Publish zip created by sbt-native-packager - scala

I am trying to publish to a repository the zip file generated by the sbt-native-packager plugin through universal:packageBin task.
I configured my project like this:
publishTo := Some("Repo" at "http://repo")
publishMavenStyle := true
I am struggling trying to create a new sbt task (named publishZip) using publish task and packageBin task to publish the zip file. How can I achieve this ?

Add the following line to your sbt build (around packagerSettings should be fine)
Depending on what you want to do you may not need to define the publishZip task you could run
sbt universal:publish which should only publish the zip
redefine publish so it depends on universal:publish which would publish all the projects artifacts
publish <<= publish.dependsOn(publish in config("universal"))
Then run sbt publish.
For completeness sake deploymentSettings (and packagerSettings) come from com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager which is useful to know if you use a scala build :)

The deploymentSettings worked however I wanted to refine the settings. It seems there were several issues going on. I and finally came up with the following solution:
//--use sbt-native-packager default java application
//--a dummy task to hold the result of the universal:packageBin to stop the circular dependency issue
val packageZip = taskKey[File]("package-zip")
//--hard coded result of "universal:packageBin"
packageZip := (baseDirectory in Compile).value / "target" / "universal" / (name.value + "-" + version.value + ".zip")
//--label the zip artifact as a zip instead of the default jar
artifact in (Universal, packageZip) ~= { (art:Artifact) => art.copy(`type` = "zip", extension = "zip") }
//--add the artifact so it is included in the publishing tasks
addArtifact(artifact in (Universal, packageZip), packageZip in Universal)
//--make sure the zip gets made before the publishing commands for the added artifacts
publish := (publish dependsOn (packageBin in Universal)).value
publishM2 := (publishM2 dependsOn (packageBin in Universal)).value
publishLocal := (publishLocal dependsOn (packageBin in Universal)).value
The key pieces of this solution came from a comment from yanns and dgrandes


SBT how to publish an artifact generated from the run command

I'm attempting to compile and run scala code that generates a file in SBT (in this case its a swagger file).
the following sbt executes fine. The jar is built and executed and the file the execution creates is in the target directory. I can't, however, seem to get the zip file to get published to my artifactory repo like my standard jar files would.
Any idea on what I'm missing?
publishArtifact in (Compile, packageBin) := false
publishArtifact in run := true
val myZipTask = taskKey[File]("swagger-zip")
myZipTask := {
addArtifact(Artifact("swagger", "zip", "zip"), myZipTask )
The run command doesn't trigger any publishing tasks, as that's not what it's for. I think you have tried to turn on publishing when run is called with "publishArtifact in run := true", but that code is not sufficient to achieve that; you'd need to attach many other Tasks to that command. That's not what you want anyway.
Your case fits entirely within the expected usage of the addArtifact helper (see the docs, and the code)
As you need to run code to generate artefacts, you should provide that code as a Task argument to the addArtifact helper, i.e.
val myZipTask = taskKey[File]("return the swagger-zip file")
val runZipCodeTask = taskKey[Unit]("run the swagger-zip code")
// See, “How can I create a custom run task, in addition to run?”
// and
fullRunTask(runZipCodeTask, Compile, "ZipGeneratorMainClass")
myZipTask := {
addArtifact(Artifact("swagger", "zip", "zip"), myZipTask)
Then run "sbt publish"
Working demo
See for a working demo.
Note about scopes - consider generating this file in a meta-project, not the main project

Publishing into two repositories

I want to be able to publish to 2 repositories.
One remote repository that I can publish to using sbt publish:
publishTo := Some("Remote repository" at "htpp://...")
One local repository (custom directory within project's root) that I can publish to using sbt publish-local. I couldn't find a way to override the default ${ivy.home}/local. I tried:
externalResolvers += Resolver.file("local", file("mydir"))
But that didn't work. I'm guessing that's because I append at the end of the sequence, so I'm not overriding the default one.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I have a list of proxy repositories in ~/.sbt/repositories. So I want to keep them too.
To overwrite instead of appending to externalResolvers you could use
val remoteRepo = "my-public" at "http://my-nexus-server/content/groups/public/"
val localRepo = Resolver.file("local", file("mydir"))
externalResolvers := Seq(remoteResolver, localRepo)

CoffeeScript and sbt-concat

I'm having trouble concatenating and fingerprinting all the CoffeeScript files in Play application. Everything works fine for JavaScript files with build.sbt like this one
pipelineStages := Seq(concat, digest)
Concat.groups := Seq(
"javascripts/app.js" -> group(((sourceDirectory in Assets).value / "javascripts") * "*.js")
But when sourceDirectory is changed to resourcesManaged that supposedly contains compiled CoffeeScript files sbt-concat doesn't pick them up.
sbt-coffeescript, and all other official source task plugins, don't put their files in resourcesManaged in Assets, but instead their own sub-directory in target/web/<taskname>. They scope the resourcesManaged setting to their main task, in this case this means resourcesManaged in (Assets, coffeescript) and resourcesManaged in (TestAssets, coffeescript).
When you run sbt coffeescript you can see the files are output to target/web/coffeescript/main. You can verify this by running show web-assets:coffeescript::resourceManaged from the sbt console.

How do I change universal zip file name using sbt-native-packager

I am using:
scala 2.10.3
sbt 13.2
with plugin:
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "0.7.3")
I am using the universal:packgeBin to generate the universal zip file and publish to ivy repository.
I'd like to change the zip file name from to How would I do that?
This answer is based on version 1.0.3 that I have used, but it should apply to the latest version (1.1.5) as well.
You can name your package however you want. The only thing to do is to add the following setting to the configuration of your project:
Universal / packageName := s"${name.value}_${scalaVersion.value}_${version.value}_dist"
I think you cannot change the name of the generated artifact just for the universal:packageBin easily.
You can change the name of the generated artifact globally, by using artifactName.
artifactName := { (sv: ScalaVersion, module: ModuleID, artifact: Artifact) => + module.revision + "_dist." + artifact.extension
This will however also modify also the name of the generated jar file, and perhaps some other names of the generated artifacts.
If you wanted to change the name only of the file generated by the universal:packageBin you could rename the file after it was generated. Sbt gives you utilities which make this rather easy.
Universal / packageBin := {
val originalFileName = (Universal / packageBin).value
val (base, ext) = originalFileName.baseAndExt
val newFileName = file(originalFileName.getParent) / (base + "_dist." + ext)
IO.move(originalFileName, newFileName)
Now invoking the Universal/packageBin should execute your new task, which will rename the file after it's created.

sbt subproject aggregation and dependency behavior

I have an sbt project with a few subprojects, each of which publishes some artifacts and has a fairly extensive test suite.
When I run the build on my CI server, I want to publish the artifacts to a staging location and run the tests after the publishing task. Since others may want the artifacts, I'd like to tell sbt that I want it to build all the artifacts for all subprojects, then run all the tests, since by default it seems to run them interleaved in an unspecified order.
I have a ScopeFilter giving me access to all my subprojects, so I can make my ciBuild task depend on something like the following
(test in Test).all(subprojectScopeFilter).dependsOn(myArtifactsTask.all(subprojectScopeFilter))`
However, that doesn't seem to have any real effect on the order, and I definitely see some subprojects running tests before others have run their myArtifactsTask. I'm guessing that I don't fully understand how all works and it might be saying that each independent subproject's test task depends on that same subproject's myArtifactsTask? If that's the case, how can I specify what I want? Is it documented somewhere that I've missed? The manual describes the basics of all but not how it interacts with other constructs.
SBT will resolve automatically the order between task and projects and build them in that order.
What you could do is - let's assume you have three projects. Root and two sub-projects. I assume that the key myArtifactTask is defined in the root.
object MyBuild extends Build {
val myArtifactTask = TaskKey[Unit]("my-artifact-task", "My Artifact Task")
The myArtifactTask is implemented in both sub-projects.
myArtifactTask := {
myArtifactTask := {
What you want to do is to define your root's build.sbt in a way that it calls myArtifactTask in both projects. Then you could define new task testedArtifact which would depend on myArtifactTask.
lazy val testedArtifact = taskKey[Unit]("Runs myArtifactTask followed by tests")
lazy val inAnyProjectButRoot: ScopeFilter = ScopeFilter (
inAnyProject -- inProjects(ThisProject)
myArtifactTask := {
testedArtifact := {
(test in Test).all(anyProjectButRoot).value
testedArtifact <<= testedArtifact.dependsOn(myArtifactTask)
Now calling testedArtifactin the root project will first call all myArtifactTasks in sub-projects followed by tests.