Chart.js and long labels - charts

I use Chart.js to display a Radar Chart. My problem is that some labels are very long :
the chart can't be display or it appears very small.
So, is there a way to break lines or to assign a max-width to the labels?
Thank you for your help!

For Chart.js 2.0+ you can use an array as label:
Quoting the DOCs:
"Usage: If a label is an array as opposed to a string i.e. [["June","2015"], "July"] then each element is treated as a seperate line."
var data = {
labels: [["My", "long", "long", "long", "label"], "another label",...],

With ChartJS 2.1.6 and using #ArivanBastos answer
Just pass your long label to the following function, it will return your label in an array form, each element respecting your assigned maxWidth.
* Takes a string phrase and breaks it into separate phrases
* no bigger than 'maxwidth', breaks are made at complete words.
function formatLabel(str, maxwidth){
var sections = [];
var words = str.split(" ");
var temp = "";
words.forEach(function(item, index){
if(temp.length > 0)
var concat = temp + ' ' + item;
if(concat.length > maxwidth){
temp = "";
if(index == (words.length-1)) {
else {
temp = concat;
if(index == (words.length-1)) {
if(item.length < maxwidth) {
temp = item;
else {
return sections;
console.log(formatLabel("This string is a bit on the longer side, and contains the long word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for good measure.", 10))

To wrap the xAxes label, put the following code into optoins. (this will split from white space and wrap into multiple lines)
scales: {
xAxes: [
ticks: {
callback: function(label) {
if (/\s/.test(label)) {
return label.split(" ");
return label;

You can write a javascript function to customize the label:
// Interpolated JS string - can access value
scaleLabel: "<%=value%>",

Unfortunately there is no solution for this until now (April 5th 2016).
There are multiple issues on Chart.js to deal with this: (closed with fix) (closed with no fix) (closed with no fix) (closed with no fix) (closed with no fix)
This is a workaround: Remove x-axis label/text in chart.js

It seems you might be actually be talking about data labels and not the scale labels. In this case you'd want to use the pointLabelFontSize option. See below example:
var ctx = $("#myChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var data = {
labels: ["Eating", "Sleeping", "Coding"],
datasets: [
label: "First",
strokeColor: "#f00",
pointColor: "#f00",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "#ccc",
data: [45, 59, 90]
label: "Second",
strokeColor: "#00f",
pointColor: "#00f",
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "#ccc",
data: [68, 48, 40]
// This is the important part
var options = {
pointLabelFontSize : 20
var myRadarChart = new Chart(ctx).Radar(data, options);
Finally you may want to play with the dimensions of your < canvas > element as I've found sometimes giving the Radar chart more height helps the auto scaling of everything.

I found the best way to manipulate the labels on the radar chart was by using the pointlabels configuration from Chartjs.
let skillChartOptions = {
scale: {
pointLabels: {
callback: (label: any) => {
return label.length > 5 ? label.substr(0, 5) + '...' : label;
}, ...
}, ...

I'd like to further extend on Fermin's answer with a slightly more readable version. As previously pointed out, it's possible to give Chart.js an array of strings to make it wrap the text. To make this array of strings from a longer string, I propose this function:
function chunkString(str, maxWidth){
const sections = [];
const words = str.split(" ");
let builder = "";
for (const word of words) {
if(word.length > maxWidth) {
builder = ""
let temp = `${builder} ${word}`
if(temp.length > maxWidth) {
builder = word
builder = temp
return sections;
const str = "This string is a bit on the longer side, and contains the long word Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for good measure."
console.log(chunkString(str, 10))
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100vh!important;

For most of the recent versions of chart.js, the labels can be mentioned as array of arrays. That's your labels can be:
labels = [['a', 'label1'],['the', 'lable2'],label3] '$'
You can use following function which is fast and compatible across all versions for converting your labels array into array of array in case the labels contain multiple words:
function splitLongLabels(labels){
//labels = ["ABC PQR", "XYZ"];
var i = 0, len = labels.length;
var splitlabels = labels;
while (i < len) {
var words = labels[i].trim().split(' ');
for(var j=0; j<words.length; j++){
splitlabels[i] = words;
return splitlabels;


How do I leave the clicked point highlighted in dygraphs?

I am using the selected shapes to draw a larger diamond shape on my graph. When a user clicks a point. I display the data in another div, but I want to leave the clicked point highlighted. In other words, I want to 'toggle' data behind the points on and off and the clicked points need to show if they are included in the dataset. I believe I have seen this somewhere but I cannot find it. Is there a 'standard' way of leaving a clicked point in the 'highlight' state when you mouse away after clicking?
Here is my code. The pointClickCallback is getting the data through ajax and displaying it in another div. That part works. I just want to leave the point highlighted so I know which points I have clicked on.
I also need the point to revert back to normal when I click a second time. This is a toggle that allows me to select and unselect points.
EDIT: I found the interaction model example but when I add it to my code I lose my pointClickCallback functionality. I saw the call to captureCanvas and the interaction model structure.
var g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById('rothmangraph'), lines, {
//showRangeSelector: true,
title: "Personal Wellness Index (PWI)",
labels: ['Date', 'Index'],
color: ['#006699'],
valueRange: [0, 101],
axisLabelFontSize: 12,
drawPoints: true,
gridLineColor: "#aaaaaa",
includeZero: true,
strokeWidth: 2,
rightGap: 20,
pointSize: 4,
highlightCircleSize: 8,
series : {
Index: {
drawHighlightPointCallback : Dygraph.Circles.DIAMOND
axes: {
y: {
pixelsPerLabel: 20,
x: {
valueFormatter: function(ms) {
return ' ' + strftime('%m/%d/%Y %r',new Date(ms)) + ' ';
axisLabelWidth: 60,
axisLabelFormatter: function(d, gran) {
return strftime('%m/%d %I:%M %p',new Date(d.getTime())) ;
underlayCallback: function (canvas, area, g) {
var warning = g.toDomCoords(0,41);
var critical = g.toDomCoords(0,66);
// set background color
canvas.fillStyle = graphCol;
canvas.fillRect(area.x, area.y, area.w, area.h);
// critical threshold line
canvas.fillStyle = "#cc0000";
// warning threshold line
canvas.fillStyle = "#cccc00";
pointClickCallback: function(e,point) {
var idx = point.idx;
var line = lines[idx];
var sqltime = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',new Date(line[0]));
var dispdate = strftime('%m/%d %r',new Date(line[0]));
url: '/ajax/getDataPoint',
data: {'patient_id': pid, "rdate": sqltime},
success: function (result) {
// parse and add row to table if not exists.
var data = JSON.parse(result);
var aid = data['id'];
var indexCol = "#a9cced"
if (line[1] <= 65) indexCol = "#ede1b7";
if (line[1] <= 40) indexCol = "#e5bfcc";
var headerinfo = '<th class="'+aid+'"><span class="showindex" style="background-color:'+indexCol+'">'+line[1]+'</span></th>';
var fixdate = dispdate.replace(' ','<br>');
var headerdate = '<th class="'+aid+'">'+fixdate+'</th>';
// skip if already exists
var found = false;
var whichone = false;
$('#headerdate tr th').each(function(idx, item) {
if (fixdate == $(this).html()) {
found = true;
whichone = idx;
if (!found) {
$.each(data, function (idx, item) {
$('#' + idx).append('<td class="'+aid+'" style="width:70px">' + item + '</td>');
$('#headerdate tr').append(headerdate);
$('#headerinfo tr').append(headerinfo);
} else {
$('tr').each(function() {

