Crystal Report of Exported PDF version - crystal-reports

Currently I am using Crystal report 11 to generate reports in PDF format.
The version in which PDF's are generated in 1.3
I would like to upgrade the PDF version to 1.4 (For ISO Document).
Could anyone please advise me what is the way forward on this?

Based on the answers below, it looks like you will need to upgrade the version of Crystal Reports you are using or use some other program to convert the PDF. It appears that Crystal Report does not have a setting for PDF Version.
Creating version 1.5 PDFs instead of version 1.7 PDFs from CR2010
Exporting RPT to PDF version 1.3 in Crystal Reports 10.5.3700
Other solutions:


SolaimanLipi font is breaking the connected word in iReport exporting PDF

I am using iReport 5.6.0 version. I am trying to work with custom font, in my case SolaimanLipi.ttf. It works perfectly in internal view. But when I export to PDF file then it is breaking with the combined letter (for my case: Bengali). I have googled for it and try some but no luck.
My attempts are as follows.
When adding TTF font:
In iReport view:
In exported PDF - broken:
Support for Indic scripts in PDF has been introduced in JasperReports 6.2.0, see the changelog.
You will not be able to benefit from that with iReport 5.6.0. I suggest downloading the latest Jaspersoft Studio release from here.

How to make the same font of the exported PDF file and CR designer in Crystal reports

My report in exported PDF version and in CR designer are not the same. The font in the PDF looks smaller than in the designer and I don't know why. Of course, that makes a big problem for me, because I am getting unused "white space". The problem is shown in the image below:
I am using SAP Crystal Reports 2013. Thanks in advance.
I found this, I needed to create a registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports\Export\PDF\ForceLargerFonts
And then to set: ForceLargerFonts to the value dword: 00000001
And it works fine now.

what are different preview report using excel preview and excel preview(using J ExcelApi) in iReports 2.0.2?

i'm still new in Jasper reports.i still confuse what the different preview report using excel preview and excel preview(using J ExcelApi) in iReports 2.0.2.Which is more common that people use?. is there any effect when we generate the report?. Can anybody tell me?
Jasperreports supports multiple export formats (xls, pdf, csv, etc...). After developing a report using iReport, you can generate a report in any of those export formats. The best way to view those reports is using an external appliction that you can map. For example, xls report is tied with Excel and pdf reports are tied with Adobe Reader. The new version of iReport supports generation of these reports using the application itself (preview). However, what happens in the background is the same whether you view it with external viewer or internaly using iReport "preview". Personaly, I prefer to use external viewer. The exported reports are cached in the compilation directory.

Different Results Of Report Generation In IReport preview And Using Jasperreports API

I want my report pages to have A4 format. to do this i used 'report->Page Format...' in iReport. In PDF preview everything seems to be ok. But when i use the .jasper file to generate report from my application it has only one long page instead of a couple of standart pages. What is wrong with it? how can i tell jasper to generate multi-page report?
iReport version is 3.7.1
Both generated report and iReport preview i'm viewing with adobe reader.
Thanks for your replies
I found the solution. It appears that you should explicitly set IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION parameter to false in pdf exporter. Unckecking it in iReport doesn't work.
params.put("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION", false);
JasperPrint reportOut = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, params, dataset);
I hope it will help somebody

Reverse Engineering Crystal Reports Definition Files

We're creating a metamodel of our report definitions within our central metadata repository. We know how to "harvest" SSRS reports since they are XML. IS there any easy way to do the same for Crystal Reports. We're interested in getting to anything CR understands about the report (similar in concept to the SSRS RDL Model)
Use the Crystal Reports SDK (Java or .Net version) to convert the object hierarchy to an XML representation.
Visual Basic .Net: RptToXml
C# .Net: RptToXml
PowerShell: PsCrystal
You can get a report definition text file if you export the crystal report guessed it "Report Definition(TXT)" It has the crystal version and lots of info for each section such as datafields, formatting, etc...
Check, it includes a diff tool (although after exporting to text you can use the diff'er of your choice).
AFAIK, there is no way to do this. CR files are in a closed and proprietary format. :-(
I used something like this once to debug a Crystal problems, it might help:
rpt Inspector
RptToRdl.Com ( will do this for you for $25. Check out their FAQ, and you can get one done for free.