Is it possible to have a class support both a JAX-RS service and JAX-WS service? - soap

I've created a RESTful web service using jersey and JAX-RS annotations. It's also documented using enunciate and looks great. However, SOAP support has been requested as an option. I noticed in this outdated enunciate example JAX-WS and JAX-RS annotations in the same class. Is this possible? I've tried it myself and enunciate generates documentation correctly, but the services don't actually work.
I'd prefer to have the exact same class support both interfaces rather than two separate classes (one soap one rest) pointing to the business logic class. This would prevent possibly having code in two places.
Here's the example on outdated software versions:
I'm using
Jersey 1.8
Spring 3.0.5
Weblogic 11g

I'm not sure what might not be working, but a lot of the Enunciate example modules use both the SOAP and REST annotations on the same class.
Here's one for Jersey/JAX-WS.
Here's one for JBoss WS/RestEasy.
Here's one for CXF.

We ended up making a separate service for SOAP than the REST service. We also found it best to have interfaces for each that enunciate could generate from. This way we could control what documentation it generated. It also started functioning smoother. Still having a problem with the namespaces though as they're all default and ns0 is generated but enunciate links are to ns2/3/4/5/etc. So many links are broken.


Guice with JAX-RS

I am using Guice as my dependency injection framework. I'd like something that I can add that will make creating REST services easier.
I've had a look at guice-servlet and it works well for directing paths to HTTP servlets, but that's all it appears to do, I was expecting a JAX-RS like annotation syntax to work but it doesn't.
Having not actually used JAX-RS I've googled around and it appears that Jersey is the reference implementation for this but it looks like it uses its own dependency injection framework and doesn't work well with Guice. In addition it has 5+MB worth of dependencies which seems alot for what I am after.
Is Guice designed in such a way that it doesn't lend itself to JAX-RS, if so what else should I be doing?
I think that maybe the guice-servlet module has misguided you. Guice is a DI framework. Period. The real goal of the guice-servlet module is not providing the servlet's and filter's shortcut declaration but giving support for the special scopes request and session. Those nice shorcut declarations are syntatic sugar.
Chosing a JAX-RS implementation in Java is a bit out of the question. You have several options (Jersey, Resteasy, Spring...). If you are going full JavaEE then you don't have to choose. You just use the annotations (and the DI) out of the box.
If you are not using a JavaEE server (just a web server like Tomcat or any other fancy thing like an Android app) then you must choose your implementation. If you are using DI also (which I recommend) then there is one more decision to make.
So you are not using JavaEE and you want to implement some REST API using JAX-RS and dependency injection. You do some research and end up choosing Jersey and Guice. Good choice, I've chosen those in my last projects too. Yes, the dependency graph of Jersey is a bit bloated. I know, it could be way better.
Now your problem is how to make it work together because Jersey uses it's own DI framework (HK2) which is a bad thing.
You have a lot of references on SO about Jersey-Guice integration. Your best bet is the Guice HK2 bridge.
What? You want a direct reference on SO? No problem, here is a good one. Don't forget to upvote the answer. ;-)
Jersey and Google Guice integration

what exactly is JAX-RS?

I am learning the REST architecture these days. I have developed many small small projetcs using jersey. My question is what exaclty is JAX_RS ? I understand that JAX-RS is a set of interfaces (all the* classes) which contains annotations like GET,POST and a lot more. Jersey is one of the bundle which has classes which implement those methods. My doubt is if we download java , do the JAX_RS interfaces come with that ? I have used maven to build REST. There i have seen a lot of entries being added to pom which does my job, but i want to get the actual feel of what exactly is this JAX-RS. Any help is appreciated ! sorry if this is foolish !
JAX-RS is just a specification. A specification specifies how such a framework should work (in a PDF file), and provides different Java interfaces and annotations and enums (like* classes), but no functional code.
The URL for JAX-RS specification are:
JAX-RS 1.1 (you probably use this one)
JAX-RS 2.0
Along with the specification there are implementations of that specification, which is functional code (java jars), that you can use in your applications. Such implementations are JERSEY and RestEasy (usually applications use only one).
Now what you need is a JAX-RS tutorial. Take the first two results from google: (I find this one very good) (this one is very comprehensive, IMHO)

Support for annotation inheritance in Jersey

I am working on creating a SOA project. I want to use Jersey to expose the services on rest. In my project the standard is to create a API project which has API interfaces and DTOs. The implementation project depends on the API project and all implementation is written in the implementation.
The idea behind this architecture is that, we could create two API projects one for REST and other for SOAP, annotate the interfaces with required annotations. As a result the implementation would be unaware about the method used to expose the service (I mean REST and SOAP).
But the problem in Jersey is unable to discover the annotations on the interface and keeps throwing following exception
com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes.
A similar question has already been asked - JAX-RS Jersey/Grizzly Define an interface resource - The answer says that it is possible using Spring-Jersey.
But I tried various configuration options for spring-jersey - including -
But did not have any success.
The idea of trying to manage the different ways of exposing service thru interface, is it a feasible and good idea? How are experts in the industry doing?
How can I manage to use Jersey to understand the annotations done on Interface?
Is some other framework like RestEasy going to help?

REST using JAX RS or Spring MVC

I'm trying to build a REST web service (server side) that will allow a partner system to connect/POST order information in JSON format. Should I use JAX RS (for example from JBOSS RESTEasy) or Spring MVC to build such a service? They both seem capable enough to accomplish the same thing as far as building a REST service is concerned.
Thank you!
Depends if you want to learn something new or go with what you already know.
If you already have experience with Spring MVC and want to get the work done quickly, then I'd suggest staying with Spring MVC. There are some neat enhancements to the REST features in Spring 3.1, including the ability to generate "end point documentation".
If, on the other hand, you are looking to expand your CV and/or enjoy learning new technologies, then give JAX RS a go. I haven't used it but it is a dedicated WS framework that would likely have any feature you'd require.
Of course, if you have experience with JAX RS but not Spring MVC, then the opposite applies :-)
If you are developing an EE 5 project then I would recommend using JAX-RS with Spring. The RI for JAX-RS, Jersey, has a Spring JAX-RS dispatcher servlet. This makes it much easier to manage dependency injection with JAX-RS and gives you all of the Spring MVC features like form binding and validation, but you are also able to use the Java standard approach for REST - and in my opinion, a better and easier to manage approach than Spring REST.
If it is an EE 6 app, then you may want to think about ditching Spring as JAX-RS is part of the EE 6 specs and you can use EE CDI within your JAX-RS classes.
Notice that Jersey has a bug that affects its integration with Spring:
In summary if you need Spring AOP in your JAX-RS resources it will not work. Dependency injection works well.
REST is more of an architecture style of developing web services which are very easy to understand without even documentation for a developer. Normal tech savy people can easily understand the URL patterns also the response types of JSON and XML support makes it easy for integrating with new javascript modularization standards such as backbone or angular.js.
On the other hand SpringMVC is more concentrating on model-view-controller architecture style of developing applications.

What's a JAX-RS implementation?

I have been trying to figure out how to use JAX-RS for quite some time. I started from the very basic concepts and then to gradually understand the annotation styled programming, the meaning of #Path, #Get, #Post, etc.
To my understanding, as to what has been mentioned in a lot of places, JAX-RS is a framework that focuses on applying Java annotations to plain Java objects (Page 27, Bill Burke, RESTful Java).
I have then got confused beyond this point. If JAX-RS in itself is a framework that defines APIs dealing with annotations in order to implement RESTful web service, what's the meaning of "implementation of JAX-RS" such as "Jersey" and "JBoos Resteasy". Another layer on top of JAX-RS? Why do we need them?
Could someone provide me some insights about it? Many thanks!!!
JAX-RS is a standard defined in Java Specification Request 311 (JSR-311) and Jersey / RESTEasy are implementations of it.
Being implementations mean that the spec says "if you put #GET("/foo") on a method (bar()), you may access data X" - now in an app server, someone needs to go in and actually read your deployed code, parse the byte code with the #GET annotation and then if the user actually browses to e.g. http://localhost/foo get this web request to reach bar() and translate the return value of bar() into a http answer (e.g in XML or JSON representation).
So the spec with the name "JAX-RS" only provides the syntax and semantics of e.g. #GET, but the work of parsing requests, calling the right methods, marshalling the result values etc. need to be done by a package that implements the Spec.
Work on the version 2.0 of the standard has started as JRS-339.
See also
JAX-RS is a specification for RESTful Web Services with Java. There is a reference implementation that is included in Java EE but since it is a specification, other frameworks can be written to implement the spec, and that includes Jersey, Resteasy, and others.