Crystal Reports: How to supress a field based on a Query - crystal-reports

I need to supress a field in Crystal report based on a query result (true or false). Is there a way to specify the query in a variable and use that variable to create formula for supressing just a field value? Or do you suggest any other mechanism?
Please let me know.

I would suggest the following mechanism:
Create a 'shared' variable within a Formula field in the Report
Header area (or near the beginning of the report. Call it:
#QueryResult (or some other appropriate name) and define it as a
Create a sub-report and execute the query within the subreport and
set #QueryResult according based on the outcome.
Somewhere after the sub-report you can reference #QueryResult in a
Formula field and leverage it for subsequent logic.
Please let me know if this makes sense. I've used this technique in Crystal 7 up through XI.


Ssrs run only one of the subreports based on parameter

I have a report, and the report has 5 subreports. There is a parameter named "SubreportNumber". I want to run one of the subreports, based on that parameter. Just one of them should run. Effectivity is important in my case. Is this possible?
I'm using an IIF statement to hide (using visibility) my reports based on a parameter value, as described above.
Then I take the same approach when specifying the sub-report parameters.
This can basically be done on any one of the parameters, if the report should be showing then pass the parameter, else pass nothing. (If you pass NOTHING as a parameter to the report, it won't run the report, ie. performance increase...)
Example for Year parameter below:
=IIF(Parameters!SubreportNumber.Value = "1","YEAR(NOW)", Nothing)
You can hide the reports you dont want based on your parameter.
To do this: Go the Report's property, under visibility section. Set Show or hide report based on expression. You can write an expression to hide report depending upon your parameter.
This will just hide the reports. Make sure there are no stored procedure or they will be execute irrespective or whether the report is visible or not.

SSRS Aggreation on Calculated Field

I am trying to perform an aggregation on a calculated Field in SSRS and am getting the following error:
[rsAggregateReportItemInBody] The Value expression for the textrun 'Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers
This is the formula I tried to use:
=Sum(ReportItems!PlanPurchPrice.Value, "Select_UCPUtilization")
In this Case PlanPurcPrice is also an Expression:
=First(Fields!PawPlanPurchPrice.Value, "Select_UCPUtilization")
Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
SSRS 2008 does not support the functionality you are looking for unless the report item is located in the header or footer (as is stated in the error message). I would, instead, propose two alternate solutions:
First Option
Place the calculation in your query (if possible) at which point you can then reference the field and the aggregate will work as desired.
Second Option
You essentially want to create the aggregate you're looking to return elsewhere in the report where it is directly connected to the Select_UCPUtilization scope, then reference the aggregated value elsewhere. Follow these steps:
Within the same scope as report item PlanPurchPrice, calculate a sum of the PlanPurchPrice. Name the textbox containing the aggregate something meaningful (e.g., Sum_PlanPurchPrice).
Reference that textbox directly wherever you were trying to use the ReportItems sum before (i.e., =ReportItems!Sum_PlanPurchPrice.Value)
Hide the workaround. Place the aggregate you created in an additional column or row attached to the Select_UCPUtilization scope. Turn the text white, turn off growth and shrinkage, and make the row very tiny (a pixel or two high).
Using the second option, the report item does exist (and is visible, which is important) on the report and contains the sum you are looking to return elsewhere.
Hope this helps. if this doesn't make sense, please reply via comment and I'll help you to the best of my ability.

How do I do a CR-type formula in SQL Server Reporting services?

In Crystal Reports, I could define a formula that would evaluate for each detail line. For example, if I had a query that would return a PatientId, an ObsTerm name, and an ObsTerm value, I could define a formula called {#Hispanic} that had the value:
If {Command.OBSNAME} = "HISPANIC" Then
" "
Then, in the group footer, I could take Maximum({#Hispanic}, {Command.PATIENTID}) to see if I had gotten a value returned for the patient's ethnicity - either I'd get the value (assume only one, since that's how I built the query) or a blank.
I'm trying to convert a CR report over to SSRS 2008R2: how would I do the above? Thanks.
Add a calculated field to your data source (called 'Hispanic' or whatever) with a formula of:
In your report, add a parent group to your detail row and type [Max(Hispanic)] into a field in the group row. You may then want to hide the detail row and show only the aggregate data. I think there's probably a much easier way to do what you want but it's not clear from your question.
I made the transition from Crystal to SSRS and it is a hard road. You need to unlearn all your Crystal (especially formatting).

Iterate through data table in Crystal Report

How can i create function to iterate through datatable to read value from table
Function GetVal(integer id)
//iterate here and match value from table using id
return value;
and call this function on report field
i am using crystal report 11
any clues??
Option 1: Make your function (or equivalent SQL query) outside of Crystal and link to it like any other source. The practicality of this option depends on the details of your report.
Option 2: Crystal doesn't have a built-in Get() function that I can find. So, you'll have to get creative with subreports. For example, let say's say you want to get {TargetFld} from {LookupTable} based on {CriteriaFld}:
Make a subreport. Use {LookupTable} for your data source.
When entering subreport links, choose {CriteriaFld}.
In your subreport, make a formula. Use it to create a Shared variable and set the value to whatever value you want to pass back to the main report.
Position the subreport 1 section above the section where you need to use this value. (Otherwise it won't evaluate when you expect it to).
Create the Shared variable in the main report.
Use it as normal.
If you're not familiar with subreports or shared variables, I suggest first looking them up in the Crystal help files (F11). This will make alot more sense that way.

Crystal Report - How to deal with empty data?

I have sub report linked with EmployeeID. But for some employees I don't have data so report get suppressed. And I get record at wrong place. I want to avoid this so what can I do ?
I get record at wrong place
What do you mean the wrong place? Don't you mean the sub-report is taking up space when there are no records for an employee?
It depends on the sub-report layout, but I usually make the sub-report very thin in the main report and then I'll set suppress formulas in the visible sub-report sections. That can be done with an isnull() check on some key. I think there is also a special keyword you can use to check if there are records, I forget the name though.
You should be able to use the section suppress option on all the sections of the sub-report. I believe you can tie the section suppression to a formula. In that formula you need to check against the record count variable(I forget the exact name) and return a boolean in that formula to show/hide the given section.