Does CoffeeScript have something like wildcard binding in destructing assignment? - coffeescript

In Scala, I can do things like:
val List(first, _, third) = List(1, 2, 3)
// first = 1
// third = 3
I currently have some CoffeeScript code in which I'm also not interested some elements in the array. Ideally, I would like to use a wildcard, like I'm doing in Scala.
[first, _, third] = [1, 2, 3]
Now, this does work, but it also adds this assignment:
_ = 2
… which is clearly not what I want. (I'm using underscore.) What's the preferred way of ignoring values in the array?
By the way, I'm using this for regular expression matching; the regular expression I'm using has optional groups that are really there for matching only, not to get any real data out.
match = /^(([a-z]+)|([0-9]+)) (week|day|year)(s)? (before|after) (.*)$/.exec str
if match?
[__, __, text, number, period, __, relation, timestamp] = match

In your specific case you could bypass the whole problem by using non-capturing groups in your regex:
Matches x but does not remember the match. These are called non-capturing parentheses. The matched substring can not be recalled from the resulting array's elements [1], ..., [n] or from the predefined RegExp object's properties $1, ..., $9.
If I'm reading your code right, you'd want:
/^(?:([a-z]+)|([0-9]+)) (week|day|year)(?:s)? (before|after) (.*)$/
You could also replace (?:s)? with s? since there's no need to group a single literal like that:
/^(?:([a-z]+)|([0-9]+)) (week|day|year)s? (before|after) (.*)$/
In either case, that you leave you with:
[__, text, number, period, relation, timestamp] = match
You could use an array slice to get rid of the leading __:
[text, number, period, relation, timestamp] = match[1..]
The match[1..] is a hidden call to Array.slice since the destructuring isn't smart enough (yet) to just skip match[0] when breaking match up. That extra method call may or may not matter to you.

There is no way to have wildcard assignments like that. You could use a double underscore __, like this
[first, __, third] = [1, 2, 3]
Personally, I would name the second variable in a way that makes sense, even if it is not used afterwards.


Regex expression in q to match specific integer range following string

Using q’s like function, how can we achieve the following match using a single regex string regstr?
q) ("foo7"; "foo8"; "foo9"; "foo10"; "foo11"; "foo12"; "foo13") like regstr
>>> 0111110b
That is, like regstr matches the foo-strings which end in the numbers 8,9,10,11,12.
Using regstr:"foo[8-12]" confuses the square brackets (how does it interpret this?) since 12 is not a single digit, while regstr:"foo[1[0-2]|[1-9]]" returns a type error, even without the foo-string complication.
As the other comments and answers mentioned, this can't be done using a single regex. Another alternative method is to construct the list of strings that you want to compare against:
q)match:{x in y,/:string z[0]+til 1+neg(-/)z}
q)match[str;"foo";8 12]
If your eventual goal is to filter on the matching entries, you can replace in with inter:
q)match:{x inter y,/:string z[0]+til 1+neg(-/)z}
q)match[str;"foo";8 12]
A variation on Cillian’s method: test the prefix and numbers separately.
q)range:{x+til 1+y-x}.
q)s:"foo",/:string 82,range 7 13 / include "foo82" in tests
q)match:{min(x~/:;in[;string range y]')#'flip count[x]cut'z}
q)match["foo";8 12;] s
Note how unary derived functions x~/: and in[;string range y]' are paired by #' to the split strings, then min used to AND the result:
q)flip 3 cut's
"foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo"
"82" ,"7" ,"8" ,"9" "10" "11" "12" "13"
q)("foo"~/:;in[;string range 8 12]')#'flip 3 cut's
Compositions rock.
As the comments state, regex in kdb+ is extremely limited. If the number of trailing digits is known like in the example above then the following can be used to check multiple patterns
q)str:("foo7"; "foo8"; "foo9"; "foo10"; "foo11"; "foo12"; "foo13"; "foo3x"; "foo123")
q)any str like/:("foo[0-9]";"foo[0-9][0-9]")
Checking for a range like 8-12 is not currently possible within kdb+ regex. One possible workaround is to write a function to implement this logic. The function range checks a list of strings start with a passed string and end with a number within the range specified.
/ checking for strings starting with string y
s:((c:count y)#'x)like y;
/ convert remainder of string to long, check if within range
d:("J"$c _'x)within z;
/ find strings satisfying both conditions
Example use:
q)range[str;"foo";8 12]
q)str where range[str;"foo";8 12]
This could be made more efficient by checking the trailing digits only on the subset of strings starting with "foo".
For your example you can pad, fill with a char, and then simple regex works fine:
("."^5$("foo7";"foo8";"foo9";"foo10";"foo11";"foo12";"foo13")) like "foo[1|8-9][.|0-2]"

Scala: Transforming List of Strings containing long descriptions to list of strings containing only last sentences

