google-cloud-sql cannot get replication working - google-cloud-sql

I have followed this guide 4 times now. With 3 different workstations.
I have one cloud-sql instance, I have two compute instances.
each gce instance its just ubuntu with a lamp stack.
the Cloud-Sql instance would be the master, and the to mysql instances on the GCE vm's would be the slaves.
when I use the command in the google cloud-sql guide I get this:
macpro:~ Weatherman$ gcloud sql instances patch
--backup-start-time 01:00 This command will change the instance setting. The following body will be used for the patch api method.
{'instance': '', 'settings': {'backupConfiguration':
[{'binaryLogEnabled': False, 'enabled': True, 'id': ',
'startTime': '01:00'}]}}
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? n
now from reading that I can see its set to "false". But that is the EXACT command the documentation says to use....
Any help greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I removed the instance name's and id's from the command....the commands issued were 100% correct.

Apologies - looks like the documentation is incorrect. We'll get that fixed.
In the meantime, could you try the following command to enable binary log:
gcloud sql instances patch --enable-bin-log <instance name>


Get Redshift cluster status in outputs of cloudformation

I am creating a redshift cluster using CF and then I need to output the cluster status (basically if its available or not). There are ways to output the endpoints and port but I could not find any possible way of outputting the status.
How can I get that, or it is not possible ?
You are correct. According to AWS::Redshift::Cluster - AWS CloudFormation, the only available outputs are Endpoint.Address and Endpoint.Port.
Status is not something that you'd normally want to output from CloudFormation because the value changes.
If you really want to wait until the cluster is available, you could create a WaitCondition and then have something monitor the status and the signal for the Wait Condition to continue. This would probably need to be an Amazon EC2 instance with some User Data. Linux instances are charged per-second, so this would be quite feasible.

How to make two node cluster of postgres in google cloud?

I am currently working on google cloud sql. where i have make one single instance of postgres server. i want to build two node postgres cluster with both nodes active.
How can i built it. any help/tutorial or link regarding to it will be highly appreciated.
Cloud SQL for Postgres Beta currently does not support any form of High Availability [1].
If this is something you require immediately, you would need to run the nodes yourself or use another solution.

AWS Mongo QuickStart never completes

I am trying to complete the MongoDB on AWS quickstart to create a simple MongoDB cluster. Unfortunately it never completes the rollout, cancelling after one last installation part (PrimaryReplicaNodeXYWaitForNodeInstallGP2) has not been completed within an hour.
My Settings were the following:
AvailabilityZone0 eu-central-1a
AvailabilityZone1 eu-central-1b
AvailabilityZone2 eu-central-1b
BuildBucket quickstart-reference/mongodb/latest
ClusterReplicaSetCount 0
ClusterShardCount 1
ConfigServerInstanceType t2.micro
Iops 100
KeyName my_definitely_working_keypair
MongoDBVersion 3.2
NATInstanceType t2.small
NodeInstanceType m3.medium
RemoteAccessCIDR XXX.XXX.0.0/16
ShardsPerNode 0
VolumeSize 40
VolumeType gp2
Which caused a rollback in the same behaviour, as named in the AWS forum:
In "Ressources", all but one subtask never gets completed and stays on
forever as "PrimaryReplicaNode0WaitForNodeInstallGP2 -
PrimaryReplicaNode0WaitForNodeInstallWaitHandle - Created in Progress
- Ressource creation initiated"
So, I was further researching on the issue. The post referred to another forum thread, where users with the problem should try to delete their DynamoDB entries and set ClusterReplicaSetCount to 3.
Problem here: In DynamoDB there are no entries and changing ClusterReplicaSetCount to 3 also causes a rollback with a similar error:
ConfigServer2WaitForNodeInstall WaitCondition timed out. Received 0
conditions when expecting 1
and later
MONGODBSTACK1 The following resource(s) failed to create:
In both cases there is a fail on PrimaryReplicaNodeXYWaitForNodeInstallGP2 (where XY is the number of the node) while all other parts of the installation completed successfully. I am totally in the dark.
Anyone got around this? The quick start is from 2016 and I think there must be people, who have successfully created this mongo stack!?
After days and days of hard struggle and no solution there was an update (since over a year, feels as if my prayers were heard) on the manual and the template:
So this also comes with a completely revised infrastructure and a more sophisticated setup form, changes are described as:
Upgraded MongoDB to version 3.4; removed sharding configuration;
updated security groups and added database security; updated
Following the tutorial is quite similar to the former versions, so no struggle here.
Everything went out fine and I got my stack completed now consisting of a
mongoDB Replica
bastion stack
vpc stack
So this part is basically done. If something else comes up, I will open a new question for that.
I noticed this after tearing down a dev cluster and attempting to stand up a new one with the same name.
The torn down cluster orphaned a dynamodb table with the name the new stack was trying to publish the worker nodes status onto. I deleted this dynamo table manually and reattempted to spin up the stack with the same name a third time and had success.

Whats the status of External Master Replication beta in Google Cloud SQL

I have a compute image that is running a mySql database, with confirmed access to the outside world.
When using the curl script to create an 'interface' to this database no errors are returned. However in the console GUI there is a warning triangle and no read replica can be created.
Are there any known issues with this functionality and/or are there any ways that I could get out some more logging in the response?

Couchbase XDCR on Openstack

Having received no replies on the Couchbase forum after nearly 2 months, I'm bringing this question to a broader audience.
I'm configuring CB Server 2.2.0 XDCR between two different Openstack (Essex, eek) installations. I've done some reading on using a DNS FQDN trick in the couchbase-server file to add a -name ns_1#(hostname) value in the start() function. I've tried that with absolutely zero success. There's already a flag in the start() function that says -name 'babysitter_of_ns_1#' so I don't know if I need to replace that line, comment it out, or keep it. I've tried all 3 of those; none of them seemed to have any positive effect.
The FQDNs are pointing to the Openstack floating_ip addresses (in amazon-speak, the "public" ones). Should they be pointed to the fixed_ip addresses (amazon: private/local) for the nodes? Between Openstack installations, I'm not convinced pointing to an unreachable (potentially duplicate) class-C private IP is of any use.
When I create a remote cluster reference using the floating_ip address to a node in the other cluster, of course it'll create the cluster reference just fine. But when I create a Replication using that reference, I always get one of two distinct errors: Save request failed because of timeout or Failed to grab remote bucket 'bucket' from any of known nodes.
What I think is happening is that the Openstack floating_ip isn't being recognized or translated to its fixed_ip address prior to surfing the cluster nodes for the bucket. I know the -name ns_1#(hostname) modification is supposed to fix this, but I wonder if anyone has had success configuring XDCR between Openstack installations that may be able to provide some tips or hacks.
I know this "works" in AWS. It's my belief that AWS uses some custom DNS enabling queries to return an instance's fixed_ip ("private" IP) when going between availability zones, possibly between regions. There may be other special sauce in AWS that makes this work.
This blog post on aws Couchbase XDCR replication should help! There are quite a few steps so I won't paste them all here.