I try to do something that should be super easy, I try to draw a chart with monthly data. I just whant to show the last 12 or 24 month in the past with it's data. I get the data from a MSSQL server so I can twist the date to meet highstock format (I tried the number of second from 1/1/1970 with no success).
<cfloop query="maquery">
data = data + '#mois_annee#, #nb#,';
data = data.slice(0, -1);
data = data + ']';
$(function() {
chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart : {
renderTo : 'div_graph',
width : 600,
height : 300
series : [{
type : 'column',
name : 'Acheteurs Uniques',
data : eval(data),
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 2
rangeSelector: {
enabled: false
way simplier to explain with JSFIDDLE : http://jsfiddle.net/#&togetherjs=PIqVEj8qnp
I made a dual_stacked_column chart.
Unfortunately the chart shows 2 different y axis. What do I have to set so that the y-axis get the same value? (vizscale?)
I searched for a long time and found the solution. The maxValues are just an example, but the glossy effect is cool.
vizProperties="{ plotArea : { drawingEffect : 'glossy',
primaryScale : { fixedRange : true, minValue : 0, maxValue : 6000 },
secondaryScale : { fixedRange : true, minValue : 0, maxValue : 6000 } } }"
// set the scales
var oVizFrame = this.oVizFrame = this.getView().byId("idVizFrame1");
// get manual input
var oYAxis = this.getView().byId("idYAxis");
var sYAxisValue = oYAxis.getValue();
plotArea: {
primaryScale: {fixedRange : true, minValue: 0, maxValue: sYAxisValue },
secondaryScale: {fixedRange : true, minValue: 0, maxValue: sYAxisValue }
I faced a similar problem wir a dual bar chart.
I dont know if you can apply the same logic but its worth a try.
Change the chart type to stacked column and give the measure deklaration both columns.
<viz.feeds:FeedItem id='valueAxisFeed' uid="valueAxis" type="Measure" values="values1,values2" />
now they should render on the same scale.
Hope it helps!
I'm really just looking to assign additional information to dates. I am currently setting up datepicker with the following:
beforeShowDay: function(date){
dmy = date.getDate() + "-" + (date.getMonth()+1) + "-" + date.getFullYear();
if ($.inArray(dmy, ajaxDates) != -1) {
return [true, "","Available"];
} else {
return [false,"","unAvailable"];
Where ajaxDates is an array containing a list of available dates such as:
var ajaxDates = [ "26-2-2015", "27-2-2015"];
It's for a booking system were I have another array containing the number of seats available for every date. I had seen a post that I can no longer find were someone was attaching additional information to the dates. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great!
Edit: I have noticed that the a title is attached to each date which on hover shows the tooltip as "Available" or "Unavailable". Is there any easy method to access through the datepicker?
The solution that I was referring to was:
Add custom parameter to jQuery UI Datepicker
An example of how to set additional parameters is as followed:
var input = $("#datepicker");
var result = $("#result");
var courses = {
"02-09-2013" : "history",
"10-09-2013": "physics"
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',
showWeek: true,
firstDay: 1,
numberOfMonths: 3,
onSelect: function(dateText, pickerObj){
result.attr("data-course-id", courses[dateText]);
course.innerHTML = courses[dateText];
altField: "#result"
I have used viz chart library. I have given some drill down functionality on the column graph. For that I have to select any column of the graph to see the detail for the selected part (in the same page).
Now I want to select my first column/bar of the column graph automatically. It means when I go to the graph page, the first bar should be selected as default and the detail of the selected bar should be there.
Please help me guys.
<viz:ui5.Column id="chart" selectData="goToDaily" width="auto">
<viz:ui5.types.VerticalBar colorPalette="#FFCC00"/>
<viz:ui5.types.Title text="Monthly">
<viz:ui5.data.FlattenedDataset id="fds1" >
<viz:ui5.data.DimensionDefinition id="dim" axis="1" name="Month" value="{name}">
<viz:ui5.data.MeasureDefinition id="mea" name="Values" value="{value}">
</viz:ui5.data.MeasureDefinition >
JSONmodel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
data1 = [ {
name : "Jan",
value : 100,
name : "Feb",
value : 150,
name : "March",
value :120,
name : "April",
value : 200,
Select Data for Chart:
I have tried to select month Feb as default selection, but not able to select it.