I have a List[String], for example:
val test=List("this is, an extremely long sentence. Check; But. I want this sentence.",
"Another. extremely. long. (for eg. description). But I want this sentence.",
I want the result to be like:
List("I want this sentence", "But I want this sentence"..)
I tried few approaches but didn't work>x.split(".").reverse.head)>x.split(".").last)
Try using this
To handle any Exception
You can map over you List, split each String and then take the last element. Try the below code.
val list = List("this is, an extremely long sentence. Check; But. I want this sentence.",
"Another. extremely. long. (for eg. description). But I want this sentence.")"\\.").last.trim)
It will give you
List(I want this sentence, But I want this sentence) (_.split("\\.").last)
Split takes a regular expression, and in such, the dot stands for every character, so you have to mask it.
Maybe you want to include question marks and bangs: (_.split("[!?.]").last)
and trim surrounding whitespace: (_.split("[!?.]").last.trim).
The reverse.head would have been a good idea, if there wasn't the last:
scala> (_.split("[!?.]").reverse.head.trim)
res138: List[String] = List(I want this sentence, But I want this sentence)
You can do this a number of ways:
For each string in your original list: split by ., reverse the list, take the first value'.').reverse.headOption)
// List(Some( I want this sentence), Some( But I want this sentence))
.headOption results in Some("string") or None, and you can do something like a .getOrElse("no valid string found") on it. You can trim the unwanted whitespace if you want.
Regex match { sentence =>
val regex = ".*\\.\\s*([^.]*)\\.$".r
val regex(value) = sentence
This will fetch any string at the end of a longer string which is preceded by a full stop and a space and followed by a full stop. You can modify the regex to change the exact rules of the regex, and I recommend playing around with if you fancy learning more regex. It's very good.
This solution is better for more complicated examples and requirements, but it's worth keeping in mind. If you are worried that the regex might not match, you can do something like checking if the regex matches before extracting it: { sentence =>
val regexString = ".*\\.\\s*([^.]*)\\.$"
val regex = regexString.r
if(sentence.matches(regexString)) {
val regex(value) = sentence
} else ""
Take the last after splitting the string by .'.').map(_.trim).lastOption)

How to strip everything except digits from a string in Scala (quick one liners)

This is driving me nuts... there must be a way to strip out all non-digit characters (or perform other simple filtering) in a String.
Example: I want to turn a phone number ("+72 (93) 2342-7772" or "+1 310-777-2341") into a simple numeric String (not an Int), such as "729323427772" or "13107772341".
I tried "[\\d]+".r.findAllIn(phoneNumber) which returns an Iteratee and then I would have to recombine them into a String somehow... seems horribly wasteful.
I also came up with: phoneNumber.filter("0123456789".contains(_)) but that becomes tedious for other situations. For instance, removing all punctuation... I'm really after something that works with a regular expression so it has wider application than just filtering out digits.
Anyone have a fancy Scala one-liner for this that is more direct?
You can use filter, treating the string as a character sequence and testing the character with isDigit:
"+72 (93) 2342-7772".filter(_.isDigit) // res0: String = 729323427772
You can use replaceAll and Regex.
"+72 (93) 2342-7772".replaceAll("[^0-9]", "") // res1: String = 729323427772
Another approach, define the collection of valid characters, in this case
val d = '0' to '9'
and so for val a = "+72 (93) 2342-7772", filter on collection inclusion for instance with either of these,
for (c <- a if d.contains(c)) yield c
a.collect{ case c if d.contains(c) => c }

ignore spaces and cases MATLAB

diary_file = tempname();
output = fileread(diary_file);
I would like to search a string from output, but also to ignore spaces and upper/lower cases. Here is an example for what's in output:
the test : passed
number : 4
found = 'thetest:passed'
a = strfind(output,found )
How could I ignore spaces and cases from output?
Assuming you are not too worried about accidentally matching something like: 'thetEst:passed' here is what you can do:
Remove all spaces and only compare lower case
found = 'With spaces'
found = lower(found(found ~= ' '))
This will return
found =
Of course you would also need to do this with each line of output.
Another way:
regexpi(output(~isspace(output)), found, 'match')
if output is a single string, or
regexpi(regexprep(output,'\s',''), found, 'match')
for the more general case (either class(output) == 'cell' or 'char').
robust (ALL whitespace (not just spaces) is removed)
more flexible (you can return starting/ending indices of the match, tokenize, etc.)
will return original case of the match in output
more typing
less obvious (more documentation required)
will return original case of the match in output (yes, there's two sides to that coin)
That last point in both lists is easily forced to lower or uppercase using lower() or upper(), but if you want same-case, it's a bit more involved:
C = regexpi(output(~isspace(output)), found, 'match');
if ~isempty(C)
C = found; end
for single string, or
C = regexpi(regexprep(output, '\s', ''), found, 'match')
C(~cellfun('isempty', C)) = {found}
for the more general case.
You can use lower to convert everything to lowercase to solve your case problem. However ignoring whitespace like you want is a little trickier. It looks like you want to keep some spaces but not all, in which case you should split the string by whitespace and compare substrings piecemeal.
I'd advertise using regex, e.g. like this:
a = regexpi(output, 'the\s*test\s*:\s*passed');
If you don't care about the position where the match occurs but only if there's a match at all, removing all whitespaces would be a brute force, and somewhat nasty, possibility:
a = strfind(strrrep(output, ' ',''), found);

find whether a string is substring of other string in SML NJ

In SML NJ, I want to find whether a string is substring of another string and find its index. Can any one help me with this?
The Substring.position function is the only one I can find in the basis library that seems to do string search. Unfortunately, the Substring module is kind of hard to use, so I wrote the following function to use it. Just pass two strings, and it will return an option: NONE if not found, or SOME of the index if it is found:
fun index (str, substr) = let
val (pref, suff) = Substring.position substr (Substring.full str)
val (s, i, n) = Substring.base suff
if i = size str then
Well you have all the substring functions, however if you want to also know the position of it, then the easiest is to do it yourself, with a linear scan.
Basically you want to explode both strings, and then compare the first character of the substring you want to find, with each character of the source string, incrementing a position counter each time you fail. When you find a match you move to the next char in the substring as well without moving the position counter. If the substring is "empty" (modeled when you are left with the empty list) you have matched it all and you can return the position index, however if the matching suddenly fail you have to return back to when you had the first match and skip a letter (incrementing the position counter) and start all over again.
Hope this helps you get started on doing this yourself.