variable defined inside a procedure is kept? - mit-scheme

I wrote a procedure (do-test).
Since the test might have some effects on the variable env,
I defined env inside do-test hoping that env would not be carried
with the procedure, so everytime I run it, I will get a fresh environment to work with.
To my surprise, my test procedures are actually carrying the previous env.
Please find the follwing code:
(define (do-test)
(define env '(1))
;(define env (list 1))
(display env)
(if (not (equal? (car env) 1))
(error "assertion failed.")
(set-car! env 2)
I've tried to run this code using mit-scheme / guile /, and all of which
told me runing (do-test) twice yielded different results.
But if I change the line (define env '(1)) to (define env (list 1)), I will get the expected result.
(you can find my code before and after the change in
To my knowledge, '(1) and (list 1) should be the same except that the second will the call procedure list.
I'm wondering why this happens and how can I prevent the program from reusing previous values?

Please take a look at R5RS, which says that
it is an error to alter a constant (i.e. the value of a literal
expression) using a mutation procedure like set-car! or
So '(1) and (list 1) are not exactly the same thing: when you are intended to build some data that would be mutated in the future, don't use quotations.
If you try to do this:
(define (f) (list 1))
(define (g) '(1))
(display (eq? (f) (f)))(newline)
(display (eq? (g) (g)))(newline)
You will get:
This is suggesting that f will make a list whenever called. But g will treat its list '(1) as a constant and that list is allocated only once, no matter how many times it is called.


How do I provide a list of functions in Racket?

If I have a function that I want to be available outside of the current module, I can do the following...
(provide my-function)
Can I do this for a list of functions?
I tried the following...
(define f1 ...) ; body omitted for clarity
(define f2 ...) ; ditto
(define my-funs '(f1 f2))
(provide my-funs)
...but this gave "Unbound identifier in: f1" when I tried it.
Can I do this? Thanks
Update: Just to clarify what I'm trying to do here, I am working my way through Beautiful Racket, and am doing the first tutorial. At the stage where he defines the expander, he adds a handle function to handle the operators...
(define (handle [arg #f])
[(number? arg) (push-stack! arg)]
[(or (equal? * arg) (equal? + arg))
(define op-result (arg (pop-stack!) (pop-stack!)))
(push-stack! op-result)]))
But then, in order to make this work, he provides both + and *...
(provide + *)
This means that these two operators are hard-coded twice. When adding support for other operators, you'd need to modify the handle function and the provide call. I am trying to work out if we can define a list of operators, and use that in both, so you'd only need to make one modification to support new operators.
No, you can't do this.
You can export a list of functions by using filtered-out and begin-for-syntax (as seen below), but this prevents you from using the list within your code.
Exporting a list
#lang racket
(module fns racket
(require racket/provide)
(define (f1 a) (+ a 1))
(define (f2 a) (+ a 2))
(define my-funs '(f1 f2)))
(λ (name) (and (member (string->symbol name) my-funs) name))
(require 'fns)
(display (f1 2))
How this works
provide can take any number of provide-spec forms and specifying multiple provide-specs is equivalent to writing multiple provide forms. One of the available provide-spec forms is all-defined-out, which will export all defined symbols in the module (or file if a module isn't explicitly specified).
By requiring racket/provide, we get access to helper functions that can transform and operate on provide-spec forms; filtered-out in particular allows us to run arbitrary code over a provide-spec and returns a valid provide-spec. (The required proc-expr is a function that takes a string (the string value of the exported identifiers) and returns a string or a falsy value. That's why when using member, we wrap it in an and and return the raw name itself. This could also be accomplished with findf: (λ (name) (findf (λ (n) (equal? (string->symbol name) n)) my-funs)))
However, this isn't quite enough, as provide is executed at "compile time", meaning that our list my-funs isn't available yet. To handle that, we need to wrap that definition in begin-for-syntax, which makes the binding available at "compile time" as well. But, by moving my-funs to "compile time", you lose the ability to use my-funs in non-"compile time" code. This means, for instance, you couldn't say (cond ... [(member arg my-funs) ...]):
(define (handle [arg #f])
[(number? arg) (push-stack! arg)]
[(member arg my-funs)
;; ^--- Error here with "my-funs: unbound identifier"
(define op-result (arg (pop-stack!) (pop-stack!)))
(push-stack! op-result)]))