Niket Talati
There are quite a few things incorrect in your code
You have specified an event handler for selectData but this is obviously only triggered when you first "select data". You never fire an event for data selection in your code, so the event handler will only be triggered if you click on a column manually
It seems you tried to fire the event from the event handler (which is the other way around, see previous point), but you have never implemented the fireSelectData method.
In addition, the signature of the map you tried to select is incorrect. According to the API (which is ill-formatted, I know) you need to send a whole lot more, something like this:
// ...snip...
var oSelection = {
data : [
target : oRect,
data : [
ctx : {
path : {
dii_a1 : 0,
dii_a2 : 0,
mg : 0,
mi : 0
type : "Measure"
val : 100
name : "selectData"
// ...snip...
If you need to get an element by it's Id when using XMLViews, you should use this.getView().byId("chart") instead
Hope the above helps!
I'm trying to create an interactive and real-time graph using flot library. It's very similar to the real-time example in Flot site but with some additional options.
This is a part of my code:
var bars = false;
var lines = true;
var steps = false;
var xAxisInterval = 5;
var xAxisUnit = "minute";
var plot = 0;
var dataChart = [
label : "Consumo",
data : input1_data, //history
threshold : {below : threshold},
color : input1_color, //'#00B800',
lines : {show : input1_show, fill : input1_fill}
label : "Consumo Previsto",
data : input2_data, //forecast data
threshold : {below : threshold},
//stack : null,
color : input2_color,//'#66E066',
lines : {show : input2_show, fill : input2_fill}
var plotOptions = {
show: lines,
steps: steps
bars: {
show: bars,
barWidth: 0.6
yaxis:{ min:0, max: 65000 },
xaxis: { mode : "time", tickSize : [ xAxisInterval, xAxisUnit ] },
zoom: { interactive : gridZoom },
pan: { interactive : gridPan },
points: { show: showPoints },
grid: { hoverable: gridHoverable, color: gridColor },
legend: { backgroundColor:legendBackgroundColor, backgroundOpacity:legendBackgroundOpacity, position: legendPosition }
if (plot == 0) {
plot = $.plot("#" + divId, dataChart, plotOptions);
else {
jQuery.each(dataChart , function(index, value) {
If i only use the code line $.plot("#"+divId, dataChart, plotOptions), it works well.
But to improve performance, instead of construt an entire new plot in every time increment, i tryed to use the code in if/else statement. But the ploted chart loss some options, like series colors and legend, and is painted with color defined in grid options (gridColor) ..., as shown in figure below.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
You are replacing the all the series options with just the data piece. Also, setData replaces all the data in the chart, so I don't think calling it multiple times in a loop is correct (you'll only end up with the last series).
I usually follow this pattern to replace just the data:
var series = plot.getData();
for (var i = 0 i < dataChart.length; i++){
series[i].data = dataChart[i].data;
I have a date data series with uneven periods between data points. I want to have a label for each data point in the series. Any ideas how to archieve it?
Fiddle link is here
Just to promote my comment to an answer, one way to accomplish your mission would be to employ d3 axis to more rigidly control the axis. I updated John's jsfiddle here to demonstrate how we can do this. The full standalone code is below and in this gist.
<div id="volumeReport">
var svg = dimple.newSvg("#volumeReport", 590, 500);
var data = [
{"Date": "22/7/2014", "Volume" : 0},
{"Date": "15/11/2014", "Volume" : 1000},
{"Date": "5/01/2015", "Volume" : 2000},
{"Date": "5/2/2015", "Volume" : 3000},
{"Date": "31/3/2015", "Volume" : 4000}
var myChart = new dimple.chart(svg, data);
myChart.setBounds(60, 30, 510, 305)
var x = myChart.addTimeAxis("x", "Date", "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S:%L", "%d-%m-%Y");
x.timeField = "Date";
x.dateParseFormat = "%d/%m/%Y";
myChart.addMeasureAxis("y", "Volume");
var s = myChart.addSeries(null, dimple.plot.area);
s.interpolation = "step";
s.lineWeight = 1;
s.lineMarkers = true;
return d3.time.format("%d/%m/%Y").parse(d.Date)
A category axis will evenly space the dates along the axis:
It also looks like you were trying to use a step area chart which requires version 2.1 of dimple. I've updated the version in the fiddle: