Tomcat can be started using startup.bat but not from eclipse - eclipse

I have installed apache tomcat 7.0.47. I have used netbeans for a while, now i want to try eclipse. I've installed eclipse kepler. I have created my first struts application using it.
I have deployed few applications from netbeans which worked well. Now i cannot start up the tomcat server from eclipse. I'm getting message as
Several ports (8005, 8181, 8009) required by Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).
I have checked that no javaws.exe running in process explorer. Also checked no processes using the port 8181 using netstat.
When i start the tomcat from bin using startup.bat it starts normally and i have checked in browser. It is showing the default page on localhost:8181 and listed in netstat.
Any way to start my first struts application in eclipse. Tried almost every thing but no improvement.


how to resolve unable to start embedded tomcat server in eclipse?

I have a given springboot application, i would like to launch it but i get this error :
Unable to start embedded Tomcat
I manipulated both tomcat and glassfish external servers that is why i shut them down.
I tried to change the port in my application with server.port property but it does not work. i also make sure external tomcat server is not running.
My embedded tomcat version is 9.0.22

Eclipse, Tomcat server

As I understood the situation, there is a conflict between the Tomcat server from outside the Eclipse with the Tomcat server from inside the Eclipse. I attached some picture that will explain the situation and I hope I can get your helpWhen I start the server from outside the Eclipse, but I have access the home page for the Tomcat server
When I want to start the Eclipse server while the Tomcat still working
[I stopped the Tomcat server from the Task manager, thus the Eclipse server start without conflict][3]
[With the Eclipse sserver, I lost the access to the Tomcat home page even it says the server tomcat working][4]
The problem is that the tomcat server must not start from inside the Eclipse, it should start from the cmd screen by using the files startup.dat and shutdown by using the shutdown.dat file using their path in the cmd like this:
As well as there is another problem, which is the server should change the folder name from (Apache Software Foundation) to (Apache-Software-Foundation). Otherwise, it will cause a problem when creating the Path for the server as well as it's better to install it on the Logical partition not in the System partition to avoid any configuration problem.

running java web projects using Eclipse and tomcat issue

I have installed tomcat 7.0.37 and Eclipse juno on ubuntu 12.10 and build my first jsp based web app. but when I hit run as -> run on server eclipse shuts down. one issue is that on restart tomcat does not start and pops the error:
Several ports (8005, 8081, 8009) required by Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost (2) are already > in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be >using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the >port number(s).
In Tomcat installation folder, you can find a folder called conf and in that you can find a XML file server.xml.
This file contains the ports Tomcat has to use. Update that file with different port numbers and try again.
Okay, at last I solved it. first I changed the default browser from internal to system default and it solved the eclipse shut down. second I moved the files into the Web Content folder under project structure. and now I have a running JSP application. thanks to all geeks on web.
If You use eclipse then double click on servers and double click on tomcat server then one file will open. in that change HTTP port to some other port number and save(ctrl+s) then again start the server . it may be work fine

Why eclipse always complain that the tomcat server port is in use?

I have a eclipse web project source code, the name of the project is "My-Proj" .
I download Eclipse Java EE version (Indigo) , extract the achive, then I started the eclipse IDE. After I successfully installed tomcat7 server into the Eclpse IDE. I import my existing project to Eclipse IDE.
Then I run my imported project by choose "Run on server", but eclipse pop up the error message window like below:
I saw the port has been used, so I change the server running port by double click on tomcat server V7 under Eclipse "server" tab, and change the port to 8085 as below (see the right side of the image):
Please right click the image and view the image if you can not see clearly.
I run the project on server again , but I got the same error, port 8080 is in use, why? I have changed the port number to 8085, why it still complain the port 8080?
You need to change the one labeled "HTTP/1.1" not "Tomcat admin port" (in your image above on the right hand side where ports are).
Second you probably have an existing tomcat running that was not shutdown (unless you purposely have something else running on 8080). Shutdown eclipse and then look for any running java process that look like tomcat and kill them.
As Adam said, you'll need to change the HTTP/1.1 port if you want to have Eclipse's tomcat running on a different port to avoid the conflict.
However, this conflict is usually because your installed Tomcat is also running outside eclipse. You probably don't need two Tomcat instances running at the same time, so you might want to shut down the non-eclipse one. You can do this using the services panel in Windows, or using init.d on linux.
If you have multiple tomcat instances, try to change all ports in elipse - tomcat admin port, http/1.1, AJP. It works for me - I have eclipse from tomcat and netbeans on one machine.
Remember about firewall - it may be problem.

Are Tomcat server and Tomcat linked with Eclipse different?

I have installed Tomcat 7 server on Windows on port 8088.
Now I have added the server in Eclipse.
But I am not sure whether I need to keep the Tomcat running by going in the Tomcat directory or I have to close that and run from Eclipse?
And how will Eclipse know that I have setup the Tomcat on port 8088?
In the server view, you can double-click on your tomcat server and change the ports. This means that the folder where you have tomcat running (CATALINA_HOME) can still be used run Tomcat "production" and eclipse will use the same binaries to run within WTP. However, all other folders will be confiurable for your "dev" instance.
Actually you'd better change the settings to make sure there is no collision between eclipse ports and the ports declared at windows level.
Another simple solution is to stop tomcat at the windows level. Eclipse will take care of its own instance.
Other useful settings you can modify are the timeouts (in debug it's sometimes necessary), the deploy folder and even add some more web apps (modules tab).
do i need to keep the tomcat running
by going in the tomcat directory or i
have to close that and run from
No you don't need to keep tomcat running outside. You can run/stop it whenever you want from eclipse.
how will eclipse know that i have
setup the 8088 port
You will find project named Server or Servers; depends on eclipse version; in your workspace; in which you have added tomcat. It has tomcat configuration file which tells eclipse how to manage tomcat. It has a file called server.xml which contain port information that is on which port tomcat will run.