Time::Piece is returning a wrong value - perl

I am trying to convert date from yymmdd to YYYY-MM-DD with Time::Piece module. With the input as Nov 31, 2000 (20001131), I am getting output as 2000-12-01. In reality, Nov 31 doesn't even exists.
use Time::Piece;
my $dt_str = Time::Piece->strptime('20001131', '%Y%m%d')->strftime('%Y-%m-%d');
print $dt_str;
Am I missing something here?

Internally, it does only rough validation and error reporting, and then performs the same transformations as POSIX::mktime does; any days beyond the end of a month will just cause it to advance the produced date into the next month. This does seem a little inconsistent; since it allows that for days, I'd also expect it to treat '20005931' as '2004-12-01', but instead it errors out.


Converting timestamps in Perl

I am looking to convert timestamps such as the following
Into Australian Eastern Standard Time in Perl.
I have over 10,000 of these timestamps, any help would be really appreciated
I need to input them into a mysql DB with a format of YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
You would use the standard Perl module Time::Piece. It provides the standard strptime and strftime functions. The first allows you to parse a timestamp with a template and the second outputs a timestamp based on the same kind of template. To change timezones you would add or subtract the number of seconds difference.
$t = Time::Piece->strptime("2020-11-04T01:46:00", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");
$t += $offset;
print $t->strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");
Or if your current time is the current locale and you're always converting from GMT:
$t = Time::Piece->strptime("2020-11-04T01:46:00", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");
$l = localtime $t->epoch;
print $l->strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S");
Now if you need to do something more complicated than that (daylight savings time, leap seconds), there is the DateTime module but it is correspondingly far more complicated to use.
See also How can I parse dates and convert time zones in Perl?

Error when dealing with old and historical dates in Perl Time::Piece

It seems Time:Piece gives me this error:
Error parsing time at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Time/Piece.pm line 481.
after the line where I use strptime with some old dates.
My code contains this:
my $ddate = "$month / $day / $year";
my $tmp = Time::Piece->strptime( $ddate, "%m / %d / %Y");
and $$date takes dates from a database using DBI that contains historical and old dates (dates back to the 10th and 9th centuries AD). How can I deal with this if there is any solution?
You'll have to use something other than Time::Piece if you want to deal with timestamps before 1970.
If you want to use the Gregorian calendar, you can use DateTime.
If you want to use the Julian calendar, you can use DateTime::Calendar::Julian.
The Gregorian calendar was introduced in September, 1582, and it was used universally by 1918. In between, calendar usage varied by country.
$ perl -MDateTime::Calendar::Julian -E'
DateTime::Calendar::Julian->new(year => 1013, month => 2, day => 22)
Alternatively, Date::Convert looks promising if you're just care about dates (not timestamps).

Subtracting a Minute in Perl

I have a variable in Perl that I initialized as $invoice_date = '1/6/14' (June 1st 2014). How can I determine the datatype that Perl considers this variable to be?
I'd like to subtract a minute from the invoice date to get May 31 2014 11:59PM. How can I do this with or without declaring $invoice_date to be a certain datatype?
Update: Thanks for the comments and answers. Since it is a string, I am going to try to concatenate the time portion. I have a another variable $period_end_date which is set to May 31, 2014. I'm going to try to concatenate the 11:59PM to it.
The string is subsequently sent in a SQL statement. If I can figure out what SQL expects for the string, it should be possible to insert the time portion.
You need some date manipulation module as '1/6/14' is plain string, and two digit years were abandoned prior to Y2K event.
use Time::Piece;
use Time::Seconds;
my $t = Time::Piece->strptime("1/6/2014", "%d/%m/%Y");
print $t;
Sat May 31 23:59:00 2014

Perl workweek conversion is incorrect

I'm faced a weird problem.
I have date in form of Tue Feb 25 00:20:13 2014.
my task is to calculate the week number and the week day.
I tried the following
use Time::Piece;
my $date="Tue Feb 25 00:20:13 2014";
my $db_date=Time::Piece->strptime($date, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y");
my $ww=$db_date->strftime("%W.%w-%Y);
print $ww;
When I run the script I get the output as
which is wrong, the expected output is
I want to know where did i go wrong?
pls help...
You're using the "%W" strftime() conversion. Time::Piece doesn't specify the meaning of "%W", but the documentation for the equivalent C function says that "%W" starts counting with the first week that contains a Monday. It sounds like you want the ISO 8601 week number, which starts counting with the first week that contains at least four days, in which case the "%V" conversion should do what you want.

What's the opposite of the localtime function in Perl?

In Perl, localtime takes a Unix timestamp and gives back year/month/day/hour/min/sec etc. I'm looking for the opposite of localtime: I have the parts, and I'd like to build a unix timestamp from them.
You can use the timelocal function in the Time::Local CPAN module.
Time::Local - efficiently compute time
from local and GMT time
$time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year);
$time = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year);
This module provides functions that
are the inverse of built-in perl
functions localtime() and gmtime().
They accept a date as a six-element
array, and return the corresponding
time(2) value in seconds since the
system epoch (Midnight, January 1,
1970 GMT on Unix, for example). This
value can be positive or negative,
though POSIX only requires support for
positive values, so dates before the
system's epoch may not work on all
operating systems.
It is worth drawing particular
attention to the expected ranges for
the values provided. The value for the
day of the month is the actual day (ie
1..31), while the month is the number of months since January (0..11). This
is consistent with the values returned
from localtime() and gmtime().
Note: POSIX::mktime is a just a wrapper around your C library's mktime() function. Time::Local is a pure-Perl implementation, and always returns results matching Perl's localtime. Also, Time::Local offers gmtime, while mktime only works in local time. (Well, you could try changing $ENV{TZ}, but that doesn't work on some systems.)
DateTime on CPAN might of of some use. It also has a lot of time manipulation/translation methods.
Just create the DateTime using your parts and call $datetime->formatter("%s") ;