Can a stringtemplate ModelAdaptor fall back to default stringtemplate property evaluation? - stringtemplate-4

It appears that, if I supply a ModelAdaptor for a class I supply to stringtemplate, then I have to respond to every property I want accessible in a template. I'd like to be able to be able to implement getProperty for properties that don't follow the normal naming convention, but let the default behavior handle "normal" properties. Is there a class I can subclass to get the normal behavior (perhaps just calling super() when it's not a property I've implemented, or a method I can call to get the default stringtemplate logic)?
That is, I'd like to handle just the exceptional properties in the adaptor.

You can extend the ObjectModelAdaptor class.
Override the getProperty method to include a try/catch block, and use your custom handling in the catch block for a STNoSuchPropertyException.
public class MyModelAdaptor extends ObjectModelAdaptor {
public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property, String propertyName) {
try {
return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);
} catch (STNoSuchPropertyException ex) {
throw new STNoSuchPropertyException("TODO: custom handling goes here");


TypeScript: Access global type hidden by local class definition?

Lets assume i have a class which has the same name as an previously defined type which is defined inside lib.d.ts. How would i make use of that type within this class.
For example, i have the class Event, which has to deal with the browsers Event object, which is defined as an interface in lib.d.ts.
export class Event { // own definition of Event which hides original Event
public dealWithBrowserEvent(event: Event): void { // Event object defined by lib.d.ts
// deal with it
How would i tell Typescript that this are two different types. Of course i could simply rename my class, but i don't want to do that, because the name is perfect for my use case.
You can archive this by doing so:
class CustomEvent
public dealWithBrowserEvent(event: Event): void
export default CustomEvent;
import Event from './E'
export class SomeClass
//Parameter e here is instance of your CustomEvent class
public someMethod(e: Event): void
let be: any;
//get browser event here
More on declaration merging, and what can be merged and what not: link
I strongly recommend you not doing so. This code will lead to a lot of confusion for your colleagues reading/modifying it later, let alone headache of not being able to use in the same file standard class for Event.
In the meantime i found a quite doable solution. I defined an additional module which exports renamed interfaces. If i import this module, i can use the renamed types as if they would be original types.
// Event will be the one from lib.d.ts, because the compiler does not know anything about
// the class Event inside this module/file.
// All defined properties will be inherited for code completion.
export interface BrowserEvent extends Event {
additionalProperty1: SomeType;
additionalProperty2: SomeType;
If you don't need additional properties you can just do type aliasing:
// Alias for Event
export type BrowserEvent = Event;
import {BrowserEvent} from './browser.ts';
export class Event { // Definition of Event hides original Event, but not BrowserEvent
public dealWithBrowserEvent(event: BrowserEvent): void {
// deal with it
I'm quite happy with this solution, but maybe there is a even better solution.

Is there a way to have a get only (no set) in a typescript interface?

I have a case where I want to have just a get in the interface, no set. Is there a way to do that?
If not, we can implement a set and throw an exception if it is called. But it's cleaner if we can have just a get.
At present I have:
export interface IElement {
type : TYPE;
export class Element implements IElement {
public get type () : TYPE {
public set type (type : TYPE) {
this.type = type;
I would like to have my interface & class be:
export class Element implements IElement {
public get type () : TYPE {
TypeScript interfaces cannot currently define a property as read-only. If it's important to prevent, you'll need to throw an exception/error at runtime to prevent sets within the setter for the property.
The compiler doesn't require that you implement the get and a set though. You can just implement the get for example. However, at runtime, it won't be caught.

