HelpBar Oracle SQL Developer - oracle-sqldeveloper

This is a relatively trivial question, and I'm sorry to ask it. However, I am trying to do work in Oracle SQL Developer, and I can't figure out how to bring up the helpbar on the left-hand side that shows all of my objects.
How can I pull it up?

If I'm picturing in my head what you are saying properly, there are two ways:
Click the Window menu item and then "Reset Windows to Factory Settings" which shows the Connections and Reports items along the left hand side.
Click the View menu item and select "Connections" (or maybe "Recent Objects" if that's what you're after.)


How to let "file section" display on the left hand side of Oracle SQL Developer?

I tried to search from tools -> preference, but can't find the answer.
Does anyone know how to make a file section display on the left hand side of Oracle SQL?
(As the highlight part in this picture)
Click the View menu. Click Files in that menu. That should be it.

Is it possible to duplicate the visual code side bar?

I don't know a way to duplicate the visual code side bar. I would find it useful to be able to open different views at the same time as it happens in eclipse Theila (both share same source code)
Eclipse Theila
See my newer answer at
You can put another panel on the right, in addition to the Side Bar and Panel. And then drag various views into it.
Put the Panel on the right. Right-click on one of the headers, like "Terminal" and select `Move Panel Right".
Drag your "Outline" header into that right Panel.

how do I get DBeaver to show a Save button?

I want a save button that I can click with the mouse, but when I focus on a SQL editor page and file and do >Window >Customise Perspective >Edit actions, it's greyed out and says "Save (Ctrl+S' command cannot be made visible in this dialog.
DBeaver Community v6.0.5.2019... Windows 10 Enterprise 2016
It's just a simple thing so I don't have to keep switching between keyboard and mouse.
This is some months old so it may not be relevant for you, but this may help others (I was brought here as the lone google search result and had to keep poking around until I found it)
anyway, in DBeaver menu select Window>Preferences>DBeaver>Editors there should be a checkbox for 'Show Edit toolbar'. Check that and apply and close. Exit and restart DBeaver and it should have buttons for save/undo/etc. If it still does not, go to Window>Customize Perspective and the 'Edit actions' toolbar items should no longer be unselectable so you should be able to add them to the toolbar from there.

SAP BO Deski Query Panel - Classes and Objects panel not visible

I'm using SAP BO Desktop Intelligence v12.1.0.882, on a Windows workstation with limited privileges.
After opening an existing report template (.rep) file, and clicking on the button for "Edit Data Provider", the Query Panel does not display the "Classes and Objects" pane on the left.
When clicking on the button for "Show/hide all classes" in top left of query pane, it does not show / have any effect on what is displayed in the Query Panel for "Classes and Objects".
What I've tried:
1) I've read through the "Business Objects User's Guide: Accessing Data and Data Analysis" (Business Objects 6.1), eg page 57, but this doesn't cover / mention this issue.
2) Searches via Google and Bing, however these do not give many relevant results.
1) Possibly viewing what rights on what DeskI can and can't show to me?
This is now resolved.
Resolution was to drag the left pane across using the cursor :).

Putting parameter drop down, and "apply changes" in preview view

I'm using the standalone crystal reports (no .net or visual basic) to generate reports, and I'm trying to figure out a way to put the parameter selection and "apply changes" button actually in the window instead of in the "Parameters" tab to the left.
Is there a way to do this or some way to export the report for a user to easily have this ability? I feel its something very simple I missed or its not possible. Thanks in advance.