Unable to get past login page using jsoup - forms

I am unable to get the desired response using jsoup to login and scrape the referred page.
I am trying to access a page called https://localhost/private/frontpage.do , and I can see that the POST method is POST security_check which I gleaned via firebug with the parameters password=guest&username=guest&submit=.
When I use the following code I still am unable to get to the desired page.
Response res = Jsoup
.data("j_username", "guest")
.data("j_password", "guest")
.data("submit", "")
Document doc = res.parse();
String sessionId = res.cookie("SESSIONID");
Document doc2 = Jsoup.connect("https://localhost/private/frontpage.do")
.cookie("SESSIONID", sessionId)
I received the following POST location and parameters from firebug as follows https://localhost/private/j_security_check?password=guest&username=guest&submit=
Any idea why I cant see the new page, but get a HTTP error instead in Java Exception in thread "main" org.jsoup.HttpStatusException: HTTP error fetching URL. Status=408


Axios's response, what's in it??.....const response = await axios

I'm using Axios in WP e.g.
const response = await axios.delete(universityData.siteURL + "/wp-json/wp/v2/note/" + thisNote.getAttribute("data-noteID"))
All works fine but what I don't understand is the structure / content of 'response'. How do I interrogate 'response'? I had assumed for instance if I did console.log('Axios response: ' + response.data) I'd get a nicely laid out JSON like OO output in the Chrome console panel. But all I see is: Axios response: [object Object]
I can do this response.data.userNoteCount and I get something sensible back. BTW 'userNoteCount' is a field I added to my JSON for my custom post type. But how else do I see all the content of response without specifically having to target it?
Thanks to another contributor elsewhere this is the answer:
When you do the console.log you're adding the JSON object to the
string of Axios Response, so the JSON object is being converted to a
string, hence the object Object.
If you do it as two seperate lines, like
console.log('Axios Response');
Then it will be outputted as the actual object.
With it being an HTTP Request though, rather than outputting it into
the console, what I'd do is open the Network tab of the browser
development tools, and select the XHR tab, and then the request will
appear in there and you can inspect the full response body there
without having to log it.

Getting post lists from facebook pages

I'm trying fetch list of post from given set of facebook pages using restfb(java)
List fbPages = Arrays.asList("178697151159/posts", "538560813021153/posts");
JsonObject fetchObjectsSubResults = client.fetchObjects(fbPages, JsonObject.class, Parameter.with("fields","shares,created_time"),Parameter.with("limit", 5));
But I'm getting a runtime error from facebook api as following.. IS there any body that can help me out to resolve this or is this impossible (
Exception in thread "main" com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: 178697151159/posts?,538560813021153/posts? (code 803, subcode null)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient$DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper.exceptionForTypeAndMessage(DefaultFacebookClient.java:1278)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.throwFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(DefaultFacebookClient.java:1195)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequestAndProcessResponse(DefaultFacebookClient.java:1136)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequest(DefaultFacebookClient.java:1058)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequest(DefaultFacebookClient.java:1020)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.fetchObjects(DefaultFacebookClient.java:476)
at main.main(main.java:75)
I suggest using 1 call per page. SO it should look like:
Connection<Post> postConnection = client.fetchConnection(pageId+ "/posts", Post.class, Parameter.with("fields","shares,created_time"), Parameter.with("limit","5"));
Depending on your use case, you can run over the postConnection with a for loop to get all posts or take the data from the first page of the result set with postConnection.getData().
In both cases you can eventually work with a Post type and access the fields your are interested in. The other fields are left null.
BTW working with multiple ids in a single call or request these ids one after another makes no difference to the Facebook calls. The amount that is internally calculated is the same; in your case 2.

Getting error "Action Error: Missing result from request body"

I'm running one of the examples in my own project and running into the error.
Action Error: Missing result from request body
Github Sample Project: dialogflow-silly-name-maker-webhook-nodejs
Hookbin: Shows the webhook coming from the assistant.https://hookbin.com/bin/ZjPzJ1Yb
Might there be an error in the sample code or in my set-up?
I was getting this error. In my case it was because the request object I was passing to ActionsSdkApp() constructor had a body property which was a JSON string as opposed to data structure.
Adding this in before instantiating ActionsSdkApp fixed it for me...
request.body = JSON.parse(request.body);
Then I could carry on like this...
App = new ActionsSdkApp({'request': request, 'response': response});
That error message is printed by the Action on Google client library if the incoming request doesn't have the intent information, but your JSON looks good.
Make sure your action enables debug logging for the client library: process.env.DEBUG = 'actions-on-google:*';
Then study the complete log to understand your issue.