PropertyAcess : Define condition values for label in PropertyAcess

I have a model called Field which has id and label.
I have defined PropertyAcess as below and it works. I would like to change it in such a way that I can show label based on condition ie if field.getLabel() is null, use field.getId() as label. How can I acheieve that
interface FieldProperties extends PropertyAccess<Field> {
ModelKeyProvider<Field> id();
LabelProvider<Field> label();
ValueProvider<Field, String> labelProp();
The PropertyAccess tool is meant to make it easy to quickly build ValueProvider, ModelKeyProvider, and LabelProvider instances that are based on a specific getter/setter on a bean-like object. If you don't want just access to a single property, then implement the interface directly.
In your case, since you want a LabelProvider that returns getLabel() unless it is null, then getId(), you might do something like this:
public LabelOrIdLabelProvider implements LabelProvider<Field> {
public String getLabel(Object item) {
return item.getLabel() == null ? item.getId() : item.getLabel();
If you want custom behavior, build it out yourself to do exactly what you need. If you just want the simple behavior of reading a single getter, the PropertyAccess is there to help save you a few lines of code.

How to communicate user defined objects and exceptions between Service and UI in JavaFX2?

How to communicate user defined objects and user defined (checked) exceptions between Service and UI in JavaFX2?
The examples only show String being sent in to the Service as a property and array of observable Strings being sent back to the UI.
Properties seem to be defined only for simple types. StringProperty, IntegerProperty, DoubleProperty etc.
Currently I have a user defined object (not a simple type), that I want Task to operate upon and update with the output data it produced. I am sending it through the constructor of Service which passes it on through the constructor of Task. I wondered about the stricture that parameters must be passed in via properties.
Also if an exception is thrown during Task's operation, How would it be passed from Service to the UI? I see only a getException() method, no traditional throw/catch.
Service and Task
Service javadocs
"Because the Task is designed for use with JavaFX GUI applications, it
ensures that every change to its public properties, as well as change
notifications for state, errors, and for event handlers, all occur on
the main JavaFX application thread. Accessing these properties from a
background thread (including the call() method) will result in runtime
exceptions being raised.
It is strongly encouraged that all Tasks be initialized with immutable
state upon which the Task will operate. This should be done by
providing a Task constructor which takes the parameters necessary for
execution of the Task. Immutable state makes it easy and safe to use
from any thread and ensures correctness in the presence of multiple
But if my UI only touches the object after Task is done, then it should be ok, right?
Service has a signature Service<V> the <V> is a generic type parameter used to specify the type of the return object from the service's supplied task.
Let's say you want to define a service which returns a user defined object of type Foo, then you can do it like this:
class FooGenerator extends Service<Foo> {
protected Task createTask() {
return new Task<Foo>() {
protected Foo call() throws Exception {
return new Foo();
To use the service:
FooGenerator fooGenerator = new FooGenerator();
fooGenerator.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) {
Foo myNewFoo = fooGenerator.getValue();
If you want to pass an input value into the service each time before you start or restart it, you have to be a little bit more careful. You can add the values you want to input to the service as settable members on the service. These setters can be called from the JavaFX application thread, before the service's start method is invoked. Then, when the service's task is created, pass the parameters through to the service's Task's constructor.
When doing this it is best to make all information passable back and forth between threads immutable. For the example below, a Foo object is passed as an input parameter to the service and a Foo object based on the input received as an output of the service. But the state of Foo itself is only initialized in it's constructor - the instances of Foo are immutable and cannot be changed once created and all of it's member variables are final and cannot change. This makes it much easier to reason about the program, as you never need worry that another thread might overwrite the state concurrently. It seems a little bit complicated, but it does make everything very safe.
class FooModifier extends Service<Foo> {
private Foo foo;
void setFoo(Foo foo) { = foo; }
#Override protected Task createTask() {
return new FooModifierTask(foo);
private class FooModifierTask extends Task<Foo> {
final private Foo fooInput;
FooModifierTask(Foo fooInput) { this.fooInput = fooInput; }
#Override protected Foo call() throws Exception {
return new Foo(fooInput);
class Foo {
private final int answer;
Foo() { answer = random.nextInt(100); }
Foo(Foo input) { answer = input.getAnswer() + 42; }
public int getAnswer() { return answer; }
There is a further example of providing input to a Service in the Service javadoc.
To return a custom user exception from the service, just throw the user exception during the service's task call handler. For example:
class BadFooGenerator extends Service<Foo> {
#Override protected Task createTask() {
return new Task<Foo>() {
#Override protected Foo call() throws Exception {
throw new BadFooException();
And the exception can be retrieved like this:
BadFooGenerator badFooGenerator = new BadFooGenerator();
badFooGenerator.setOnFailed(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(WorkerStateEvent t) {
Throwable ouch = badFooGenerator.getException();
System.out.println(ouch.getClass().getName() + " -> " + ouch.getMessage());
I created a couple of executable samples you can use to try this out.
Properties seem to be defined only for simple types. StringProperty, IntegerProperty, DoubleProperty etc. Currently I have a user defined object (not a simple type), that I want Task to operate upon and update with the output data it produced
If you want a property that can be used for your own classes try SimpleObjectProperty where T could be Exception, or whatever you need.
Also if an exception is thrown during Task's operation, How would it be passed from Service to the UI?
You could set an EventHandler on the Task#onFailedProperty from the UI with the logic with what to do on failure.
But if my UI only touches the object after Task is done, then it should be ok, right?
If you call it from your UI you are sure to be on the javaFX thread so you will be OK. You can assert that you're on the javaFX thread by calling Platform.isFxApplicationThread().

