wso2 api manager 1.6.0 query parameters not accepted - rest

I am using wso2 API manager 1.6.0 and would like to create an API which accepts any POST
on /users resource followed by any query parameter such as "clientid" (as described below)
I have created an API in API publisher as follow :
URL Prefix URL Pattern HTTP Verb
/context/1 /users/* POST
Any POST on /users is accepted but as sson as I add a query paramter /users?clientid=333 , the request is rejected by the API Manager gateway with 403 error.
Could someone advice me on this and what should be the correct url-mapping format ?
The resulting url-mapping in synapse config file is as follow : (synapse-configs/default/api/)
Thanks a lot.

For this you need to define uri-template instead of uri-mapping. This blog post explains more about this.
For your case I got it working as following.
Open your API configuration source which can be found at AM_HOME\repository\deployment\server\synapse-configs\default\api folder.
In the resource tag change url-mapping="/users/*" attribute to uri-template="/users/*"
But you will have to invoke the API as follows with additional context because when you say /users/* it means anything can come after users/. So you need to have a / after users context.


Add protocol mapper to client via keycloak REST API

By the latest Keycloak's REST API documentation, I can't find enough information to add a new protocol mapping with mapper type 'Audience' by REST API. I am able to do it by Keycloak UI (See attached) and now I would like to automate it to our DevOps pipeline.
I wonder if the only way to find out the json content is to look at the request payload of the POST Request suggested by this post:
Where are all of the Keycloak Protocol Mapper Config Options documented?
There are also some information on keycloak ui : in the browser's debugger console (mapper types)
You need to issue an HTTP POST request to http://<host>:<port>/admin/realms/<realm_name>/clients/<client_id>/protocol-mappers/models
with a payload like this
"config": {
"name":"Audience Mapper",

How to call REST API related to Azure Search through postman?

I am trying to call REST API related to Azure Search through postman.
Here is the API link: (Check Step 1: Create a data source)
Have sent parameter api-key: [admin key] in form-data and other through jSON object.
I am getting 403 error.
Whats the correct way to get required output?
Update :
Changed position of api-key. Still getting the error as :
Is there any additional setting for postman to work with Azure's REST APIs?
Please make sure that you pass api-key in Headers instead of form-data and also all the headers should be selected. Once you do that, things should work just fine.

How to hit SAP HANA rest APIs through postman?

I am trying to hit SAP HANA's rest APIs but unable to get started because i didn't get any proper document that specifies the steps that i can use to hit APIs through POSTMAN(or any other rest client). Do i need to install anything before using the resp APIs or are they available to be used directly? Also what all are the parameters that i need to mention while hitting the API and what is the base URL that is to be used?
Ok, the HANA XS API is documented: SAP HANA XS JavaScript API Reference
For the error: most likely, you're not using any authentication in Postman. When you e.g. switch to "Basic Auth" and key in your HANA username and password, something like this
https://<hostname>:43<instance no>/sap/hana/xs/dt/base/info
should work.
Below is sample Request in to Hit REST API Using Postman :
1. http://localhost:8080/my-rest-api/progress-report?name=shekhar&region=east&address=India
Add Headers Info if any : like
accept : application/json;v=1
contentType : application/json;v=1

Route defined in Swagger specification (/sales) but there is no defined get operation

I am creating APIs with importing existing APIs from swagger JSON file to a Bluemix API Connect environment. When I use Invoke to test a post API I get the following error:
405 Method Not Allowed Content-Type: text/html Error: Route defined in
Swagger specification (/sales) but there is no defined get
operation. at send405
Any experience with POST request with Bluemix API Connnect?
There are several reasons why this can happen.
Here are some:
you need to define a tag for each operation.
this tag is not allowed to have special characters, such as -.

What's the correct uri for QBO v3 API update operation?

I'm trying to use the QBO v3 API object update function described here. The API explorer shows a different uri.
I'm trying to update an account with Id 42. Both of the following URIs get me a 401:
As the documentation would suggest:
(the above at least gives me a json blob with the 401)
As the api explorer would suggest:
(here I don't even get the json, just a plain 401)
My request body is successful when I use the api explorer, so I don't believe that's the problem. I also don't believe authentication is the problem, because I can successfully create objects and also make queries with the same headers.
What might I be missing?
Don't put the Account object's ID into the URL. The [?requestid=] from the documentation you mentioned apparently refers to an id related to the request (not the object in question). The API Explorer's URI appears to simply mislead (although I could certainly be missing something here).
In your example, just use this:
Let the headers and request body do the rest.
Correct BASE URI:
you can refer example request/response section of any entity doc.
Ref -
To debug(401 authentication issue), you can use any standard RestClient.
In the following thread, I've explained how to use RestClinet plugin of Mozilla to test any QBO V3 endpoint.
InvalidTokenException: Unauthorized-401
You can download IPP's devkit and using that devkit you can call any endpoints easily.
Hope it will be useful.