Load sql file data in to single table in postgres - postgresql

I have sql file(single_table_data.sql) that contains data of only one table(I have taken dump of only one table from server)
Now i have to insert this sql file in to only single table in my database,
so how to import sql file in to single table in postgres ?
For example i had database name SpeedData and table name CurrentTable, so now i want to
insert entire sql file data in to this table CurrentTable
Note: The sql file contains only insert statements(not even create statements)

From the documentation:
psql dbname < infile
This should create a new table with the name of the previously dumped one and insert all data into it. Replace dbname with the name of the new database and infile with the name/path of the file containing the dump, in your case (single_table_data.sql)
If the dump contains only the insert statements, create the table by hand and then execute
psql -U your_username -d dbname -f single_table_data.sql

You can simply import sql dump data into your postgres db.
if you have already created DB then don't need to follow 1st step:-
open terminal then run following commands to create postgres database and user:-
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database mydb;
postgres=# create user myuser with encrypted password 'mypass';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database mydb to myuser;
\c used for selecting your database.
postgres=# \c yourdatabasename
\i used for importing dump data in database.
yourdatabasename=# \i path_of_your_dump_file for example:-
yourdatabasename=# \i /home/developer/projects/django_projects/db_dump.sql
If you face this type of error when you importing data:-
ERROR: role "yourusername" does not exist
so you can make superuser to your "db_user/yourusername" using this command:-
postgres=# ALTER USER fusion WITH SUPERUSER;

If I understood correctly you want to create table from file and fill in with data.
Correct command is
PGPASSWORD=<password> psql -f /home/.../filename.sql -h localhost -d database_name -U user_name


How to execute "DROP OWNED BY" only if the user exists?

I'm trying to write a bash script that will create a Postgres database, as well as the user and the user privileges to access that database. I'm using Postgres 9.6. I have the below ...
create_db_command="SELECT 'CREATE DATABASE $DB_NAME' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '$DB_NAME')\gexec"
drop_owned_by_command="DROP OWNED BY $DB_USER;"
drop_role_command="DROP ROLE IF EXISTS $DB_USER;"
create_user_command="create user $DB_USER with encrypted password '$DB_PASS';"
grant_privs_command="grant all privileges on database $DB_NAME to $DB_USER;"
# This command creates the db if it doesn't already exist
psql -U$PG_USER $DB_NAME -c "$drop_owned_by_command"
psql -U$PG_USER -c "$drop_role_command"
psql -U$PG_USER -c "$create_user_command"
psql -U$PG_USER -c "$grant_privs_command"
The problem is when the script is run the very first time, the command
fails because the user does not yet exist. Is there a way to write the above command so that it will only run if the user exists? Similar to DROP USER IF EXISTS ..., but DROP OWNED has no IF EXISTS clause.
You can use a similar technique like you already have for CREATE DATABASE.
In the shell:
drop_owned_by_command="SELECT 'DROP OWNED BY $DB_USER' FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = '$DB_USER'\gexec"
echo $drop_owned_by_command | psql -U$PG_USER $DB_NAME
The SELECT only returns a row (containing the DDL command) if the role a actually exists. This is in turn executed by the psql command \gexec.
So we have a combination of SQL and psql commands and cannot use psql -c since, quoting the manual on --command:
command must be either a command string that is completely parsable by the server (i.e., it contains no psql-specific features),
or a single backslash command. Thus you cannot mix SQL and psql
meta-commands within a -c option.
Instead, pipe the echo to psql like demonstrated - and like suggested in the manual and in my related answer below and like you already do for CREATE DATABASE.
Shell script to execute pgsql commands in files

I want to export a script for my database in postgres

I've created a database in pgAdmin, in which I've 1 public schema and 4 custom schema's. These schema contains several functions, sequences and Tables. Now I want to export a script that can create same database with the same structure without any data. Please help me with this....
You are looking for pg_dump with the (default) plain format.
If you can access to the command line, type this
pg_dump --create --clean --schema-only -U your_user -d db_name > file_name.sql
Then in the server you need to create same database run this
psql -U db_user -d db_name < file_name.sql
--clean option tries to drop all objects before creating them.
--create Begin the output with a command to create the database itself and reconnect to the created database.