GWT Editor framework

Is there a way to get the proxy that editor is editing?
The normal workflow would be:
public class Class implments Editor<Proxy>{
#UiField AntoherClass subeditor;
void someMethod(){
Proxy proxy = request.create(Proxy.class);;
Now if i got a subeditor of the same proxy
public class AntoherClass implements Editor<Proxy>{
// method to get the editing proxy ?
Yes i know i can just set the proxy to the Child editor with setProxy() after its creation, but i want to know if there is something like HasRequestContext but for the edited proxy.
This usefull when you use for example ListEditor in non UI objects.
Thank you.
Two ways you can get a reference to the object that a given editor is working on. First, some simple data and a simple editor:
public class MyModel {
//sub properties...
public class MyModelEditor implements Editor<MyModel> {
// subproperty editors...
First: Instead of implementing Editor, we can pick another interface that also extends Editor, but allows sub-editors (LeafValueEditor does not allow sub-editors). Lets try ValueAwareEditor:
public class MyModelEditor2 implements ValueAwareEditor<MyModel> {
// subproperty editors...
// ValueAwareEditor methods:
public void setValue(MyModel value) {
// This will be called automatically with the current value when
// driver.edit is called.
public void flush() {
// If you were going to make any changes, do them here, this is called
// when the driver flushes.
public void onPropertyChange(String... paths) {
// Probably not needed in your case, but allows for some notification
// when subproperties are changed - mostly used by RequestFactory so far.
public void setDelegate(EditorDelegate<MyModel> delegate) {
// grants access to the delegate, so the property change events can
// be requested, among other things. Probably not needed either.
This requires that you implement the various methods as in the example above, but the main one you are interested in will be setValue. You do not need to invoke these yourself, they will be called by the driver and its delegates. The flush method is also good to use if you plan to make changes to the object - making those changes before flush will mean that you are modifying the object outside of the expected driver lifecycle - not the end of the world, but might surprise you later.
Second: Use a SimpleEditor sub-editor:
public class MyModelEditor2 implements ValueAwareEditor<MyModel> {
// subproperty editors...
// one extra sub-property:
#Path("")//bound to the MyModel itself
SimpleEditor self = SimpleEditor.of();
Using this, you can call self.getValue() to read out what the current value is.
Edit: Looking at the AnotherEditor you've implemented, it looks like you are starting to make something like the GWT class SimpleEditor, though you might want other sub-editors as well:
Now if i got a subeditor of the same proxy
public class AntoherClass implements Editor<Proxy>{
// method to get the editing proxy ?
This sub-editor could implement ValueAwareEditor<Proxy> instead of Editor<Proxy>, and be guaranteed that its setValue method would be called with the Proxy instance when editing starts.
In your child editor class, you can just implement another interface TakesValue, you can get the editing proxy in the setValue method.
ValueAwareEditor works too, but has all those extra method you don't really need.
This is the only solution I found. It involves calling the context edit before you call the driver edit. Then you have the proxy to manipulate later.