Enterprise Architect open two properties windows simultaneously - enterprise-architect

Is there a way to open two properties windows at the same time? For example, say I want to double click on MyClass1(or right click and select Properties), and also double click on MyClass2 so that I can compare. Is this possible?
As a related question: Is there a way to open both the Attributes And the Operations window for a class diagram at the same time?

No, and no.
The dialogs are modal and only one can be open at a time.
The element browser (under the Element menu) provides you with a tree view of information related to an element, which can be a more convenient way to open the attribute and operation dialogs, but you can still only work in one at a time.


Using Blueprism, How to right click on a web application and select an option using Key or Click events?

Using BluePrism, how to right click on a web application and select an option using Key or Click events in Region Mode or Accessibility Mode?
It doesn't spy any of the menu items with an error saying :
Unable to spy the element
I had the same problem and fixed it with the following:
Because the window that shows up is a System window, it means it's no longer part of the IE Application Modeller, as it's using a different thread and a different ID.
So you'll need to create a different object specifically for this operation. I created one with
Object Name: IE - Popup Message
Window Title: Message from webpage
Windows Process iexplore
When attaching to it use index of 0, and then you can easily use UI Automation or Acessibility to identify the button you want to press.
But yes, you'll need to use a different object, I'd suggest making this one and every time there's a system popup for IE to identify the different buttons and use this object as a common interface between them.
This needs clear details about right-click behaviour; where is it showing a specific menu item or general right-click option.
In case application-specific option ->
then you can select global mouse click with text as 'right' to select the menu item and then finally using the Arrow keys (Up, Down to move the desired location )

MultiPageEditorPart with editors side by side

I have a rcp project with a custom MultiPageEditorPart which contains two editor pages. I would want to be able to show them side by side, is there a way to do this? I couldn't find a solution over the Internet.
I tried Window -> New Window or Window -> Editor -> Clone and I get a file opened with my MultiPageEditorPart twice side by side but the problem is if I switch in one place to a page editor it automatically switches to the same page editor in the other.
What I want is to have both pages of the MultiPageEditorPart in parallel so I can edit in one and see some changes in the other.
Thank in advance!
No, MultiPageEditorPart does not support this.
It uses a single CTabFolder to contain all the pages, this doesn't support showing multiple tabs at once.
Depending on what your pages are like you might be able to use a FormEditor with multiple sections on a single page (like several pages on the MANIFEST.MF / plugin.xml editor).

How to make GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette's PaletteView visible on first start

My GEF editor (extending GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette) always opens the editor with the palette hidden on first start of the application / first opening of the editor (after a build for example).
As this will potentially bewilder users who'll need to go in search of the flyout icon first, I'd like to have the palette view shown whenever the editor is opened. The user can then choose to close it on his/her preferences.
How can I achieve this? The API doesn't seem to give any clues, or I'm unable to find them...
The state of the palette defines if it is open or closed. This state is accessible using the getPalettePreferences().setPaletteState() method that is accessible in the GraphicalEditorWithFlyoutPalette. To open the palette, you must set it to the FlyoutPaletteComposite.STATE_PINNED_OPEN, like this:
If you want to ALWAYS override the state so that the palette is always opened with the editor, you have to add the line to the constructor of your editor. If you only want to do this once, and then leave the state as it was last selected by the user... No idea how to do this :-(

Eclipse Back/Forward navigation using mouse buttons

There is an addin for Visual Studio called MouseNavi that allows you to use mouse thumb buttons to navigate your history.
Does a similar extension exist for Eclipse?
I don't know of any Eclipse plugin that does this, but assuming you're using Windows:
This one should enable you to do what you want: http://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/XMouseButtonControl.htm
With that tool you can assign each mouse button a sequence of keys (Alt+Left for example) and because it can be made application specific it won't interfere with other programs where you don't want that mapping.
Alt+Left and Alt+Right to navigate through the latest opened editors.
Also, Alt+L to open up the shortcuts popup, so you can see what's available.
No real mouse navigation control though (not that I know of... at least). Although, should not be very difficult to create one and attach it to the same handlers that deal with the navigation commands.
^Q takes you to last edited location. You can cycle using it. No mouse bindings.

Is it possible to hide/remove arbitrary context menu items in Eclipse (3.6)

My question can be split into three:
Is it possible to hide/remove arbitrary context menu items in Eclipse (3.6) by ...
standard UI?
some existing plug-in?
custom plug-in?
I failed to find ways to do this by methods 1 and 2. If the only option is creating custom plug-in, could anyone push me towards the right direction where to start (I have some experience in Java, but not in Eclipse plug-ins).
You can hide menus or menu entries through the standard GUI: see help
To hide a menu item or toolbar button:
Switch to the perspective that you want to configure.
Select Window > Customize Perspective....
Open the Menu Visibility or Tool Bar Visibility tab.
Find the item you want to hide.
Uncheck the check box next to the item. Uncheck a menu to hide all its children.
Click OK to cause the changes to take effect.
But that will hide this entry from all the menus (contextual or not) in which it is present.
So it may not be as fine-grained as you want through the GUI.
You can also try it through a plugin (see also Menu contribution)
The first steps are pretty standard for using extensions in Eclipse.
Open the plugin.xml file and add the org.eclipse.ui.activities extension.
Then create an activity node and give it a unique ID.
Then create an activityPatternBinding node and use the unique ID for the activity to find the pattern node to the activity node.
The activityPatternBinding node requires that you supply a regular expression for the ID string of the UI element that you wish to hide.
The problem is that there appears to be at least 3 ways that menu items and toolbar buttons are added to the UI.
The first way is through the newer Command/Menu Extensions.
The second way is through the older ActionSets Extension.
Then there are other UI elements that appear to be hard coded into the Workbench and do not have ID strings and cannot be hidden using the Activities Extension. Luckily there are few of this third type of UI element.
Considering you are talking about the latest Eclipse, I will copy only the first way:
1/ Use the Plug-In Spy
The first way is to use the Plug-In Spy.
Press alt-shift-F2 and click on a menu item or toolbar button that you want to be hidden.
If there is an ID string under the heading "active action definition identifier" then you are in luck.
This item has been added using the Command Extension and you can use this ID as the pattern argument for the Activities Extension.
But not all items that have been added using the Command Extension present their ID string to the plug-in spy.
As a side note, the ID strings are period separated.
For instance the ID for a button might be "org.eclipse.ui.navigate.backwardHistory".
Regular expressions use the period to stand for any character. Luckily the period used as a wild card matches with actual period characters so you don't need to escape them if you don't want to. I find it makes it a bit easier to read if they are not escaped and it is highly unlikely it will cause any ambiguous matches.