Please help me. New to magento. I need to change a default add to cart button style. So what should i do? please help step by step. i am a beginner.
As you are new to magento, You have to learn a lot in this.. I will simply tell you the steps to solve your problem but you have to know each step we make. In magento, go to this path, magento/app/design/frontend/default/default/ Now you can see only two folders ie., etc and locale. and now go to this path magento/app/design/frontend/base/default. Here you can see the same folders as there in the above path with extra two folders. Copy the template and layout folders and paste them in the first path ie., magento/app/design/frontend/default/default/.
Now go to the path magento/app/design/frontend/default/default/template/catalog/product/view/addtocart.phtml. In the line no. 35, you can see code for att-to-cart button. Now modify this step as below
<div class="add-to-cart"><div class="button btn-cart" onclick="productAddToCartForm.submit(this)"><a><img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/add-to-cart.png')?>" alt="Add To Cart" /></a></div></div>
Now you need to add your image in the following path, magento/skin/frontend/default/default/images Here add your image. Dont forget to modify your image name in the code. Now you can see the result. If not, get back to me.
I'm learning how to use Joomla! 3.2
I created a new component, then I added it to my main menu,
Here are the only parameters I changed in the main menu:
But now when I go to my new component the breadcrumb doesn't work correctly, there's only the home button and when I click on it I'm redirected to the same page:
Did i missed something very important? How can I fix it? The breadcrumb works on every other pages.
Ok I found the problem, I forgot to add this
$pathway = $app->getPathway();
$breadcrumb = $pathway->setPathway(array());
$pathway->addItem( JText::_( 'COM_PARTISPOLITIQUES' ),JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_partispolitiques&view=partispolitique'));
$pathway->addItem( "Current page name",'');
In the file view.html.php located in my component folder...
I am going to assume you are using the Helix template as it seems to be a common oversight.
Make sure that Enable Page Title is enabled from your menu Helix Page Title tab.
If not, please advise as to what template.
Is it possible to hide the re-assign button in the workflow dialog box for the users? and if so how?
my solution may not be the best one, but it works for me. I hid the button using CSS.
Just go to the Application Designer app and use Export system XML action from Select Action dropdown. Then pick LIBRARY XML and save it somewhere on your disk. Open it (using WordPad preferably, Notepad is causing some issues when importing back to Maximo) and CTRL+F find Complete workflow assignment dialog. Go down a bit and you'll see <pushbutton> with label Reassignment:
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" value="reassign"/>
Add textcss="reassign_btn" (the name is up to you of course)
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" textcss="reassign_btn" value="reassign"/>
Then save the file and import LIBRARY.xml back to the Maximo using Application Designer app again. Then just edit your maximo.css file (located somewhere in \applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\ depending on which skin you are using) and add:
.reassign_btn { visibility: hidden; }
Hope this helps :-)
I made a type of menu box with css click events using targets and link them with hash anchor tags. The problem is, when I click one of the buttons (One, Twii, Thrii, etc.) the page jumps! I tried using a js script to stop the default behavior but to no luck. Could you please help me stop the page jump so the page does not move when a button/link is clicked!
Heres the JS Fiddle link I made.
I need a solution..whether its with using target or something else!
Thank You and I apoligize for any confusion in explanation and the question itself if I have done something wrong, your help is much much much appreciated.
I think you could do this by using <div> instead of <a>.
But if you have to use an <a>, you could remove the target with jQuery:
$( '.link' ).removeAttr("href");
Basically as above,
I have a Virtuemart 2 online site with Add to Cart pop up enabled when it pops up all is well apart form the
View Cart and Continue Browsing links they have no separator in between them, I would like to have
View Cart | Continue Browsing
Ive looked at vmprices.js but have no clue :(
Can some one shed some light please?
Thank you!
You have to look into these files to customize that popup:
Jafer Balti
The actual text that is shown to the visitor is located in:
Which can be changed, but should ideally be overridden.
This is harder to find than it should be because Dreamweaver does not search .ini files. Use the OS to search.
Additionally, the link for the "continue shopping" button can be changed by overriding the:
Yeah. As the title says, I am tasked with creating custom field in user profile, and sort of hit a wall on this one. It is a very small customisation, add a yearly_target field to user edit and detail view.
I was happy to stumble on this article to add a custom field in sugar.
Although it's a huge help, it seems to be missing one or 2 minor points.
To have the fields show in edit and detail views, one apparently needs to create and edits EditView.php and EditView.tpl and DetailView.php and DetailView.tpl, except I am not too sure where these files go. The yearly target field shows up in user list view, but not in edit/detail views. I tried custom/modules/Users , custom/modules/Users/ext , but changes made in the templates (static html changes) have no effect.
Anyone know where these files should go?
Thanks SO'ers!
They should go in the custom/modules/Users/ directory. Do make sure you change the references inside the EditView.php and DetailView.php files to reference the templates you have in the custom/modules/Users/ directory instead of the default ones in the modules/Users/ directory.