Get data of a post using ID provided by facebook realtime-api

I am using Facebook realtime api, as I get only the updates and have to fetch the whole data by hitting the server again.
I have a page, my app added to that hence I am getting page feed(like, comment, post, all).
When any user posts on the page, we get the update from Facebook realtime update api. But when I try to fetch post data using the Koala gem it gives me error, note that error is not in case of Update from Page itself(page admin) but when some other user posts on it.
Following is the code for help :-
Trying to fetch using long lived page-token, and without that too, failing both ways
##graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new ACCESS_TOKENS["facebook"]["page_token"]
##public_graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new
JSON response from facebook :-
*** Koala::Facebook::ClientError Exception: type: GraphMethodException, code: 100, message: Unsupported get request. [HTTP 400]
*** Koala::Facebook::ClientError Exception: type: GraphMethodException, code: 100, message: Unsupported get request. [HTTP 400]
Please help me out to understand how to fetch the public post data using the post_id provided by the realtime-updates api of facebook.
Q: how to fetch the public post data using the post_id provided by the realtime-updates api of facebook.
For fetching public data of the post from the page, you will need to specify both the IDs (page id as well as post id) you are getting in the RT hit form fb.
You will need to pass id as <page_id>_<post_id>. In your case, it will be:
rt_hit = {"object"=>"page",
entry = rt_hit["entry"].first // you may want to have loop instead of `first`
public_id = "#{entry['id']}_#{entry['changes'].first['value']['post_id']}"
##public_graph.get_object(public_id) // fetch object

Facebook Private Messaging

It is said, that it is not possible to initiate new conversation through the API alone, except using Facebook's own Form integrated in the app. Is this correct, or is there some new API, which enables me to initiate a new conversation?
To reply to an existing conversation, I retrieved the conversations id using the following FQL Query "SELECT thread_id, . WHERE viewer_id={0} AND folder_id=0". Afterwards I retrieved the PageAccessToken for my app page using my user Access token, and tried to use this call:
*You can reply to a user's message by issuing an HTTP POST to /CONVERSATION_ID/messages with the following parameters [conversation id, message]. A conversation ID look like t_id.216477638451347.*
My POST Call looked like this (this is not a valid thread id): /t_id.2319203912/messages with message parameter filled. But it always said "Unknown method". Can you help me out with this one? Is there a parameter missing? I passed in the page's Access Token to call this one.
Is there some API out (except Facebook's Chat API), that I am missing, which can send private messages to users?
What I wonder about is, that the code below only returns a single page, the application's page. Is this correct, or is there another page token required? This is what bugged me the most about the returned page.
The FacebookClient uses my UserToken to perform the next following task.
This is the code to retrieve my Page Access Token:
dynamic pageService = FacebookContext.FacebookClient.GetTaskAsync("/"+UserId+"/accounts").Result;
dynamic pageResult = pageService.data[0];
_pageId = pageResult["id"].ToString();
return pageResult["access_token"].ToString();
Now the code to retrieve my ConversationÍd:
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.q = string.Format("SELECT thread_id, folder_id, subject, recipients, updated_time, parent_message_id, parent_thread_id, message_count, snippet, snippet_author, object_id, unread, viewer_id FROM thread WHERE viewer_id={0} AND folder_id=0", FacebookContext.UserId);
dynamic conversations = FacebookContext.FacebookClient.GetTaskAsync("/fql",parameters).Result;
The following code is executed using the access token retrieved from the code above (page access token request).
Now the Code used to send the reply:
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.message = CurrentAnswer;
string taskString = "/t_id." + _conversationId + "/messages";
dynamic result = FacebookContext.FacebookClient.PostTaskAsync(taskString,parameters).Result;
return true;
I also tried it with facebook's graph API Debugger using the token, which is returned by my first part of code. But with the same error message.