Convert scanned pdf to .txt files using tesseract - tesseract

I have to convert a .pdf file containing scanned images into .txt files. The tesseract ocr converts only images to .txt, but I need to first extract the .tif images and then convert it. Can anyone help me with this?

Use Imagemagick:
convert -density 600 input.pdf output.tif
Density is in DPI, from my experience 600 DPI works the best.


tesseract lower size of pdf output file

After the scanned images is there an option to output low resolution pdf images and text
The images in the pdf are so huge that the size of the pdf goes upto 1 gb.
using cmd like :
tesseract testing/eurotext.png testing/eurotext-eng -l eng pdf
Tesseract use provided image(s) for creating pdf without its modification => if your input image size is big => pdf will be big.
So you can:
Decrease size of input image (e.g. use tiff with g4, resize image...)
Use tesseract to produce hocr file and create pdf with some other tool like hocr2pdf, hocr-pdf...)
Use some pdf compression tool (there are online tools and offline like pdfsizeopt

How to open a .img/.rrd satellite image in Matlab?

I have a couple of multispectral satellite images which are in .img/.rrd format and I want to oopen them in Matlab for further processing.
I'm not sure Matlab can recognise .img /.rdd files directly, but you could try using ImageJ or Fiji to convert your .img files to one of the image formats that is accepted. e.g. tiff, png, bmp, jpeg. The list of accepted formats can be found by typing 'imformats' in the command line.

Image compression using Lossy Compression technique

I need to convert PNG to JPEG,JPEG 2000 using ImageMagick and Matlab. I want to compress all data with ratio ( e.g. 10) and then specify some file size? Any idea or solution to achieve the specific file size? How can I do it? Thanks
Imagemagick can create a JPG of your desired file size. See
-define jpeg:extent={size}
As of IM v6.5.8-2 you can specify a maximum output filesize for the JPEG image. The size is specified with a suffix. For example "400kb".

Convert from TIFF to PNG using Windows?

Is there a way to convert all TIFF images to PNG using windows console or any simple tool.
I renamed tags, but the problem now is file size. What are ways to compress files?
imagemagick, it's CLI tool for image manipulation available for most major operating systems including Windows
It's very simple to use it
convert in.tiff out.png
To convert and scale by 50%:
convert in.tiff -resize 50% out.png
Here you can find full list of general commands
TinyPng is great to compress png files, you can try that.

Convert XImage to PNG

I have been searching for hours how to convert XImage (From XLib) to a PNG format. There were some sources, but none of them did work. I want to restrain to libpng or OpenCV if that is possible.
How can I achieve this?
// Doesn't work, outputs "corrupted" png file
Saving xlib XImage to PNG // I don't want to use Cairo