syncfusion ej chart redraw [n] undefined

I am using ASP MVC and I have a ej chart built in script, and I need to refresh its content:
my chart is built like this:
var modelSummaryList = getMySummaryModel();
var summaryChartDataManager = ej.DataManager(($scope.FirstLoad && IsCurrentUserDpiUser()) ? null : modelSummaryList);
range: { min: summaryChartDataManager == null ? -1 : summaryChartDataManager.ChartMin, max: summaryChartDataManager == null ? 1 : summaryChartDataManager.ChartMax },
series: [{
name: "MTM",
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "#point.x#: #point.y#"
dataSource: summaryChartDataManager,
xName: "CtpyShort",
yName: "MTM"
}, {
name: "Threshold",
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "#point.x#: #point.y#"
dataSource: summaryChartDataManager,
xName: "CtpyShort",
yName: "Threshold"
}, {
name: "My Held/(Posted)",
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "#point.x#: #point.y#"
dataSource: summaryChartDataManager,
xName: "CtpyShort",
yName: "Held"
type: 'column',
which is working good, but upon filter and change of data, I need to redraw the chart so I did this:
$scope.RefreshChart = function (data) {
var chart = $("#MySummaryChart").ejChart("instance");
chart.model.range.min = data.MyTradeSummaryVM.ChartMin;
chart.model.range.max = data.MyTradeSummaryVM.ChartMax;
for (var s = 0; s <= chart.model.series.length - 1; s++) {
var pts = IsCurrentUserDpiUser() ? $.grep(data.MyTradeSummaryVM, function (item) {
return item.ClientID == localStorage.getItem("MyPosting_client_sticky");
}) : data.MyTradeSummaryVM;
chart.model.series[s].points = [];
for (var p = 0; p <= pts.length - 1; p++) {
var newPt = new Object();
newPt.x = pts[p].CtpyShort;
if (chart.model.series[s].name == "MTM")
newPt.y = pts[p].MTM;
else if (chart.model.series[s].name == "Threshold")
newPt.y = pts[p].Threshold;
else if (chart.model.series[s].name == "My Held/(Posted)")
newPt.y = pts[p].Held;
newPt.visible = true;
which throws the error TypeError: n[0] is undefined on the chart.redraw() line, and I am stumped. Please note that the RefreshChart() works if I build the chart via cshtml and not javascript like this:
.PrimaryXAxis(pr => pr.Title(tl => tl.Text("")))
.PrimaryYAxis(pr => pr.Range(ra => ra.Max(Model.ChartMax).Min(Model.ChartMin)).Title(tl => tl.Text("")))
.CommonSeriesOptions(cr => cr.Type(SeriesType.Column).EnableAnimation(true).Marker(mr => mr.DataLabel(dt => dt.Visible(true).EnableContrastColor(true)))
.Tooltip(tt => tt.Visible(true).Format("#point.x# : #point.y# ")))
.Series(sr =>
.Size(sz => sz.Height("400"))
.Legend(lg => { lg.Visible(true).Position(LegendPosition.Bottom); }))
but I am opting to use JS coz I need to handle null and firstload(meaning no data should appear on the chart upon first load, and unless user picks a client(filter), no data should be loaded. Which I cant seem to make it work if via html, I couldn't erase the chart xaxisregions label along with other data, the only things erased are the main Y axis points but not labels.
We have analyzed the reported scenario. We would like to you know that, when the data for chart is bind using dataSource, then while refreshing the chart with new data, you need to bind the data to series.dataSource property not to series.points, so that only chart will refresh properly. We have prepared a sample with respect the above scenario. Find the code snippet to achieve this requirement.
<input type="button" id="refreshChart" onclick="refresh()" value="Refresh Chart" />
function refresh(sender) {
var chart = $("#MySummaryChart").ejChart("instance");
for (var s = 0; s <= chart.model.series.length - 1; s++) {
//Obtained random data,
var pts = GetData().data;
var newPt = [];
for (var p = 0; p <= pts.length - 1; p++) {
if (chart.model.series[s].name == "MTM")
newPt.push({ "CtpyShort": pts[p].CtpyShort, "MTM": pts[p].MTM });
else if (chart.model.series[s].name == "Threshold")
newPt.push({ "CtpyShort": pts[p].CtpyShort, "Threshold": pts[p].Threshold });
else if (chart.model.series[s].name == "My Held/(Posted)")
newPt.push({ "CtpyShort": pts[p].CtpyShort, "Held": pts[p].Held });
//Assign the updated data to dataSource property
chart.model.series[s].dataSource = newPt;
In the above code in a button click event, we have refreshed the chart data. Here you need to assign the x value to CtpyShort and y values of three series to MTM, Threshold and Held, since we have mapped these properties while rendering the chart initially.
Screenshot before updating data:
Screenshot after updating data:
Sample for reference can be find from below link.
Sample Link
If you face still any concern, kindly revert us by modifying the above sample with respect to your scenario or provide your sample with replication steps which will helpful in further analysis and provide you the solution sooner.

