools.
I have a Subversion repository containing a set of Eclipse projects, and am testing migration of this repository into Git. From the command line I've used git svn to create the git repository, and git clone to clone the new repository locally. In Eclipse I use the import wizard "Import->Projects from Git->Existing local repository" to import the projects from the local clone.
Once the projects have been imported, EGit shows an apparently random selection of source files as having unstaged changes. Comparing the files reveals no differences with the version in Git, and replacing the file with the HEAD revision has no effect.

Eventually after much head-scratching I tracked down the problem.
In the original Subversion repository, a number of source files had been checked in with the Subversion svn:executable property set. This property is honoured by git svn, and when the file is ultimately presented in the Git working directory it has the execute permission property set. Even though this is how the file is configured in Git, EGit looks like it isn't seeing the permission set in the repository and is treating it a difference between the repository copy and the working copy... hence it appears in the list of unstaged changes.
I fixed the issue simply using chmod -x on the affected files from the Cygwin bash shell, and committed the changes. I understand that setting the Git property core.filemode=false should also resolve the issue, although I've yet to try this.


How do I configure Eclipse to use an existing git repository with existing source code?

I have Eclipse Juno with EGit and a project that I've been working on for a while. I've decided to move it to Git, so I created a Github account and downloaded and installed the program. The repository is at C:\Users\username\GitHub\project_name\, but all it has is the README.md file.
How can I configure Eclipse to use my existing source code (in a workspace separate from the git folder) to work well with git? I've tried using Window → Show View → Other and selecting "Git Repositories," but other than adding a repository (which I have done) I can't figure out how to sync the code.
I've read this question but I get the impression that those answers will perform a one-time commit, instead of a sync.
To clarify: The repository does not have any code. I would like my existing code (in the Eclipse workspace) to be synced to the new repository.
If you already have a git repository in place, first copy all your files to that directory (yes, manually) and do a git commit -a to commit all the files into the repository. I'm assuming here that you've already initialized the repository at C:\Users\username\GitHub\project_name\ with git init.
In eclipse, go to File → Switch Workspace → Other... and point it to a workspace of your choice that can be completely different than the location of your code, or your earlier workspace. In fact, don't point it to the directory which contains your git repository.
Once you have a clean workspace, go to File → New → Other..., select Git → Git Repository and enter the path of your git repository (C:\Users\username\GitHub\project_name\). Enter a name for the repository, and click Finish.
I would really recommend you read at least the first few chapters of the git book to understand how git works, and to help you push and pull code to and from remote repositories.
If your existing repository is not git, you're going to have a hard time keeping the directories in sync. You might want to setup rsync to sync the directories. There is no way AFAIK for eclipse to automagically keep the two repositories in sync.

Does git exclude eclipse project files from a new repo by default?

I have tried pushing several eclipse projects to github repos. Every time I have trouble later cloning or fetching them back into eclipse. The reason seems to be that the eclipse specific project files (.project, .classpath, etc) are not staged when I do a 'git add .' I have tried researching gitignore files but cannot find one created by default. The file in .git/info/exclude also seems unrelated. I've searched StackOverflow and the internet at large and find no mention of this. So obviously I'm the only person this has every happened to or the only dummy who can't figure it out on my own. Do I need to stage those project files explicitly to include them in them in the repo (after adding a whole project with a 'git add .')?
If those Eclispe project weren't in a git repo locally, you can create a git repo at the root directory of your project, and you should be able to add the files with a '?' on them, including the .project and .classpath:
(From Egit User Guide / Create Repository section)
But if the project is already in a git repo, check first in the git command-line those files status. In doubt, always fall back to the CLI (command line interface), with any local git installation (for instance for Windows: msysgit)
The EGit Eclipse option "Import > Git > Projects from Git" should reference all the files, included the .project and .classpath
I'd recommend using Egit instead of the command line in this case. While the command line is typically more powerful, Egit knows better about the logical project structure of an Eclipse project.

Git, SVN and Eclipse workflow

I am trying to adopt the following workflow:
git svn clone a svn repository through command line (egit doesn't support git-svn)
Open the project in eclipse with egit since I rather use egit to branch, merge, commit etc...
When i'm ready commit the changes back, I use use git svn dcommit to commit back to svn
I am having trouble with step number 2, don't understand how to import a git project, eclipse tells me i can't import it to use the same directory it's currently in because another project with the same name is already there. this is confusing.
Anyone knows how to do this ?
Also would like to hear other workflow examples that uses egit and git svn. I am aware that it is better to do it all through command line, however, I am trying to ease the move to git for fellow developers in my team, who are not used to command line interface etc...
I've worked briefly with the egit plugin (I actually recently stopped using it and just use msysgit as my Git guiclient and run it separately from Eclipse). I find Eclipse very busy as is and adding this plugin slows it down (for me at least).
What I did when setting up an already cloned project in Eclipse:
In Eclipse. File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace
Select root directory of project. Do NOT check copy projects into workspace. Click finish.
After project has been imported. Right click on project, go to Team -> Share Project
Select Git as a repo type, click next
Check use or create repo in parent folder of project. Since you already cloned the project it will be tracked with git. When you check this option it will show the project, the path, and the repo (.git).
Click finish and you will be all set.
I think you'd better use SubGit instead of git-svn.
SubGit works on a server side. It synchronizes all the modification between Subversion and Git repositories automatically on every incoming modification from either side.
From the client perspective SubGit enabled repository is a usual Git repository, so you may pull from and push to it. Please refer to SubGit documentation or SubGit vs. git-svn comparison for more details.

How to keep .git folder out of a Cloned Eclipse Project

After importing an Eclipse project from a cloned git repository, I make some changes and commit - and wtf? I get a ".git" folder added to the project, the whole shebang with the heads and refs and worst of all the whole object database gets added to the project, all files/folders having that little question-mark icon signaling that the files have not been added / are not yet tracked by git. This .git folder exists in the actual Working Directory (how does that even make sense?). You can imagine what an annoyance this causes when trying to use the "Synchronize" tool/view (which is supposed to make life easier for committing, you can see all the changes and changed files and diffs).
Question (tl;dr)
How to correctly import an Eclipse project from a cloned git repository? I don't want a .git folder showing up in "Team > Synchronize" when I commit, let the .git folder reside somewhere else outside of my project.
Additional Info
I'm on Windows 7 using Eclipse Indigo and Egit.
I am using Egit to clone a git repo from http://git.apache.org/ (the ofbiz project, to be exact) and in the wizard I choose the option to import an existing project from this newly cloned repo.
Yes I am aware of how little I may expect from Egit. In fact, if there are any alternative ways (external git tool? command line git for windows? other?) to use a git-tracked project in Eclipse which keeps the actual .git stuff out of the project, i'd gladly abandon Egit.
When you clone a git repository, the default behavior is to create a .git folder inside the root of the local clone. You can change the default behavior by setting the GIT_DIR variable:
Git docs says:
If the GIT_DIR environment variable is set then it specifies a path to use instead of the default .git for the base of the repository."
Depending on which terminal you use, you could set it using setenv or export.
For example in a bash terminal:
export GIT_DIR='[path_to_git_directory]'
After setting the variable, you should be able to clone and the .git directory should show up at the specified directory.
I totally agree - I can't imagine it would ever be anyones intent to commit the .git folder!
And git/EGit knows that this is the repository folder of the project, so it should be easy to implement the appropriate exception - so that this folder does not become part of the synchronization.
I know the following does not solve your problem, but in cases where you control the way files are layed out in the repository, you could choose to have the Eclipse project folder not be the root folder of the repository, but rather a sub-folder.
This also allows you to have stuff in the repository that should not show up in Eclipse, or even have multiple Eclipse projects grouped in one repository (if you should wish to do so).

EGit - Switching branches doesn't remove empty directories/packages

I'm using EGIT to manage my GIT repository, which seems to work well so far. However, when I switch from one branch to another the files are correctly switched, however empty directories and packages that exist in one branch but not the other are left over.
I understand that GIT is based on the actual files and not the directories, however this is not ideal as my one branch was a large refactoring and therefore contains many packages that the master branch does not have.
From my research there appears to be a GIT command git clean -d that should cleanup the directories. Does EGIT support this? Or is there a way to execute this command when switching the branch with EGIT?
That looks like bug 345585: "EGit does not prune empty folders when switching branches".
It is still opened, so for now, the git clean -d is your best option (but outside of Eclipse, in a shell session).
Update June 2013, for Egit 3.0 Kepler:
A clean action has been added to the repositories view now.