integrate kdb/q with BI tools - kdb

how to integrate kdb/q with BI tools like cognos to create visualizations and graphs.
I have some historical data in KDB database and i want to plot trends using cognos BI tools?

You should be able to use the JDBC driver with Cognos BI tools. Simply:
Download the driver
Configure the driver in Cognos.
Almost any BI tools that allow a jdbc will in fact work. If you are looking for charting that works out of the box with kdb try qStudio/sqlDashboards .
DISCLAIMER - I work for the company that produces the software. You can download a free version that allows charting kdb results etc.

There's no out-of-the box way of doing this as you won't be able to use the normal database connectors that come with these types of BI tools (they would have ODBC, etc). A very hairy option is simply to batch up a copy of the data in KDB to an SQL database that Cognos understands. Obvious disadvantages there.
I don't really know much about Cognos, but there seems to be some plugin development in the applications - maybe you can use the c# or c++ api to kdb to pass data along to the BI application.
EDIT have some really funky data visualisations, if that's all you want.. Saw a demo once, very cool.
I really should read questions more thoroughly :) Re trends, why not simply use R or the very many graphing applications for which you can have C# plugins? With R trending etc becomes an easy process. If you prefer Excel, you can interface with KDB directly (


Oracle PL/SQL developer data generator

I am using Oracle SQL Developer version and I can't find the tool Data Generator.
I know that in older versions of SQL Developer it was in the Tools tab but in my version it's not... (like you can see on the picture)
In older versions the tools tab is like this:
If you know where it is, I will be very grateful.
Thank you for your time
Those are two different tools, PL/SQL Developer from Allround Automations is NOT Oracle SQL Developer.
Different products, different companies, even different user audiences. One's free, one's not. So they're similar in many ways, but not in many more.
Disclaimer: I'm the product manager for SQL Developer at Oracle.

Generating MIS reports and dashboards using opensource technologies

Am need of your suggestion for scenario below :
one of our clients has 8 postgres DB servers used as OLTP and now wants to generate MIS reports/dashboards integrating all the data in the servers.
- There are around 100 reports to be generated
- There would be around 50k rows added to each of these databases
- the reports are to be generated for once every month
- they are running all there setup in baremetals
- they don't want to use hadoop/spark , since they think the maintainabilty will be higher
- they want to use opensource tech to accomplish this task
with all said above, one approach would be to write scripts to bring aggregated data into one server
and then manually code the reports with frontend javascript.
is there any better approach using ETL tools like Talend,Pentaho etc.
which ETL tool would be best suited for this ?
community editions of any ETL tool would suffice the above requirement..?
I know for the fact that the commercial offering of any of the ETL tools will not be in the budget.
could you please let me know your views on this.
Thanks in Advance
Sure Yes. I did similar things successfully a dozen time in my life.
My suggestion is to use Pentaho-Data-Integrator (or Talend) to collect the data in one place and then filter, aggregate and format the data. The data volume is not an issue as long as you have a decent server.
For the reports, I suggest to produce them with Pentaho-Report-Designer so that they can be send by mail (with Pentaho-DI) or distributed with a Pentaho-BI-server.
You can also make javascript front end with Pentaho-CDE.
All of these tools are mature, robust, easy to use, have a community edition and well supported by the community.

How difficult is it to convert Tableau dashboards to Power BI?

I have few projects lined up wherein visuals in Tableau needs to be converted to power BI, Is there any tools available to do so.
please share your suggestions
Unfortunately, there is no tool that converts Tableau worksheet to PowerBI.
You cannot convert Tableau dashboards to PowerBi. However, you can try to replicate a visualization in Tableau in PowerBi. The degree of similarity will highly depend on the tools and features used in the Tableau dasboard which are proprietary to Tableau. If , say, a Tableau chart used is not present in PowerBi, then you are out of luck, unless you are good at programming! Then you can create a custom visual in PowerBi to be used in your dashboard.
And look at Powerbi Improvements suggestion ,They have this suggestion,Hoping to see it soon in the future.

Power BI Visualization

Is it possible to create Power BI plots and data visualisations from data sets programmatically? I am wanting to use a csv file and create a chart on the fly. I couldn't really find much information online about doing this.
Power BI supports R integration for data science and prediction. You may create a data frame and use csv data to do your analysis.
Yes you can, Microsoft has provided very good documentation for Custom Visuals.
Along side, to be specific to your question, you can use d3 library to work around with your csv file.
Note: Microsoft has deprecated the Power BI playground feature so you need to go through the documentation provided to create custom visual via CLI. Also a lot of online tutorials are based on Power BI playground, so make sure your read the documentation.

Can BIRT be used as a test-bed for a logging program?

I'm trying to model an autonomic computing system. Can I use BIRT as the test-bed?
BIRT is a reporting tool (and which, despite its name, has very little business intelligence at all - we switched from BIRT to Cognos BI for exactly that reason).
You can certainly use it to generate reports showing how your autonomic system is doing but all you would be doing is gathering the data from somewhere and presenting it.
I can't see BIRT being used in any other meaningful way for a test bed for any type of system.