File in the classpath not being published (Eclipse + JBoss AS) - eclipse

I am working in an ActiveJDBC project that requires an instrumentation step before the build in order to do the entity mapping. I did this by adding a script that generates an at the classpath.
The build part is fine and the file is being properly generated in the workspace. However, when I publish the project the file is being packed in the WAR file (all the other classes are fine though).
It is a simple dynamic web project, no changes in the build or classpath besides the instrumentation step. I am using:
- OS X Mavericks.
- Eclipse Juno.
- Maven 3.
- JBoss AS 7.
- JRE 1.6.
I used the following tutorial:
Can you guys give me a hint on whats going on? There is no error or warning in console...

I think you mean file. This file will be produced by instrumentation process and will be placed at the root of your classpath, usually target/classes. Please see if it is there. If it is there, it will be placed at the root of your war file: war_root/WEB-INF/classes. Unpack your war file and see if it is there. If not, something is wring in how you create a war file.

I went through the whole process again and, after a lot of attempts, I changed the configuration in the instrumentation builder to refresh resources recursively upon completion and it started working. Its on Proj Properties >> Builders >> Edit (on instrumentation builder) >> Refresh tab.
It seems to be working now, but I'll try to map more entities to check if its really ok.


Eclipse Maven Project import

Using Java8, Eclipse Mars 4.5
I have a simple Maven project with a pom and a single java file, in a folder. I do the File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project -> Point to my folder. Eclipse does its thing sucessfully creates the project (no errors). But with somewhat of a complex folder structure that I am able to edit (with some difficulty). My project file structure is:
I originally see my java file (but not in the /src), I see all my dependent jars. After some doing (open/new etc) I am able finally compile my java class- I see all the generated class files.
But I am unable to run it. I do have my main class specified in the eclipse run configuration.
I don't have the Run As enabled.
I try run java application, get error:
Could not find or load main class 'myclass' (I do have the main method)
If I try Maven build (M2 the red icon), initially I got 'no goal specified' error, added <defaultGoal>install</defaultGoal> to the pom. I do get BUILD SUCCESS
But still no run? What am I missing.
I went the maven project route to simplify, but
This problem was finally solved by conforming (submitting) to the default file structure of the eclipse/maven project- <classpathentry kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/java">. I re-created the file structure (as this) put/copied my .java and .classes in those directories - it ran fine finally.
I could see this problem when I opened the .classpath file - it had the original /classes and /src directory and not he one I had edited in eclipse (as I indicated in my Question). Even though I was actually successfully compiling into my /classes.
I would certainly not expect this behavior, there is clear edit option for /src and /classes and it should take effect- but maybe not.
Another observation to add- when I look at my run configuration - I see the correct class but eclipse does not show the location. So one would never know.
So long story short it finally worked after much frustration and effort and loss of a couple of days (And I just had exactly one java file to compile and run - wondering how much pain would be if I had a few more).
I am not a regular eclipse user (any longer) so some of it would be getting used to etc - but some of these quarks need to be taken care of (It is the No1 tool)

JBoss 6.1.1.EAP Module Deployment: Class not found

The structure is as follows:
Actually deployed module is EAR.
EAR contains WAR module, and WAR module contains another JAR module.
In this last JAR, there are some generated classes and their parent folder is also used as source folder. Its path is "target/generated-sources/java".
The problem that is killing me, is that the deployed application throws ClassNotFoundException on server start, and the classes in question are the generated ones.
Now the trick:
if I explicitly change the Deployment Assembly in WAR project in Eclipse not to contain JAR project as "project", but as an archive from the JAR's project "target" folder, JBoss sees the generated classes and starts.
This solution however works only until next eclipse maven project update, so manual edit of deployment assembly is not really a solution.
Any ideas how to deploy or reorganise packages correctly?
OK, seems I have found the solution.
I looked through the build-path of the mentioned JAR file and saw that the entry Output folder pointed to target/test-classes.
After changing this entry to target/classes the application deploys and starts without any missing generated classes.
This is what worked for me:
Expand the 'target' folder of your maven project inside Eclipse (Project Explorer View);
Refresh it (F5);
Right click on your project on 'Servers' tab, then select "Full Publish";
Start your JBoss.
I had to enforce the JBoss Tool "Full Publish" to get an updated version of my target folder by Refreshing it manually on eclipse.
I don't know why but sometimes the Publishing from maven projects (even Full Publishes) do not copy classes from the target Project as it is in the file system. Maybe it's using some outdated memory info or some cache...
Anyway, this is what works for me.
After an update to Eclipse 4.15 and JBoss tools I got this problem too.
My solution: project -> properties -> Java Build Path --> Source
There my Output folder from my source was linked to project/target/classes, I changed this to project/target/project-projectversion/WEB-INF/classes
When I looked into the standalone JBoss folder I saw the folder structure of my source, but the classes where missing, when I changed the output folder the classes pop up and everything worked like before.
I am pretty sure the update made the problems.