Postgres: Copying particular tables from remote db, interrelated with foreign key relationships

I have a Postgres RDS instance for one of my apps.
I need to copy 3 tables from it to a similar clone of the database.
I see mytable_id_seq tables also, which now I know are called sequences in postgres terminology.
When I created a dump of those three tables, and restore them, do I have to do anything with the _id_seq sequences ?
Do I have to restore them too, for the dump data to work as it did in the original table?
When you restore the entire database from a dump, it contains CREATE SEQUENCE statements by default. These statements initialize sequences to the proper state. But if you make a partial dump, with only selected tables, you must set sequences manualy.
Assuming, that your table's name is "clip", you can check the current value using this query:
SELECT last_value FROM clip_id_seq
And if you want to update the sequence after restore, you can do it with this simple query:
SELECT SETVAL('clip_id_seq', SELECT MAX(id) FROM clip)
pg_dump -d database_name -t mg_cnd -F c > database_backup.sql
pg_restore -U database_user --data-only -d database_name -t mg_cnd -F c <file_location>
-d = database name
-t = table name
-F = Format
c = plain
-U = User
--data-only = transfer only table data
pg_dump documentation
pg_restore documentation

Can't copy table to another database with pg_dump

I'm trying to copy a table from one database to another database (NOT schema). The code I used in terminal is as below:
pg_dump -U postgres -t OldSchema.TableToCopy OldDatabase | psql -U postgres -d NewDatabase
When I press Enter it requests postgres password I enter my pass and then It requests psql password. I enter it and press Enter. I receive lots of:
invalid command \N
ERROR: relation "TableToCopy" does not exist
Both tables have UTF8 encoding. Am I doing something wrong?
OS: windows XP
Error output:
psql:TblToCopy.sql:39236: invalid command \N
psql:TblToCopy.sql:39237: invalid command \N
psql:TblToCopy.sql:39238: invalid command \N
After Hundreds of above errors, the terminal echoes:
psql:TblToCopy.sql:39245: ERROR: syntax error at or near "509"
LINE 1: 509 some gibberish words and letters here
And Finally:
sql:TblToCopy.sql:39245: ERROR: relation "TableToCopy" does not exist
I read this response to the same problem \N error with psql , it says to use INSERT instead of COPY, but in the file pg_dump created COPY. How to say to pg_dump to use INSERT instead of COPY?
I converted the file with iconv to utf-8. Now that error has gone but I have a new error. In this particular case when I use psql to import data to database something new happens. Table gets created but without data. It says:
psql:tblNew.sql:39610: ERROR: value too long for type character(3)
CONTEXT: COPY words, line 1, column first_two_letters: "سر"
I've tried to create a database with Encoding: UTF8 with a table and insert the two UTF-8 encoded characters the COPY command is trying to insert and it works when using INSERT.
WITH OWNER = postgres
TABLESPACE = pg_default
LC_COLLATE = 'English_United States.1252'
LC_CTYPE = 'English_United States.1252'
first_two_letters character(3)
OWNER TO postgres;
VALUES ('سر');
According to http://rishida.net/tools/conversion/ for the failing COPY the Unicode code points are:
U+0633 U+0631
which are two characters, which means you should be able to store them in a column defined as character(3), which stores strings up to 3 characters (not bytes) in length.
and if we try to INSERT, it succeeds:
VALUES (U&'\0633\0631');
From the pgdump documentation you can INSERT instead of COPY by using the --inserts option
Dump data as INSERT commands (rather than COPY). This will make restoration very slow; it is mainly useful for making dumps that can
be loaded into non-PostgreSQL databases. However, since this option
generates a separate command for each row, an error in reloading a row
causes only that row to be lost rather than the entire table contents.
Note that the restore might fail altogether if you have rearranged
column order. The --column-inserts option is safe against column order
changes, though even slower.
Try to use this instead for Step 1:
pg_dump -U postgres -t OldSchema."TableToCopy" --inserts OldDatabase > Table.sql
I've also tried to COPY from a table to a file and use COPY to import and for me it works.
Are you sure your client and server database encoding is UTF8 ?
Firstly, export the table named "x" from schema "public" on database "test" to a plain text SQL file:
pg_dump -U postgres -t public."x" test > x.sql
which creates the x.sql file that contains:
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Name: x; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
first_two_letters character(3)
ALTER TABLE public.x OWNER TO postgres;
-- Data for Name: x; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY x (first_two_letters) FROM stdin;
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
Secondly, import with:
psql -U postgres -d test -f x.sql
The table name should be quoted , as the following
pg_dump -U postgres -t OldSchema."TableToCopy" OldDatabase | psql -U postgres -d NewDatabase
And I suggest you do the job in two steps
Step 1
pg_dump -U postgres -t OldSchema."TableToCopy" OldDatabase > Table.sql
If step 1 goes ok then do the step2.
Step 2
psql -U postgres -d NewDatabase -f Table.sql