List gensym symbol not evaluating inside macro

I'm trying to write a macro that takes a list of variables and a body of code and makes sure variables revert to their original values after body of code is executed (exercise 10.6 in Paul Graham's ANSI Common Lisp).
However, I'm unclear on why my gensym evaluates as I expect it to in one place, but not another similar one (note: I know there's a better solution to the exercise. I just want to figure out why the difference in evaluation).
Here's the first definition where the lst gensym evaluates to a list inside of the lambda passed to the mapcar:
(defmacro exec-reset-vars-1 (vars body)
(let ((lst (gensym)))
`(let ((,lst ,(reduce #'(lambda (acc var) `(cons ,(symbol-value var) ,acc))
:initial-value nil)))
,#(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(setf ,var (car ,lst)))
But while it works exactly as I expect it to, it's not a correct solution to the exercise because I'm always grabbing the first element of lst when trying to reset values. I really want to map over 2 lists. So now I write:
(defmacro exec-reset-vars-2 (vars body)
(let ((lst (gensym)))
`(let ((,lst ,(reduce #'(lambda (acc var) `(cons ,(symbol-value var) ,acc))
:initial-value nil)))
,#(mapcar #'(lambda (var val) `(setf ,var ,val))
But now I get an error that says #:G3984 is not a list. If I replace it with (symbol-value lst) I get an error saying variable has no value. But why not? Why does it have a value inside of the setf in lambda, but not as an argument passed to mapcar?
At macroexpansion time you try to map over the value of lst, which is a symbol at that time. So that makes no sense.
Trying to get symbol value also makes no sense, since lst's bindings are lexical and symbol-value is not a way to access that. Other bindings are not available at that time.
Clearly lst has a value at macroexpansion time: a symbol. This is what you see inside the lambda.
You need to make clear what values are computed at macroexpansion time and which at runtime.
An advice about naming:
lst is a poor name in Lisp, use list
the name lst makes no sense, since its value is not a list, but a symbol. I'd call it list-variable-symbol. Looks long, doesn't it? But it is much clearer. You would now that it is a symbol, used as the name for a variable holding lists.
I'm pretty sure you are overthinking it. Imagine this:
(defparameter *global* 5)
(let ((local 10))
(with-reset-vars (local *global*)
(setf *global* 20)
(setf local 30)
I imagine the expansion is as easy as:
(defparameter *global* 5)
(let ((local 10))
(let ((*global* *global*) (local local))
(setf *global* 20)
(setf local 30)
(print local)) ; prints 10
(print *global*) ; prints 5
let does the reset on it's own so you see that the macro should be very simple just making shadow bindings with let, unless I have misunderstood the assignment.
Your overly complicated macros does pretty bad things. Like getting values of global symbols compile time, which would reset them to the time the function that used this instead of before the body.

Is evaluating of constructed evaluation equal to macro?

I want to know if these two definitions of nth are equal:
I. is defined as macro:
(defmacro -nth (n lst)
(defun f (n1 lst1)
(cond ((eql n1 0) lst1)
(t `(cdr ,(f (- n1 1) lst1)))))
`(car ,(f n lst)))
II. is defined as a bunch of functions:
(defun f (n lst)
(cond ((eql n 0) lst)
(t `(cdr ,(f (- n 1) lst)))))
(defun f1 (n lst)
`(car ,(f n `',lst)))
(defun --nth (n lst)
(eval (f1 n lst)))
Am i get the right idea? Is macro definition is evaluating of expression, constructed in its body?
OK, let start from the beginning.
Macro is used to create new forms that usually depend on macro's input. Before code is complied or evaluated, macro has to be expanded. Expansion of a macro is a process that takes place before evaluation of form where it is used. Result of such expansion is usually a lisp form.
So inside a macro here are a several levels of code.
Not quoted code will be evaluated during macroexpansion (not at run-time!), in your example you define function f when macro is expanded (for what?);
Next here is quoted (with usual quote or backquote or even nested backquotes) code that will become part of macroexpansion result (in its literal form); you can control what part of code will be evaluated during macroexpansion and what will stay intact (quoted, partially or completely). This allows one to construct anything before it will be executed.
Another feature of macro is that it does not evaluate its parameters before expansion, while function does. To give you picture of what is a macro, see this (just first thing that came to mind):
(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
`(let ((it ,test))
(if it ,then ,else)))
You can use it like this:
CL-USER> (defparameter *x* '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
CL-USER> (aif (find 'c *x* :key #'car) (1+ (cdr it)) 0)
This macro creates useful lexical binding, capturing variable it. After checking of a condition, you don't have to recalculate result, it's accessible in forms 'then' and 'else'. It's impossible to do with just a function, it has introduced new control construction in language. But macro is not just about creating lexical environments.
Macro is a powerful tool. It's impossible to fully describe what you can do with it, because you can do everything. But nth is not something you need a macro for. To construct a clone of nth you can try to write a recursive function.
It's important to note that LISP macro is most powerful thing in the programming world and LISP is the only language that has this power ;-)
To inspire you, I would recommend this article:
To master macro, begin with something like this:
Then may be Paul Graham's "On Lisp", then "Let Over Lambda".
There is no need for either a macro nor eval to make abstractions to get the nth element of a list. Your macro -nth doesn't even work unless the index is literal number. try this:
(defparameter test-list '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
(defparameter index 3)
(nth index test-list) ; ==> 6 (this is the LISP provided nth)
(-nth index test-list) ; ==> ERROR: index is not a number
A typical recursive solution of nth:
(defun nth2 (index list)
(if (<= index 0)
(car list)
(nth2 (1- index) (cdr list))))
(nth2 index test-list) ; ==> 6
A typical loop version
(defun nth3 (index list)
(loop :for e :in list
:for i :from index :downto 0
:when (= i 0) :return e))
(nth3 index test-list) ; ==> 6
Usually a macro is something you use when you see your are repeating yourself too much and there is no way to abstract your code further with functions. You may make a macro that saves you the time to write boilerplate code. Of course there is a trade off of not being standard code so you usually write the macro after a couple of times have written the boilerplate.
eval should never be used unless you really have to. Usually you can get by with funcall and apply. eval works only in the global scope so you loose closure variables.

