PostgreSQL 9.1: Find exact expression in title - postgresql

I'm looking for a way to search a specific expression - then a part of its - in all documents (and its values associated). The final order should be:
Complete expression (in title or content): using ILIKE and '%expression%'
One of the word (in title or content): using tsquery on tsvector indexes columns
I have two tables:
documents (id [integer], title [character varying], title_search [tsvector])
values (id [integer], content [character varying], content_search [tsvector], id_document [integer])
Here the request I am doing right now:
(SELECT id, title, content, title_search, content_search, ts_rank_cd(title_search, query) AS rank
FROM to_tsquery('lorem&ipsum|(lorem|ipsum)') query, documents
LEFT JOIN "values" ON id_document=id
WHERE (title ILIKE(unaccent('%lorem ipsum%')) OR content ILIKE(unaccent('%lorem ipsum%'))))
UNION (SELECT id, title, content, title_search, content_search, ts_rank_cd(title_search, query) AS rank
FROM to_tsquery('lorem&ipsum|(lorem|ipsum)') query, documents
LEFT JOIN "values" ON id_document=id
WHERE query ## title_search)
UNION (SELECT id, title, content, title_search, content_search, ts_rank_cd(title_search, query) AS rank
FROM to_tsquery('lorem&ipsum|(lorem|ipsum)') query, documents
LEFT JOIN "values" ON id_document=id
WHERE query ## content_search)
ORDER BY rank DESC, title ASC
By doing this, I can get all documents with this expression and/or a part of its but I can't get to have those correctly ordrered. This is because I am relying on ranking with ts_rank on tsvector field which cannot be used to define exact expression.
So my questions are how I can get this to work as I expect? Am I wrong for using full text search?
Thank you.

It's a bit awkward but a solution I've used before is to include an extra "rank" column in your individual subqueries. For instance, the fist query would look like
select 1 as which_rank, id, title, ...
where title ILIKE(unaccent('%lorem ipsum%'))
OR content ILIKE(unaccent('%lorem ipsum%')))
then the second would be
select 2 as which_rank, id, title, ...
where query ## title_search
and the third would be
select 3 as which_rank, id, title, ...
where query ## content_search
If you include that ranking value in your sort order:
ORDER BY which_rank asc, rank DESC, title ASC
you can make sure the first case gets listed first, the second second, and the third third. You can also re-arrange which is 1, 2, 3 depending on your needs.


How to work with data values formatted [{}, {}, {}]

I apologize if this is a simple question - I had some trouble even formatting the question when I was trying to Google for help!
In one of the tables I am working with, there's data value that looks like below:
Invoice ID
Product List
I want to count how many products each order has purchased. What is the proper syntax and way to count the values under "Product List" column? I'm aware that count() is wrong, and I need to maybe extract the data from the string value.
select invoice_id, count(Product_list)
from quote_table
where status = 'processed'
group by invoice_id
You can use a JSON function named: json_array_length and cast this column like a JSON data type (as long as possible), for example:
select invoice_id, json_array_length(Product_list::json) as count
from quote_table
where status = 'processed'
group by invoice_id;
invoice_id | count
1234 | 4
(1 row)
If you need to count a specific property of the json column, you can use the query below.
This query solves the problem by using create type, json_populate_recordset and subquery to count product_id inside json data.
drop type if exists count_product;
create type count_product as (product_id int);
select count(*) from json_populate_recordset(
where product_id is not null
) as count_produto_id
from (
-- symbolic data to use in query
1234 as invoice_id,
'processed' as status,
'[{"product_id":463153},{"product_id":463165},{"product_id":463177},{"pid":463218}]'::json as Product_list
) as t

more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression problem

I am trying to update a column in one database with a query:
Here the query
and this is the output i think it is impossible to asign a query to a field but what is the solution for that plz.
enter image description here
= can be used when we are pretty sure that the subquery returns only 1 value.
When we are not sure whether subquery returns more than 1 value, we will have to use IN to accommodate all values or simply use TOP 1 to limit the equality matching to one value:
UPDATE mascir_fiche SET partner = (SELECT TOP 1 id FROM hr_employee WHERE parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM hr_employee));
With Limit:
UPDATE mascir_fiche SET artner = (SELECT id FROM hr_employee WHERE parent_id IN (SELECT id FROM hr_employee) limit 1);