I want to restore the database with a different schema

I have taken a dump of a database named temp1, by using the follwing command
$ pg_dump -i -h localhost -U postgres -F c -b -v -f pub.backup temp1
Now I want to restore the dump in a different database called "db_temp" , but in that I just want that all the tables should be created in a "temp_schema" ( not the default schema which is in the fms temp1 database ) which is in the "db_temp" database.
Is there any way to do this using pg_restore command?
Any other method also be appreciated!
A quick and dirty way:
1) rename default schema:
alter schema public rename to public_save;
2) create new schema as default schema:
create schema public;
3) restore data
pg_restore -f pub.backup db_temp [and whatever other options]
4) rename schemas according to need:
alter schema public rename to temp_schema;
alter schema public_save rename to public;
There is a simple solution:
Create your backup dump in plain SQL format (format "p" using the parameter --format=p or -F p)
Edit your pub.backup.sql dump with your favorite editor and add the following two lines at the top of your file:
create schema myschema;
SET search_path TO myschema;
Now you can restore your backup dump with the command
psql -f pub.backup.sql
The set search_path to <schema> command will set myschema as the default, so that new tables and other objects are created in this schema, independently of the "default" schema where they lived before.
There's no way in pg_restore itself. What you can do is use pg_restore to generate SQL output, and then send this through for example a sed script to change it. You need to be careful about how you write that sed script though, so it doesn't match and change things inside your data.
Probably the easiest method would be to simply rename the schema after restore, ie with the following SQL:
ALTER SCHEMA my_schema RENAME TO temp_schema
I believe that because you're using the compressed archive format for the output of pg_dump you can't alter it before restoring. The option would be to use the default output and do a search and replace on the schema name, but that would be risky and could perhaps cause data to be corrupted if you were not careful.
If you only have a few tables then you can restore one table at a time, pg_restore accepts -d database when you specify -t tablename. Of course, you'll have to set up the schema before restoring the tables and then sort out the indexes and constraints when you're done restoring the tables.
Alternatively, set up another server on a different port, restore using the new PostgreSQL server, rename the schema, dump it, and restore into your original database. This is a bit of a kludge of course but it will get the job done.
If you're adventurous you might be able to change the database name in the dump file using a hex editor. I think it is only mentioned in one place in the dump and as long as the new and old database names are the same it should work. YMMV, don't do anything like this in a production environment, don't blame me if this blows up and levels your home town, and all the rest of the usual disclaimers.
Rename the schema in a temporary database.
Export the schema:
pg_dump --schema-only --schema=prod > prod.sql
Create a new database. Restore the export:
psql -f prod.sql
ALTER SCHEMA prod RENAME TO somethingelse;
pg_dump --schema-only --schema=somethingelse > somethingelse.sql
(delete the database)
For the data you can just modify the set search_path at the top.
As noted, there's no direct support in pg_dump, psql or pg_restore to change the schema name during a dump/restore process. But it's fairly straightforward to export using "plain" format then modify the .sql file. This Bash script does the basics:
rename_schema () {
# Change search path so by default everything will go into the specified schema
perl -pi -e "s/SET search_path = $2, pg_catalog/SET search_path = $3, pg_catalog, $2;/" "$1"
# Change 'ALTER FUNCTION foo.' to 'ALTER FUNCTION bar.'
perl -pi -e 's/^([A-Z]+ [A-Z]+) '$2'\./$1 '$3'./' "$1"
# Change the final GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA foo TO PUBLIC
perl -pi -e 's/SCHEMA '$2'/SCHEMA '$3'/' "$1"
pg_dump --format plain --schema=foo --file dump.sql MYDB
rename_schema dump.sql foo bar
psql -d MYDB -c 'CREATE SCHEMA bar;'
psql -d MYDB -f dumpsql
The question is pretty old, but maybe can help some one.
Streaming the output of pg_restore to sed and replace the schema name in order to import the dump to a different schema.
Something like:
pg_restore ${dumpfile} | \
sed -e "s/OWNER TO ${source_owner}/OWNER TO ${target_owner}/" \
-e "s/${source_schema}/${target_schema}/" | \
psql -h ${pgserver} -d ${dbname} -U ${pguser}