How could I implement the push macro?

Can someone help me understand how push can be implemented as a macro? The naive version below evaluates the place form twice, and does so before evaluating the element form:
(defmacro my-push (element place)
`(setf ,place (cons ,element ,place)))
But if I try to fix this as below then I'm setf-ing the wrong place:
(defmacro my-push (element place)
(let ((el-sym (gensym))
(place-sym (gensym)))
`(let ((,el-sym ,element)
(,place-sym ,place))
(setf ,place-sym (cons ,el-sym ,place-sym)))))
CL-USER> (defparameter *list* '(0 1 2 3))
CL-USER> (my-push 'hi *list*)
(HI 0 1 2 3)
CL-USER> *list*
(0 1 2 3)
How can I setf the correct place without evaluating twice?
Doing this right seems to be a little more complicated. For instance, the code for push in SBCL 1.0.58 is:
(defmacro-mundanely push (obj place &environment env)
"Takes an object and a location holding a list. Conses the object onto
the list, returning the modified list. OBJ is evaluated before PLACE."
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(sb!xc:get-setf-expansion place env)
(let ((g (gensym)))
`(let* ((,g ,obj)
,#(mapcar #'list dummies vals)
(,(car newval) (cons ,g ,getter))
,#(cdr newval))
So reading the documentation on get-setf-expansion seems to be useful.
For the record, the generated code looks quite nice:
Pushing into a symbol:
(push 1 symbol)
expands into
(LET* ((#:G906 1) (#:NEW905 (CONS #:G906 SYMBOL)))
Pushing into a SETF-able function (assuming symbol points to a list of lists):
(push 1 (first symbol))
expands into
(LET* ((#:G909 1)
(#:NEW907 (CONS #:G909 (FIRST #:SYMBOL908))))
So unless you take some time to study setf, setf expansions and company, this looks rather arcane (it may still look so even after studying them). The 'Generalized Variables' chapter in OnLisp may be useful too.
Hint: if you compile your own SBCL (not that hard), pass the --fancy argument to This way you'll be able to quickly see the definitions of functions/macros inside SBCL (for instance, with M-. inside Emacs+SLIME). Obviously, don't delete those sources (you can run after, to save 90% of the space).
Taking a look at how the existing one (in SBCL, at least) does things, I see:
* (macroexpand-1 '(push 1 *foo*))
(LET* ((#:G823 1) (#:NEW822 (CONS #:G823 *FOO*)))
(SETQ *FOO* #:NEW822))
So, I imagine, mixing in a combination of your version and what this generates, one might do:
(defmacro my-push (element place)
(let ((el-sym (gensym))
(new-sym (gensym "NEW")))
`(let* ((,el-sym ,element)
(,new-sym (cons ,el-sym ,place)))
(setq ,place ,new-sym)))))
A few observations:
This seems to work with either setq or setf. Depending on what problem you're actually trying to solve (I presume re-writing push isn't the actual end goal), you may favor one or the other.
Note that place does still get evaluated twice... though it does at least do so only after evaluating element. Is the double evaluation something you actually need to avoid? (Given that the built-in push doesn't, I'm left wondering if/how you'd be able to... though I'm writing this up before spending terribly much time thinking about it.) Given that it's something that needs to evaluate as a "place", perhaps this is normal?
Using let* instead of let allows us to use ,el-sym in the setting of ,new-sym. This moves where the cons happens, such that it's evaluated in the first evaluation of ,place, and after the evaluation of ,element. Perhaps this gets you what you need, with respect to evaluation ordering?
I think the biggest problem with your second version is that your setf really does need to operate on the symbol passed in, not on a gensym symbol.
Hopefully this helps... (I'm still somewhat new to all this myself, so I'm making some guesses here.)