eclipse - cannot get project export/dependencies working

Ok. I am using eclipse kepler.
Ihave an eclipse project called 'afd-core'. It has some classes, and a directory etc/hibernate containing hibernate config - lookup.hbm.xml.
I have another project afd-public. It is a webapp, and needs the stuff in afd-core on it's classpath.
And I think I have tried everything.
afd-public->project referencers: added add-core as a referenced project
afd-public->java build path->projects: added afd-core
afd-public->java build path->order and export: marked afd-core as exported
afd-core->java build path->added etc/hibernate as a classpath entry
afd-core->order and export->marked etc/hibernate as exported
Didn't work. When I run add-public as a web app, complains that it cant find the hibernate config.
So I made etc/hibernate a source rather than a class direcrory. Still didn't work.
Explicitly added add-core/etc/hibernate as a class directory in the add-public project. Still didnt work. Marked those class drectories as 'exported'. Still didn't work.
Manually copied the hibernate config into afd-public/webapp/WEB-INF/classes . Ok, it finds the hibernate config, but it does not find the core class files.
In other words, the afd-public webapp is not including dependencies from afd-core AT ALL, not in any way, shape, or form into the webapp that it deploys locally to tomcat. Whether or not I mark them as exported from afd-core. Whether or not I include the project or the directories explicitly. Whether or not I do or dont export them from the afd-public webapp.
Nothing. nada. Won't go.
Found it. Goddamnit - I needed to fiddle with Deployment Assembly in afd-public. It seems that there are a couple of ways to do it.
I can include afd-public/build/classes and afd-public/etc/hibernate and have them deployed to WEBINF/classes, or I can deploy the add-core jarfile to lib.
To get the afd-core jarfile correct, I create afd-core as a j2ee "utility project" and check that the Deployment Assembly there is correct. Which it is.

How to deploy generated resources to tomcat with m2e-wtp?

I am pulling JavaScript from a jar as part of my build process. I wish this js to be part of my web resources for the app deployed on tomcat and I have updated my build process to allow this to happen. Doing a maven build (outside eclipse) works as expected and I can package up a war with everything in its proper order.
However, when building with eclipse I have run into some headaches. My understanding was in order to have web resources deployed to tomcat through an incremental build, I needed to put these build-time generated js files into the target/m2e-wtp/web-resources directory. However, when I publish these new files are ignored and the web-resources deployed to tomcat seem to be pulled from my source.
I also adjusted my project's deployment assembly settings. Through this I still don't have it working. I have the entry [source:/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources, DeployPath:/] which should find the newly generated files when I perform a "publish" to the server. However, the same thing happens where m2e-wtp seems to be pulling from source.
Am I missing something? How can I get standard behavior from m2e-wtp (i.e. make it comparable to a build done outside of eclipse)? Or can I have eclipse just build the war and deploy it as such (not do the incremental builds, I can sacrifice some speed)?
FYI (versions):
eclipse: (Using Spring Tool Suite) 3.2.0
m2e: 1.3.1
m2e-wtp: 0.17.0
tomcat: 7.0
Experiment added later:
After deleting my target dir, I performed a publish to Tomcat and all the web-resources were copied from my source. I also got a popup about files not found, most of which are compiled classes. However, it was looking for three files in the /target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/META-INF. Does the m2e-wtp plugin only look for specific files in a folder rather than the entire specified folder?
The problem is that the target directory was not being refreshed. Eclipse (or m2e plugin for that matter) doesn't recognize or care that files change in the target directory during a build, something that I was assuming. For now I have the auto-refresh (for the workspace) option on. The refresh on access option didn't working as it seemed to trigger the refresh only when I was publishing to tomcat for the first time.

Eclipse JBoss hot code replace

I am using Eclipse 4.2 and JBoss 7.
I have Build automatically checked in Eclipse.
Even then I have to build and redeploy the EAR file to JBOSS to test any code changes I make in Eclipse debug mode.
Am I missing something here?
What the "Build automatically" option in eclipse do is that when you modify the source code of a class, this one will be automatically compiled, which doesn't mean that all the whole project that contains the class (i.e. war, jar, ear ...) is redeployed in the server. But of course it helps in the speed of deployment, because the classes you've been modifying are already compiled when you manually build or deploy the project.
On the other hand, to avoid problems with redeployments, you'd better set up JBoss to delete the files related to the application keeps in the work directory, when the application is undeployed / redeployed. Look at this stackoverflow thread for more information.
Concerning the "Build automatically" option:
In order for the Deployment Scanner in JBoss to work, you have to have it turned on in JBoss.
Also, you need to add your project to the JBoss server in the Servers window. Look for the "Add or Remove..." option.
Once your project is added, any changes you make to your code will get detected and your module will be redeployed automatically in the background. Failing that and assuming your project doesn't have a snag, you can use mvn install & mvn jboss-as:deploy to manual update your module.
Beware, sometimes mvn doesn't pick up the latest java code. This seems to be a project configuration issue more than anything. Re-creating the project seems to correct the issue.
Also, keep an eye out for duplicate persistence.xml files.
You only need one.