Chartjs: display different average line while grouping

Currently I'm working on chartjs and I found that is extremely fast to learn(at least for normal task).Currently I'm facing a problem: I was asked to display a grouped bar chart. like in figure.
grouped bar char
as you can see for the date 30-08-2016 there will be 3 distinct values for B,C,D and for 31-09-2016 same group of data but with different values.
I was asked also to add an average line for each different group in the chart
to look like this:
grouped bar chart with averages
I need to bind the start of one average line with the associated bar group.
I serached on internet but i couldn't find any example.Can you tell me if there is an example or give some suggestion? thanks in advance
this was my solution: i created a plugin and than tried to draw a line for each component of the chart. the code is quite messy (i'll try to clean)
// Define a plugin to provide average for different groups of data
afterDatasetsDraw: function(chartInstance, easing) {
// To only draw at the end of animation, check for easing === 1
var ctx = chartInstance.chart.ctx;
var mapAverageLinePoints = {}; (dataset, i) {
var meta = chartInstance.getDatasetMeta(i);
if (!meta.hidden) {, index) {
var dataString = dataset.label;
var groupAverageLine = mapAverageLinePoints[dataString];
groupAverageLine = [];
//store the point coordinate and the value
var linePoint =
x : position.x,
y : position.y,
avg : 0
//adding the point to the array going to be stored in the map that group the point by the label
for (var type in mapAverageLinePoints) {
var avgLinePoints = mapAverageLinePoints[type];
//NON E' in valore bensì rispecchia la sommatoria dei posY utilizzati nella rappresentazione
var totalYAxis=0;
var totale=0;
var labelNumero=0;
for(var k=0;k<avgLinePoints.length;k++)
var point = avgLinePoints[k];
//jump the first one
var prevPoint = avgLinePoints[k-1];
//k start from 0!!!!
var avgYAxis = (totalYAxis/(k+1));
var avg = (totale/(k+1));
// here i draw the line starting from the previous average
ctx.moveTo(point.x, avgYAxis);
ctx.strokeStyle = '#979797';
ctx.lineTo((prevPoint.x), prevPoint.avg);
//this one is for drawing a "o" where two segments collide
var fontSize = 12;
var fontStyle = 'normal';
var fontFamily = 'Helvetica Neue';
ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(fontSize, fontStyle, fontFamily);
ctx.fillText("avg: "+(avg/range).toLocaleString() + rangeSuffix + ' €', point.x, point.y+(point.value>0?-30:+10));
//for the first one only record the y as the avg
var fontSize = 10;
var fontStyle = 'normal';
var fontFamily = 'Helvetica Neue';
ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(fontSize, fontStyle, fontFamily);
ctx.fillText("o", point.x, point.avg);
the result is this one:
chart result

How to remove L.rectangle(boxes[i])

I few days ago I implement a routingControl = L.Routing.control({...}) which works perfect for my needs. However I need for one of my customer also the RouteBoxer which I was also able to implement it. Now following my code I wants to remove the boxes from my map in order to draw new ones. However after 2 days trying to find a solution I've given up.
wideroad is a param that comes from a dropdown list 10,20,30 km etc.
function routeBoxer(wideroad) {
this.route = [];
this.waypoints = []; //Array for drawBoxes
this.wideroad = parseInt(wideroad); //Distance in km
this.routeArray = routingControl.getWaypoints();
for (var i=0; i<routeArray.length; i++) {
waypoints.push(routeArray[i].latLng.lng + ',' + routeArray[i];
this.route = loadRoute(waypoints, this.drawRoute);
}; //End routeBoxer()
drawroute = function (route) {
route = new L.Polyline(L.PolylineUtil.decode(route)); // OSRM polyline decoding
boxes =, this.wideroad);
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds([]);
for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
**L.rectangle(boxes[i], {color: "#ff7800", weight: 1}).addTo(;**
return route;
}; //End drawRoute()
loadRoute = function (waypoints) {
var url = '//';
var _this = this;
url += waypoints.join(';');
var jqxhr = $.ajax({
url: url,
data: {
overview: 'full',
steps: false,
//compression: false,
alternatives: false
dataType: 'json'
.done(function(data) {
.fail(function(data) {
}; //End loadRoute()
Well, my problem is now how to remove previously drawn boxes in order to draw new ones because of changing the wideroad using a dropdown list. Most of this code I got from the leaflet-routeboxer application.
Thanks in advance for your help...
You have to keep a reference to the rectangles so you can manipulate them (remove them) later. Note that neither Leaflet nor Leaflet-routeboxer will do this for you.
if (this._currentlyDisplayedRectangles) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._currentlyDisplayedRectangles.length; i++) {
} else {
this._currentlyDisplayedRectangles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
var displayedRectangle = L.rectangle(boxes[i], {color: "#ff7800", weight: 1}).addTo(;
If you don't store a reference to the L.rectangle() instance, you obviously won't be able to manipulate it later. This applies to other Leaflet layers as well - not storing explicit references to Leaflet layers is a usual pattern in Leaflet examples.

Chartjs: Is it possible to add phases in line chart?

Hello I want to create a dynamic chart that looks like this: phases in line chart
Is it possible with ChartJs to create vertical lines at certain milestones? (If possible also give each phase another color)
If not, what other libraries can handle dynamic line chart libraries that support phases?
Using Chart.js plugins can help you with this. They let you handle specific events that are triggered during the chart creation like beforeInit, afterUpdate or afterDraw and are also easy to implement :
var myPlugin = {
afterDraw: function(chart) {
// This will be triggered after the chart is drawn
A plugin doing what you are looking for will be linked below, but first let me explain how it works.
In your chart options, you'll need to add a new property, called phases, which is an array :
// The following is an example that won't work with every chart
options: {
scales: {
xAxes: [{
// `from` & `to` must exist in your xAxe ticks
phases: [{
from: "January",
to: "March",
// You can also define the color here
color: "blue"
from: "May",
to: "June",
color: "red"
And then, here is the plugin that use this information :
var phasePlugin = {
// You need to handle the `afterDraw` event since you draw phases edges
// after everything is drawn
afterDraw: function(chart)
// All the variables the plugin needs follow ...
var ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
var xAxeId = chart.config.options.scales.xAxes[0].id;
var xAxe = chart.scales[xAxeId];
var yAxeId = chart.config.options.scales.yAxes[0].id;
var yAxe = chart.scales[yAxeId];
var ticks = xAxe.ticks;
var phases = chart.config.options.scales.xAxes[0].phases;
// For every phase ...
for (var i = 0; i < phases.length; i++) {
// We check if the tick actually exists
if (ticks.indexOf(phases[i].from) == -1 || (ticks.indexOf(phases[i].to) == -1)) {
// Else, we skip to the next phase
// We get the x position of the first limit tick
var xPos = ((xAxe.width - xAxe.paddingRight) / xAxe.maxIndex) * ticks.indexOf(phases[i].from) + xAxe.left + 1;
// And draw the dashed line
ctx.setLineDash([8, 8]);
ctx.strokeStyle = phases[i].color;
ctx.strokeRect(xPos,, 0, yAxe.height);
// Same for the other limit
xPos = ((xAxe.width - xAxe.paddingRight) / xAxe.maxIndex) * ticks.indexOf(phases[i].to) + xAxe.left + 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = phases[i].color;
ctx.strokeRect(xPos,, 0, yAxe.height);
You can see a fully working example in this jsFiddle and here is its result :