Difference between let* and set? in Common Lisp

I am working on a genetic programming hobby project.
I have a function/macro setup that, when evaluated in a setq/setf form, will generate a list that will look something like this.
(setq trees (make-trees 2))
==> (+ x (abs x))
Then it will get bound out to a lambda function #<FUNCTION :LAMBDA (X) ... > via strategic use of functions/macros
However, I want to get a bit more effective with this than manually assigning to variables, so I wrote something like this:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings))))
(list (trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
However, I get EVAL: trees has no value when I place this in a let form. My suspicion is that the macro expansions don't get fully performed in a LET as compared to a SETF, but that doesn't make sense to me.
What is the cause of this issue?
--- edit: yanked my code and put the whole file in a pastebin ---
Supposing that I decide that a setq isn't going to do it for me and I write a simple function to do it:
(defun generate-sample ()
(let ((twiggs (make-trees 2)))
(let ((tree-bindings (bind-trees twiggs)))
(let ((evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings)))
(list twiggs tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))))
This yields an explosion of file error messages (??!?)... and "eval: variable twiggs has no value", which stems from the bind-trees definition on SLIME inspection.
I am reasonably sure that I've completely hosed my macros.
(Setq make-trees 2) sets the value of the variable make-trees to 2, then returns 2.
I do not see a reason for a macro in what you describe. Is it true that your make-trees creates a single random tree, which can be interpreted as a program? Just define this as a function with defun. I am thinking of something like this:
(defun make-tree (node-number)
(if (= node-number 1)
(cons (get-random-operator)
(mapcar #'make-tree
(random-partition (- node-number 1))))))
Let and setq do totally different things. Setq assigns a value to an existing variable, while let creates a new lexical scope with a number of lexical bindings.
I think that you should present more of your code; currently, your question does not make a lot of sense.
I will fix your snippet's indentation to make things clearer:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings))))
(list (trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
Now, as written before, let* establishes lexical bindings. These
are only in scope within its body:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings)))
;; here trees, tree-bindings, and evaluated-trees are bound
) ; end of let* body
;; here trees, tree-bindings, and evaluated trees are not in scope anymore
(list (trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
That last line is spurious, too. If those names were bound, it would
return a list of one element, which would be the result of evaluating
the function trees with tree-bindings and evaluated-trees as
You might get what you want like this:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings)))
(list trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
Another update:
The purpose of macros is to eliminate repeated code when that elimination is not possible with functions. One frequent application is when dealing with places, and you also need them to define new control constructs. As long as you do not see that something cannot work as a function, do not use a macro for it.
Here is some code that might help you:
(defun make-tree-lambda (depth)
(list 'lambda '(x)
(new-tree depth)))
(defun make-tree-function (lambda-tree)
(eval lambda-tree))
(defun eval-fitness (lambda-form-list input-output-list)
"Determines how well the lambda forms approach the wanted function
by comparing their output with the wanted output in the supplied test
cases. Returns a list of mean quadratic error sums."
(mapcar (lambda (lambda-form)
(let* ((actual-results (mapcar (make-tree-function lambda-form)
(mapcar #'first input-output-list)))
(differences (mapcar #'-
(mapcar #'second input-output-list)))
(squared-differences (mapcar #'square
(/ (reduce #'+ squared-differences)
(length squared-differences))))
(defun tree-fitness (tree-list input-output-list)
"Creates a list of lists, each inner list is (tree fitness). Input
is a list of trees, and a list of test cases."
(mapcar (lambda (tree fitness)
(list tree fitness))
(eval-fitness (mapcar #'make-tree-lambda tree-list)