Sphinx 3 index a relational database

Here is my Database scheme:
Restaurants -> id, title
Categories -> id, restaurant_id, type(enum: cafe, restaurant, fastfood, burger, chiness)
Reviews -> id, restaurant_id, body
Reviews belong to a restaurant and a restaurant belongs to multiple categories
how can we query reviews belong to a category?
here is the current config:
sql_query = select as id, reviews.body as body, restaurants.url as url, as restaurant_id from reviews inner join restaurants on( = reviews.restaurant_id)
sql_attr_multi = uint category_id from query; SELECT restaurant_id, as category_id FROM categories
the problem is in the sql_attr_multi it replaces restaurant_id by the! it doesn't know the restaurant_id in the sql_attr_multi and it thinks we mean the by it!
Firstly the first column in the resultset in sql_attr_multi, should be the 'document_id' from the main query. In your example the document_id is, but then seem to use restaruant_id in the MVA. It can't match arbitrary attributes like that.
So would actually need something like
sql_attr_multi = uint category_id from query; \
SELECT, as category_id \
FROM categories \
INNER JOIN reviews ON(reviews.restaurant_id = categories.restaurant_id) \
To get the review id to perform the join. Split into lines to make it easier to read. Have found it best to explictly order the rows via document_id.
But that still wouldnt let you query via the 'type' , ie 'cafe' etc, because your '' seems to be a unique id per restaurant anyway.
(ie each cafe would would a different!)
So actually seems you would want the 'type' as the MVA value. MVAs are numberic (not string), but luckily, enum is easily converted to a integer!
sql_attr_multi = uint category_type from query; \
SELECT, type+0 \
FROM categories \
INNER JOIN reviews ON(reviews.restaurant_id = categories.restaurant_id) \
The column names in the sql_attr_multi dont matter, just uses first column as document_id, second as the MVA value.
THen knowing cafe (for example) is the first value in enum, its 1. So query reivews for cafe... (burger would be 4 for example)
SphinxQL> SELECT * FROM myindex WHERE MATCH('keyword') AND category_type = 1

What does filter mean?

select driverid, count(*)
from f1db.results
where position is null
group by driverid order by driverid
My thought: first find out all the records that position is null then do the aggregate function.
select driverid, count(*) filter (where position is null) as outs
from f1db.results
group by driverid order by driverid
First time, I meet with filter clause, not sure what does it mean?
Two code block results are different.
Already googled, seems don't have many tutorials about the FILTER. Kindly share some links.
A more helpful term to search for is aggregate filters, since FILTER (WHERE) is only used with aggregates.
Filter clauses are an additional filter that is applied only to that aggregate and nowhere else. That means it doesn't affect the rest of the columns!
You can use it to get a subset of the data, like for example, to get the percentage of cats in a pet shop:
SELECT shop_id,
CAST(COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE species = 'cat')
AS DOUBLE PRECISION) / COUNT(*) as "percentage"
FROM animals
GROUP BY shop_id
For more information, see the docs
FILTER ehm... filters the records which should be aggregated - in your case, your aggregation counts all positions that are NULL.
E.g. you have 10 records:
would return 10.
If 2 of the records have position = NULL
would return 2.
What you want to achieve is to count all non-NULL records:
In the example, it returns 8.

Using functions with orientdb select query with edge filter

Customer -> (Edge)Ownes -> Vehicle {vehicle_number}
tried to query the customer record who "Ownes" a vehicle by its number like below and it worked. (both 'in' and 'contains' worked fine)
select from Customer where "KL-01-B-8898" in out("Ownes").vehicle_number
I want to do the same query but using a case insensitive search, like below, but returned '0' records
select from Customer where "kl-01-b-8898" in out("Ownes").vehicle_number.toLowerCase()
I changed the query like below and it returned the rows. Is it possible to use functions like 'toLowerCase' in the queries like above, with out sub select ?
select from Customer where #rid in (select in("Ownes").#rid from Vehicle where vehicle_number.toLowerCase() ="kl-01-b-8898")
You can use this:
select from Customer
let $a= ( select number.toUpperCase() from (select out("Ownes").vehicle_number as number from $parent.$current unwind number))
where "KL-01-B-8898" in first($a).number
This doesn't work:
select from Customer where "kl-01-b-8898" in out("Ownes").vehicle_number.toLowerCase()
return a list of String
This works:
select from Customer where #rid in (select in("Ownes").#rid from Vehicle where vehicle_number.toLowerCase() ="kl-01-b-8898")
because vehicle_number is a String
See the documentation: